Alkenes and Alkynes
Alkenes and Alkynes
Alkenes and Alkynes
5. If more than one multiple bond is present, number the chain from
the end nearest the first multiple bond.
If a double and a triple bond are equidistant from the end of the chain,
the double bond receives the lowest numbers. For example,
• The first two members of each series are
a) The chain contains seven carbon atoms and is numbered from the
right to give the lower number to the first carbon of the double
bond. The carbon atoms of the parent chain are on opposite sides of
the double bond. This alkene is trans-3-heptene.
b) The longest chain contains seven carbon atoms and is numbered
from the right so that the first carbon of the double bond is carbon 3
of the chain. The carbon atoms of the parent chain are on the same
side of the double bond. This alkene is cis-4-methyl-3-heptene.
E,Z nomenclature of geometrical isomers