Manhaz Al Haqq English Translation

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A Poem on aqidah and akhlak authored

by Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa‘dee

‫َم ــــنَه ج الَح ــــق‬

‫َم ــــنَه ج الَح ــــق‬
Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan as-Sa‘dee
Translated by
Aboo Shaybah & Umm Ilyaas
From theQaryah
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬

This is a poem that mentions the categories of
Tawheed, those being:

1. Tawheed al-Ilaahiyyah,
2. Tawheed ar-Ruboobiyyah,
3. Tawheed al-Asmaa was-Sifaat;

It mentions the foundations of the unwavering beliefs

regarding which there is consensus among Ahlus-
Sunnah wal-Jamaa‘ah; it mentions contemplation of
Allaah’s creation and the evidences that direct us to
Him as well as His names and attributes; and it also
mentions embodying fine conduct and avoiding foul
The poem mentions these since they are the
foundations and core subjects upon which all branches
of knowledge are to be built; and it was composed by
Shaykh Abdur-Rahmaan ibn Nasir as-Sa‘dee
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫﴾ َفَي ا َس اِئًل ا َع ن َم نَه ِج الَح ِّق َيبَتِغ ي‬١﴿
‫ُس ُلوَك َطِريِق الَقوِم َح ًقا َو َيسَع ُد‬
[1] I say the following to anyone who inquires about the
correct path with the intention of ··· genuinely treading
the course traversed by the best of people and, thus,
attaining happiness.

‫﴾ تأَّم ْل َه َداَك اللُه َم ا َقْد َنَظْم ُتُه‬٢﴿

‫َتَأُّم َل َمْن َقْد َكاَن ِلْلَح ِّق َيْق ِص ُد‬
[2] I beseech Allaah to grant you His guidance.
Carefully contemplate what I have composed ··· the
way someone would contemplate when his aim is to
arrive at the truth.

‫﴾ ُنِق ُّر ِبَأَّن اللَه َلا َر َّب َغ ْيُر ُه‬٣﴿

‫ِإَلـٌه َع َلى اْلَعْر ِش اْلَع ِظ يِم ُم مَّج ُد‬
[3] We affirm that Allaah, besides whom there is no
Supreme Lord ··· is the One true God who is entitled to
all worship and glorification, and He is above the
Magnificent Throne.
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫﴾ َو َنْش َه ُد َأَّن اللَه َم ْع ُبوُد َنا اَّلِذ ي‬٤﴿
‫ُنَخ ِّص ُص ُه ِبالُح ِّب ُذ ّلًا َو ُنْفِرُد‬
[4] In addition, we testify that Allaah is the One whom
we worship, the One to whom ··· we exclusively devote
our love with humility, and we set Him apart.

‫﴾ فِلَّلِه ُكُّل اْلـَح ْم ِد َو اْلـَم ْج ِد َو الَّثَنا‬٥﴿

‫َفِم ْن َأْج ِل َذا ُكٌّل ِإَلى اللِه َيْق ِص ُد‬
[5] Thus, Allaah alone deserves all praise, glorification,
and repeated praise ··· and, as a result of this, everyone
must ultimately resort to Allaah alone.

‫﴾ ُتَس ِّبحُه اْل َأْم َل اُك َو اْل َأْر ُض َو الَّس َم ا‬٦﴿

‫َو ُكُّل َج ِم يِع اْلـَخ ْلِق َح ًّقا َو َتْح َم ُد‬
[6] His perfection is declared by all regions, the Earth,
the heavens ··· and everything throughout all of
creation. They do that in reality and they praise Him.

‫﴾ َتَنَّز َه َع ْن ِنٍّد َو ُكْف ٍء ُمَم اِثٍل‬٧﴿

‫َو َع ْن َو ْص ِف ِذ ي الُّنْق َص اِن َج َّل الـُم َو َّح ُد‬
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
[7] He is exalted above having any rival or similar
counterpart ··· and above every trait of deficiency.
Truly majestic is Allaah, the only One who deserves for
His uniqueness to be affirmed.

‫﴾ َو ُنْثِبُت َأْخ َب اَر الِّص َفاِت َج ِم يَع َه ا‬٨﴿

‫َو َنْبَر ُأ ِم ْن َتْأِويِل َمْن َكاَن َيْج َح ُد‬
[8] We affirm all that we have been informed about
regarding Allaah’s attributes ··· and we free ourselves
from the misinterpretation of anyone who denies them.

