Tracers Study On Hospitality Management and Tourism Management Batch 2015-2019 Graduates

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2015-2019 GRADUATES


Volume: 11
Pages: 940-947
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1026
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8226532
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-8-8
Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 940-947, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1026, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8226532, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Tracers Study on Hospitality Management and Tourism

Management Batch 2015-2019 Graduates
Flemington M. Comicho*, Shane Apangchan-Laurel
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
The alumni are known to be the best proof of a program’s success in terms of jobs and roles held.
Also, a strong source of input on the importance of the program of the Hospitality and Tourism
management including the two-year course program (AAHM). This research was performed to assess
the employability of the HM/TM and AAHM programs’ graduates and also to collect feedback that
could be used to enhance the quality of its education. The respondents are graduates of 2015-2019
and were identified using descriptive statistics. A guided questionnaire was used to gather data.
Significant findings of this study indicate that 59% were employed wherein the status is subdivided
into permanent, temporary, contractual, casual and job orders status in the different government and
private business establishments. There are 16.2% who are self-employed and most are online
entrepreneurs. It was also found out that most of the online entrepreneurs are involved in selling and
baking of products which shows the same interest and a practice of the skills learned. Thus, showing
that the graduates of both programs can easily find job aligned to their field of specialization as it
was supported by the 59% who are employed.

Keywords: hospitality management, occupation, tourism management

Introduction part of the labor market (Akkermans et al., 2013).

In line with this, Hospitality management higher

Tourism generates around 200 million jobs world-wide education’s historic origins have resulted in a strong
and account for 10% of the world global GDP vocational ethos permeating the curriculum (Morrison
according to WTTC 2003 as cited by Faladeobalade et & Barry O’Mahony, 2003). Therefore, the hospitality
al. (2014). Like in Canada, year 2011, tourism created management started as vocational courses before it
$78.8 billion in total economic activity and 603, 400 was integrated into universities as a course. Mostly of
jobs and tourism accounted for more on gross the subjects offered in the course hotel and restaurant
domestic product than agriculture, forestry and management and tourism or hospitality management
fisheries combined (Tourism Industry Association of were generally on the demand of the industry in terms
Canada, 2014). In connection to this, the hospitality of skills and industry knowledge instead on the
industry now caters to the needs of tourists by enquiries in order for all of this to be offered.
providing them quality service. In order to provide the
quality service, the sector seeks for manpower to According to study, bachelor's degrees in hotel and
accommodate this type of needs through employment, restaurant management are 4-year programs that offer
since tourism industry is a vast system consisting of the management skills, financial knowledge and
several sectors with airlines, hotels, resorts, travel
problem-solving abilities required to oversee staff and
agencies and tour operators constituting the greater
guarantee smooth operations at a tourism-related
establishment. This degree instills into students the
The myriad of smaller entities that thrive and wane knowledge and skills that they need to become
with tourism’s upswings and downturns include hospitality professionals and not only to have a job but
souvenir shops, restaurants, bars and the like. The to be managers and owners of ho sp itality
industry goes also beyond its business realm; it covers establishments. The major subjects are related to the
governments and non- government organizations as future jobs the students will be encountering after
well as educational institutions (CMO No.30, series of graduation. Together with this degree is the bachelor’s
2006). Furthermore, the reality in the economy is a degree in tourism which is a related industry to the
stiff competition since changes happen every day, but hospitality industry. On the other hand, Bachelor of
when it comes to relevance of employability is being Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management
agreed by policy makers and scholars alike (Peeters et (BSHRM) became popular degrees in the Philippines
al., 2019). For the graduates to find jobs they have to because of the countless occupations that graduates
continue with their employability once they have been from this degree can go to.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 940-947, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1026, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8226532, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

