Novel Application of 1-/2-Phenyl Substituted 9, 10-Anthraquinones in Solid Electrochromic Devices
Novel Application of 1-/2-Phenyl Substituted 9, 10-Anthraquinones in Solid Electrochromic Devices
DOI 10.1007/s10008-008-0767-0
Received: 19 November 2008 / Revised: 2 December 2008 / Accepted: 3 December 2008 / Published online: 16 December 2008
# Springer-Verlag 2008
Abstract 1-/2-phenyl substituted 9,10-anthraquinones the materials, organic chromophores have merits suitable for
were synthesized via Suzuki coupling reactions of 1-/2- these displays because of their low-driving voltage, high
iodo-9,10-anthraquinones with benzeneboronic acid. They contrast, flexible switching, color-mixing capability, and
are efficient and reversible electrochromic materials and simple device setup [13].
their solid electrochromic devices were prepared. When Various types of electrochromic materials have been
reduced, the device color of 1-phenyl-9,10-anthraquinone developed, including transition-metal complexes [14–16],
shifts from yellow to claret while that of 2-phenyl-9,10- conjugated polymers [17–20], viologens [21–24], aromatic
anthraquinone switches from yellow-green to a dark blue- diquinones [25–26], and aromatic imides [27–30]. Anthra-
purple. Their different characteristics and behaviors in quinone derivatives are efficient and interesting electro-
electrochromic devices are only determined by the different chromic materials but haven’t received much attention
substituted positions of the phenyl group. They are except a few reports about polyanthraquinones and anthra-
potentially to be widely applied in commercial application quinone imides [31–35]. Herein, we report a more efficient
for the excellent behaviors plus the inexpensive starting synthesis of 1-/2-phenyl-9,10-anthraquinones (PAQs)
materials and short synthetic routes. through the diazotization–Sandmeyer and Suzuki coupling
reactions and discuss their different characteristics and
Keywords Phenylanthraquinones . Electrochromism . behaviors in cyclic voltammograms (CV) and electro-
Electrochromic materials . Solid electrochromic devices . chromic devices. They are redox active because the
Resonance structures phenyl-substituted group extends the degree of conjugation
of anthraquinone. So, they are efficient and reversible
electrochromic materials. When reduced, the device color
Introduction of 1-phenyl-9,10-anthraquinone shifts from yellow to claret
while that of 2-phenyl-9,10-anthraquinone switches from
Electrochromic (EC) materials are currently attracting much yellow-green to dark blue-purple.
interest in academia and industry for both their fascinating
spectroelectrochemical properties and their commercial appli-
cations [1–5]. A great deal of research regarding these Experimental
materials has focused on the applications of light-modulating
devices, such as smart windows, variable reflectance mirrors, General Data All manipulations involving air-sensitive
and information display and storage devices [6–12]. Among reagents were performed in an atmosphere of dry argon.
All chemicals and reagents, unless otherwise specified,
B. Sui : X. Fu (*) were purchased from Aldrich, Acros, and TCI Chemical
Research Institute of Applied Chemistry, and used as received. All the solvents were further purified
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
before use. All new compounds were characterized by 1H
Southwest University,
Chongqing 400715, People’s Republic of China NMR, 13C NMR, MS, and IR. 1H NMR spectra were
e-mail: [email protected] measured on a Bruker AV300 (300 MHz) spectrometer at
1890 J Solid State Electrochem (2009) 13:1889–1895
1) H2SO4, NaNO2
2) KI Pd(PPh3)4
O NH2 O I O Ph
1 90oC 2
1) H2SO4, NaNO2
2) KI Pd(PPh3)4
NH2 I Ph
3 90oC 4
was accomplished through the Suzuki coupling reaction relative to the internal SCE. No product of the reduction of
between benzeneboronic acid and iodoanthraquinones (1 the PAQs adheres to the electrode surface in the proceeding
and 3). The preparation of intermediates (1 and 3) via the of the whole experiment. For the two PAQs, two reduction
diazotization–Sandmeyer reaction is very important. There waves were revealed, indicating the formation of stable
was a report about the preparation of 1-iodoanthraquinone radical anions and dianions, respectively. 1-PAQ is reduced
that carried out in water and concentrated hydrochloric acid at the higher potential Ered10
¼ 1:39V; Ered2
¼ 1:92V
[37]. But it isn’t the most useful method for the synthesis of and 2-PAQ shows the lower potential Ered1 0
¼ 1:21V;
iodoanthraquinones because of the poor solvation of 0
Ered2 ¼ 1:71VÞ. These data are quite different from that of
aminoanthraquinones in concentrated hydrochloric acid. the unsubstituted anthraquinone which has only one redox
The basicity of aminoanthraquinones is too weak owing peak under the same conditions. So, the board CVs are
to two electron-attracting groups (carbonyl) were attached specific to PAQs. The above data suggest that the positions of
to the amido substituted aromatic ring. Thus, the stronger substituted groups can strongly influence the electrochemical
concentrated sulfuric acid was used instead of concentrated properties of anthraquinone derivatives. These results indicate
hydrochloric acid as the solvent to get a solution rather than that the electron structure of anthraquinone derivatives can be
a suspension. Meanwhile, the sodium nitrite was also efficiently tuned by introducing substituted groups at different
dissolved in concentrated sulfuric acid instead of water substituted positions.
before adding into the solution for the poor stability of The spectrochemical properties of the PAQs were
diazonium salt in water. As a result, products with the high determined by UV-vis in dichloromethane. Figure 3a, b
yield were obtained. shows the normalized UV-vis absorptions of 1-PAQ and 2-
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