SPM Unit 1 & 2 Mixed Review 5

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Year 11 Specialist Mathematics

Unit 2 Mixed Review 1 Test 5

 Questions with no indicators are simple familiar type questions.
 Questions indicated with one star ★ are complex familiar type questions.
 Questions indicated with two stars ★ ★ are complex unfamiliar type questions.
 Do not use a calculator unless indicated by this calculator symbol.
 Must show full working.
 Simple familiar, Complex familiar and Complex Unfamiliar questions
can be either
procedural or problem solving and reasoning.

1. Simplify the following:

a. 15−2i +4−6i

b. (−3+ 4 i )2−i 3 (1−i)

2i 7 +3 i 8
c. 37

d. 2 i ( 3−4 i )−2(12i−7)

3+ i

2. Write down the value(s) of x and y in each of the following cases:

a. x +3 i+ yi+ 4=−7+3 i b. ( x 2−x ) + ( y +2 x ) i=6+ 4 i

3. Convert:
11 π
a. 5 cis( ) to a+bi form.

b. −2 √3−2 i to mod-arg form.

4. If z= , determine |z| and arg z , state arg z in radians to 1 decimal point.

5. Solve for z , z ∈C

a. 2
z + z+ 6=0
b. i z 2−2iz−3 i=0
★ z+2
6. Solve =i , where z ∈ C .

7. Express the following in the form rcisθ , where θ ∈¿

2 cis( )
4 cis( )
5π π
b. 4 cis( )× 2cis ( )
4 3

c. ( √ 3 cis ()
π 6

( √ 3−i)
8. Express 4 in the form of a+ bi.
(−1−√ 3 i)

★ 9. Prove z + z=2 ℜ( z )

★ −1−√ 3 i
10. Show that w= is a solution of the equation w 3=1

★ 11. Determine the unknown real coefficient if 2−i is a solution to the equation
z 2+ mz+5=0.

★ 12. Evaluate the area of a triangle that is formed by the complex numbers u=4+ 3i
, iu and the origin O .

★ 13. Solve: z 4 +10 z 2+ 9=0

14. Solve

a. z 3−z 2−z +10=0

★ b. z 3−i z 2 −4 z +4 i=0
★★ c. z=i is a solution to z 3−( 2−i ) z 2−2+2 i=0, determine the other
15. Find the exact value of:
a. sec ⁡( )

b. cosec( )

c. cot ⁡( )

16. Use addition identities to find exact values of:

a. cos ⁡( )
13 π
b. sin ⁡( )

c. tan ⁡( )
★ −5
17. If cosθ= , and sinθ is positive, determine the exact value of:

a. cotθ +tanθ

cosθ+ sinθ

. 18. Prove:

a. tan( π2 −θ ) sec ( π−θ ) cos ( π2 +θ )=1

cos ( + x ) sec (−x ) tan ( π−x )
b. =−1
sec ( 2 π + x ) sin ( π + x ) cot ( −x )


cot ( π −θ ) cosec ( +θ)
19. Prove that 2 2
=−cosec θ

★★ 2 tan x π
20. Show that tan ⁡(2 x)= 2 hence, find the exact value of tan
1−tan x 8

∘ cos θ+sin θ
★★ 21. Show that cot(¿θ−4 5 )= ¿,
sin θ−cos θ
and hence deduce cot(¿θ−4 5∘)=−sec (¿2 θ)−tan (¿ 2 θ)¿ ¿ ¿.

★★ 22. If x is an acute angle such that sinx=t , find an expression for sin ⁡(2 x ).

23. Prove
★ a. sec 2 x=sec x cosec x tan x .

★ 1 1
b. + =2 tan x sec x
cosecx+1 cosecx−1

★ cosecxcosecy
c. cot x +cot y=
cosec( x+ y)

★★ 2 1+ cos ⁡(4 x)
d. cot 2 x =
1−cos ⁡( 4 x )

24. Express each of the following as sums or differences:

a. 2 cos ( 4 x ) sin ⁡( 7 x ).
b. sin 8 x sin 18 x

25. a. Express 4 sin x−3 cos x in the form Acos ( x+θ ) and sketch using
graphic calculator.

b. Express sin x−√ 3 cos x in the form Asin ( x+θ ) and sketch using
graphic calculator.

★★ 26. A soundwave represented by y is generated by partials y 1=0.6 sin (¿ 50 πt)¿ and

y 2=0.6 sin (¿ 50 πt + π ) ¿ such that y= y1 + y 2.
a. Determine the amplitude, period, and frequency of the composite
b. Discuss the effects on loudness and frequency in relation to the partials.

★ 27. A company manufactures 3 products; A, B and C. Each product must pass through 3
machines; I, II, III. Each unit of Product A required 3 hours on I, 2 hours on II and 4
hours on III. Each unit of Product B requires 2 hours on I, 4 hours on II and 6 hours
on III. Each unit of Product C requires 3 hours on I, 5 hours on II and 7 hours on III.

If machines I, II and III have available 150, 240 and 360 hours respectively,
find the number of units of products A, B and C that are produced.

