04 Control Systems - GQB (Ddpanda)

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Subject Name Page No.

#1. Engineering Mathematics 1 – 163

#2. Network Theory 164 – 248

#3. Signals and Systems 249 - 311

#4. Control Systems 312 – 390

#5. Analog Circuits 391 – 482

#6. Digital Circuits 483 – 545

#7. Communications 546 – 583

#8. Electronic Devices and Circuits 584 – 614

#9. Electromagnetic Theory 615 – 660

#10. General Aptitude 661 – 729

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41 Control Systems
Topics Page No.

#1. Basics of Control System 312 – 321

#2. Time Domain Analysis 322 – 337

#3. Stability & Routh Hurwitz Criterion 338 – 346

#4. Root Locus Technique 347 – 355

#5. Frequency Response Analysis Using Nyquist Plot 356 – 364

#6. Frequency Response Analysis Using Bode Plot 365 – 372

#7. Compensators & Controllers 373 – 378

#8. State Variable Analysis 379 – 390


Syllabus for Control Systems

Basic Control System Components; Block Diagrammatic Description, Reduction of Block Diagrams.
Open Loop and Closed Loop (Feedback) Systems and Stability Analysis of these Systems. Signal Flow
Graphs and their use in Determining Transfer Functions of Systems; Transient and Steady State
Analysis of LTI Control Systems and Frequency Response. Tools and Techniques for LTI Control
System Analysis: Root Loci, Routh-Hurwitz Criterion, Bode and Nyquist Plots. Control System
Compensators: Elements of Lead and Lag Compensation, Elements of Proportional-Integral-
Derivative (PID) Control. State Variable Representation and Solution of State Equation of LTI
Control Systems.

Analysis of GATE Papers


2016 8.00 8.50 9.00

2015 9.66 9.50 8.00

2014 8.00 8.00 6.00

2013 11.00 10.00 10.00

2012 9.00 9.00 13.00

2011 8.00 8.00 12.00

2010 11.00 9.00 7.00

2009 10.00 14.00 17.00

2008 12.67 17.00 14.00

2007 12.67 15.00 19.00

Overall Percentage 10.00% 10.80% 11.50%

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Basics of Control System

ECE - 2010 ECE - 2015

1. The transfer function Y(s)/R(s) of the 4. Negative feedback in a closed-loop
system shown is control system DOES NOT
( )
( )
(A) reduce the overall gain
(B) reduce bandwidth
(C) improve disturbance rejection
(D) reduce sensitivity to parameter

5. By performing cascading and/or

( ) 0 ( ) summing/differencing operations using
transfer function blocks ( ) and ( ),
( ) ( ) one CANNOT realizes transfer function
of the form
ECE - 2014 ( ) ( ) ( )
2. Consider the following block diagram in ( )
the figure. ( )
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )( ( ))
( )

( ) ( )( ( ))
( ) ( )
( )
6. For the signal flow graph shown in the
( ) ( ) ( )
figure, the value of ( )
( ) ( )

3. For the following system, ( ) ( )

( )

( )
( )
( )

( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )

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7. The output of a standard second order +

system for a unit step input is given as X X Σ Σ Y Y P P
() (√ )

The transfer function of the system of Z
( ) ( ) With
( )( √ )
(A) X = ,
( ) ( ) Y= ⁄( )
( )
(B) X = 1, Y = ⁄( )
ECE - 2016
8. The response of the system
( ) to the unit step input (C) X = ,
( )( )
( )
( ) is ( ). ⁄( )
The value of ⁄ at is __________
(D) X ,
9. The block diagram of a feedback control ⁄( )
system is shown in the figure. The overall
closed-loop gain G of the system is
EE - 2008
11. A function y(t) satisfies the following
differential equation, + y(t) = ( ),
where (t) is the delta function. Assuming
zero initial condition and denoting the
unit step function by u(t), y(t) can be of
the form
( )
(A) (C) ()
( ) (B) (D) ()

( ) EE - 2010
12. As shown in the figure, a negative
( ) feedback system has an amplifier of gain
100 with 10% tolerance in the forward
path, and an attenuator of value 9/100 in
EE - 2007 the feedback path. The overall system
10. The system shown in figure below. gain is approximately:

b0 c0 b1 C1

Σ Σ 1/s Σ Σ1/s p ⁄

a a
1 (A) 10 1% (C) 10 5%
(B) 10 2% (D) 10 10%
Can be reduced to the form

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EE - 2014 ( ) ( )
13. The closed-loop transfer function of a
system is ( ) The steady
( )
( )
state error due to unit step input is________

14. The signal flow graph of a system is

shown below. ( ) is the input and ( )is
the output. ( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
( ) )

( ) ( )
17. The impulse response g(t) of a system G,
is as shown in figure(a). What is the
maximum value attained by the impulse
response of two cascaded blocks of G as
Assuming , shown in Figure (b)?
the input-output transfer function g(t)
( )
( ) of the system is given by
( ) 1 G G
( ) ( )
0 1 t
( ) ( ) (a) (b)

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

15. The block diagram of a system is shown in 18. Find the transfer function
( )
of the
( )
the figure
system given below
( ) ( ) ( )

If the desired transfer function of the

system is ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
then G(s) is
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
EE - 2015
16. For the signal-flow graph shown in the ( )
figure, which one of the following
expressions is equal to the transfer ( )
( ) ( )
function ( )
( )
( )
( )

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IN - 2006 ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
19. The signal flow graph representation of a
control system is shown below. The ( ) ( )
Y(s) ( ) ( )
transfer function is computed as
IN - 2011
22. The signal flow graph of a system is given

R(s) 1 1/s 1/s 1/s R 1 1 1 C

1 1

( )
( ) ( ) The transfer function (C/R) of the system
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
IN - 2007 ( )
( )
20. A feedback control system with high K, is
( )
shown in the figure below: ( )
( )
R(s)+ C(s) ( )
K G(s)
( )
( )

H(s) IN - 2012
23. The transfer function of a Zero-order-
Then the closed loop transfer function is. Hold system with sampling interval T is
(A) sensitive to perturbations in G(s)
( ) ( ) ( )
and H(s)
(B) sensitive to perturbations in G(s) ( ) ( ) ( )
and but not to perturbations H(s)
(C) sensitive to perturbations in H(s)
IN - 2013
and but not to perturbations G(s)
24. The complex function tanh(s) is analytic
(D) insensitive to perturbations in G(s)
over a region of the imaginary axis of the
and H(s)
complex s- plane if the following is TRUE
everywhere in the region for all integers n
IN - 2009
( ) ( )
21. A filter is represented by the signal flow
( ) ( )
graph shown in the figure. Its input x(t)
and output is y(t). ( ) ( )
The transfer function of the filter is ( )
1 1 ( ) ( )
k 1/S
1 1

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25. The signal flow graph for a system is IN - 2016

( )
given below. The transfer function for 29. The input ( ) ( ) is applied
( )
to a system whose transfer function
this system is given as
( ) ( )
. The amplitude of the
( ) ( ) output of the system is ______

30. The relationship between the force f(t)

and the displacement x(t) of a spring-
( ) ( )
mass system (with a mass M, viscous
damping D and spring constant K) is
( ) ( )
() ()
() ()
IN - 2014 X(s) and F(s) are the Laplace transforms
26. A plant has an open-loop transfer of x(t) and f(t) respectively.
function, With M = 0.1, D = 2, K =10 in appropriate
( )
( ) units, the transfer function ( ) ( )
( )( )( )
The approximate model obtained by
retaining only one of the above poles,
which is closest to the frequency response
of the original transfer function at low
frequency is
( ) ( )

( ) ( )

IN - 2011
27. The unit-step response of a negative unity
feedback system with the open-loop
transfer function G(s) = is
( ) ( )

( ) ( )

ECE/EE/IN - 2013
28. Assuming zero initial condition, the
response y(t) of the system given below
to a unit step input u(t) is

U(s) Y(s)

(A) u(t) (C) u(t)

(B) t u(t)
(D) u(t)

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Answer Keys and Explanations

ECE 3. [Ans. D]
1. [Ans. B] When ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )

( )
( ) ( )
( )

4. [Ans. B]
( ) ( )[ ]
Negative feedback in a closed loop
( ) ( ) ( ) (i) Increases bandwidth
( ) ( ) (ii) Reduces gain
( )
(iii) Improve distance rejection
( )
( ) 5. [Ans. B]
By using cascading, summing differencing
2. [Ans. C] ( )
( ) we cannot implement
( ) ( )
In option (A) cascading
Op ( ) g
Op ( ) g
So correct option is B
( ) ( )

6. [Ans. B]
From the SFG number of path gain

( ) ( )
{ g pg }

( ) ( )

g pg
( )
{ }
( )
{ }

( )
( )

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7. [Ans. D] EE
10. [Ans. D]


( )

8. [Ans. *] Range: 0.96 to 1.04

( )
( )( )
Signal flow graph of the block – diagram
( )
( )( )
( )( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )

At There are forward paths

( )( )

( )( ) These are four individual loops

( )


All the loops touch forward paths

( )

9. [Ans. B]
g ’ g
( )
( )

( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )

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( )
Σ ( )

( )

( )

( ) ( )
( ) p
Comparing eg. (I) and (ii), we get

( )

Hence option (D) is correct

( ) ( )
11. [Ans. D] ( )
Take LT on both sides, ( )
( )
s.Y(s)+Y(s) =1  Y(s) = ( )
 y(t) = ()

12. [Ans. A]
T.F = =10

15. [Ans. B]
 overall change in T.F for G = 10 is
= 1% ( ) ( ) ( )

13. [Ans. 0] Convert the given block diagram to signal

flo g p ’
( ) 1

( ) ( p)
1 1/s G(s) s 1 C(s)
( )
( )
() ( )
( ) 1
( )
( )
[ ( ) ( )]
14. [Ans. C]
g ’ g ( ) ( )
Paths: ( ) ( ) ( ( ) ) ( )
So put G(s) = s
( )
( )
( ) ( )

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16. [Ans. B]
( ) ( )( )
( )
[ ] ( )

[ ] ( )( ) ( )

17. [Ans. D] ( )( )
( )
Overall impulse response = g(f)*g(f)
( g )
h(f) = g(f)*g(f)
( )
( )
( )

So close loop transfer function is sensitive

to perturbation in H(s) but not to
perturbation in G(s) for large k values.
18. [Ans. C]
From the block diagram 21. [Ans. A]
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
[ ( )] ( ) ( );
( )
( ) ( )
( ) = ( ) ( )
( )

22. [Ans. C]
19. [Ans. A]

=1 ( )
There individual loops with gains:
( )
( )( )( ) ( )( )( ) ( )( )( )
( )
[ ]
( )
( ) ( )
( ) 23. [Ans. A]
( ) The transfer function of a Zero-order-
Hold system having a sampling interval T
20. [Ans. C] is ( )
In this case, open loop gain sensitivity is
measured with respect to KG. Because
here open loop gain = KG

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24. [Ans. D] 27. [Ans. D]

( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
The unit step response is given by
( )
For analytical region there should be no ( )
() ( ) ()

28. [Ans. B]
( ) H(s)

u(s) Y(s)
25. [Ans. A]

( ) ( ) u(s)= ⁄ [unit step i/p]

y(s) = H(s).U(s)= ⁄ ⁄ = ⁄

() [ ⁄ ] ()
forward path =

| 29. [Ans. *] Range: 0.14 to 0.15

Here x(t) is a sinusoid (Eigen function of
Loop =
a system)
| ( )| | ( | | ( )| ⁄

(√ )

( )
30. [Ans. A]
Taking L.T on both sides,
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
26. [Ans. A] ( )
Writing the given open loop transfer in
form of

( )( )( )
So, at low frequencies, the approximate
model equivalent to original transfer
function will

( )

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Time Domain Analysis

ECE - 2006 ECE - 2008

1. In the system shown below, 6. Step responses of a set of three second-
x(t) = (sin t) u(t). In steady-state, the orders underdamped systems all have the
response y(t) will be same percentage overshoot. Which of the
following diagrams represents the poles
of three systems?
x(t) y(t) (A)
(A) sin ( ) (C) sin t
√ √

