Individual Inventory Form

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Guidance Form 1

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 (Cagayan Valley)

Personal Data & Family Background
Name:___________________________________________ Nickname:__________________ Age: ______
Nationality:___________________ Religion: __________________ Sex: __________
Date of Birth:_____________________ Place of Birth: ____________________ Birth Order among siblings: ____________
Number of Children in the family: _____________ Languages/Dialects Spoken: _____________________________

Parents Information
Father Mother
__Living __Deceased __Living __Deceased
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Contact number
Highest Educational Attainment
Languages/Dialects spoken
Parents Marital Status
__Married __Living Together __Widow __Annulled __Separated __Others (Specify)____________
Living with whom?
__Both parents __Mother __Father __Others (Specify)_____________
Guardian (if not living with Parents): ________________________________ Address: _____________________________________
Relationship with Guardian: ____________________________ Contact number: ___________________________________

Socio-Economic Status
Monthly Household Income of family (check)
Below P1,000 P5,001-P8,000
P1,000-P2,000 P8,001-P15,000
P2,501-P5,000 OVER P15,000
Which of the following describe the student’s house?
___Concrete ___Semi Concrete ___Wooden ___ Bamboo/Nipa Hut
Information about family dwelling
a. The Family ___owns house and lot ___rents house ___others, please specify:_______________
b. Type of toilet ___flush ___pit ___water sealed
c. Sources of water ___faucet/tap water ___deep well ___others, please specify:__________
Appliance/s or gadgets owned ___1. TV ___2. Computers ___3. Refrigerator ___ 4. Washing machine__5. Others (pls specify)______
Vehicle/s owned ___1. Tricycle/motorcycle ___2. Car ___3. Jeep 4. Truck ___5. Others (specify)_______________
Land owned ___1. Residential ___2. Farm/field ___3. Commercial/industrial ___4. Kaingin ____5. None

Educational Background
Schools Attended:
Early Childhood Education:_____________________________ Year: _____________
Elementary: _________________________________________ Year: ____________
Easiest subject/s:_____________________________ Most difficult subject/s:__________________
Subject/s with lowest grades____________________ Subjects with highest grades ___________________
Extracurricular activities liked or participated in:_________________________________________________
Significant school experiences:_______________________________________________________________
Has the student ever dropped out of school? Yes_____ No_____
If Yes, for how long? _____________________ What reason/s?__________________________________
Is the student receiving any type of financial assistance to attend school? Yes_____ No_____
If Yes, from what source/s (specify)____________________________________________________________
Vocational Information
Do you plan to pursue Senior High school? _____ What Track/Strand do you prefer? __________
Do you plan to go to college? Why?___________________________________________________________
What life occupation do you like?
*First choice: ________________________
*Second choice :________________________
*Third Choice: ________________________

Health Profile
Height: _______ Weight: _______ Normal Vision: ( )YES ( )NO Normal Hearing: ( )YES ( )NO
Ailments (please check the item/s which is/are applicable to you)
____1. Anemia ____4. Diabetes ____7. others (specify)___________________
____2. Asthma ____5. Hypertension
____3. Heart Problem ____6. Allergies
Disability (please check the item/s which is/are applicable to you)
____1. Speech impairment ____4. Left-handed ____7. others (specify)___________________
____2. Visual impairment ____5. Harelip
____3. Hearing impairment ____6. Physical disability (specify)______________________
Have you been hospitalized? ___________________ Have you undergone operation? _______________________

Hobbies: __________________________ Talents/Skills ______________________
Ambitions/Goals:_______________________________ Characteristics that describe you best: ______________________

Problems/Concerns: (please check the item/s which is/are applicable to you)

____1. Financial concerns ___9. Overcoming shyness
____2. Issues on alcohol & other drugs ___10. Depression (extreme sadness
____3. Study habits/academic concerns Relationship with:
____4. Self-confidence ___11. Parents
____5. Social skills ___ 12. Teachers
____6. Time Management ___ 13. Girls
____7. Peer Pressure ___ 14. Boys
____8. Family Relations ___ 15. Friends
____9. Abuses, trauma, (physical, sexual, verbal, etc.) ___16. Neglect (by parents)

Is your home or family happy? (please check one) Yes___ No____. Why?

Present Fears: _______________________________________________________________________________

Student’s Name & Signature

School Guidance Designate (Secondary. Dept)

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