Promediado de Flujos en Turbomaquinas
Promediado de Flujos en Turbomaquinas
Promediado de Flujos en Turbomaquinas
Journal of Turbomachinery Copyright © 2022 by ASME; reuse license CC-BY 4.0 MAY 2022, Vol. 144 / 051011-1
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Fig. 1 Tree of possible performance metric calculations
• Mixed-out values are perhaps the most robust method for high spatial resolution in several axial planes, alongside compli-
representing the total (plane-independent) loss associated mentary CFD data.
with a component.
In many experiments in the open literature where averaged quan- History of Total Pressure Performance Parameters,
tities are presented, a simple area-average is used, either because of
the ease of calculation or because of difficulty in measuring the
Averaging, and Mixing Methods
additional flow variables required for more sophisticated weighting It is generally accepted that averaging of total temperature should
methods. While simplicity is clearly desirable, it is important to be done using a mass-flux-weighted average. For a perfect gas (i.e.,
consider the sensitivity (to axial plane, Mach number, etc.) that h0 = cpT0), this conserves total enthalpy flux between the measured
the choice of weighting method might imply. This is particularly nonuniform and equivalent (hypothetical) uniform flows and is
important where comparing between different experiments, or required in order to satisfy the first law of thermodynamics [3–5].
between experiment and CFD. In contrast, there is neither complete consensus regarding the
In this paper, we examine the sensitivity of average loss represen- most appropriate performance parameter to represent total pressure
tations to weighting method for the case of line-averaged and loss, nor the best way to calculate an average of that parameter.
plane-averaged flows, and the sensitivity to mixing method for Some of this divergence may arise from misunderstanding about
the case of mixed-out flows. We explain how differences between best practice, while in other cases it could be argued that it is the
the methods arise (through examination of the nonuniform static result of reasonable compromises having been made (prioritizing
pressure field), consider the sensitivity of the results to exit Mach practicality over rigor).
number, and discuss the physical interpretation of the various repre-
sentations of a performance parameter. We use experimental data Review of Performance Parameters. Arguably the two most
from a transonic annular engine-parts facility, acquired at very commonly used total pressure performance parameters (see, for
example, Denton [6]) are the total pressure loss coefficient, Y, and
the KE loss coefficient, ζ. We define Y for a turbine NGV or
stage as
p01 − p02
Y= (1)
p01 − p2
where p01, p02, and p2 are the row inlet total pressure, row exit total
pressure, and row exit static pressure, respectively. The denomina-
tor is therefore the ideal row exit dynamic pressure. A weakness of
this variable is that in a compressible flow, the denominator is not
directly proportional to the exit kinetic energy (p0 − p ≠ 0.5ρv 2).
If the primary purpose of the nozzle is taken to be the conversion
of potential (pressure) energy to outgoing angular momentum
flux, the nonlinearity of definition (1) at compressible Mach
numbers makes this variable problematic. The KE loss coefficient
does not suffer from this problem because it can be related to the
energy conversion efficiency, η, at all Mach numbers. We define
η as
defeatured to remove film cooling holes from the vane surfaces. The Plane-Average Weighting Functions. We now compare
domain was discretized with an Octree-based mesh using Boxer- area-weighted, volume-flow-weighted, and mass-flow-weighted
Mesh. A cross section through the mesh at midspan is shown in methods for plane-averaging total pressure. The weighting func-
Fig. 6(b). The mesh was refined close to the vane surfaces, in the tions are the multipliers for total pressure in the numerators of
vicinity of the trailing edges, and in the paths of the wakes down- Eqs. (7)–(9). We do not treat the entropy-flux-average separately
stream of the cascade. The final mesh size was approximately 57 because in the isothermal simplification (Eq. (11)) the method
million cells. reduces to weighting the natural logarithm of total pressure using
Boundary conditions were set to match the operating conditions the mass-flow-weighting function. The weighting functions for
achieved in experiments (Table 1). Uniform total pressure and tem- the axial plane 1 are shown in Fig. 8, for both experimental data
perature were imposed at the inlet plane. A target value of area- and CFD, normalized with respect to the maximum value in each
average static pressure was set on the exit boundary. The radial dis- case. Horizontal dashed lines indicate the radial limits used for
tribution of exit static pressure was additionally required to satisfy a the evaluation of the profile KE loss coefficient. We now consider
radial equilibrium condition, while the circumferential static pres- the weighting functions in turn. To most clearly demonstrate the
sure distribution at any radial height was unconstrained. Static pres- trends, the underlying (high-resolution) data are re-sampled onto
sures were evaluated at the locations of the experimental pressure a uniform grid in r and θ. The results presented are independent
tappings on the hub and case vane exit platforms, and an iterative of this processing step, and raw data following the traverse
process (tuning the target value for area-average static pressure at pattern of Fig. 5 could equally be used (with associated radial dis-
the exit boundary) was used to match the exit-platform tortions in the weighting functions).