(B) sin ( ) (D) sin t –cos t

2. The unit impulse response of a system is

() For this system, the
steady-state value of the output for unit
step input is equal to
(A) 1 (C) 1 j
(B) 0 (D)

3. The unit-step response of a system

starting from rest is given by
() – . The transfer
function of the system is (C)
(A) (C) j
(B) (D)

ECE - 2007
4. The frequency response of a linear, time-
invariant system is given by H(f)= (D)
. The step response of the system is j
( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) ()

( ) ( ) () ( ) ( ) ()

5. The transfer function of a plant is

( ) ( )(
The second-order 7. A linear, time-invariant, causal
approximation of T(s) using dominant continuous time system has a rational
pole concept is transfer function with simple poles at
and , and one simple zero
( ) ( ) at . A unit step u(t) is applied at
( )( ) ( )
the input of the system. At steady state,
( ) ( )
( )( ) ( ) the output has constant value of 1. The
impulse response of this system is
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(A) [ xp ( ) xp ( )] ( ) 4.
(B) [ xp ( ) xp ( ) xp y(t)
( )] ( )
(C) [ xp ( ) xp ( )] ( )
(D) [ xp ( ) xp ( )] ( )

8. Group I lists a set of four transfer t

functions. Group II gives a list of possible (A) P-3, Q-1, R-4, S-2
step responses y(t). Match the step (B) P-3, Q-2, R-4, S-1
responses with the corresponding (C) P-2, Q-1, R-4, S-3
transfer functions (D) P-3, Q-4, R-1, S-2
Group I
9. The magnitude of frequency response of
an underdamped second order system is
5 at 0 rad/sec and peaks to at

√ rad/sec. The transfer function of the
system is,
( ) ( )
Group II
1. ( ) ( )

ECE - 2009
10. The unit step response of an under-
damped second order system has steady
state value of 2. Which one of the
following transfer function has these
2. properties?
1 ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

ECE - 2010
3. 11. A system with the transfer function
y(t) ( )
has an output
( )

() ( ) for the input signal

t x( ) p ( ).Then, the system
pa am ‘p’ i
(A) √ (C) 1
(B) ⁄√ (D) √ ⁄

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ECE - 2011 ECE - 2014

12. The differential equation 14. For the following feedback system
x( ) describes a ( ) . The 2%-settling time of
( )( )
system with an input x( ) and an output the step response is required to be less
( ). The system, which is initially than 2 seconds.
relaxed, is excited by a unit step input.
( ) ( )
The output ( ) can be represented by the
Which one of the following compensators
C(s) achieves this?
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

t ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
15. The natural frequency of an undamped
y(t) second-order system is 40 rad/s. If the
system is damped with a damping ratio
0.3, the damped natural frequency in
t rad/s is ________.
16. The input ( ) where ( ) is the
y(t) unit step function, is applied to a system
with transfer function . If the initial
t val p i val
of the output at steady state is _______.

y(t) 17. The steady state error of the system

shown in the figure for a unit step input is
t ( ) ( ) ( )
() () ()

ECE - 2012
13. A system with transfer function
( )( )
( ) 18. For the second order closed-loop system
( )( )( )
is excited i ( ). The steady-state shown in the figure, the natural frequency
output of the system is zero at (in rad/s) is
(A) a (C) a ( ) ( )
(B) a (D) a ( )

(A) 16 (C) 2
(B) 4 (D) 1

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19. A unity negative feedback system has an (A) 2.0 < K < 0.5
open-loop transfer function ( ) (B) 0 < K < 0.5
( )
(C) < <
.The gain K for the system to have a
(D) < <
damping ratio of 0.25 is________.
EE - 2007
20. The position control of a DC servo-motor
24. Consider the feedback control system
is given in the figure. The values of the
shown below which is subjected to a unit
parameters are = 1 N-m/A, Ω
step input. The system is stable and has
= 0.1H. J = 5 kg-m , B = 1 N-m
the following parameters kp = 4, ki = 10,
(rad/sec) and = 1 V/(rad/sec). The
a ξ
steady-state position response (in
1 z
radians) due to unit impulse disturbance
torque is _________. +
( ) +
0 Σ KP Σ ξ
( )
( ) The steady state value of z is
(A) 1 (C) 0.1
(B) 0.25 (D) 0

Statement for Linked Answer Question 25

ECE - 2016 & 26
21. The open-loop transfer function of a R-L-C circuit shown in figure,
unity-feedback control system is given by m
( )
( )
For the peak overshoot of the closed-loop
system to a unit step input to be 10%, the
value of K is ____________

22. The number and direction of 25. For a step- input overshoot in the
encirclements around the point output will be
in the complex plane by the Nyquist plot (A) 0,Since the system is not under
of ( ) is damped
(A) Zero (B) 5%
(B) One, anti-clockwise (C) 16%
(C) One, clockwise (D) 48%
(D) Two, clockwise
26. If the above step response is to be
23. The first two rows in the Routh table for observed on the non-storage CRO, then it
the characteristic equation of a certain would be best have the as a
closed-loop control system are given as (A) Step function
1 (2K+3) (B) Square wave of frequency 50 Hz
2K 4 (C) Square wave of frequency 300 Hz
The range of K for which the system is (D) Square wave of frequency 2.0KHz
stable is

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EE - 2008 of 10 and a duration of one second, as

27. The transfer function of a linear time shown in the figure is
invariant system is given as r(t)
G(s) = . The steady state value of
the output of the system for a unit
impulse input applied at time instant t=1 t
will be 1s

(A) 0 (C) 1 (A) 0 (C) 1

(B) 0.5 (D) 2 (B) 0.1 (D) 10

28. The transfer function of a system is given EE-2015

as ( . The system is ___________ 32. The transfer function of a second order
real system with a perfectly flat
(A) An over damped system
(B) An underdamped system
response of unity has a pole at (2 – j3).
(C) A critically damped system
List all the poles and zeros.
(D) An unstable system
(A) Poles at (2 ± j3), no zeros.
(B) Poles at (±2 – j3), one zero at origin.
EE - 2009
(C) Poles at (2 – j3), (–2 + j3), zeros at
29. The unit-step response of a unity
(–2 –j3), (2 + j3).
feedback system with open loop
(D) Poles at (2 ± j3), zeros at (–2 ± j3).
transfer function G(s) = ( )(
shown in the figure. The value of K is 33. An open loop control system results in a
1 response of ( i ) for a unit
impulse input. The DC gain of the control
system is ________.

0.25 34. The unit step response of a system with

0 the transfer function ( ) is given
0 1 2 3 4
Time by which one of the following waveforms
(A) 0.5 (C) 4 (A)
(B) 2 (D) 6 y
EE - 2010 0
30. For the system ( )
, the approximate
time taken for a step response to reach
98% of its final value is
(A) 1s (C) 4s (B)
(B) 2s (D) 8s

EE - 2011
31. The steady state error of a unity feedback
linear system for a unit step input is 0.1.
The steady state error of the same system,
for a pulse input r(t) having a magnitude

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(C) ( )

( )

( )

( )

(D) IN - 2007
Common Data for Questions 38 & 39
The following figure represents a
proportional control scheme of a first
order system with transportation lag.

R(s) + C(s)
( )

( )
35. The transfer of a system is . The
( )
38. The angular frequency in
)( radians/s
)( at
a a p ()i ( φ) ( )( )
which the loop phase lag becomes is
for the input cos(2t). The value of A and
(A) 0.408 (C) 1.56
φ p iv l a
(B) 0.818 (D) 2.03
( )

39. The steady state error for a unit step
( ) input when the gain = 1 is

(A) ⁄ (C) 1
( )√
(B) ⁄ (D) 2
( )√
IN - 2008
36. Consider a linear time-invariant system
40. If a first order system and its time
with transfer function
response to a unit step input are as
( ) shown below, the gain K is
( )
If the input is cos(t) and the steady state
r(t) ()
output is ( ) then the value of A
is ______.

37. A second-order real system has the

following properties: y
a) The damping ratio and
undamped natural frequency 0.8
b) The steady state value of the output, to
a unit step input, is 1.02.
The transfer function of the system is t
(A) 0.25 (C) 1
(B) 0.8 (D) 4

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Statement for Linked Answer Q.No.41 & 42 45. Let ( ) a ll () i

A unity feedback system has open loop the amplitude of the frequency component of
transfer function G(s) = .The time y(t) due to d(t) is
( )
at which the response to a unit step input
( )√ ( )√
reaches its peak is seconds
41. The damping coefficient for the closed
loop system is ( )√ ( )√
(A) 0.4 (C) 0.8
(B) 0.6 (D) 1
IN - 2010
42. The value of p is 46. A unity feedback system has an open loop
(A) 6 (C) 14 transfer function ( ) .The value
( )
(B) 12 (D) 16
of k that yields a damping ratio of 0.5 for
the closed loop system is
IN - 2009
(A) 1 (C) 5
43. A plant with a transfer function ( )
is (B) 3 (D) 9
controlled by a PI controller with =1
and i a i a 47. A unit ramp input is applied to the system
configuration. The lowest value of that shown in the adjoining figure. The steady
ensures zero steady state error for a step state error in its output is
change in the reference input is ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
(A) 0 (C) 1/2
(B) 1/3 (D) 1

Statement for the Linked data Q. No. 44 & 45 (A) 0 (C) 1

A disturbance input ( )is injected into (B) 0.5 (D) 2
the unity feedback control loop shown in
the figure. Take the reference input ( ) to IN-2015
be a unit step. 48. A system with transfer function
( ) has zero initial conditions.
( ) d(t)
The percentage overshoot in its step
+ + response is _______%.
+ 1
r(t) 1
S(S+1) + y(t)
44. If the disturbance is measurable, its effect on 49. Match the unit-step responses (1), (2)
the output can be minimized significantly and (3) with the transfer functions P(s),
using a feedforward controller ( ) To Q(s) and R(s), given below.
eliminate the component of the output due to ( )
() i ( ) Should be ( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )√ ( )( )

( )
( ) ( )√ ( )

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( )
Step Responses

( )

( )

(A) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
(B) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
(C) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
(D) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Answer Keys and Explanations

ECE 3. [Ans. B]
1. [Ans. A]
[ p p ]
( ) x( ) () [ ]
( ) ( ) ( )
( )

√ 4. [Ans. B]
x( ) i () ()
() i ( )
√ ( )
( )
2. [Ans. C]
() ( ) p p
( )
( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )

When s =
( )
( ) ⁄

( ) () [ ] ()

( ) ()
When t = at steady state
output = 1

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5. [Ans. D]
l ξ
In dominant pole concept the factor that
has to be eliminated should be in time Therefore P is undamped
constant form

( )( ) ξ
i v amp
( )( )

6. [Ans. C] i i i all amp
a v p ξa

ξ ξ
Where is the angle made by pole from i amp
negative real axis.
To make same, should be the same. 9. [Ans. A]

7. [Ans. C] 10. [Ans. B]

Transfer functions Steady state value = -2
( ) Denominator
( )
( )( ) ξ
p ( )
Output, ( ) ( ) ( ) ξ <
iv lim ( ) underdamped
( )
( )( ) 11. [Ans. B]
( )

( ) √
( )
( )( )

() ( ) () 12. [Ans. A]
Which is also the required impulse
response of the system. x( )
Taking Laplace Transform of both sides
8. [Ans. D] ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
Comparing the given transfer functions ( )
with ( ) ( )
l a a

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As poles are on the right hand side of s-

plane so given system is unstable system.
Only option (A) represents unstable Hence Option C is correct
15. [Ans. *] Range 38.13 to 38.19
13. [Ans. C] We know
( )( ) √ ξ
( )
( )( )( ) Where damped natural frequency
x( ) undamped natural frequency
ξ damping ratio
( )( )
( ) ( ) √
( )( )( )
For applying final value theorem system
must be stable, mean all poles should lie
in left half plane 16. [Ans. *] Range - 0.01 to 0.01
So ( ) ( ) ( )
x( ) () ( )
14. [Ans. C] ( ) ( ) ( )
li im < ( )
( ) lim ( ) lim
So all poles of CLTP should lie on the left
of s = line
The characteristic equation is 17. [Ans. *] Range 0.49 to 0.51
( ) ( ) . We have to check ( ) ( ) ( )

whether are the roots this equation lies

on me left of s = or not
pi ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )( )( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )[ ]
( ) ( )
pi ( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )( )
( )

pi ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) lim ( ) lim
( )( )
( )( ) ( )

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18. [Ans. C] 22. [Ans. A]

a i ( ) a
i a m ( ) a a

ξ a ( ) a
( )

19. [Ans. *] Range: 400 to 400 a ( ) a

( ) ( )
Nyquist plot is

ξ √

( )

20. [Ans. *] Range: to

( ) Hence number of encirclements of
( 1 + j0) = 0
( )
[( ) ]
23. [Ans. D]
a a val i lim ( ) Routh table
( )
21. [Ans. *] Range: 2.7 to 3.0
Peak over shoot 10% 4
( )

ξ ⁄
[ ] [l ]
√ ξ ( ⁄ ) system should stable
ξ ⁄
[ ] ⁄ < < a l
ξ l

ξ EE
24. [Ans. A]
ξ Step input ( )
ξ ( )
The characteristic equation of above
( )
transfer function is ( )
( )
Comparing with standard equation ξ

[ ] ( ) ( )( )
ξ ξ ξ
a ( )

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( ) ( ) ( ) Comparing with
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) √
( )[ ]
( )
( ) ( )
( )[ ]
( ) ( ) √

( )
( ) ( )
( )
Steady state value of Z √
( )


( )( ) = 0.163 or 16.3%

26. [Ans. C]

25. [Ans. C]
Ω m √
Setting time ( )
+ i m
Square Wave

Taking Laplace transform
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
( )
For the square Wave ⁄ should be
greater than
∫i For

( ) m
( ) ( ) [ ]
( ) m
( )
( )
( ) m <
( )
Characteristic eq. Therefore, it would be best to have the
as a square wave of 300Hz.