‫﴾ َفَلْي َس ُيِط يُق اْلَع ْق ُل ُكْنَه ِص َف اِتِه‬٩﴿

‫فَس ِّلْم ِلـَم ا َقاَل الَّرُس وُل ُمَح َّم ُد‬
[9] The human intellect is incapable of grasping the
actual manner of Allaah’s attributes. ··· Therefore,
submit to what has been stated by the Messenger,

‫﴾ ُه َو الَّص َم ُد اْلَع اِلي ِلِع ْظ ِم ِص َف اِتِه‬١٠﴿

‫َو ُكُّل َج ِم يِع اْلـَخ ْلِق ِلَّلِه َيْص ُم ُد‬
[10] Allaah is the Eternal, Self-Sufficient, Supreme
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
Master and Sustainer whom all creatures need. This
means He is most exalted due to the utmost
magnificence of His attributes ··· and every single
creature is entirely dependent upon Him.

‫﴾ َع ِلٌّي َع َل ا َذ اًتا َو َقْد ًر ا َو َقْه ُر ُه‬١١﴿

‫َقِريٌب ُم ِج يٌب ِبالَو َر ى ُم َتَو ِّدُد‬
[11] He is the Most High: He Himself is the most high,
His status is the most high, and His being overpowering
is the most high. ··· He is also near, He responds to
those who call upon Him, He loves His obedient
worshipping servants, He makes Himself beloved to
those servants by the blessings He bestows upon them,
and He makes those servants beloved to people.

‫﴾ ُه َو الْـَح ُّي َو اْلَق ُّيوُم ُذو اْلُج وِد َو اْلِغ َنى‬١٢﴿

‫َو ُكُّل ِص َفاِت اْلَح ْم ِد ِلَّلِه ُتْس َنُد‬
[12] He is the Eternally Living, the Self-Sufficient
Sustainer of all, immeasurably generous, and rich in
every way. ··· All praiseworthy traits are to be ascribed
to Allaah.
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫﴾ َأَح اَط ِبُكِّل اْلَخ ْلِق ِع ْلًم ا َو ُقْد َر ًة‬١٣﴿
‫َو ِبًّر ا َو ِإْح َس اًنا َفِإَّياُه َنْع ُبُد‬
[13] He encompasses all of creation with His
knowledge, ability, ··· kindness, and favour. Thus, He
is the only One whom we are to worship.

‫﴾ َو ُيْب ِص ـُر َذ َّر اِت اْلَع َو اِلِم ُكَّلَه ا‬١٤﴿

‫َو َيْس َمُع َأْص َو اَت اْلِع َب اِد َو َيْش َه ُد‬
[14] He sees even the minutest of things throughout
creation in its entirety, ··· He hears the voices of His
servants, and He is a witness to absolutely everything.

‫﴾ َلُه اْلـُم ْلُك َو اْلَح ْم ُد اْلـُم ِح يُط ِبُم ْلِكِه‬١٥﴿

‫َو ِح ْك َم ُتُه اْلُع ْظ َم ى ِبَه ا اْلَخ ْلُق َتْش َه ُد‬
[15] To Him alone belong all dominion and all praise.
He encompasses His dominion ··· and all of creation
testifies to the unparalleled magnificence of His

‫﴾ َو َنْش َه ُد َأَّن اللَه َيْنِزُل ِفي الُّد َج ى‬١٦﴿

‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫َك َم ا َقاَلُه اْلـَمْبُع وُث ِبالَح ِّق َأْح َم ُد‬
[16] We bear witness that Allaah descends during the
darkness of each night ··· as stated by the Prophet sent
with the truth, one of whose names is Ahmad.

‫﴾ َو َنْش َه ُد َأَّن اللَه َأْر َس َل ُرْس َلُه‬١٧﴿

‫ِبآَياِتِه ِلْلَخ ْلِق َتْه ِد ي َو ُتْر ِش ُد‬

[17] And we bear witness that Allaah sent His

Messengers ··· to convey His clear evidences to all of
creation, in order to provide sound guidance and

‫﴾ َو َفاَض َل َبْي َن الُّرْس ِل َو اْلَخ ْلِق ُكِّلِه ْم‬١٨﴿

‫ِبِح ْك َم ِتِه َج َّل الَع ِظ يُم اْلـُم َو َّح ُد‬
[18] He granted His favour to certain Messengers{1}
and to certain people whom He created, ··· based on
His wisdom. Truly majestic is Allaah; the Most
Magnificent, the only One who deserves for His
uniqueness to be affirmed.

