Using Social Media For Evangelism

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Using Social Media for Evangelism

S. Joseph Kidder
Andrews University, [email protected]

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Kidder, S. Joseph, "Using Social Media for Evangelism" (2016). Faculty Publications. 340.

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S. Joseph Kidder, DMin, serves as professor of Christian ministry, Seventh-day

Adventist Theological Seminary, Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States.

Using social media for evangelism

ll major organizations now 1. Create a social media committee. addressing some of today’s issues.
use social media for customer There should be representatives from Keep it simple and fun, and engage
service, brand awareness, mar- each church group: youth, parents, the whole church, if possible. That
keting, sales, research, and more. The worship, among others. way the load does not fall on only a
level of influence and engagement that 2. Find out whether there are any active few people. WordPress is a resource
an organization can have through social bloggers/tweeters/Facebookers for creating free blogs.
media is infinite. Therefore, your own already in the church. They will be Link the church’s Web site to
church’s social media platform needs your best resource. the blog so that people who are
to be timely and relevant. There are 3. Define your goals. Is it to increase interested in what they are reading
many of these kinds of media, including the numbers in the youth group, can easily find out how to contact you
Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Each increase Sabbath attendance, start and your church.
of these sites has several opportunities a small group ministry, promote an 7. Create a Twitter account. Many
for witnessing and evangelism. event, or attract more seekers to the youth leaders told me that Twitter
church? Then build your social media is the best way to communicate with
What is social media? accordingly. the youth and young adults. It also
Social media creates highly interac- 4. Create a Web site. Your Web site could can direct traffic to your blog and
tive platforms through which individuals be focused on healthy living, prayer, Web sites.
and communities share, co-create, dis- or evangelism. If you have no Website 8. Create Flickr and Instagram accounts.
cuss, and modify user-generated content. building skills, there are various Web This allows everyone to upload pic-
Consider social media not only as a sites that you can use to help you tures and video of church-related
two-way engagement but as something build one, or they will do it for you. activities. It will show the true life of
that can include millions of people. You is a good free resource. the church. Anyone can take pictures/
can easily have one video on YouTube Take the time to update the videos to be uploaded onto Flickr and
and soon have over one million people church calendar online with links Instagram.
commenting on that video. Most people to events (such as Vacation Bible 9. Create a YouTube channel. Record the
in the world can upload a video. School, special concerts, community sermons and then upload them. An
outreach) and the weekly bulletin. interesting way of using the channel
Why is this important? Have something that will grab the is to ask members for testimonies.
• If Facebook were a country, it would attention of both seekers and non- Many will be inspired by how God is
be the third -largest country in the seekers, such as local interest items acting in the everyday lives of church
world. There are more than 500 that are relevant to your church members.
million users on Facebook. and the community. Just listing the 10. Start live-streaming. You can begin a
• YouTube is the second-largest worship times and directions to the radio station on the air or the Internet.
search engine in the world. More church is not enough. People want It is very effective with minimal costs.
than 1 billion unique users visit to be part of an active church. Be sure I was preaching in a church with
YouTube each month. to stay away from using denomina- about 200 people in attendance and
tional jargon. Always be up-to-date was told that there were another 400
The mission of Christ is to evangelize and learn from what others are doing. computers streaming the event. Get
the world. An effective way to do this is 5. Create a Facebook fan page—the some computer savvy people and
through social media when you do it perfect place to evangelize. Post start expanding your ministry.
professionally and with a loving heart. pictures of all kinds of activities your
church has become engaged in. Social media is all about relation-
Tips to get you started 6. Create a church blog. I have seen ships, community, and content. The
You cannot do all the things sug- blogs with full Bible studies series church has a great opportunity to tell
gested below. Choose what works including stories and applications. others that “God is near; in Christ there
best for you. Others have posted thoughts is salvation, hope, and new life.”
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Ministry® F E B RUA RY 2016

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