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27. [Ans. A] 30. [Ans. C]

() i impl appli a
[ ]( i i i m)
( )
R(s) = 1[r(t)] = .c Gain=2, T=1 sec
( ) For 98%
( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
31. [Ans. A]
Steady state value of output, using final C(s)
value theorem G(s)
+ +
( )

28. [Ans. C]
( ) ( )
Comparing with standard form ( )

( ) x( ) [ () ( )]
ξ x( ) [ ] [ ]
ξ ( )
( )
The system is critically damped

29. [Ans. D] 32. [Ans. D]

a a val p This is an APF
Input is unit step
So steady state error

( )
( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )( ) 33. [Ans. *] Range: 0.23 to 0.25
() [ i ]
( ) a ( )
Steady state error using final value ( )
( ) { }
ai m a ( )
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
34. [Ans. A]
( )
( )( )

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a x( )
a a p
() x( ) ( ) [ ( )]
[ x( ) ( )]

37. [Ans. B]
( ) ( ) ( ) Damping ratio ξ
( ) Undamped natural frequency
( )
( ) a ⁄
Steady state output to a unit step input
( )
( )
Hence, steady state error
() () ()
() ( ) () Characteristics equation is,
35. [Ans. B]
( ) ( m)
From options, if we take option B
() (i ) Then,
p () ( ) lim ( )
a a l
() ( )

Hence option B is correct answer
38. [Ans. D]

( )
() ( )
√ ( ) a ( )
Phase lag a ( )
It satisfy [ a ]
√ √ √
39. [Ans. B]
√ a ( )

36. [Ans. *] Range: 0.69 to 0.72 ( )

( ) () ()
( ) i i al a
( ) ( )

( )

p x( ) ()

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( ) 45. [Ans. B]
( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) [ ( ) ( ) ( )]
( )
( )
( ) ( ) a ll
( )
lim ( ) So

( )[ ] ( )[ ]
40. [Ans. D] ( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )

Given ( )
| | √
x( )

46. [Ans. D]
41. [Ans. B]
T(s) =
( )
( )
( ) √ a
a √

42. [Ans. B]
47. [Ans. B]
( )
( )
43. [Ans. A] For unit Ramp input,
( ) () ()
( ) i
( )( )
( ) l i a
( ) ( )
( ) ( i)
im ( )

im ( )
48. [Ans. *] Range: 100 to 100
( ) ( )
mpa i mi a ξ

v √
44. [Ans. D]
Output due to
49. [Ans. B]
d(t)= ( ) () ( )
( )
( )
( )[ ]
( ) p ( ) ( ) ( )
( )
i [ ]
( ) ( ) lim ( ) lim [ ]
( ) ( )
( ) a
√ ⁄
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( )
( )
( )( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( )( )
( ) lim ( )
( )
lim [ ]
( )( )
( ) a
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) lim ( ) lim
( )
( ) a ;
( ) ( ) ( )

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Stability & Routh Hurwitz Criterion

ECE - 2006 4. The number of open right half plane poles

1. The positive values of and so that of G (s) = is
the system shown in the figure below
(A) 0 (C) 2
oscillates at a frequency of
(B) 1 (D) 3
respectively are

R(s) ( ) C(s) ECE - 2012

( ) 5. The Feedback system shown below
oscillates at 2 rad/s when
( ) ( ) ( )
( )
(A) 1, 0.75 (C) 1, 1
(B) 2, 0.75 (D) 2, 2 (A) K=2 and a=0.75
(B) K=3 and a=0.75
ECE - 2007 (C) K=4 and a=0. 5
2. If the closed-loop transfer function of a (D) K=2 and a=0.5
control system is given as,
ECE - 2014
( )
( )( ) 6. The forward path transfer function of a
(A) an unstable system unity negative feedback system is given
(B) an uncontrollable system by
(C) a minimum phase system ( )
(D) a non-minimum phase system ( )( )
The value of K which will place both the
ECE - 2008 poles of the closed-loop system at the
3. A certain system has transfer function same location, is _______.
G(s) = , where is a parameter.
7. Consider a transfer function
Consider the standard negative unity
feedback configuration as shown below ( ) ( )
with ‘p’ a positive
( )

+ G(s) real parameter. The maximum value of p

until which remains stable is __________

ECE - 2015
Which of the following statements is true?
8. A plant transfer function is given as
(A) The closed loop system in never
bl fo y v lu of ( ) ( ) . When the plant
( )
(B) Fo om po v v lu of operates in a unity feedback
closed loop system is stable, but not configuration, the condition for the
for all positive values stability of the closed loop system is
(C) For all positive v lu of lo
( )
loop system is stable
(D) The closed loop system is stable for ( )
ll v lu of bo po v ( )
negative ( )

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9. The characteristic equation of an LTI

() () u( )
system is given by
F(s) = . () () u( )
The number of roots that lie strictly in the
where (t) and (t) are the two state
left half s-plane is __________.
variables and u(t) denotes the input.
If the output c(t) = (t), then the system is
ECE - 2016
(A) controllable but not observable
10. Match the inferences X, Y, and Z, about a
(B) observable but not controllable
system, to the corresponding properties
(C) both controllable and observable
of l m of f olum ou ’
(D) neither controllable nor observable
Table of the system characteristic
equation. EE - 2007
X: y m bl … 14. The system shown in the figure is
: y m u bl …
U1 +
Z: b k ow … Σ

P: When all elements are positive

Q: When any one element is zero Σ +
R: When there is a change in sign of
coefficients (A) stable
(B) unstable
(A) X→P →Q Z→
(C) conditionally stable
(B) X→Q →P Z→
(D) stable for input u1, but unstable for
(C) X→ →Q Z→P
input u2
(D) X→P → Z→Q
15. If the loop gain K of a negative feedback
11. The transfer function of a linear time system having a loop transfer function
invariant system is given by ( )
to be adjusted to induce a sustained
( ) ( )

The number of zeros in the right half of oscillation then

the s-plane is ________ (A) The frequency of this oscillation
must be ⁄ rad/s.

12. In the feedback system shown below (B) The frequency of this oscillation
( ) must be 4rad/s
( )
(C) The frequency of this oscillation
The step response of the closed-loop
must be 4 or ⁄ rad/s
system should have minimum settling √
time and have no overshoot (D) Such a K does not exist

k ( ) y EE - 2008
16. Figure shows a feedback system where
The required value of gain k to achieve K > 0. The range of K for which the
this is ___________ system is stable will be given by

13. A second-order linear time-invariant Σ ( )( )

system is described by the following state

equations (A) 0 < K < 30 (C) 0 < K < 390
(B) 0 < K <39 (D) K > 390

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EE - 2009 21. A system wth the open loop transfer

17. The first two rows of Routh's tabulation function
of a third order equation are as follows.
( )
s3 2 2 ( )( )
s2 4 4. is connected in a negative feedback
This means there are configuration with a feedback gain of
(A) two roots at s= ± j and one root in unity. For the closed loop system to be
right half s-plane marginally stable, the value of K is_________
(B) two roots at s = ± j2 and one root in
left half s-plane 22. A single-input single-output feedback
(C) two roots at s= ± j2 and one root in system has forward transfer function G(s)
right half s-plane and feedback transfer function H(s). It is
(D) two roots at s = ± j and one root in given that |G(s)H(s)| < 1. Which of the
left half s-plane following is true about the stability of the
EE - 2011 (A) The system is always stable
18. An open loop system represented by the (B) The system is stable if all zeros of
transfer function G(s) = (
( )
is G(s)H(s) are in left half of the s-plane
)( )
(C) The system is stable if all poles of
(A) stable and of the minimum phase
G(s)H(s) are in left half of the s-plane
(D) It is not possible to say whether or
(B) stable and of the non-minimum
not the system is stable from the
phase type
information given
(C) unstable and of the minimum phase
EE - 2016
(D) unstable and of the non-minimum
23. Given the following polynomial equation
phase type
The number of roots of the polynomial,
EE - 2014
which have real parts strictly less than
19. In the formation of Routh-Hurwitz array
, is _________
for a polynomial, all the elements of a row
have zero values. This premature
24. The open loop transfer function of a unity
termination of the array indicates the
feedback control system is given by
presence of ( )
(A) only one root at the origin ( )
( )( )
(B) imaginary roots The closed loop system will be stable if.
(C) only positive real roots ( )
(D) only negative real roots ( )
( )
20. For the given system, it is desired that the ( )
system be stable. The minimum value of
( )
for this condition is __________
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )

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IN - 2008 29. For the feedback system given below, the

25. A closed loop control system is shown transfer function ( ) . The
( )
below. The range of the controller gain KC
system CANNOT be stabilized with
which will make the real parts of all the
closed loop poles more negative than -1 is ( ) ( )

( )
( )_ ( )
( ) ( )

(A) KC> 4 (C) KC> 2 ( ) ( )

(B) KC> 0 (D) KC< 2
( ) ( )
IN - 2010 ( ) ( )
26. The open loop transfer function of a unity
gain feedback system is given by:
( )
G(s) = ( )(
. The range of positive
values of k for which the closed loop
system will remain stable is:
(A) 1 <k <3 (C) 5 < k <∞
(B) 0 < k < 10 (D) 0 < k <∞

IN - 2011
27. f wo ow of ou ’ bl of
third-order characteristic equation are
3 3
4 4
It can be inferred that the system has
(A) one real pole in the right-half of s-
(B) a pair of complex conjugate poles in
the right-half of s-plane
(C) a pair of real poles symmetrically
placed around s = 0
(D) a pair of complex conjugate poles on
the imaginary axis of the s-plane

IN - 2016
28. The value of which will ensure that the
polynomial has roots
on the left half of the s-plane is
(A) 11 (C) 7
(B) 9 (D) 5

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Answer Keys and Explanations

ECE 1 k+2
1. [ ] a k+2
k( ) (k ) (k )
( )
( (k ) (k ))
From Routh array, k (1+k)
 k =2 & a = 0.75 (k ) jω = ω
ω ω + (k + 1) = 0; aω = k + 1;
2. [Ans. D] 4a = k + 1;
System is stable, controllable and non- From options, k = 2, a = 0.75
minimum phase system.
6. [Ans. *] Range 2.24 to 2.26
3. [Ans. C] Using root locus
Closed loop gain is jω
( )
( )
Characteristic equation
Q( ) ( )
lo loop system is stable only for
fo fo ll po v of Calculation of break point
the closed loop system is stable. k
( )( )
4. [Ans. C] k ( )( )
Perform Routh analysis to the polynomial k
in denominator of G(S).
1 3 5
2 6 3 | ( )|
(∈) [k ]