‫﴾ َفَأْفَض ُل َخ ْلِق اللِه ِفي اْل َأْر ِض َو الَّس َم ا‬١٩﴿

‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫َنِبُّي الُه َدى َو الَع اَلـِم يَن ُمَح َّم ُد‬
[19] Thus, the most virtuous of Allaah’s creatures
throughout the Earth and Heavens ··· is Muhammad,
the Prophet of guidance and the one who was sent to
all of creation.

‫﴾ َو َخ َّص َلُه الَّر حٰمُن َأْص َح اَبُه الُأَلى‬٢٠﴿

‫َأَقاُم وا اْلُه َدى َو الِّديَن َح ًّقا َوَم َّه ُدوا‬
[20] Allah, the Possessor of Limitless Mercy, chose for
that Prophet Companions who ··· dutifully established
Allah’s guidance and religion, and they paved the way.

‫﴾ َفُح ُّب َج ِم يِع الآِل َو الَّص ْح ِب ِع ْنَدَنا‬٢١﴿

‫َمَع اِش َر َأْه ِل اْلَح ِّق َفْر ٌض ُم َؤ َّكُد‬
[21] As a result, having love for the Prophet’s family
and Companions according to us ··· the people who
follow the correct path is an emphasized obligation that
we must fulfil.

‫﴾ َو ِم ْن َقْو ِل َأْه ِل اْلَح ِّق َأَّن َك َل اَم ُه‬٢٢﴿

‫ُه َو الَّلْف ُظ َو الَم ْع َنى َج ِم يًع ا ُمَج َّو ُد‬
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
[22] Among the unwavering beliefs held by those who
follow the correct path is that Allaah’s speech ···
consists of words along with their meanings, and both
are flawless.

‫﴾ َو َلْي َس ِبَم ْخ ُلوٍق َو َأَّنى ِلَخ ْلِقِه‬٢٣﴿

‫ِبَق ْو ٍل َكَق ْو ِل اللِه ِإْذ ُه َو َأْمَج ُد‬
[23] In addition, Allaah’s speech is uncreated. How
could it ever be possible for Allaah’s creation ··· to have
speech like the speech of Allaah, when the latter is
incontestably superior?

‫﴾ َو َنْش َه ُد َأَّن اْلَخ ْيَر َو الَّش ـَّر ُكَّلُه‬٢٤﴿

‫ِبَتْق ِد يِرِه َو اْلَعْب ُد َيْس َع ى َو َيْج َه ُد‬
[24] We testify that good and bad in their entirety ···
are by Allaah’s decree, and a servant of Allaah must
still strive and endeavour.

‫﴾ َو ِإيَم اُنَنا َقْو ٌل َو ِفْعٌل َو ِنَّيٌة‬٢٥﴿

‫ِم َن اْلَخ ْي ِر َو الَّطاَع اِت ِفيَه ا ُنَق ِّيُد‬
[25] Our Eemaan is statements, deeds, and intentions.
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
··· All of those must be good ones. In addition, for acts
to truly be performed in obedience to Allaah, we
stipulate a sound intention.

‫﴾ َوَيْز َد اُد ِبالَّطاَع اِت َم ْع َتْر ِك َم ا َنَه ى‬٢٦﴿

‫َو َيْنُق ُص ِبالِع ْص َي اِن َج ْزًم ا َو َيْف ُس ُد‬
[26] Eemaan increases by obeying Allah while also
avoiding what He prohibited ··· and it most certainly
decreases by disobeying Allaah. In addition, it becomes
ruined the more one disobeys Him.

‫﴾ ُنِق ُّر ِبَأْح َو اِل الِق َي اَم ِة ُكِّلَه ا‬٢٧﴿

‫َوَم ا اْش َتَم َلْتُه الَّداُر َح ًّقا َو َنْش َه ُد‬
[27] We affirm all circumstances and details pertaining
to resurrection ··· and all that the abode of the
Hereafter contains. We testify with certainty that all of
it is real.

‫﴾ َتَف َّكْر ِبآَثاِر الَع ِظ يِم َوَم ا َح َو ْت‬٢٨﴿

‫َمَم اِلُكُه الُع ْظ َم ى َلَع َّلَك َتْر ُش ُد‬
[28] Contemplate the manifest signs of the Most
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
Magnificent, and all that is contained ··· throughout the
expanses of His enormous dominion, so that you might
attain sound guidance.