With the influx of tourists in the country is the Literature Review

launching of different tourism-related establishments
which made both courses attractive to incoming
college students. This means graduates from both Tracer study is used to support the standardized study
survey graduates from educational institutions that
courses will surely be working in these establishments.
takes place sometimes once the students graduated or
In addition to this, the hospitality industry is the
the training ended. Tracer study can discuss diverse
combination of the accommodation and food and
topics and these can be about study progress, work
beverage groupings, collectively making up the largest transition, entrance to works, careers, the
segment of the industry (Discover Hospitality 2015). competencies that were acquired, occupations that they
are currently into, and their communication to the
Therefore, the researchers decided to conduct this institution they graduated from (Schomburg, 2016).
tracer study in order to determine the employment Through the tracer study can an education institution
characteristics of Hospitality and Tourism know where their graduates are and based on some of
management graduates; to determine their response the subjects the school may have information helpful
rate to their courses and year graduated; and to in knowing what other aspects they can include in the
determine the employability rate; and possible curriculum and to become more competitive on the
activities to be conducted to improve and qualify the trends on the hospitality and for the greater endeavors
graduates. Data from the study will also help conclude of the graduates through fast employment.
if the Hospitality Management and Tourism
Management department is attaining their goals and Like the Lyceum of the Philippines University who
objectives.In this study, the researchers’ goal is to conducted a tracer study, their results show that most
of their graduates who responded were employed one
contribute to Psychology and Education by tracing the
to two years after graduating. They are mostly working
graduates of HM and TM programs and be able to
within the Philippines and on a contractual basis.
track their status.
While majority of them are in the hotel and restaurant
establishments working as rank and file. Human
Research Questions
relation skills and communication skills are the two
competencies that were deemed useful by the
This study aimed to trace the graduates of the HM and
graduates. When it comes to their professional
TM programs of the Mountain Province State subjects, the graduates also considered these subjects
Polytechnic College – Bontoc campus from 2015 to as important in job placement. Lastly, the faculty
2019. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following member’s mastery and communications skills were the
research questions: most important factors when it comes to faculty and
1. What is the status of employment of HM/TM
graduates in terms of: Also, according to another tracer study of one state
1.1 Present Position Handled; college of the Philippines they found out that majority
1.2 Employment Status; and of graduates are successfully employed locally and
1.3 Nature of the Job? internationally. Majority acquired their first job in less
2. What skills do HM/TM graduates consider as than 3 months but graduates still had a struggle or
relevant to their current job? difficulty in finding a job because of few vacancies or
lack of position. Most of the respondents are working
3. What is the level of competency of HM/TM in hotels and fast-food chains and other have jobs
graduates according to employers’ perspectives? relev ant to their field. All the skills like
4. What are the strengths and areas of improvement entrepreneurship are believed to have been useful and
among HM/TM graduates in terms of: relevant to their current employment.Moreover, a
4.1 Graduates’ perspectives; and tracer study of the Mountain Province State
4.2 Employers’ perspectives? Polytechnic College on Bachelor of Secondary
Education and Bachelor of Elementary Education
5. How do HM/TM graduates help their agency attain
graduates by Madjaco & Tican (2015) found that bulk
their goals and mission? of the graduates are employed as regular or permanent
6. What suggestions do graduates and employers of teachers in private and public schools or colleges.
HM/TM graduates have for the improvement of the While having no job opportunity and having no
College’s instructional processes and enhancement of eligibility are the two main reasons for unemployment
the curriculum? of some of the graduates.

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 940-947, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1026, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8226532, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

number of AAHM graduates who responded is nine

Methodology (9), while for BSHRM is three (3) and BST had seven
(7) totaled to nineteen (19) respondents. On the year
The study employed a descriptive research design 2019, twenty-three (23) graduates were able to respond
since its objective is to display the current status of the with six (6) AAHM graduates, fourteen (14) BSHRM
hospitality and tourism including two-year course graduates and three (3) BST graduates.
program graduates of Mountain Province State
Polytechnic College for the Academic year 2015 to Table 2. Number of graduates who were able to
2019. The research study utilized a survey research respond
method to map the job status of graduates. The
methodology was also used to assess the feasibility
and validity of the program catering to the
requirements of their work.