( ) 3 7. [Ans. *] Range 1.9 to 2.1

→ ∞
For ( ) to remain stable, the poles of
( ) should lie in LHP of s-plane
( )
( ) 1 2–P
( ) 3+P
→∞ P P
3 o m mum v lu of P
Number of sign changes =2
8. [Ans. A]
5. [Ans. A] ( ) ( )
Characteristic equation is 1+G(S)H(S)= 0 k
( ) (k )
1+ ( )
+ s (k + 2) + (k + 1) = 0 ( ) k k
( )

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k k 2 0 2
Routh Hurwitz 5 5
1 k 2 2
2 k 4(0)
k k 0 2
u l y u o :
ok k k
k ∴ No of g g f olum
∴ No of oo g lf of –plane = 3
12. [Ans. *] Range: 0.95 to 1.05

9. [Ans. *] Range: 2 to 2 ( )
F( )
( )
1 3
( )
2 6
0(8) 0(12) Row of Minimum settling time and no overshoot
zeros implies
100/3 ω √
P( ) ω
p( )
√ o
One sign change and 4 symmetric poles 2
13. [Ans. A]
imaginary poles, Right half and 2 on left
lf of ‘ ’ pl () u( )
10. [Ans. D] () u( )
1. If the elements present in the first ̇ u( )
column of RH table has same sign ̇ u( )
then we can say that system is stable; ̇
2. If there is any change in the sign of [ ] [ ][ ] [ ]u
first column then we can say that y
system is Unstable and number of [ ][ ]
sign changes indicates the Number of
poles present in the right side of S – [ ] [ ] [ ]
plane For controllability:
3. If any element is zero in the first Q
column then it says the test breaks Q [ ]
[ ][ ] [ ]
11. [Ans. *] Range: 3 to 3 Q [ ]
Given H(s)=
So controllable
Obtain RH criteria we get

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For observe ability: 16. [Ans. C]

Q k
( )
Q [ ] ( ( )( ) k)
Characteristics equation
[ ][ ] [ ]
 k
Q [ ]
[ ] k
So not Observable k

∴k & k (fo b l y)
14. [Ans. D]
u ( ) y ( )
17. [Ans. D]

 ( )( ) S= j

18. [Ans. B]
For G(s), poles are at 2 and 3 Stable
( ) Also, zeroes are to the right of S-plane
( )
( ⁄F) non-minimum phase type
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
19. [Ans. B]
Pole is in LHS of s-plane, Hence stable.
It is a special case under R-H stability
u ( ) y ( ) criteria. Imaginary roots are calculated
using auxiliary polynomial

20. [Ans. *] Range 0.61 to 0.63

Characteristic equation
( ) ( ) ( )

( )
( ⁄F)
( )
( ) ( ) 1
( )( ) ( )
Hence unstable as it has pole at right
hand side of S-plane 1
( ) ( )
15. [Ans. B] ( )( )
k( ) √
( )
( k k)
1 64 + 3k √
s 16 + k
1 64 + 3k

∴ k (o ) fo m g l bl y
For K = 16, ω ⁄

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24. [Ans. C]
Open loop transfer function
( )
( )
( )( )
√ √

For closed loop system stability,

√ characteristic equation is
mum v lu
( ) ( )
( )
21. [Ans. 5]
( )( )
Characteristic equation
( )( ) k( )
( )( ) k
( ) ( k) k
( )( ) k
U g ou ’
k (
2T k)
k ( ) K
( )( k) k
1 6 k 0
( )
4 4 0
5 K
For stability, k
And ( )( k) k
k( ) ( )
Or, ( )k ( )
( )k ( )
k ( )
Value of k to be marginally stable ( )
K=5 ( )
( )
22. [Ans. A] k
Characteristic equation of system ( )
( ) ( ) Hence for stability,
G(s) H(s) = k
For system to be stable all the zeroes of
G(s) H(s) should lie in left of ( ) plane
So for | ( ) ( )|
25. [Ans. C]
The system will be always stable.
( )

23. [Ans. *] Range: 2 to 2

( )( ) √ o √

Put S = Z – 1 and apply RH criterion for

So, roots strictly less than is and
the polynomial in z

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26. [Ans. D]
1 + G(s) H(s) = 0
(s + 1) (s + 2) + k(s+3) = 0
System is stable, for all positive K.(from
Routh Hurwitz criterion)
(o ) ∞

27. [Ans. D]
3 3
4 4
S 0(∈ )
1 4

( )( )

28. [Ans. D]
Routh array
1 2

29. [Ans. C]
Fo ( )
u o
( ) ( )
( )( )
( )
( )( )

U g
1 4
2 9
9 0
column of RH table does not
contains positive sign only
∴ y m b om u bl

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Root Locus Technique

ECE - 2007 ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) k
1. A unity feedback control system has an ( )( )
open-loop transfer function ( )
( ) ( ) ( ) k
( ) . The gain K for which ( )( )
( )
s= 1+j1 will lie on the root locus of this ( ) ( ) ( ) k
( )( )( )
system is ( )
(A) 4 (C) 6.5 ( ) ( ) ( ) k
( ) )
(B) 5.5 (D) 10
ECE - 2014
ECE - 2009
4. Consider the feedback system shown in
2. The feedback configuration and the pole-
the figure. The Nyquist plot of G(s) is also
zero locations of G(s) = are shown shown. Which one of the following
below. The root locus for negative values conclusions is correct?
of k, i.e. for ∞<k<0, ha
k ( )
breakaway/break-in points and angle of
departure at pole P (with respect to the
( )
positive real axis) equal to
+ k G(s)

( )

(A) G (s) is an all-pass filter

(B) G (s) is a strictly proper transfer
(C) G (s) is a stable and minimum-phase
transfer function
(A) ± √ and 00 (C) ± √ and 00 (D) The closed-loop system is unstable
(B) ± √ and 450 (D) ± √ and 450 for sufficiently large and positive k

ECE - 2011
5. In the root locus plot shown in the figure,
3. The root locus plot for a system is given
the pole/zero marks and the arrows have
below. The open loop transfer function
been removed. Which one of the following
corresponding to this plot is given by
transfer functions has this root locus?

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9. For the system shown in figure, s = 2.75

( )
( )( )( ) lies on the root locus if K is_____.
( )
( )
( )( )( )
( )
( )( )( )
( )( )
( )
( )( ) 0

6. The characteristic equation of a unity ECE-2016

negative feedback system is 10. The open-loop transfer function of a
( ) 0. The open loop transfer unity-feedback control system is
function G(s) has one pole at 0 and two
poles at 1. The root locus of the system ( )
5 5
for varying K is shown in the figure. The value of K at the breakaway point of
th f dback control y t ’ root-locus
plot is ________
ξ 0.5

11. The asymptotic Bode phase plot of

(0, 0)
( ) ,
( 0. )( 0)( p )
With k and p both positive, is shown

The constant damping ratio line, for 0 0.0 0. 0 00

ξ 0.5, int r ct th root locu at point . 5 rad⁄
The distance from the origin to point A is
given as 0.5. The value of K at point A 5
ECE-2015 0
7. A unity negative feedback system has the
The value of p is ____________
open-loop transfer function
( ) . The value of the gain
( )( ) EE - 2010
K (>0) at which the root locus crosses the 12. The characteristic equation of a closed-
imaginary axis is ___________. loop system is
( )( ) k( ) 0, k 0.
8. The open-loop transfer function of a unity Which of the following statements is true?
feedback configuration is given as (A) Its roots are always real
( )
( ) . The value of a gain (B) It cannot have a breakaway point in
( )( )
the range < [ ] <0
K(>0) for which –1+ j2 lies on the root
(C) Two of its roots tend to infinity along
locus is __________.
the asymptotes Re[ ]
(D) It may have complex roots in the
right half plane.

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EE - 2011 root locus of the modified system transits to

13. The open loop transfer function G(s) of a unstable region?
unity feedback control system is given as, (A) It corresponds to a frequency greater
k( ) than K
( ) (B) It corresponds to a frequency less
( )
than K
From the root locus, it can be inferred
(C) It corresponds to a frequency K
that when k tends to positive infinity.
(D) Root locus of modified system never
(A) three roots with nearly equal real
transits to unstable region
parts exist on the left half of the s-
plane 16. An open loop transfer function G(s) of a
(B) one real root is found on the right system is
half of the s-plane
( )
(C) the root loci cross the j axis for a ( )( )
finit valu of k; k ≠ 0 For a unity feedback system, the
(D) three real roots are found on the breakaway point of the root loci on the
right half of the s-plane real axis occurs at,
(A) 0.
EE - 2014 (B) .5
14. The root locus of a unity feedback system (C) 0.42 and 1.58
is shown in the figure (D) non of th abov

0 0
17. The gain at the breakaway point of the
root locus of a unity feedback system with
open loop transfer function
The closed loop transfer function of the ( ) i
system is ( )( )
( ) (A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 5 (D) 9
( )
( ) ( )( )
IN - 2007
( )
( ) Statement for Linked Answer Q. No. 18 & 19
( ) ( )( )
A transfer function with unity DC gain has
( )
( ) three poles at , , and and no
( ) ( )( )
finite zeros. A plant with this transfer
( )
( ) function is connected with a proportional
( ) ( )( )
controller of gain K in the forward path, in
a unity feedback configuration.
18. The transfer function is
15. The open loop poles of a third order unity
feedback system are at 0, –1, –2. Let the ( )
( )( )( )
frequency corresponding to the point where
the root locus of the system transits to ( )
( )( )( )
unstable region be K. Now suppose we
introduce a zero in the open loop transfer ( )
function at –3, while keeping all the earlier ( )( )( )
open loop poles intact. Which one of the ( )
following is TRUE about the point where the ( )( )( )

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19. If the root locus plot of the closed loop IN - 2012

system passes through the points ± j√ , 23. The open loop transfer function of a unity
the maximum value of K for stability of gain negative feedback control system is
the unity feedback closed loop system is
given by G(s) = . Th angl θ,
(A) √ (C) 10 ( )( )
(B) 6 (D) 6√ at which the root locus approaches the
zeros of the system, satisfies
IN - 2008
( ) |θ| tan ( )
20. The open loop transfer function of a unity
feedback system is ( ) |θ| tan ( )
( )
( ) .
( )( ) ( ) |θ| tan ( )
The root locus plot of the system has
(A) Two breakaway points located at s ( ) |θ| tan ( )
= 0.59 and s = 3.41
(B) One breakaway point located at s IN - 2014
= 0.59 24. A loop transfer function is given by :
(C) One breakaway point located at s k( )
= 3.41 ( ) ( )
( 0)
(D) One breakaway point located at s The point of intersection of the
= 1.41 asymptotes of G(s)H(s) on the real axis in
the s-plane is at ___________.
IN - 2009
21. A unity feedback system has the transfer IN - 2015
( )
function ( )
. The value of b for which 25. The open loop transfer function of a
the loci of all the three roots of the closed system is ( ) = . The angles of
loop characteristic equation meet at a
arrival of its root loci are
single point is
(A) 10/9 (C) 30/9 ( ) ( )
(B) 20/9 (D) 40/9 5
( ) ( )
IN - 2011
22. Consider the second-order system with
the characteristic equation
( ) ( 5) 0. Based on the
properties of the root loci, it can be shown
that the complex portion of the root loci
of the given system for 0 < < ∞ is
described by a circle, and the two
breakaway points on the real axis are
( ) 5 ( ) 5 √ 0

( ) 5 √5 ( ) 5 √5

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Answer Keys and Explanations

1. [Ans. D] So option A and D are crossed out
roduct of pha or dra n fro There are 2 asymptotes. So number of
( )
op n loop pol to that point poles is two more than number of zeros.
roduct of pha or dra n fro Since there has to be one zero at either
( )
op n loop ro to that point , or , the remaining break
√ 0 √5√ frequencies are all poles
k| √ 00 0
on id r ∑ ∑
option ,
2. [Ans. B]
( )
0 √ ntroid point h r th a y ptot t
( )
Angle of departure is 0
Where ; 5
0 5 5 The picture forms to this
For option C, centroid is at 0 which is
3. [Ans. B] wrong
From plot we can observe that one pole Hence Option B is correct.
terminates at one zero at position and
three poles terminates to ∞ . It means 6. [Ans. *] Range 0.32 to 0.41
there are four poles and 1 zero. Pole at
goes on both sides. It means there are two
poles at ξ 0.5

4. [Ans. D]
For larger values of K, it will encircle the 0

critical point ( 0), which makes

closed-loop system unstable.