‫﴾ َأَلْم َتَر َٰه َذ ا الَّلْي َل ِإْذ َج اَء ُم ْظ ِلًم ا‬٢٩﴿

‫َفَأْع َق َب ُه َج ْيٌش ِم َن الُّص ْب ِح َيْط ُر ُد‬
[29] Have you not seen the night as it approaches with
spreading darkness ··· and the army of dawn then
follows it and drives it away?

‫﴾ َتَأَّم ْل ِبَأْرَج اِء الَّس َم اِء َج ِم يِع َه ا‬٣٠﴿

‫َك َو اِكُبَه ا َو َّقاَد ٌة َتَتَر َّدُد‬
[30] Contemplate the vast expanses of the sky in all
directions. ··· Its brilliantly shining stars move from one
location to another.

‫﴾ َأَلْي َس ِلَه َذ ا ُم حِد ٌث ُم َتَص ـِّرٌف‬٣١﴿

‫َح ِكيٌم َع ِليٌم َو اِح ٌد ُم َتَف ِّرُد‬
[31] Do they not have an originator controlling them ···
who is All-Wise, All-Knowing, One, and Unique?
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫﴾ رَبَلى َو اَّلِذ ي ِبالحِّق َأْتَق َن ُص ْنَع َه ا‬٣٢﴿
‫َو َأْو َدَع َه ا الَأْس َر اَر للِه َتْش َه ُد‬
[32] Of course they do. I swear to the truth of that by
the very same One who made them complete with
utmost precision for a definite purpose, ··· and placed
within them extraordinary indicators that testify for

‫﴾ َو ِفي اْل َأْر ِض آَياٌت ِلـَمْن َكاَن ُم وِقًنا‬٣٣﴿

‫َوَم ا َتْنَف ُع اْل آَياُت َمْن َكاَن َيْج َح ُد‬
[33] There are also signs throughout the Earth for
anyone who has certainty, ··· but the signs are of no
use to anyone who persists in stubbornly denying.

‫﴾ َو ِفي الَّنْف ِس آَياٌت َو ِفيَه ا َع َج اِئٌب‬٢٤﴿

‫ِبَه ا ُيْع َر ُف اللُه الَع ِظ يُم َو ُيْع َب ُد‬
[34] In the human, there are also signs and remarkable
features ··· by which Allaah, the Most Magnificent, can
be known and from which it can be understood that
only He deserves all worship.
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫﴾ َلَقْد َقاَم ِت اْل آَياُت َتْش َه ُد َأَّنُه‬٣٥﴿
‫ِإَٰلٌه َع ِظ يٌم َفْض ُلُه َلْي َس َيْنَفُد‬
[35] All of Allaah’s signs undoubtedly bear witness that
··· only He is entitled to our worship, He is Most
Magnificent, and His bounty cannot be exhausted.

‫﴾ َفَمْن َكاَن ِم ْن َغ ْر ِس اْل ِإ َلِه َأَج اَبُه‬٣٦﴿

‫َو َلْي َس ِلـَم ـْن َو َّلـى َو َأْد َبـَر ُمْس ِع ـُد‬
[36] Thus, those who are among the seedlings planted
by Allah respond to Him, ··· but those who turn their
backs on Allaah’s evidences and refuse to accept them
will not find any path to happiness.

‫﴾ َع َلْي َك ِبَتْق َو ى اللِه ِفي ِفْع ِل َأْم ِرِه‬٣٧﴿

‫َو َتْج َتِنُب اْلـَم ْنـِه َّي َعْنُه َو ُتْب ِع ُد‬
[37] You must continue to observe Taqwaa of Allaah by
fulfilling His commands ··· as well as by avoiding His
prohibitions and remaining far away from them.

‫﴾ َو ُكْن ُم ْخ ِلًص ا للِه َو اْح َذ ْر ِم َن الِّرَيا‬٣٨﴿

‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫َو َتاِبْع َر ُس وَل اللِه ِإْن ُكْنَت َتْع ُبُد‬
[38] In addition, you must sincerely devote all your
deeds to Allah and beware of performing deeds to show
off ··· and you must emulate Allaah’s Messenger when
you perform all acts of worship.