The researchers traced sixty-eight (68) graduates of

two-year course hotel and restaurant services Instruments of the Study
(AAHM), fifty-one (51) graduates of Bachelor of
Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management The main gathering tool that the researchers used was
(BSHRM) and Twenty-five (25) graduates of Bachelor a questionnaire type for the study. The questionnaire
of Science in Tourism (BST). Therefore, the total was based from the institutionalized survey
number of populations in all of the three programs questionnaire of the Mountain Province State
offered by the department of Hospitality Management Polytechnic College. It is composed of eight parts. The
that the researchers will be tracing is one hundred first part is focused on the general information of the
forty-four (144) graduates. Below is the breakdown of graduates. Second part is on their educational
the population: attainment which comprises on the following sub
parts; A) Educational Attainment (Baccalaureate and
Table 1. Breakdown of Respondents Graduate degrees), B) Professional examination(s)
National Certificate Exam (s) Passed, C) Scholarships
and/ or Grants availed while pursuing undergraduate
degree and; D) Research studies conducted after your
graduation. The third part viewed the employment data
that includes: Present Employment Status, Present
Occupation, and Place of work, Starting Job level
position in their present job, present position, and the
time length before they land to their first job, length of
While Table 2 presents the number of graduates who stay in their current job, reasons in accepting their
were able to respond through the questionnaire. For current job, and basic competencies in the program
the year 2015, there were thirteen (13) AAHM they find relevant to their current job, and suggestions
graduates, eight (8) BSHRM graduates and three (3) to improve the course curriculum which this part will
BST graduates who were able to answer and submit be answered only by the employees of the Mountain
the questionnaires. The total number of graduates who Province State Polytechnic College Alumna.
responded on the year 2015 is twenty-four (24). On the
year 2016, twelve (12) AAHM graduates, eight (8) The part four focused on the competencies of the
BSHRM graduates and four (4) BST graduates with a graduates in relevance to the course program aligned
total of twenty-four (24) were able to respond. The to it. Part five of the survey questionnaire dictated on
total number of graduates who responded on 2017 is the strengths of graduates they display on their work
fifteen (15) and is composed of ten (10) AAHM performance and part six is on the areas of
graduates, four (4) BSHRM graduates and seven (1) performance that needs improvement. The seventh part
BST graduate. The next year which is 2018, the focused also on the graduate’s contributions and how
the agency achieves its goals and objectives. While the
eighth part of the survey questionnaire was based on

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 940-947, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1026, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8226532, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

the graduates’ performance and suggestions to help

and improve the graduates’ competencies.


The list of graduates was obtained by the researchers

from the Admissions Office. The researchers then national certification in the competencies Front Office,
communicated with the graduates through social media Bread and Pastry Production, Housekeeping and Food
applications and through other graduates who may & Beverage Services.
have contact with them. Subsequently, the
questionnaires were sent to the graduates through their Table 3. Employment status of graduates
preferred channels. Finally, the questionnaires were
retrieved by the researchers for processing and

Ethical Considerations

Ethical issues essential in the researcher-participant

process when collecting, analyzing, and disseminating
data were all adhered to during the conduct of this
study. Respondents received consent letters wherein
parts of the study were explained and also the
expectations from them. The form together with a
letter were signed by the participants if they agreed to
be part of the study. Anonymity and confidentiality of
the participants were preserved by not revealing their Table 4.A shows the present occupation of graduates
names, identity, and other information during the data who are employed and the highest number of
collection analysis and reporting of findings. The Data employed graduates with a total of 28 (45%) are
Privacy Act of 2012 (R.A. 10173) served as a basis for presently working under the hospitality industry.
the researchers when it comes to the data collection While second with the highest number of present
from the participants. Data gathered and analyzed were occupation is 15 (25%) under office administration.
erased permanently to avoid others using or looking
into the data. The researcher’s contact number and Table 4.A. Present Occupation of Employed
email account were given to the participants in case
they have questions or clarifications.


This section presents the findings based from the

research questions. This is composed of different
tables showing the employment status of graduates,
present occupation, nature of graduate’s job, skills
acquired and level of competence according to
For table 4.B these are the present occupation of self-
There were 105 respondents who were able to submit employed graduates wherein online sellers have the
the questionnaire and 39 were not able to answer
highest number with 12 (70.6%) in total. While others
because some were unreachable since their contact
are freelancers with 4(23.5%) and 1 (5.9%) technician.
information is unknown to their former classmates,
some refused to answer, while others did not respond.
Most respondents were graduates of AAHRM with 50
(47.6%) in total while BSHRM graduates totaled to 37
(35.2%) and 18 (17.1%) were BSTM graduates. From
the 105 respondents only 5 (4.8%) were able to have

