Unravelling Dynamics of Migrant Solidarity: A Comprehensive Analysis of Social Media Discourse Amidst Crisis
Unravelling Dynamics of Migrant Solidarity: A Comprehensive Analysis of Social Media Discourse Amidst Crisis
Unravelling Dynamics of Migrant Solidarity: A Comprehensive Analysis of Social Media Discourse Amidst Crisis
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- Expanding upon our prior research endeavors, In a significant contribution to the field, we also
our study delves into the dynamics of communal support address the potential pitfalls associated with scrutinizing
towards migrants and refugees in the wake of trends in social cohesion. For instance, we underscore
transformative events, focusing specifically on the period how the balance between solidarity-affirming and anti-
before and after the emergence of the COVID-19 solidarity sentiments can be influenced by various factors,
pandemic. We achieve this through the meticulous such as the choice of sampled tweets, the linguistic
collection and examination of an extensive and original characteristics of these tweets, the national identification
dataset composed of tweets associated with migration. of Twitter users (whether known or anonymous), and the
Our primary objective entails the evaluation of meticulous selection of pertinent tweets.
alterations in social cohesion and solidarity expressed
towards migrants during these distinct temporal phases. Keywords:- Solidarity, Crisis, Social Media, Long Short-
Term Memory(LSTM), Random Forest, Social Dynamics,
To initiate this investigation, we meticulously assess Trend Analysis, Societal Responses, Anti-Solidarity.
a corpus of more than 2000 tweets, deciphering the
presence of either supportive or adverse sentiments I. INTRODUCTION
towards immigrants. This is accomplished by employing
two distinct approaches for annotation: one reliant on the In times of crisis, the online realm becomes a crucial
expertise of individuals and the other soliciting space where shifts in pro- or anti-social behaviors are
contributions from the general public. Building upon displayed, carrying significant implications for both societal
these annotated tweets, we develop a Long Short-Term cohesion and political mobilization. This study centers its
Memory (LSTM) model, enriched by a multitude of data focus on the realm of Twitter, employing the context of
augmentation strategies. Impressively, the performance expressions concerning migrant solidarity and anti-solidarity
of this model approaches the upper echelons of human as a lens through which to unravel these intricate dynamics.
accuracy. This finely-tuned model serves as the Social solidarity, a concept denoting individuals' willingness
foundation for the subsequent automated labeling of over to extend aid and share resources beyond self-interest, serves
240,000 tweets spanning the period from September 2019 as a cornerstone of pro-social conduct that upholds societal
to June 2021. functioning in moments of turmoil. Conversely, the
manifestation of anti-solidarity sentiments directed towards
Through a meticulous analysis of these automated migrants and refugees represents a unique facet of antisocial
labels, we elucidate the evolving landscape of migrant- behavior, encompassing actions that lack empathy and
oriented sentiments over this critical period, consideration for the well-being of others. This interplay is
encompassing both the prelude and the aftermath of the pivotal, as the fabric of a well-operating society hinges upon
COVID-19 outbreak. Notably, our findings underscore the predominant absence of such antisocial tendencies.
the escalating prominence and contentiousness of Fundamental to these conceptualizations is the assessment of
expressions of solidarity towards migrants during the individuals' altruistic orientations or rejections thereof,
initial phases of the pandemic. However, as the timeline particularly concerning out-groups such as migrants and
progresses, this solidarity seems to recede in significance, refugees.