‫﴾ َتَو َّكْل َع َلى الَّر حٰمِن َح ًّقا َو ِثْق ِبِه‬٣٩﴿

‫ِلَي ْك ِف يَك َم ا ُيْغ ِنيَك َح ًّقا َو َتْر ُش ُد‬

[39] You must genuinely place your reliance upon

Allaah “the Possessor of Limitless Mercy” and trust in
Him ··· so that He would provide you with what suffices
to enrich you in the truest sense, and so that you would
attain sound guidance.

‫﴾ َتَص َّبْر َع ِن الِع ْص َي اِن َو اْص ِبْر ِلـُح ْك ِمِه‬٤٠﴿

‫َو َص اِبْر َع َلى الَّطاَع اِت َع َّلَك َتْس َع ُد‬
[40] Persevere in avoiding sins, persevere through all
that Allaah decrees, ··· and persevere in obeying Allaah
consistently. When you do those things, you would
attain happiness.
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫﴾ َو ُكْن َس اِئًر ا َبْي َن اْلـَم َخ اَفِة َو الَّر َج ا‬٤١﴿
‫ُه َم ا َك َج َناَح ْي َطاِئٍر ِح يَن َتْق ِص ُد‬
[41] And proceed between fear and hope ··· for they are
like the two wings of a bird as you seek to lovingly do
what pleases Allaah.

‫َطِّه ْر ُه َو ِم ْن ُكِّل آَفٍة‬ ‫﴾ َو َقْلَب َك‬٤٢﴿

‫َع ْي ِبِه َتَتَفَّق ُد‬ ‫َو ُكْن َأَبًدا َع ْن‬
[42] Also, strive to cleanse your heart of every type of
blemish ··· and continuously examine it for any existing

‫﴾ َوَج ِّم ْل ِبُنْص ِح اْلَخ ْلِق َقْلَب َك ِإَّنُه‬٤٣﴿

‫َلَأْع َلى َج َم اٍل ِلْلُق ُلوِب َو َأْج َو ُد‬
[43] Additionally, beautify your heart by making it
sincere towards others, since that ··· is the finest and
most superb adornment for all hearts.

‫﴾ َو َص اِح ْب ِإَذا َص اَح ْب َت ُكَّل ُم َو َّفٍق‬٤٤﴿

‫َيُقوُد َك ِلْلَخ ْيَر اِت ُنْص ًح ا َو ُيْر ِش ُد‬
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
[44] When accompanying others, choose every soundly
guided individual ··· who sincerely leads and directs
you to do good things,

‫﴾ َو ِإَّياَك َو اْلـَمْر َء اَّلِذ ي ِإْن َص ِح ْب َتُه‬٤٥﴿

‫َخ ِس ـْر َت َخ َس اًر ا َلْي َس ِفيِه َتَر ُّدُد‬
[45] and beware of any person by whose
companionship ··· you would undoubtedly suffer
terrible loss.

‫َأْخ َل اِق َمْن َقْد َص ِح ْب َتُه‬ ‫﴾ ُخ ِذ الَع ْف َو ِم ْن‬٤٦﴿

‫َو ُيْر ِش ُد‬ ‫َك َم ا َيْأُم ُر الَّر ْح َم ُن ِفيِه‬

[46] Accommodate what emanates readily from those

whom you accompany, ··· in compliance with the
instruction of Allaah “the Possessor of Limitless
Mercy”and the guidance He gave us.

‫﴾ َتَر َّح ْل َع ِن الُّد ْنَي ا َفَلْي َس ْت ِإَقاَم ًة‬٤٧﴿

‫َو َلِكَّنَه ا َز اٌد ِلـَم ـْن َيَتَزَّو ُد‬
[47] Do not be attached to this world since it is not an
abode in which you will permanently dwell. ··· Rather,
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
it is a source of provision for all who desire to prepare
for themselves the provisions that they require.

‫﴾ َو ُكْن َس اِلًك ا ُطْر َق اَّلِذ يَن َتَقَّد ُم وا‬٤٨﴿

‫ِإَلى الَم ْنِزِل الَب اِقي اَّلِذ ي َلْي َس َيْنَفُد‬
[48] In addition, traverse the path of those who
preceded you ··· to the everlasting abode of the
hereafter, which has no end.

‫﴾ َو ُكْن َذاِكًر ا للِه ِفي ُكِّل َح اَلٍة‬٤٩﴿

‫َفَلْي َس ِلِذ ْكِر اللِه َو ْقٌت ُم َق َّيُد‬
[49] Strive to mention Allaah throughout all
circumstances ··· since mention of Allaah has no time to
which it is confined.