5. [Ans. B]
( )
( )
θ co ξ 0
| | 0.5
So the co-ordinates of point A is

0.5 co 0 0.5 in 0 0. 5
On the root locus, we know | ( )|

t 0. 5
There are 4 poles/zeros at
| ( )| k | || | 0. 5
s = 1, , ,
There has to be one pole – zero pair at
, both cannot be poles or zeros
at the same time.

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7. [Ans. *]Range: 12 to 12 11. [Ans. *] Range: 0.95 to 1.05

k From the Bode diagram at , the
. i 0
( )( ) phase Angle is 5
k 0 5 |
By using Routh Table, row should be tan ( ) tan ( )
zero. For poles to be on imaginary axis 0. 0
k tan ( )
0 ; k hould b . p
5 tan ( . ) tan ( )
8. [Ans. *]Range: 25 to 26
tan ( )
By Magnitude condition
| (( ) ( )| 5 . 5. tan ( )
k| |
| || || | 5 tan ( )
√ 0√ √5
√ EE
5.5 12. [Ans. C]
o valu i 5.5 Characteristic equation
( )( ) k( ) 0
9. [Ans. *] Range: 0.29 to 0.31 k( )
0 k( ) 0
( ) ( ) {k 0k} ( )( )
Comparing with 1 + G(s) H(s) = 0
ngth of pol
k iv n pt . 5 G(s)H(s) = open-loop transfer function
ngth of ro
k( )
0. 5 ( T )
k ( )( )
0. 5
k ; 0k ; k 0. Number of zeros = Z = 1, zero at
Number of poles = P = 3
Poles at 0,
10. [Ans. *] Range: 1.2 to 1.3
iv n op n loop tran f r function Number of branches terminating at
infinity =
( ) Angle of asymptotes
( 5 5)
( k ) 0
( ) ( ) 0
( 5 5)
( ) 0
( 5 5) ( k ) 0
or r ak point calculation n d
0 and 0
0 pol ro
d ntroid
5 0 .5
0 ( )
t .5
( )
. 5 5( .5) 5
or agnitud rit rion | ( )|
at .5
| |
. 5 .5
| | . 5
. 5
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Given root locus is complementary root
locus for which either k < 0 or loop gain
is +ve means +ve feedback, means G(s) is
always +ve
k 0
k ∞ So for k > 0
( ) ( )
( )( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) k
Breakaway point lies in the range ( ) ( )( ) k
< [ ] < 0 and two branches
terminates at infinity along the 15. [Ans. D]
asymptotes Re(s)
16. [Ans. A]
13. [Ans. A]
( ) 0
k( )
( ) ( ) k 0
( )
ntroid d
ngl of a y ptot 0
0. i th olution ak k 0
0, , ,…( – Z – 1)
17. [Ans. A]
0 0
for poles at zero T ( )
( )( )
[ 0 ]
Now, characteristics equation
( ) ( ) 0
o Rool locus is
k| k| 0
( )( )
( 5 0 )
or br ak a ay point 0
0 d
2 ⁄ [ 0 ] 0
g t
Therefore valid break away point is s = 2,
So all these roots have nearly equal real now gain at s = 2 is
parts on left half plane when k ∞ roduct of di tanc fro all
th pol to br ak a ay point
14. [Ans. C] roduct of di tanc fro all
th ro to br ak a ay point

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IN ( 0 )
18. [Ans. B] ( b)
With unity DC gain, poles at We need to find the breakaway point.
, and and no finite zeros dk dk
o, 0 or, 0
d d
lant T.
( )( )( ) ( b)( 0 ) ( 0 ) 0
0 b 0b 0 0
19. [Ans. C] ( b 0) 0b 0
. ( ) . o , 0 is not the breakaway point
T( )
( ) ( )( )( ) o, ( b 0) 0b 0
( ) 0 For all the three root loci to meet at a
single point, we need that this equation
( ) has equal roots.
( )
o, ( b 0) 0b
( ) b 0b 00 0b
row has zero elements if 6k = 60 or b 00b 00 0
k = 10 then 2 roots lie on the imaginary axis b(b 0) 0(b 0) 0
given by 0, √ . If k > 10, ( b 0)(b 0) 0
the root at √ hift to of plan o, b 0 or
But b = 20 is not the required value of b
20. [Ans. C]
because it will cancel out an open-loop
k( )
( ) pole
( ) 0
( ) o, b i th r uir d valu
( )
dk 22. [Ans. C]
d ( )
( ). ( ). ( ) ( 5)
( ) dk
0 d
S= √ 0.5 , . (( 5). (
) ( ). )
RL exists at 3.41 ( 5)
( ) 0 5 0
0 √ 00 0
5 √ 0

23. [Ans. D]

( )
( )
( )( )
( ( ))( ( ))
( )
( )( )
21. [Ans. B]
k( b)
( )
( 0)
For unity feedback, characteristic
equation is 1+ G(s) = 0
0 k kb 0

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Angle at which RLD approaches to zeros

is the angle of arrival for zeros.
θ ,θ [ θ]
θ( ) [ ( )]

θ tant ( )

θ [ tan ( )]

θ [ [ tant ( )]]

|θ| |θ | tan ( )

24. [Ans. ]
nt r ction of a y ptot
u of pol u of ro
nu b r of pol nu b r of ro
(0 0 0) ( )

25. [Ans. A]
Angle of arrival is calculated on a complex
zero and it is given by,
(at a v i aginary ro)
( i)( i)
( )
( i)( i)
( i)
[ i i][ i i]
[ i i][ i i]
[ i]
( i)
[ i][ ]
0 [ 0 tan ] [ 0]
0 0 5 0 5
0 5 5
Other angle will be same with opposite

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Frequency Response Analysis Using Nyquist plot

ECE - 2009 3. The signal flow graph that DOES NOT

Common Data for Question 1 and 2 model the plant transfer function ( ) is
The Nyquist plot of a stable transfer (A)
1 1/s 1/s 1/s
function G(s) is shown in the figure. We u 100 y
are interested in the stability of the closed
loop system in the feedback configuration
shown (B)

1/s 1/s 1/s 100

u y


1/s 1/s 1/s 100 y




1/s 1/s 1/s 100

u y

1. Which of the following statement is true?

(A) G(s) is an all-pass filter 4. The gain margin of the system under
(B) G(s) has a zero in the right-half plane closed loop unity negative feedback is
(C) G(s) is the impedance of a passive (A) 0 dB (C) 26 dB
network (B) 20 dB (D) 46 dB
(D) G(s) is marginally stable
5. For the transfer function
2. The gain and phase margins of G(s) for ( ) the corresponding Nyquist
closed loop stability are plot for the positive frequency has the form
(A) 6 dB and (C) 6 dB and ( ) ( )
(B) 3 dB and (D) 3 dB and

ECE - 2011 5
Common Data Question 3 and 4
( ) ( )
The input – output transfer function of a
plant ( ) . The plant is placed
( ) 5
in a unity negative feedback configuration
as shown in the figure below.
( )
( )

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ECE - 2015 () e( )
( ) ()
6. The polar plot of the transfer function
( )
( ) fo ≤ < ∞ wi be i he
(A) first quadrant (C) third quadrant
(B) second quadrant (D) fourth quadrant (A) 0 (C) 1.0
(B) 0.5 (D) ∞
7. Consider a continuous time signal defined
EE - 2007
10. If x = Re G(j ), and y = Im G(j ) then for
i ( ⁄ ) → , the Nyquist plot for
() ( ) ∑ ( )
( ⁄ ) G(s)=1/s(s+1)(s+2)
Whe e ‘*’ de o e he co vo io becomes asymptotic to the line
operation and t is in seconds. The Nyquist (A) x = 0 (C) x = y ⁄
sampling rate (in samples/sec) for x(t) (B) x = ⁄ (D) d = y / √
EE - 2009
ECE - 2016 11. The polar plot of an open loop stable
8. A closed-loop control system is stable if system is shown below. The closed loop
the Nyquist plot of the corresponding system is
open-loop transfer function
(A) Encircles the s-p e poi ( )
in the counterclockwise direction as
many times as the number of right- Real
half s-plane poles. ∞
(B) Encircles the s-p e poi ( )
in the clockwise direction as many
times as the number of right-half s-
plane poles. (A) Always stable
(C) Encircles the s-p e poi ( ) (B) Marginally stable
in the counterclockwise direction as (C) Unstable with one pole on the RHS s-
many times as the number of left-half plane
s-plane poles. (D) Unstable with two poles on the RHS
(D) Encircles the s-p e poi ( )
in the counterclockwise direction as
many times as the number of right- 12. The open loop transfer function of a
half s-plane zeros. unity feedback system is given by
(e )⁄
G(s) = The gain margin of this
9. For the unity feedback control system system is
shown in the figure, the open-loop (A) 11.95dB (C) 21.33dB
transfer function G(s) is given as (B) 17.67dB (D) 23.9dB
( )
( ) EE - 2010
The steady state error e due to a unit 13. The frequency response of
step input is ( ) ( )( ) plotted in the
complex ( ) plane (for < < ∞) is

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(A) Im EE - 2011
14. A two-loop position control system is
3/4 shown below.
( ) ( )
Re ( )


The gain k of the Tacho-generator

𝛚=0 influences mainly the
(B) (A) peak overshoot
𝛚=0 Im (B) natural frequency of oscillation
(C) phase shift of the closed loop
transfer function at very low
frequencies ( → )
(D) phase shift of the closed loop
transfer function at very high
frequencies ( → ∞)
EE - 2015
(C) 𝛚=0 Im 15. Nyquist plots of two functions ( ) and
( ) are shown in figure

∞ ( )

( )

Nyquist plot of the product of (s) and

1/6 (s) is
( )

Re ∞

( )



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( ) IN - 2009
20. A unity feedback control loop with an
open transfer function of the form ( )
has a gain crossover frequency of 1 rad/s
and a phase margin of . If an element
( ) ∞

having a transfer function is inserted

into the loop, the phase margin will
(A) (C)
0 (B) (D)

EE - 2016 IN - 2011
16. Loop transfer function of a feedback Common Data for Questions 21 and 22
system is ( ) ( ) . Take the The open-loop transfer function of a unity
( )
Nyquist contour in the clockwise negative feedback control system is given
direction. Then, the Nyquist plot of by G(s) = ( )
G(s)H(s) encircles 21. The value of K for the phase margin of the
(A) Once in clockwise direction system to be 45° is
(B) Twice in clockwise direction
(A) 250√ (C) 125√
(C) Once in anticlockwise direction
(B) 250√ (D) 125√
(D) Twice in anticlockwise direction

IN - 2008 22. The v e of K fo he d pi g io ζ o

17. For the closed loop system shown below be 0.5, corresponding to the dominant
to be stable, the value of time delay TD (in closed-loop complex conjugate pole pair
seconds) should be less than is
(A) 250 (C) 75
( ) (B) 125 (D) 50
( )

e IN - 2012
(A) ⁄ (C) ⁄ 23. The open loop transfer function of a unity
(B) ⁄ (D) negative feedback control system is given
Statement for Linked Answer Q. No. 18 & 19
( )
Consider a unity feedback system with ( )( )
open loop transfer function The gain margin of the system is
(A) 10.8 dB (C) 34.1dB
( )
( )( ) (B) 22.3dB (D) 45.6dB
18. The phase crossover frequency of the
system in radians per second is IN - 2014
(A) 0.125 (C) 0.5 24. The loop transfer function of a feedback
(B) 0.25 (D) 1 control system is given by
( ) ( )
19. The gain margin of the system is ( )( )
(A) 0.125 (C) 0.5 Its phase crossover frequency (in rad/s),
(B) 0.25 (D) 1 approximated to two decimal places, is __.