with a slight dip in tweet volume below levels observed in
more standard contexts by the summer of 2021. Amid the backdrop of the ongoing COVID-19 crisis,
Interestingly, a subset of tweets linked to the COVID-19 the significance of online media has surged, especially during
crisis displays an elevated proportion of sentiments prolonged lockdowns that confined individuals to their
opposing solidarity. homes. This digital landscape has evolved into a conduit for
engaging with the external world, consuming news, and
voicing political viewpoints. Correspondingly, recent
investigations suggest an upswing in both anti-social
Existing System:
The Random Forest algorithm is a widely used machine
learning technique that enhances prediction accuracy by
combining multiple decision trees. The mechanics of a
Random Forest model are as follows:
Ensemble of Decision Trees: A Random Forest comprises Fig 1: A Random Forest Overview
multiple decision trees, each trained on a distinct subset
of training data (a bootstrap sample), using a subset of Within our methodology, the potent Random Forest
features at each split. This controlled randomness technique holds sway. Employed for both classification and
prevents overfitting and bolsters the model's regression, it leverages its ensemble of decision trees to
generalization capacity. extrapolate predictive insights. This model is especially
Training Process: Training involves these steps: a. effective for our investigation, wherein we explore the
Randomly select training data subsets (with replacement) evolving dynamics of sentiments and expressions of
to form bootstrap samples. b. Randomly choose feature solidarity within the context of crisis scenarios. By training
subsets for decision tree splits. c. Construct decision trees individual trees on diverse subsets of data and combining
using the bootstrap samples and chosen features, their outcomes, we foster a holistic understanding of these
recursively partitioning data based on feature values. d. intricate patterns. Furthermore, this approach integrates
Repeat (a) to (c) to create multiple trees. randomness purposefully, countering the pitfalls of
Prediction: When predicting with a trained Random overfitting that could potentially taint our results. The
Forest model, each decision tree autonomously predicts collective wisdom of these decision trees, facilitated by the
the target variable. For regression, predicted values are Random Forest paradigm, fortifies our endeavor to discern
averaged for the final outcome. For classification, the the underlying sentiments and solidarity expressions in
ensemble applies voting (majority class) or averaging digital discourse during periods of crisis.
(probabilities) to determine the final class label.
LSTM Algorithm:
LSTM, denoting long short-term memory networks,
constitutes a subset of Deep Learning techniques. This
variant of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) specializes in
grasping long-range dependencies, especially applicable to
sequence prediction problems. Among RNN types, LSTM
networks are the most prevalent. The crux of LSTM involves
memory cells and gates (including the forget and input
gates), controlling memory cell contents through input and
forget gate modulation.
Researchers, particularly those engaged in NLP or data
science, often tailor their machine learning models to suit the
task, like analyzing English-only tweets. However, this
Fig 2: Basic structure of the LSTM model decision can potentially introduce bias to findings. Various
factors can sway results, influencing the conclusions drawn
In our methodology, we harness the potential of LSTM from online discourses.
models, intricately designed for capturing intricate sequential
patterns, by applying them to our large-scale dataset. By Analyzing Accuracy on Test Set:
exploiting their inherent capacity to handle long-term Our model achieved a commendable accuracy rate of
dependencies and nuanced context, we aim to assess the 93.75% on the test dataset.
evolving dynamics of sentiments and solidarity expressions
within the scope of our research domain. Through diligent Within our methodology, we draw on meticulously
training using advanced optimization techniques, we intend curated datasets comprised of tweets. Our focus lies in
to unravel the intricate relationships that underlie the understanding the transformation of sentiments and solidarity
observed trends and changes in social media discourse over expressions, pinpointing how they evolved preceding and
time. This cutting-edge approach bolsters our endeavor to during the COVID-19 crisis. By adopting LSTM-based Deep
provide a comprehensive understanding of the interplay Learning techniques, we harness the capability of these
between emotions, sentiments, and communal support during networks to grasp intricate patterns in sequence-based data.
crisis periods. This approach aligns with the paradigm shift introduced by
the pandemic and its influence on online discussions.
Advantages: Notably, the pre-COVID-19 period serves as a benchmark,
Network is a type of RNN ensuring robust comparisons across these distinctive
Learning sequential data prediction problems temporal phases.
LSTM also has some layers which help it to learn and
recognize the pattern for better performance System Architecture:
Capturing Long-Term Dependencies
Handling Variable Length Sequences
Learning Complex Temporal Patterns
Handling Noisy and Missing Data
For German tweets, tweets without specified Twitter
account locations were also included. Tweets were gathered
exclusively based on specific hashtags relevant to our topics:
refugee and financial solidarity.
We employ the unforeseen initiation of the COVID-19
crisis, commencing with the initial European lockdown in
late February to early March 2020. This period enables the
analysis of how social solidarity discourse evolved before
and during the pandemic. The pre-COVID-19 phase
establishes a baseline against which pandemic-related Fig 3System Architecture