Year 5 UASA

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Sekolah Jenis Kebangsaan (Cina) Kampung Baru Pantai
71770  Seremban,  Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus.


(       ) - (       ) - 2023

Section A (50%)

1. Where can we find this 2. Who can join the gymnastic club?
advertisement? A. All applicants.
A. At the restaurant. B. less than 12 applicants.
B. At the shop. C. The first 12 applicants.
C. At the hotel. D. Over 12 applicants.
D. At the cinema.

3. Why does Puteri write the email to

Senah? 4. From the diary, we know that Suzy...
A. To inform her about the Children’s A. ate lots of junk food for lunch.
Day celebration. B. drank chocolate drink during lunch.
B. To remind her to attend the C. had homemade food for lunch.
Children’s Day celebration. D. ate a slice of cake for lunch.
C. To help her register the costume
competition through the link.
D. To say hello to her.
5. What is the purpose of this run?
A. To raise funds for an orphanage.
B. To promote a product.
C. To encourage healthy habits.
D. To build stamina.

Answer question 6 to 8

giraffe camel zebra

6. The giraffe is the _____________animal on the planet.

A. tall B. taller C. tallest
7. The camel is ______________than the giraffe.
A. shortest B. shorter C. short
8. The zebra is the______________ among the three animals.
A. shortest B. shorter C. short

Answer question 9 to 10 9. The phrase one-on-one means _______.

A. three players in a game
Badminton is played with as a one-on-
B. one player in a game
one or a two-on-two game, just like
C. two players in a game
tennis. The courts are much smaller than
tennis, though. The badminton court is
10. Which is a badminton court?
about 20 foot by 40 foot. It has a lot of
fun and excitement.

A. B. C.
Answer question 11 to 15
Fa’id : How (11) ________________ water is there?
Siti : There (12)____________ some in a cooker over there.
Fa’id : Great! I want to make pasta for dinner.
Siti : We should make sure to have enough ingredients.
Fa’id : How (13) ______________cheese is needed to make pasta?
Siti : I am not sure. Should we look it up on the internet?
Fa’id : The internet says that we need some tomato (14)_______________ for the pasta.
Siti : We can add some (15)_____________ into the pasta too.

11. A. much B. many C. more

12. A. are B. is C. -
13. A. much B. many C. more
14. A. sos B. sauce C. sauces
15. A. salt B. salts C. a salt

Answer question 16 to 20

The blobfish isn’t the most (16)__________fish on the planet and isn’t the most (17)_________, It’s a
dull colour and you don’t usually see it because it (18)_______1000 metres below the seas of Australia.
Now, the blobfish is famous (19) ________ people say that it’s the ugliest animal in the world. There
are photos and articles about it in magazines and (20) _______ the internet.

16. A. beautiful B. beautifullest C. beautifuller

17. A. commoner B. commonest C. common
18. A. live B. lives C. lived
19. A. so B. because C. then
20. A. on B. between C. behind

Answer question 21 to 25

There was a boy named Zainanni in my school who loved junk food. He ate junk food all the time even
though his mother kept telling him not to do so. He loved cakes, burgers, chips and drank all kinds of
fizzy drinks.
Zainanni was not the healthiest. He fell ill all the time. The doctor told Zainanni to eat more fruits
and vegetables. He should start eating a balanced diet and exercise more often.

21. Cakes, burgers and chips are ______. 22. He fell ill all the time. The opposite
A. vegetables meaning of ill is_____.
B. fizzy drinks A. sad
C. meat B. healthy
D. junk food C. depressed
D. sick

23. Choose a healthy meal for Zainanni. 24. ‘Zainanni was not the healthiest ‘ means
A. Salad and orange juice. that he was
B. Burger and chips. A. always in a pink of health.
C. Fried chicken and coke. B. nervous and depressed.
D. Sandwich and chocolate. C. strong and weak at the same time.
D. weak and sick.

25. These are the types of exercise except______.

A. yoga
B. gymnastic
C. cycling
D. meditation

Section B (20%)

1. A game where players kick a round ball up and

down a playing field. f __ __ t b __ __ l

2. A game where players hit a birdie across a high

net. b __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ n

3. A sport involving a small boat

s __ __ l __ __ g

4. A game played between two teams of five

players in which goals are scored by throwing a b__ __ k___t ___a___ ___
ball through netted hoop.

5. The sport or activity in water using the limbs.

s__ ___ m m __ __ g

6. An enclosed machine for baking food.

o v__ __

7. A type of cooking gas.

p r___ ___ a n___

8. Food that is cooked out over an open fire.

b __r__ __ c __ e

9. A meal that is eaten in the morning.

b __ e __ k f ___ ___t

10. A fermented milk.

y o __ __ __ r __

Answer question 1 to 5

We are what we eat. If we keep putting bad things into our bodies every day, like lots of fat and
sugar, we will see bad things happen to our body. Unhealthy food makes your body unhealthy.
When you get older, you start to have a lot of problems like heart diseases. We only think that
burgers taste better than salad. Burgers and fizzy drinks may be delicious but that haven’t got
enough vitamins and minerals. Your body needs vitamins and minerals to grow healthy.

1. Match the following words with their meanings correctly.

a. diseases * * Things in food that are

useful for body.
b. delicious * * Illness.
c. minerals * * Taste good.

2. What will happen if we keep eating unhealthy food?

We will have problems like ________________________________________________.

3. List two unhealthy food.

i. ________________________ ii. ________________________

4. Why does our body need vitamins and minerals?

Our body needs vitamins and minerals to ___________________________________.

5. ‘We are what we eat ‘. What does this phrase means?

This phrase means that ____________________________________________________.

Section C (30%)

Your friend, Hani, asks you to recommend a favourite food to eat . Write your email to Hani.
In your email,
 Recommend the favourite food.
 Give reasons for your recommendation.
Write about 20-50 words.
Write your email below.
You may use the notes given.
Favourite food : - Pasta
When do you eat? : - Eat during parties and special occasions.
Why do you eat it?: - It is easy to cook.
- It is cheap.
What are the - It has noodles, sausages, cheese, and sauce.
What is the taste? - It tastes delicious and appetizing.

To : [email protected]
Subject: My Favourite Food

Hello, Hani. I would like to talk about my favourite food.

You saw a poster for Special Days at SK Rengit. Write a message to your friend and ask him
to go with you. Write your message between 60-80 words.

Hi Sharilain,

Recently, I saw a poster for Special Days at SK Rengit. I would like to invite

-End of paper-

Prepared by : Madam Ling Sue Zhen Parent’s / Guardian’s signature: ______________

Checked by : Madam Yan Sook Fong Date : ______________

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