2nd-Week 7
2nd-Week 7
2nd-Week 7
Department of Education
B. Other Learning Resource Print Materials, DLL, Print Materials, DLL, Print Materials,
Powerpoint Powerpoint DLL, Powerpoint
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the students which you can infer from formative
assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in
relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time allotment for each step.
A. Reviewing previous lesson or “Concept Recall” With the help of the image “Charades”
presenting the new lesson Let the students think of being shown, what do you Students will form
words or concepts they can think are the services offered in five (5) groups. Each
relate with Beauty Care. a salon or spa? group will have two
representatives for
the game.
Participant 1 will be
given an
quality. Participant 2
will guess that
quality throughnon-
verbal clues of
Participant 1. The
group with the
fastest time to
answer will be the
B. Establishing a purpose for “Picture Perfect” “Picture Analysis” “Know Yourself”
the lesson Let the students analyze the Let the students analyze the Students will answer
following images and images shown and answer the the “Five Minute
answer the following following questions: Personality Test” to
questions: 1. What can you see in the see the kind of
1. Are you familiar with following pictures? personality they
them? 2. What do you think are the have.
2. What can you say about jobs or careers they represent?
the image 3. Do you know someone with
that kind of job?
C. Presenting SHAKE IT! SHAKE IT! Have you tried doing manicure “Think-Pair-Share”
examples/Instances of the With your respective or pedicure with your family or Find a partner.
new lesson groups, half of the members friends? If yes, share your Choose five (5)
will have sticky notes on experience with the class. How entrepreneurial
their bodies. As the music do you feel doing it? qualities that you
starts, they will shake their If no, are you interested in think your partner
body until all the sticky trying? Why or why not? possess and give
notes fell off. The other reasons for choosing
members of the group will those characteristics
then arrange the words or and share it with the
concepts regarding Beauty class.
Care (Nail Care) Services
according to their
classification. Once
completed, the group will
shout their group’s name.
The first group to finish is
the winner.
D. Discussing new concepts and Think-Pair-Share Make a list of possible career Each student will be
practicing new skills # 1 Find a partner. Share with opportunities related with Nail given a copy of the
each other the basic things Care Services and share it with Personal
or concepts you need to be the class. Entrepreneurial
mindful of when starting a Competencies
business especially with Write as many as you can (PECs) Self Rating
Nail Care services and within two (2) minutes. Questionnaire and
discuss it with the class. Manicurists and pedicurists are PECs Scoring Sheet.
the most basic jobs in the nail Students will answer
care service industry. A the Questionnaire
standard manicure or pedicure and then enter the
usually includes filing and scores on the Scoring
shaping of the nails and the Sheet which can be
application of polish. obtained in the
Learner’s Module.
E. Discussing new concepts and Imagine you are given a “Brainstorming” “Think-Pair-Share”
practicing new skills # 2 chance to pursue a career in The class will be grouped into With your respective
the Beauty Care industry five (5) groups. Each group partners, help each
particularly in the Nail will give at least three (3) other in analyzing
Care Services, would you possible careers the result on the
consider it? Cite your with Nail Care Services PECs Self-Rating
reasons. together with their Questionnaire.
corresponding duties and
F. Developing mastery The beauty industry has Aside from jobs offered in this
(leads to Formative Assessment been a great part of our field, one can also take
3) daily lives just like other ventures in starting up a
industries. Entrepreneurs business within the Beauty
who Care industry. It is a very
have been successful in this popular and fast developing
field have combined passion industry due to technological
and ability to understand advancement.
societal values and artistic
trends valuable in their Given the opportunity, would
generation. you pursue a job related in Nail
The class will form five (5) Care Services or put up your
groups. Each group will own Beauty
make and perform a jingle Salon catering Nail Care
or a short catchy song Services? Give at least three (3)
wherein they can share with reasons for your answer.
the class why nail care is
G. Finding practical application Do you have any past Why is it important to learn the As a student, how
of concepts and skills in daily experiences of receiving nail different career opportunities can you apply the
living care services? How can you available in the Beauty Care Personal
relate your experience with industry Entrepreneurial
what we have discussed Especially with Nail Care Competencies in
today? services? your daily activities?
What do you think
are the advantages
you can get from
having such
H. Making generalizations and Having discussed the basic With the discussion of the After answering the
abstractions about the lesson concepts in Beauty Care different career opportunities in PECs Self- Rating
(Nail Care) Services, why the Nail Care Services, did it Questionnaire and
do you think it is an industry influence you to pursue such having analyzed it,
you can take part in? careers in the Beauty Care what have you
industry? Why or why not? discovered about
With the widespread yourself?
emergence and popularity of
the beauty industry, it has
opened a lot of career
opportunities. One can choose
from basic jobs such as being
manicurist and pedicurists or
even an entrepreneur of his/her
own salon offering nail care
services. Both are offering
great opportunities for growth
and advancement. It is
important that one must assess
his/her own abilities and
characteristics to which he
could be successful with.
I. Evaluating learning Write True if the statement The following are the duties Students will give
is correct and False if not. and responsibilities of three (3) strengths
1. The nails serve as manicurists and pedicurists. and weaknesses they
protection for the fingers Fill in the blanks the correct have based on the
and toes and are made up of word to make the statements competencies
different parts. correct. Choose among the analyzed earlier. List
2. Manicure and pedicure words inside the box. down suggestions for
are treatments one can each strength and
receive wherein nails are weakness to be
groomed. improved and/or
3. Through periodic maintained.
maintenance of nails, fungal
infection and ingrown nails
are not prevented.
4. Individuals can soak hand
and feet in a warm soapy
water in order to clean the
5. Nail care is considered as
the improper maintenance of
the fingernails and toenails.