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IN-2015 (A) A stable, type-0 system

25. A transfer function G(s) with the degree (B) A stable, type-1 system
of its numerator polynomial zero and the (C) An unstable, type-0 system
degree of its denominator polynomial two (D) An unstable, type-1 system
has a Nyquist plot shown in the figure.
The transfer function represents IN-2016
( ( )) 26. The number of times the Nyquist plot
→ of ( ) will encircle the origin
clockwise is ______.

e( ( ))

Answer Keys and Explanations

1. [Ans. B] ( )

2. [Ans. C] ( )
At | ( ) ( )|
| ( ) ( )|
GM = 20 og | | d
i d og d
At ( ) ( )
PM = 5. [Ans. A]
( )
3. [Ans. D]
𝐹or option (D). So ( ) is a straight line parallel to
( ) axis.
( )
6. [Ans. A]
Which i o fe f c io of ( )
( )
( )
4. [Ans. C]
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
For phase cross-over frequency,
∞ <

( )
d ec

( ) ( )
( ) ∞
| ( ) ( )|

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So, zero is nearer to imaginary axis. Hence Given that closed loop system is stable
plot will move clockwise direction. It is means z = 0 N = P
first quadrant. So he q i e ci c e he – plane
point ( 1 +j0) in the counter clockwise
7. [Ans. *] Range: 0.39 to 0.41 direction as many times as the number of
i ( ⁄ ) right half s – plane poles
() ∑ ( )
( ⁄ )
9. [Ans. A]
Convolution in time domain becomes
multiplication is frequency domain ( )
( )
( )
∑ (f f )
p i ep i p ( )
( )
T e i
→ ( ) ( )


i ( ⁄ )
( )
( ⁄ )

10. [Ans. B]
∑ ( ) ( ) ( )
f ( )
Multiplication in frequency domain will ( )( ) ( )( )
result maximum frequency is 0.2. p o ic o →

11. [Ans. D]
2 clockwise encirclement of 1 + j0
= 0; N = 2

Z = number of closed loop poles in RHS

Hence system is unstable
Thus Nyquist rate= 0.4 samples/sec
12. [Ans. D]
8. [Ans. A] Open loop transfer function,
From the principal of argument theorem e
the number of encirclements about ( )
( )i – Put s =
Where P = Number of open loop poles on e
Right – Half of s – plane ( )
Z = Number of Closed Loop Poles on At phase crossover frequency ( )
Right Half of s – plane
phase of OLTF is
( )|

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15. [Ans. B]

|e |i w fo v e of
( ) ( )
| ( )|
( ) ( )
i (ph e c o f eq e c )

| ( )| 16. [Ans. A]
q i p o of ( ) ( )
i gi og
| ( )| i how be ow
( )

13. [Ans. A]
( ) w ∞ w
( )
(( ) ( ) ) (( ) ( )) w
w ∞

( ) ∞
→ ∞
G (j ) 0+ From the Nyquist plot G(s) H(s) encircle
Option (A) satisfies above once in clockwise direction.

14. [Ans. A] IN
17. [Ans. C]
( )
T( )
(K ) ( ) ( )
( )
(K )

d ec
(K )
is dependent on K (A) is correct ( ) ( )
is independent of K (B) is not
T( ) ( ) e
( ) (K )
(K ) For system to be stable G(s) should lie in
T( ) ( ) the left of ( 1, 0)
ow f eq e cie T( ) ≈ For finding the critical/ marginal value
apply phase condition
high f eq e cie T( ) ≈
wT w
( ) d (D) are partially correct T

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22. [Ans. A]
fo ( ) e
h c e i ic eq io
| ( )| | e | ( )
( K)
w w The dominant poles are given by
So w ( K)
( )
o be e T < K

18. [Ans. C] ζ
( ) ( ) K
o ζ
( ) ( )

d ec 23. [Ans. C]
= 15 r/s
19. [Ans. A]
| ( )| √ √

i d og [ ]
20. [Ans. A]
24. [Ans. *]Range 0.30 to 0.34
of T( )
( ) ( )
( ( )) ( )( )

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
(S √ )
T( )
( √ ) ( )
PM of T (s) = T( )| ( )

21. [Ans. B] ∞
So =1
( )
( )
| ( )|
| |
( )
K √

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25. [Ans. D] 26. [Ans. *] Range: 1 to 1

( )

( )

On varying o ∞
( )|
( )|

( )|
Consider the Transfer function to be Now on varying o ∞
( )|
( )
( ) ( )|
g i de ( )|
√ ( ) On plotting
( )

h e ( )

e ( )
∞ ∞

O p io of ( ) is true
No. of times the Nyquist plot encircle
The system is type-1 and is unstable
the origin clockwise = 1

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Frequency Response Analysis Using Bode Plot

ECE - 2007 ECE - 2014

1. The asymptotic bode plot of a transfer 3. The phase margin in degrees of
function is as shown in the figure. The ( ) calculated using
( )( )( )
transfer function G(s) corresponds to this
the asymptotic Bode plot is ________.
Bode plot is
|G( )|(dB) 4. In a Bode magnitude plot, which one of
the following slopes would be exhibited at
60 high frequencies by a 4th order all-pole
20 dB/decade system
(A) (C)
(B) (D)
40 dB/decade
20 5. The Bode asymptotic magnitude plot of a
minimum phase system is shown in the
0 0 figure.
0.1 1 10 100

60 dB/decade

( ) | ( )|
( )( ) ( )

( )
( )( )
( ⁄ )
( )
( )( ) If the system is connected in a unity
( ) negative feedback configuration, the
( )( ) steady state error of the closed loop
system, to a unit ramp input, is_________.
ECE - 2010
2. For the asymptotic Bode magnitude plot ECE-2015
shown below, the system transfer 6. The transfer function of a mass-spring-
function can be damper system is given by
( )
The frequency response data for the
system are given in the following table.
⁄ | ( )|
( )
0.2 2.6
( ) ( ) 1 16.9
2 89.4
( ) ( ) 3 151
5 167
10 174.5

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The unit step response of the system (A) Three poles and one zero
approaches a steady state value of (B) Two poles and one zero
__________ (C) Two poles and two zeros
(D) One pole and two zeros
7. Consider the Bode plot shown in figure.
Assume that all the poles and zeros are EE - 2009
real valued. 11. The asymptotic approximation of the
log-magnitude vs frequency plot of a
system containing only real poles and
zeros is shown. Its transfer function is
40 dB / dec
60 dB / dec
80 dB
( )

The value of (in Hz) is ______.

8. The phase margin (in degrees) of the

system ( ) is _________
( )
0.1 2 5 25

ECE-2016 ( )
( )
9. The forward-path transfer function and ( )( )
the feedback-path transfer function of a ( )
( )
single loop negative feedback control ( )( )
system are given as ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( ) ( )( )
respectively. If the variable parameter K ( )
( )
is real positive, then the location of the ( )( )
breakaway point on the root locus
diagram of the system is __________ EE - 2011
12. The frequency response of the linear
EE - 2008 system ( ) is provided in the tabular
10. The asymptotic Bode magnitude plot of a form below.
minimum phase transfer function is | ( )| ( )
shown in the figure. 1.3
| ( )| 40 dB/ decade 1.2
(dB) 1.0
20 dB/ decade 0.5
0.1 ( )
(log scale) The gain margin and phase margin of the
system are
0 0 dB/ decade
This transfer function has (B)

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EE - 2014 | ( π )|
13. The Bode magnitude plot of the transfer
( )( ) 20
function ( ) is shown
( )( )( )
Note that -6 dB/octave = -20 dB/decade.
The value of is_______
0. 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k f(Hz)
1( )
( ) ( )
( )
( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )

EE - 2016
17. The phase cross-over frequency of the
( ⁄ ) transfer function G(s) = ( )
in rad/s is

( ) √ ( )
14. For the transfer function
( )
( ) ( ) ( ) √
( )( ) √
The values of the constant gain term and
the highest corner frequency of the Bode 18. Consider the following asymptotic Bode
plot respectively are magnitude plot ( is in rad/s)
(A) 3.2, 5.0 (C) 3.2, 4.0

(B) 16.0, 4.0 (D) 16.0, 5.0


15. The magnitude Bode plot of a network is

shown in the figure
| ( )|

Which one of the following transfer

function is best represented by the above
bode magnitude plot?
The maximum phase angle and the
( )
corresponding gain respectively, are ( )( )
(A) 30° and 1.73dB ( )
( )
(B) 30° and 4.77dB ( )
(C) + 30° and 4.77dB
( )
(D) + 30° and 1.73dB ( )( )
( )
EE - 2015 ( )( )
16. A Bode magnitude plot for the transfer
function G(s) of a plant is shown in the IN - 2008
figure. Which one of the following 19. The Bode asymptotic plot of a transfer
transfer functions best describes the function is given below. In the frequency
palnt? range shown, the transfer function has

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dB The gain (20 log|G(s)|) is 32 dB and -8 dB

at 1 rad/s and 10 rad/s respectively. The
+ 20dB /
phase is negative for all . Then G(s) is
20dB /
0dB / decade decade ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

22. The discrete – time transfer function

(A) 3 poles and 1 zero
(B) 1 pole and 2 zeroes is
(C) 2 poles and 1 zero (A) Non – minimum phase and unstable.
(D) 2 poles and 2 zeroes (B) Minimum phase and unstable.
(C) Minimum phase and stable.
IN - 2010 (D) Non – minimum phase and stable.
20. The asymptotic Bode magnitude plot of a
lead network with its pole and zero on the IN-2015
left half of the s-plane is shown in the 23. The filter whose transfer function is of the
adjoining figure. The frequency at which
form ( ) is
the phase angle of the network is
maximum (in rad/s) is (A) a high-pass filter
(B) a low-pass filter
(C) an all-pass filter
(D) a band-reject filter

24. The transfer function G(s) of a system
(log scale)
which has the asymptotic Bode plot
shown below is
( ) ( ) Bode Diagram

Phase (Degree) Magnitude (dB)

( ) ( )

IN - 2013
21. The Bode plot of a transfer function G(s)
is shown in the figure below.
Gain (dB)

Frequency (rad/sec)
20 ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
0 ( ) ( )
( ) ( )
1 10
( ) ( )
( )

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Answer Keys & Explanations

ECE 5. [Ans. *] Range 0.49 to 0.51

1. [Ans. D] From the Bode plot given, we can see that
there are 2 break frequencies at = 2
( )
( )( ) and = 10 rad/sec. Also it is a type 1
( ) system.
So, the transfer function is
’ y y
( )
( )
| ( )
At = 1 rad/sec, | ( )|
| (given)
K = 100 20 log | |

2. [Ans. A] ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )
( ) In s domain,
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )
( ) ( )
3. [Ans. *] Range 42 to 48 ( )
| ( )|
( )

( )

6. [Ans. *] Range: 0.10 to 0.13

( )
( ) y( )
y( ) ( )
( )
( )
( )( )( )
y( )
From the plot frequency at which gain is 0
dB is ⁄ | ( )|
( )|
| ( )|

| |
4. [Ans. A]
In a transfer function if all are poles if we ( )
plot the BODE diagram, then an each and
every corner frequency we have to y( )
introduce a line of slope y( )
and hence on the 4th frequency the slope
of line will become – 80 dB/sec and will 7. [Ans. *] Range: 8970 to 8970
continue upto infinity Slope from frequency to 300 is 40
Rise of 40 dB from to 300 implied
frequency change is one decade

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Hence 300 = 10 √ √

y √

y 3.14

8. [Ans. *] Range: 84 to 84.5 EE

( ) 10. [Ans. C]
( ) Initial slope is – 40 dB/decade, it means
( ) there are double pole at origin. Slope
( ) changes from dB/decade to
( y) dB/decade. It means there is a zero.
| ( )| Slope changes from dB/decade to 0
dB/decade at some other frequency. It
|| || means there is one more zero. Therefore
√ transfer function has two poles and zeros.