static-pressure-to-inlet-total-pressure ratio to the experimental The area-weighting functions (frames (a) in Fig. 8), have—trivi-
value. ally—a gradient in the radial direction on account of the uniform
Film cooling flows were modeled using the source term method. grid of data in r and θ.
A coolant mass flowrate (specified as a fraction of the mainstream The volume-flow-weighting functions (frames (b) in Fig. 8) have
mass flowrate) was applied at each film exit location. Details of comparatively low weighting in the wake and film-mixing regions,
the model for calculating mass flowrates for individual films can associated with the low momentum in these areas. A strong radial
be found in Ref. [14]. The trailing edge coolant flow was set at pressure gradient from case to hub leads to slightly higher weight-
an inlet boundary some distance (approximately eight slot widths) ing at lower radii. The same effect can be seen with the cross-
inside the trailing edge slot (to ensure proper flow development passage pressure gradient, with highest weighting near the vane
before issuing into the mainstream). A mass flow boundary condi- suction side (SS), and lowest near the pressure side (PS).
tion was used. Further details of the trailing edge slot modeling can The mass-flow-weighting functions (frames (c) in Fig. 8) are very
be found in Ref. [14]. similar to the volume-flow-weighting functions, but with small
deviations associated with density variation.
To compare the weighting functions quantitatively, the values at
Comparison of Averaging Methods midspan in planes 1, 2, and 3 are plotted as line functions in Fig. 9.
In this section, we compare the results of the various averaging The approximate locations of the wake centers are marked with
methods using both experimental and numerical data. We first dashed lines. Each trend is normalized with respect to its own
maximum value. In all cases, the area-weighting functions are cons- experiment, and by only 2.9 deg in CFD. The under-prediction of
tant at unity. whirl angle to the SS of the wake by CFD is thought to arise due
We now compare the volume flow and mass-flow-weighting func- to an exaggerated shock-boundary layer interaction, which causes
tions. There is only a very slight difference moving between the SS boundary layer to separate upstream of the trailing edge.
volume-flow-weighting and mass-flow-weighting, which results in The larger whirl angle variation in the experimental data leads to
biasing the average further in favor of the freestream regions (e.g., greater circumferential variation in the axial velocity component,
0.4 ≤ θ ≤ 0.6) and against the wake regions (e.g., −0.3 ≤ θ ≤ 0.1). and therefore greater variation in the local volume flowrate and
The general shape of the trends is very similar between CFD and mass flowrate normal to the axial plane. This explains the deeper
experiment, but with significantly larger variation (from unity) for troughs in the normalized experimental weighting functions—see
the experimental data compared with CFD. In the wake regions the Fig. 9—which align with peaks (and associated lower local axial
experimental weighting functions have much deeper troughs than velocity) in the whirl angle distributions of Fig. 10.
those for CFD (minimum values of normalized mass flow-weighting To understand the difference in whirl angle distribution between
differ between experiment and CFD by 36.9%, 15.0%, and 16.2% in the three planes, we now consider the total and static pressure fields
planes 1, 2, and 3, respectively), and the troughs are shifted toward in the exit flow. CFD-predicted midspan profiles of total and static
the SS. This is surprising: given the more mixed-out local loss distri- pressure are presented in Figs. 11(a) and 11(b), respectively. Planes
butions observed in the experimental data compared with CFD in the 1, 2, and 3 are marked in the figures by dashed black lines.
equivalent plane (Fig. 7), we might have expected the opposite to be Looking first at the total pressure field (Fig. 11(a)), there are char-
true. The differences can be explained by differences in exit whirl acteristic wakes which broaden in width and reduce in depth with
angle profiles, and total and static pressure fields between experiment distance in the streamwise direction. Even at plane 3, the wakes
and CFD. A comparison of whirl angle distributions at midspan remain well-defined.