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 940-947, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1026, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8226532, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 4.B. Present Occupation of Self-Employed


school helps them to converse with their guests or

For Table 5, this represents the industry where the customers, managers and also co-workers. Some
employed graduates are currently working in and it
graduates added leadership skills, computer skills and
shows that 16 (20.2%) out of 79 employed graduates
are working in the hotel industry. Whereas 12 (15.2%) event management skills as skills that they acquired
graduates are in the online business as the second which is also important. This is because their jobs
industry with the most number. The third industry with require these type of skills. Next to communication
6 (7.6%) who are currently working in is the restaurant skills is human relation skills with 43 (69.3%)
industry. frequency count which showed that the graduates also
acquired this skill while studying and are able to apply
Table 5. Nature of the Graduates’ Job it to their workplace. Entrepreneurial skill has the
lowest among the first five skills which had a 25
(40.3%) frequency count which means it still relevant
but not that much applied to the workplace.

Table 6. Skills HM/TM graduates consider as relevant

to their current job

Table 7 presents the level of competence of an

HM/TM graduate as evident in their work
performance. The overall mean 2.96 shows that the
graduates are Much Competent based from the
competencies that are expected from them. This is
according to their employers and it could mean that
their work performance when rating according to the
competencies they are doing their jobs well but there
are some parts wherein they need improvement. They
are applying what they have learned from school to
their workplace.

The responses in Table 6 show that the skill most

graduates consider as relevant to their current job is
communication skills with the highest frequency count
of 49 (79.0%). They consider communication skills as
important because they have to interact with guests in
their job and also with their superiors. The
communication skills they were able to grasp from

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 940-947, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1026, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8226532, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 7. Level of Competence of HM/TM graduate as hospitality industry and some are based abroad like in
Hiroshima, Japan and Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
evident in work performance
While most are working in the Philippines including
places like Taguig City, Baguio City and Metro
Manila. Additional to this, there graduates working in
fast food chain namely Minute Burger and Mang
Inasal. Furthermore, a graduate is currently working in
Costa Cruise Ship and some BSTM graduates are
working in a travel agency and tour guide associations.

From the employer’s perspectives, a strength that they

see from HM/TM graduates is their ability to work
under pressure and that they manage their time well
hence tasks are timely done as supported by this
statement of one employer, “The ability to work under
pressure, multi-task, analyze data and situations before
making decisions. Her sense of ownership and
responsibility. Her passion to hospitality and
dedication to team work.” While one employer added,
“One strength is time management. She handles task
given to her on a timely basis.” They also have the
confidence and initiative to communicate with their
guests delivering efficient customer service as
supported by this statement of another employer, “He
has self-confidence, attentive, initiative and physically
fit.” Also one employer said that, “She enhanced her
communication skills wherein she can express herself
based on her intellectual capacity and effective
decision making. Her performance is great and I as her
superior recommending for her promotion due to her
Discussion excellent performance and dedication to help improve
the foundation.” Another strength is their decision-
making skill by handling guest complaints as backed
In the employment status of graduates, it shows that
by this employer’s statement, “Handles guest
graduates of hospitality and tourism can easily find
complaints promptly.” Lastly, another employer said
jobs because of high demand for hospitality and
one strength is, “Up to date knowledge in the
tourism practitioners. High demand of graduates from
industry.” This shows that the lessons they learned
hospitality and tourism is backed by the ABS-CBN
from studying are updated and is connected to what is
news (2017) wherein they reported that tourism is
being done in the real world.
booming in the Philippines because of the creation of
tourism infrastructure and economic zone authority. Subsequently, the areas where they need to improve is
The tracer study for Bachelor of Science in Hotel and on finance particularly reporting of budgets as stated
Restaurant Management graduates of Celis, Festijo & by one employer, “Documentation and reporting
Cueto (2013) shows that from one to two years after budget preparation”, which can also be done by
graduation, most of their respondents were employed. HM/TM graduates. They just need to understand more
on financial management. Another area of
Online selling has the highest number of self-
improvement as supported by this employer’s
employed graduates. These graduates are selling
statement, “He needs to pay attention and be
online dry products while others are selling food
organized”, being organized in the job which the
products like cooked viand and baked breads. They
employer deems the HM/TM graduates lack.
post their products through their social media account.
Furthermore, employers of graduates working abroad
Since the courses AAHRM, BSHM and BSTM are
finds that they also need to improve on their
management courses results therefore suggests that
knowledge of the country’s language.
some graduates are pursuing to establish their own
businesses by starting through online. The HM/TM graduates help their agency in attaining