√ 11. [Ans. B]
( )
( ) ( )( )

Solving we have
( )|
( ) ( ⁄ )
( )
( )( )
9. [Ans. *] Range: to ( )
( )
( ) ( ) ( )( )
( ) ( )
12. Ans. A]
( )
At gain across over frequency ( ),
magnitude of ( ) is 1.
| ( )|
( ) ( ) Phase of ( ) ( )
[ ] Phase of margin = ( )

( )( ) ( )
[ ] At phase cross frequency ( )
( )
( ) ( )
[ ] ( )
( )
| ( )|
[ ] Gain margin=
( )

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13. [Ans. *] Range 0.7 to 0.8

For initial dotted slope √ ( )
√ √
( ) ( ) √
√ ( )

( )|

( )( )
( ) 16. [Ans. D]
( )( )( )

( ) ( )

14. [Ans. A] ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( )( )
( ) y

( )( )( )

( )
( ) ( )
y ( )
( ) ( )

15. [Ans. C] 17. [Ans. A]

( ) ( )
( ) ( )
( ) ( )
Phase cross over frequency
( ) ( )
( )

18. [Ans. A]
( )
Magnitude (dB)

( ) ( )

0.5 8

[ ]

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( ) Is 1 dec are change & change is (G) is


Initial slope is 20 dB/dec, thus in

numerator term will be there. ( )
From point , slope decreased to 0, i.e., | | = 32 dB
dB/dec applied. So, in denominator
( ) ( )|

( )

( ) 22. [Ans. D]

( )
For minimum phase system, all poles and
zeros must lie inside the unit circle. For
( )( )
stable system, all poles must be inside the
IN unit circle. For the system, zero is at 2
19. [Ans. C] pole is at 0.5. This system is stable but
Compare with Bode magnitude plot of non – minimum phase.
standard transfer function.
23. [Ans. C]
( )
( )
24. [Ans. B]
( )
Since the initial slope is 0 dB/decade, thus
( ) it a type zero system
( )
( )
has 2 poles and 1 zero

20. [Ans. B]
This condition is only for phase lead N/W

21. [Ans. B] ( ) ( )
32 dB
( ) ( )
( )
( )
1 10

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Compensators & Controllers

ECE - 2007 .
1. A control system with PD controller is
shown in the figure. If the velocity error
constant Kv =1000 and the damping ratio
ξ =0.5, then the values of Kp and KD are
Group II
r K +K s y 1. PID controller
s(s 0)
2. Lead compensator
3. Lag compensator
(A) Q – 1, R – 2 (C) Q – 2, R – 3
(A) K = 00, K = 0.0 (B) Q – 1, R – 3 (D) Q – 3, R – 2
(B) K = 00, K = 0.
ECE - 2009
(C) K = 0, K = 0.0
4. The magnitude plot of a rational transfer
(D) K = 0, K = 0.
function G(s) with real coefficients is
shown below. Which of the following
2. The open-loop transfer function of a plant compensators has such a magnitude plot?
is given as [ (s) = ]. If the plant is | (jω)|
operated in a unity feedback 20dB
configuration, Then the lead compensator
that can stabilize this control system is log ω
0(s ) 0(s ) 0
( ) ( )
s s 0 (A) Lead compensator
0(s ) 0(s ) (B) Lag compensator
( ) ( )
s s 0 (C) PID compensator
(D) Lead – lag Compensator
ECE - 2008
3. Group 1 gives two possible choices for the ECE - 2010
impedance Z in the diagram. The circuit 5. A unity negative feedback closed loop
elements in Z satisfy the condition system has a plant with the transfer
R2C2 >R1C1. The transfer function
function G(s) = and a controller
represents a kind of controller. Match the
(s) in the feed forward path. For a unit
impedances in Group I with the types of
step input, the transfer function of the
controllers in Group II.
controller that gives minimum steady
Z state error is
- ( ) (s) =
+ s
( ) (s) =
Group I (s )(s )
( ) (s) =
. (s )(s )

. ( ) (s) = s

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ECE - 2012 (C) A lag-lead compensator that provides

Statement Linked answer Questions 6 & 7 an amplification of 20 dB and a phase
The transfer function of a compensator is lag of 450 at the frequency of √
given as rad/s.
s a (D) A lag-lead compensator that provides
(s) =
s an attenuation of 20 dB and phase
6. (s) is a lead compensator if
lead of 450 at the frequency of 3
(A) = , = (C) = , =
(B) = , = (D) = , =
EE - 2008
7. The phase of the above lead compensator
11. The transfer function of two
is maximum at
compensators are given below
(A) √ a s (C) √ a s 0 (s ) s 0
(B) √ a s (D) √ a s = , =
(s 0) 0 (s )
Which one of the following statements is
ECE-2015 correct?
8. A lead compensator network includes a (A) C1 is a lead compensator and C2 is a
parallel combination of R and C in the lag compensator
feed-forward path. If the transfer function (B) C1 is a lag compensator and C2 is a
of the compensator is ( )= , the lead compensator
value of RC is _________ (C) Both C1 and C2 are lead
9. The transfer function of a first order (D) Both C1 and C2 are lag compensators
controller is given as
K(s a) EE-2016
(s) =
s 12. For the network shown in the figure
Where K, a and b are positive numbers. below, the frequency (in rad/s) at which
The condition for this controller to act as the maximum phase lag occurs is ______.
a phase lead compensator is
(A) a < b (C) K < ab
(B) a > b (D) K > ab
v v

EE - 2007
10. The system 900/s(s+1)(s+9) is to be
compensated such that its gain-crossover
IN - 2007
frequency becomes same as its
13. A Cascade control system with
uncompensated phase-crossover frequ-
proportional controllers is shown below.
ency and provides a 450 phase margin. To
achieve this, one may use K K
( )( ) ( s )
(A) A lag compensator that provides an
attenuation of 20 dB and a phase lag
of 450 at the frequency of √ rad/s
(B) A lead compensator that provides an Theoretically, the largest values of the
amplification of 20dB and a phase gains K and K that can be set without
lead of 450 at the frequency of 3 causing instability of the closed loop
rad/s system are:

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(A) 10 and 100 (C) 10 and 10 IN - 2014

(B) 100 and 10 (D) ∞ an ∞ 15. Consider the control system shown in
figure with feed forward action for
ECE/EE/IN - 2013 rejection of a measurable disturbance
14. The open – loop transfer function of a dc d(t). The value of K, for which the
( ) disturbance response at the output 𝑦(𝑡) is
motor is given as ( )
= . When
zero mean, is:
connected in feedback as shown below, (t)
the approximate value of that will
reduce the time constant of closed loop
system by one hundred times as (t) 50
compared to that of the open – loop
system is
R(s) (s) 0 (s)
K (A) 1 (C) 2
(B) 1 (D) 2

(A) 1 (C) 10
(B) 5 (D) 100

Answer Keys & Explanations

ECE 3. [Ans. B]
1. [Ans. B]
00( )
(s) = =
(s 0s 00 00 ) s
= (s) (s) =
(K K ) 00 s
000 =
(s 0) s
= 00 =
comparing Eq.(1) with standard 2nd s
order equation
ω = 00 ω = 0√ = 00 s
(s) (s )(s )
ξω = 0 00 = =
00 = 0 00 = 0. (s) s
The above equation is a PID controller
2. [Ans. A] o =
(s) = =
s (s )(s ) =
The lead compensator C(s) should first
(s) (s )
stabilize the plant i.e. remove term = =
( ) (s) (s )
0(s ) The above equation is a lag compensator.
(s). (s) =
(s )(s ) (s ) ( )
Only option (A) is satisfies.

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4. [Ans. D] 9. [Ans. A]
| ( ω)| plot shows presence of 2 poles & K( a)
K(jω a)
(s) = =
2 zeroes in Bode equivalent plot (jω )
hase = tan ω a tan ω
5. [Ans. D] For phase lead tan ω a > tan ω
e = . (s) since phase should be positive
s 0 a
= s.
s 0 s( (s) (s))
= 0 fo ( ) 10. [Ans. D]
6. [Ans. A] | = 0
s(s )(s )
ω ω
= tan tan
a ω = = = a se
for phase lead should be positive √ √ .
ω ω
tan tan 00
| (jω ) (jω )| = | |
a s(s )(s )
Option (A) & (C) satisfies, it may be
observed have be observed that option (C)
will have poles and zero in RHS of s – plane, 00
thus not possible (not a practical system)
it can be concluded that option (A) is right = , =
00 ( . a )
7. [Ans. A] = = 0
ω ( a )
(ω) = tan ω tan
For maximum phase shift = 0 log
| (jω ) (jω )|
ω = 0 log ( )= 0
. =0 Negative GM implies that the system is
ω ω⁄
unstable. ω should become ω gain
= cross over frequency,
ω ω ω = a se , the magnitude should
ω ω =0
be 0dB.
ω =
To make the magnitude ‘0’ at
ω=√ a se ω = a se a lag compensator which
gives an attenuation of 20dB(before
8. [Ans. *]Range: 0.5 to 0.5
compensation the magnitude is 20dB)
ven (s) = and to obtain 45 phase margin at
ω = a se a lead compensator with
e o= = = a phase lead of 45 is used.
A lag lead compensator that provides an
ole = = =
attention of 20dB and phase lead of 45 at
o, = 0.5 the frequency of 3 rad/sec is used.

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11. [Ans. A] For stability, according to R-H array

ω ω s 6 (6+3k2)
= tan tan
0 s 11 ( )
s al a s os t ve s ( ) 0
ω ω
= tan tan
0 s ( ) 0
is always negative For stable system all elements of first
s lea an s lag o ensato column should be greater than zero. By
substituting all the given options in
12. [Ans. *] Range: 0.30 to 0.33 oeff ent of ’ ll g ve negat ve value
ssu ng = = except option D.
We can write

(s) 14. [Ans. C]

= s
Open loop transfer function of a dc motor
s as
s (s) 0
= =
( ) s (s) 0s
s R(s) (s) 0 (s)
= K
( ) s
et =
Topic: P controller with unity feed back
(s) s
en e = Formula: For first order system loop
(s) ( s) ( )
h h e esent a lag o ensato transfer function is = comparing
( )
e e = = . = se with
( )
= = 0. Now for
( )
= = 0 closed loop overall transfer function is
Maximum phase lag occurs at frequency given by
K (
ω = = (s)
= 0s)
√ √ 0 (s) 0
( 0s)
= 0. a se
K 0 0K
= =
IN 0s K 0 0s ( 0 )
13. [Ans. D] Dividing numerator and denominator by
( )( ) ( s ) 0K
(s) 0K
o =
(s) 0
( 0K )s
(s) 0
((s )( s ) )( s ) o =
( o a ng f o fo ula)
In Question given that time constant of
= closed loop system is times of
(s) ((s )( s ) )( s )
Characteristics equation is so
s s ( )s ( )=0 0K

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= 0( = )
00 00
0K = 00
0K =
K = . 0
K = 0 approximate value

15. [Ans. D]
(s) = (s) ( (s) 50 (s)) [ ]
(s) = 0
(s) (s) [ ]=0
(s) [ ]=0
(s) [ ]=0
Zero means at ω = 0

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State Variable Analysis

ECE - 2007 ECE - 2008

1. The state space representation of a 4. A signal flow graph of a system is given
separately excited DC servo motor below
dynamics is given as,
1 1 1/s

[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
Where is the speed of the motor, is 1 1 1/s
the armature current and u is the
armature voltage. The transfer function
of the motor is The set of equations that correspond to
this signal flow graph is

(A) ( ) [ ]( )

[ ]( )
Common Data Questions 2 and 3
Consider a linear system whose state
space representation is ̇ (t) = Ax (t). If (B) ( ) [ ]( )
the initial state vector of the system is
x(0) = [ ], then the system response is [ ]( )

x(t) = [ ]. If the initial state vector

(C) ( ) [ ]( )
of the system changes to x (0) = [ ],
then the system response becomes
[ ]( )
x (t) = [ ].
2. The Eigen value and eigenvector pairs
(D) [ ] [ ]( )
( for the system are
(A) ( [ ]) and ( [ ])
[ ]( )
(B) ( [ ]) and ( [ ])

(C) ( [ ]) and ( [ ]) ECE - 2009

(D) ( [ ]) and ( [ ]) 5. Consider the system = Ax + Bu with

A=[ ] and B = [ ] , where p and q

3. The system matrix A is
are arbitrary real numbers. Which of the
(A) [ ] (C) [ ] following statements about the
controllability of the system is true?
(B) [ ] (D) [ ]

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(A) The system is completely state A state space model of the above system
controllable for any nonzero values in terms of the state vector and the
of p and q output vector [ ] is
(B) Only P = 0 and q = 0 result in (A) ̇ [ ] [ ] [ ]
(C) The system is uncontrollable for all (B) ̇ [ ] [ ] [ ]
values of p and q
(C) ̇ [ ] [ ] [ ]
(D) We cannot conclude about
controllability from the given data (D) ̇ [ ] [ ] [ ]

ECE - 2010 ECE - 2012

Common Data for Questions 6 and 7 9. The state variable description of an LTI
The signal flow graph of a system is system is given by
shown below. ̇
[̇ ] [ ][ ] [ ]

[ ][ ]

Where y is the output and u is the input.