between experiment and CFD is shown in Fig. 10, while static and The static pressure (Fig. 11(b)) reduces through the covered part
total pressure fields are presented in Fig. 11. of the vane passage as the flow is accelerated. In the downstream
Consider first the midspan whirl angle distributions in Fig. 10, flow between planes 1 and 3 (in the axial direction), the static pres-
where whirl angle, β, is defined as the angle between the local velo- sure is relatively uniform over most of the domain, but with a sig-
city vector and the axial direction, in the axial-circumferential nificantly elevated region of pressure directly axially downstream of
plane. The profiles differ significantly between the three planes, each trailing edge.
becoming generally more mixed out with successive movements There are two interesting consequences of the interaction of the
downstream. At a particular plane, the variation in angle in the total and static pressure fields, which we now examine.
experimental data is greater than the CFD predictions. For Firstly, we consider the development with axial distance of the
example, in plane 1, β varies circumferentially by 8.8 deg in the whirl angle profiles shown in Fig. 10. In Fig. 12(a), we plot the
normalized static pressure along the wake centerline (red line)—i.e., They also explain the apparently contradictory result that the exper-
following one of the dashed white lines in Fig. 11(b)—and in the iment has greater variation in weighting functions across the plane
center of the freestream region (blue line). The trends are periodic than CFD (Fig. 9). While CFD is under-mixed with respect to
and approximately in anti-phase with each other. This effect the experiment, and therefore has narrower and deeper wakes, the
arises because of the periodic intersection of the wake centerlines more extreme variation in axial velocity in experiment—caused
(and the freestream centerlines) with the elevated static pressure by greater whirl angle variation—is the dominant factor in deter-
regions extending axially downstream of each TE. Analysis of the mining the weighting function distributions.
entire flow-field is complicated by the fact that the flow is transonic, The second interesting effect is that the streamwise pressure gra-
but in the region between planes 1 and 3, the flow is almost entirely dient, which causes diffusion and acceleration of the wakes (red
high-subsonic (predominantly in the range 0.75 < M < 1.00, but with line in Fig. 12(a)), significantly influences the decay process of
a small region up to M = 1.05 at plane 1). the wake profiles. This in turn affects the sensitivities of different
In subsonic flow, as streamlines enter the elevated pressure weighting methods to axial plane. We characterise the wakes in
region (which extends in the downstream direction, almost perpen- terms of the maximum value of ζ, which we refer to as ζ̂, and
dicular to the streamlines) they are diffused, and turned toward the the width of the wake (over which ζ exceeds half of ζ̂), which
axial. As streamlines leave the high-pressure region they are accel- we refer to as w. These two parameters are plotted in Figs.
erated and turned away from the axial, toward higher whirl angle. 12(a) and 12(b), respectively, extracted from both experimental
The alignment between the wakes and the high-pressure region and CFD data at midspan.
differs between the three axial planes. In planes 1 and 3, streamlines Peak loss (Fig. 12(b)) follows a quasi-exponential decay in both
approximately in the center of the freestream region pass through experiment and CFD. An offset between the two data arises from
the high-pressure region and are thus turned toward the axial. In the familiar under-prediction of mixing by CFD, leading to higher
plane 2, streamlines approximately in the center of the wake peak loss along the wake centerline.
region pass through the high-pressure region. Therefore between Axial trends in the wake width, w (Fig. 12(c)), show a highly vari-
planes 1 and 2, the effect is manifest as a relative increase in able rate of increase. There is a reasonable correlation between
whirl angle in the freestream regions, and a relative decrease in regions of streamwise acceleration identified in Fig. 12(a) (0.00 <
whirl angle in the wake regions (compare Figs. 10(a) and 10(b)), x/Cx < 0.15, 0.45 < x/Cx < 0.60, 0.95 < x/Cx < 1.00) and regions of
and vice versa between planes 2 and 3. This effect, in combination essentially constant w. That is, acceleration due to the local stream-
with the gradual mixing out of circumferential nonuniformity, wise pressure gradient thins the wake (disproportional influence on
accounts for the complex development with axial distance of the low-momentum fluid) but the effect is in competition with mixing
whirl angle distributions in Fig. 10. processes which always act to thicken the wake. The corollary is
These distributions are important because they significantly that diffusion acts to thicken the wake, and in regions where dp/dz
impact the weighting functions for different averaging methods. is positive (where z is streamwise distance), there is significant