Majority of the graduates are working in the

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Psych Educ, 2023, 11: 940-947, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1026, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8226532, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

their goals and mission by performing efficiently and employed graduates. Most graduates are presently
effectively to deliver quality service in their workplace working in the hotel and restaurant industry. When it
like what this statement of an employer shows, “She comes to their skills, communication skills and human
was able to adapt on different situations and able to relation skills are considered the most relevant skills
decide efficiently. When it comes to the foundation the HM/TM graduates acquired which they are
policy, she can execute the core policies and do her job applying at work. According to employer’s
accordingly.” They benefit the agency by being vocal perspectives, HM/TM graduates are very much
and giving suggestions like what this employer said, competent in handling their jobs. The strengths of
“She’s vocal and can give suggestions if needed.” By HM/TM graduates in terms of their employer’s
being task-oriented, they achieve the target given to perspective is their ability to work well under pressure,
them hence the attainment of their agency’s goals and they finish tasks on time, they have confidence to
mission. Lastly, HM/TM graduates help the agency by handle guest complaints and they have updated
being the source of knowledge wherein they try to knowledge on the hospitality and tourism industry.
disseminate information they have learned which they While their weakness is on the financial and budgeting
deem the organization they are in is lacking and this is aspect wherein, they also need to improve their
backed by one employer’s statement, “He’s been knowledge on financial management. Lastly, they
providing orientations and refreshments not only to the should also improve on their knowledge on the country
new members and apprentices but to all the members where they are working.
of the organization with regard to tour guiding
technique, customer service and other tourism related The HM/TM graduates help their agency by doing
matters.” their jobs efficiently and effectively. Through the
learnings they acquired from school they contribute to
Based on their suggestions, HM/TM graduates should the operations of their agency to achieve its goals and
have TESDA certifications since it is one qualification objectives. HM/TM graduates suggest that the
employers look into because it is the skill that they program should also require the students to obtain a
need as one graduate stated, “Instructors must require certification from TESDA skills since these are
demonstration and hands-on experience toward
important requirement needed by employers. Another
certification such as TESDA NCII and English
suggestion is more hands-on training for students to
fluency.” Another one stated, “Provide NCII exam
have more experience. Lastly, the business side of the
every competency completed by the students (it will
program should be given importance also since it will
help them to easily land for a job).” The department
open more opportunities for students to explore.
should concentrate on training the students of their
skills hence it is also suggested that hands on trainings
are needed for subjects needing more hands on instead References
of theories. As supported by this suggestion of a
graduate, “More on actual application on major ABS-CBN News. (2017). What courses will be in demand in the
subjects like culinary, bartending, housekeeping etc.” next 5
Another one said, “More on actual/practicum less years?.
theories.” When it comes to its being a management
course, it’s a suggestion that business and managerial Akkermans, J., Brenninkmeijer, V., Huibers, M., and Blonk, R.
subjects be given focus so that graduates can also (2013). Competencies for the Contemporary Career: Development
qualify to other opportunities as pointed out by this and Preliminary Validation of the Career Competencies
Qu e s t i o n n a i re . J ou rn al of C a ree r De v e l o p m e n t .
statement of one graduate, “I respectfully suggest that
all major, business and managerial subjects will be
given focus and more importance. That in case some Celis, M. I. C., Festijo, B., & Cueto, A. (2013). Graduate’s
employability: A tracer study for Bachelor of Science in Hotel and
graduates will not enter the hospitality industry at least
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they will be equipped with knowledge on business and Multidisciplinary, 1(11),225-238.
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Commission on Higher Education. CMO 30, s. 2006.

Conclusion De Castro, G. (2017). Tracer study of hotel and restaurant
management graduates of one state college in the Philippines from
Majority of the graduates are employed and online
selling is the highest present occupation of these

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