6. The state variable representation of the The system is controllable for
system can be (A) a1≠ 2 =0, a3 ≠
̇ [ ] [ ] (B) a1 =0, a2 ≠ 3≠
(A) (C) a1=0, a2 ≠ 3 =0
[ ]
(D) a1 ≠ 2 ≠ 3 =0
̇ [ ] [ ]
[ ] ECE - 2013
Statement for Linked Answer Q. No. 10 & 11
̇ [ ] [ ]
(C) The state diagram of a system is shown
[ ] below. A system is described by the state
̇ [ ] [ ] – variable equations
(D) ̇
[ ]
1 1 1 1 1
u y
7. The transfer function of the system is
⁄ ⁄
10. The state – variable equation of the
system shown in the figure above are
̇ [ ] [ ]
ECE - 2011 [ ]
8. The block diagram of a system with one ̇ [ ] [ ]
input and two outputs and is given (B)
below. [ ]
̇ [ ] [ ]
[ ]
̇ [ ] [ ]
[ ]

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11. The state transition matrix of the 15. The state equation of a second-order
system shown in the figure above is linear system is given by
(A) [ ] (C) [ ]
o [ ] [ ] n
(B) [ ] (D) [ ]
fo [ ] [ ]
ECE - 2014 h n [ ]
12. Consider the state space model of a
system, as given below (A) [ ]
[̇ ] [ ][ ] [ ] (B) [ ]
(C) [ ]
[ ][ ]
(D) [ ]
The system is
(A) controllable and observable 16. The state transition matrix of a
(B) uncontrollable and observable ̇
(C) uncontrollable and unobservable system [ ] [ ] [ ] is
(D) controllable and unobservable
(A) [ ] (C) [ ]

13. Consider the state space system (B) [ ] (D) [ ]

expressed by the signal flow diagram
shown in the figure.
ECE - 2015
17. The state variable representation of a
system is given as
̇ [ ] [ ]
̇ [ ]
The corresponding system is The response y(t) is
(A) always controllable (A) n (C) o
(B) always observable (B) (D) 0
(C) always stable
(D) always unstable 18. A network is described by the state model is
14. An unforced linear time invariant (LTI) ̇
system is represented by
̇ h n f f n on ( )
[ ] [ ][ ]
If the initial conditions are (0)=1 and
h ol on of h
equation is

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ECE - 2016 y(t) = x1(t)

19. In the feedback system shown below Where u(t)is the input and y(t) is the

22. The system transfer function is

The positive value of for which the gain

margin of the loop is exactly 0 dB and the
phase margin of the loop is exactly zero
degree is ___________ 23. The state transition matrix of the above
system is
EE - 2008
(A) [ ]
Statement for Linked Answer Q. No. 20 & 21
The state space equation of a system is (B) [ ]
described by ̇ = Ax + Bu, y = Cx, where
x is state vector, u is input, y is output and (C) [ ]
A=[ ] , B = [ ], C = [ ]
(D) [ ]
20. The transfer function G(s) of this system
will be
EE - 2010
24. The system ̇ with
[ ] [ ] is
(A) stable and controllable
(B) stable but uncontrollable
21. A unity feedback is provided to the above (C) unstable but controllable
system G(S) to make it a closed loop (D) unstable and uncontrollable
system as shown in figure.
EE - 2013
r + G(s) y Common Data Questions 25 and 26
( Σ ( The state variable formulation of a system
t t is given as
) ) ̇
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
For a unit step input r(t), the steady state n [ ][ ]
error in the output will be
25. The system is
(A) 0 (C) 2
(A) Controllable but not observable
(B) 1 (D)
(B) Not controllable but observable
(C) Both controllable and observable
EE - 2009
(D) Both not controllable and not
Common Data Questions: 22 & 23
A system is described by the following
state and output equations

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26. The response y(t) to a unit step input is EE - 2015

31. In the signal flow diagram given in the
figure, and are possible inputs
whereas and are possible outputs.
When would the SISO system derived
from this diagram be controllable and
EE - 2014
27. A system matrix is given as follows.
u1 x1 y1
[ ]

The absolute value of the ratio of the

maximum eigenvalue to the minimum
eigenvalue is _____

28. The second order dynamic system 1/s

u2 y2

the matrices P, Q and R as follows: (A) When is the only input and is
the only output
[ ]
(B) When is the only input and is
[ ] the only output
[ ] (C) When is the only input and is
The system has the following controllability the only output
and observability properties: (D) When is the only input and is
(A) Controllable and observable the only output
(B) Not controllable but observable
(C) Controllable but not observable 32. For the system governed by the set of
(D) Not controllable and not observable equations:

29. The state transition matrix for the system ⁄
[ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] is
̇ The transfer function Y(s)/U(s) is given by
(A) [ ] (C) [ ] (A)
(B) [ ] (D) [ ] (C)
30. Consider the system described by
following state space equations EE - 2016
̇ 33. Consider the following state-space
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
̇ representation of a linear time-invariant
[ ][ ] system
If u is unit step input, then the steady ̇ [ ]
state error of the system is
[ ] n [ ]. The value of y(t)
(A) 0 (C) 2/3
(B) 1/2 (D) 1 for t = lo is _____

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34. Consider a linear time invariant IN - 2015

system ̇ , with initial condition at 38. A system is represented in state-space as
t . Suppose and are eigenvectors of ̇ h [ ] n
2 2 matrix A corresponding to distinct
eigenvalues n respectively. Then the [ ] h l of ∝ fo h h h m
response of the system due to initial not controllable is __________.
condition is

IN - 2008
35. The state space representation of a
system is given by ̇ = [ ] X + [ ]u, y

= [1 0]x. The transfer function of the

system will be

IN - 2009
36. A linear time-invariant single-input
single-output system has a state space
model given by =Fx + Gu; y = Hx

Where F =[ ]; G=[ ]; H =[ ].
Here, x is the state vector, u is the input,
and y is the output. The damping ratio of
the system is
(A) 0.25 (C) 1
(B) 0.5 (D) 2

IN - 2011
37. The transfer function of the system
described by the state-space equations
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] is

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Answer Keys and Explanations

1. [Ans. A] [ ]=[ ]( ) + [ ]( )

5. [Ans. C]
[ ] [ ]
| | n on oll bl p, q

6. [Ans. B]

2. [Ans. A]
Let A = [ ]
[ ] ̇

find eigen vector From equation 1, 2, 3 the state variable

representation of the system is
3. [Ans. D]
̇ [ ] [ ]
From above, [ ] [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
7. [Ans. C]
4. [Ans. D] [ ]
[ ][ ][ ]

[ ][ ]

Method II
It can also be solved by applying the
M on’ n fo m l

8. [Ans. B]

[ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ]

One can denote any state by any name

So, that answer is
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Assign output of these integral with state

variable & input of these integral with
Similarly derivative of state variable.
1. Then find out the relation between
these derivative in terms of state
o variable and input
2. Similarly we can write the relation
between output and these variable
and input using state flow graph
̇ 3. Lets assume as state variable
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]

om on [ ] [ ] [ ] From the graph we can find that

[ ] ̇
9. [Ans. D]
̇ [ ̇ ]
[ ]=[ ][ ] + [ ]u ̇ ̇
From eq. (i) put value of ̇
y=[ ][ ] ̇
ml l ̇

A=[ ]& B = [ ] ̇
[ ]
In matrix form
So, AB = [ ][ ] = [ ] ̇
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ]

=[ ] ̇ [ ][ ] [ ]
So, the controllability matrix, h
[ ][ ]
⌈ ⌉ =[ ] [ ]

Determinant should be non-zero

11. [Ans. A]
So, a1a2 (– a2 ≠
[ ] [ ] [ ]
a2 ≠ [ ]
a3 may be 0
[ ] [ ]
| |
10. [Ans. A]
For state variable form, we have to find
number of integral (1/s) in the graph | |
[ ]
Take inverse Laplace transform both side

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[ ] [ ] [ ]
[ ] 2
[ ] [ ]
[ ] 3

12. [Ans. B] 2 3

[ ] [ ]
[ 2 3]
[ ] [ ]
Controllable matrix

[ ] [ ]

Rank is less than 3, so uncontrollable 15. [Ans. B]

Observability matrix Applying linearity property
o [ ]
[ ] [ ] b[ ] [ ]
[ ] o b
o [ ] [ ]
n o ob bl
[ ]
13. [Ans. A]
From the state diagram, the state equations
are 16. [Ans. D]
̇ [ ]
[̇ ][ ][ ] [ ]
̇ [ ] [ ]

[ ][ ] [ ]
The state controllable matrix is
[ ̇ ̇ ] [ ]

[ ]
[ ]
The rank of S is 3
So the system is always controllable
17. [Ans. D]
14. [Ans. C] ̇
[ ] [ ][ ]
̇ ⏟
[ ] [ ]

[ ⁄]
( ) [ ]
2 3
[ ][ ]

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18. [Ans. A]
[ ] [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ][ ] [ ]
[ ][ ] [ ] o [ ] [ ]

[ ] [ ][ ]
[ ][ ]
[ ] [ ]
o [ ]
[ ] [ ] [ ]

[ ]

19. [Ans. *] Range: 59.5 to 60.5 [ ]

[ ]

n f f n on
[ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]

Gain margin = 0 dB and [ ][ ]

phase margin = 0°
It implies marginal stable system
By Routh Array
1 11
6 23. [Ans. B]
s 0 [ ]

[ ]
For marginal stable system,

[ ]
20. [Ans. D]
[ ] ([ ] )[ ] [ ]

21. [Ans. A]
m m [ ]
( )

24. [Ans. C]
22. [Ans. C] [ AB] controllable | |≠
Selecting and as state variables ( ) has
̇ exponential with positive power

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25. [Ans. A] | |≠ on oll bl

M [ ] For observability:
[ ] [ ] [ ]
M ≠ on oll bl | | o ob bl
M [ ] [ ]
29. [Ans. C]
M o ob bl
[ ]

26. [Ans. A] State transition matrix | |

Y(t) [ ] {[ ] } [ ]

[ ] [ ]
| |

[ ] [ ]

[ ]
{| | } [ ]
[[ ] ]
[ ] 30. [Ans. A]
[ ] [[ ] ]
n f f n on

[ ]
[ ] [[ ] [ ]]
Y(t) [ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ] [ ]
27. [Ans. *] Range 2.9 to 3.1
Characteristic equation | |

| |

[ ] [ ]
[ ]
o lm

lm lm ( )

| |
| |
| | 31. [Ans. B]
| |
32. [Ans. A]
28. [Ans. C]
n [ ] [ ]
o on oll bl
[ ] [ ]
Considering the standard equation

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35. [Ans. A]
[ ] [ ][ ] [ ][ ]
[ ]
[ ][ ]
Transform function [ ]

[ ] [[ ] [ ]] [ ] ([ ][ ] [ ])

[ ][ ] [ ] ([ ][ ])

[ ][ ][ ]
36. [Ans. B]
The poles of the system are obtained from
the system matrix, F
det (SI – F )= 0
33. [Ans. *] Range: 5.9 to 6.1
The time response is given by [ ]
S(S + 2) + 4 = 0
[ ] [ ]

[ ] 37. [Ans. A]
T(s) =

[ ] [ ] [ ][ ]

[ ]

38. [Ans. *] Range: to

[ ]
For a system to be uncontrollable, its
[ ] [ ] [ ] controllability determinant should be
equal to zero.
[ ][ ] | |

| =6 [ ] [ ] [ ]

| | | |
34. [Ans. A]

Eigen values are and

We can write,
[ ]
Response due to initial conditions,

[ ][ ]

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