[ ]
1 2 0
28. If A= 0 2 0 , find A−1 if it exists.
1 0 1

29. Solve this system of equation:

x +2 y + z =6x− y + z=02 x+3 y −z=1

30. Find x if |x3 x

x−2 |

31. Solve for X :

a. ( 45)=(41
X 3
6 ) b. ( 34 45 ) X =( 41 −2
6 )
32. At the annual school sports carnival, the house results were tabulated in
a matrix, as follows:

1 st 2 nd 3 rd 4 th

[ ]
Red House 15 7 25 6
Blue House 12 18 7 12
Gold House 9 16 11 15
Green House 14 9 7 17

Note: No tied placing occurred.

a. What, if any, is the significance of the product of the matrix

[ 1 1 1 1 ] with the matrix above?
b. What, if any, if the significance of the product of the matrix ⌈ ⌉ with the matrix

c. If points were awarded as follows:

5 points for 1st place,
3 points for 2nd place,
2 points for 3rd place, and
1 point for 4th place,

find the number of points scored by each House. who won the carnival?

★ 33. A firm wish to buy a mix of small, medium and large lathes.


Small 1 10 20 000
Medium 2 18 40 000
Large 3 24 72 000
How many of each can the firm purchase if it has 9 operators, 80ft2 and
floor space available and $192 000 for purchasing the lathes?
34. For what values of x is [
x x
2 x−1 ]

★ 35. A financial adviser put together an investment portfolio of $200 000 for a client.
The portfolio was spread over three investments (shares, unit trust and first
mortgage) and gave an annual return of $16 240 in the first year. The shares
paid 6% the unit trust 8% and the first mortgage 10%. The return from the first
mortgage was twice that from shares. Write equations and solve to find how
much was invested in each of the investments.

★ 36. The store Stationery’R’Us sells three different packs of stationery basics.
The contents are shown in matrix form as follows:

[ ]
Pens 2 4 1
Pencils 2 1 4
Erasers 1 1 2

During one particular week 69 pens, 63 pencils and 37 erasers were sold.
Determine the number of each of the packs sold that week.

★ 37. Three investors, Alice, Bruce and Cathy, together invested $12 050 in
Company X, $15 550 in Company Y and $15 400 in Company Z.
Alice invested 20% of her money in Company X, 65% in Y and 15% in Z.
Bruce invested 40% of his money in Company X, 25% in Y and 35% in
Company Z. Cathy invested 15% of her money in Company X, 25% in Y
and the remainder in Z.

Determine the original amount of money that each of the 3 investors had.

38. Solve |2 x+ 1|=5

★ 39. Solve |x 2−x|=6 x∈C

40. a. Sketch y=|( x−1)( x +3)|.

b. Sketch y=(|x|−1)(|x|+3)

41. Use the sketch of y=(x−1)(x+1)(x−2)

to sketch y= .
( x−1)(x +1)( x−2)
2 x +5
42. Sketch y= 2
x −5

x 2−x−6
43. Sketch y=
x2 +1

44. Determine the general solutions to:

−√ 3
a. sin x=

b. ( π
√ 2 cos 3 x + +1=0
3 )
c. (
tan x−
3)=√ 3

45. Sketch y=sec x + ( π4 )+ 1
−2 11 1
1. a. 19−8i b. −6+ 23i c.−i d. 22−8i e. − i
3 6 2
2. a. (−11,0) b. (−2,8 ) ,(3 ,−2)
5 √3 5 −5 π
3. a. − i b. 4 cis( )
2 2 6

4. |z|=
√ 10 : Arg≈ 4.4c
−1 √ 23
5. a. z= ± i b. z=3∨z=−1
2 2
−3 1
6. z= − i
2 2
1 −π −5 π
7. a. cis( ) b. 8 cis( ) c. −27
2 6 12
8. −16 √ 3−16 i
9. Proof
10. Proof
11. m=−4
12. A=12.5units
13. Z=±1∨±3
3 √ 11
14. a. z=2 , z= ± i b. z=2 , z=± 2, Z=i
2 2
c. z=i , z =1+ √2−i, z=1−√2−i

2√ 3 2√ 3
15. a. b. c. −1
3 3
√2+ √6 b. √2−√ 6 c. 2+ 3
16. a.
4 4

−169 −17
17. a. b.
60 7
18. a. Proof b. −1
19. Proof

20. Proof , tan ()

=−1 ± √ 2

21. Proof
22. 2 t−2t

23. a. Proof b. Proof c. Proof d. Proof

1 1
24. a. sin ( 11 x ) +sin ⁡(3 x) b. cos ( 10 x )− cos ⁡(26 x), use GC for sketch
2 2

25. a. y=4.99 cos ⁡(x+ 0.64) b. y=2sin ⁡( x+ ), use GC for sketch
26. a. amplitude=1.039 , period=1.46 , frequency=0.68 cycles /sec
b. approximately 1.73 louder∧frequency about 36.76×less
27. Product A 10 units , Product B 30 units , Product C 20 units .

[ ]
−1 0
28. A = 0 0
−1 1 1
29. x=−1 , y=2 , z=3
30. x=0∨x=5

31. a. x= [
−28 22
19 −14 ] [
b. x=
−16 34
13 −26]
32. a. Gives the sum of all the 1 places, 2nd places, etc

b. Gives the total points for each house.

c. Red house won by 152 points.
33. Small 2 , Medium 2, Large 1.
34. x=0∨3
35. Shares $ 12 000 ,Trusts $ 164 000 , First mortgages $ 24 000
36. 8 A packs , 11 B packs , 9 C packs
37. Alice $ 18 022.50 , Bruce $ 8 972.50, Cathy $ 17 422.50
38. x=2∨x=−3
1 √ 23
39. x=−2∨x=3∨x = ± i
2 2
40. a.




2 π (3 k +2) π (6 k +5)
44. a. x= ∨x= k∈Z
3 3
π (24 k +5) π (24 k + 11)
b. x= ∨x= k∈Z
3 3
π (3 k +2)
c. x= k∈Z


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