‫﴾ َفِذ ْك ُر ِإٰلِه اْلَعْر ِش ِس ًّر ا َوُم ْع َلًنا‬٥٠﴿

‫ُيِزيُل الَّش َقا َو الَه َّم َعْنَك َو َيْط ُر ُد‬
[50] Making inward and outward mention of Allaah
“the Lord of the Throne, and the only One who is to be
worshipped” ··· rids you of misery and distress, and
repels them;
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
‫﴾ َو َيْج ِلُب ِلْلَخ ْيَر اِت ُد ْنًي ا َو آِج ًل ا‬٥١﴿
‫َو ِإْن َيْأِتَك اْلَوْس َو اُس َيْوًم ا ُيَش ـِّرُد‬
[51] it brings about all good in this world and the
hereafter, ··· and should the whisperer come to you at
any time, it fends him off.

‫﴾ َفَقْد َأْخ َبَر الُم ْخ َتاُر َيْوًم ا ِلَص ْح ِبِه‬٥٢﴿

‫ِبَأَّن َك ِثيَر الِّذ ْكِر ِفي الَّس ْب ِق ُم ْفِرُد‬
[52] Allah’s specially chosen Prophet told his
Companions one day ··· that those who mention Allaah
much are the ones who move ahead most.

‫﴾ َوَو َّص ى ُمَع اًذا َيْس َتِع يُن ِإٰلـَه ُه‬٥٣﴿

‫َع َلى ِذ ْكِرِه َو الُّش ْك ِر ِباْلُح ْس ِن َيْع ُبُد‬
[53] He also counselled his Companion Mu‘aath to seek
assistance from Allaah ··· in mentioning Him, being
grateful to Him, and worshipping Him in the best way.

‫﴾ َو َأْو َص ى ِلَش ْخ ٍص َقْد َأَتى ِلَنِص يَح ٍة‬٥٤﴿

‫َو َقْد َكاَن ِفي َح ْم ِل الَّش ـَر اِئِع َيْج َه ُد‬
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
[54] And he counseled the man who approached him
for advice, ··· having found difficulty in fulfilling the
various directives of Islaam.

‫﴾ ِبَأْن َلا َيَز ْل َر ْطًب ا ِلَس اُنَك ٰهِذِه‬٥٥﴿

‫ُتِع يُن َع َلى ُكِّل اْل ُأُم وِر َو ُتْس ِع ُد‬
[55] He advised the man by saying, “Ensure that your
tongue remains moist” since this ··· will assist you in all
matters and bring you happiness.

‫﴾ َو َأْخ َبَر َأَّن الِّذ ْك َر َغ ْر ٌس ِلَأْه ِلِه‬٥٦﴿

‫ِبَج َّناِت َع ْد ٍن َو الَم َس اِكُن ُتْم َه ُد‬
[56] He mentioned further that people who mention
Allaah will have those words planted for them as
seedlings ··· in the everlasting gardens of Jannah, and
those people will have dwellings there prepared for

‫﴾ َو َأْخ َبَر َأَّن اللَه َيْذ ُكُر َع ْب َد ُه‬٥٧﴿

‫َوَم ْعُه َع َلى ُكِّل اْل ُأُم وِر ُيَس ِّد ُد‬
[57] He also stated that when a servant of Allaah makes
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
mention of Him, Allaah makes mention of that servant;
··· and Allaah would be with that servant by assisting
him, directing him, and setting all matters in order for

‫﴾ َو َأْخ َبَر َأَّن الِّذ ْك َر َيْب َقى ِبَج َّنٍة‬٥٨﴿

‫َو َيْنَق ِط ُع الَّتْك ِليُف ِح يَن ُيَخ َّلُدوا‬
[58] And he said that mention of Allaah will continue in
Jannah ··· even though all the responsibilities prescribed
for people in this world will cease in that everlasting

‫﴾ َو َلْو َلْم َيُكْن ِفي ِذ ْكِرِه َغ ْيَر َأَّنُه‬٥٩﴿

‫َطِريٌق ِإَلى ُح ِّب اْل ِإ َلِه َوُمْر ِش ُد‬
[59] Even if mention of Allaah provides a person with
nothing besides ··· a path that leads to attaining
Allaah’s love,

‫﴾ َو َيْنَه ى الَف َتى َع ْن ِغ يَب ٍة َو َنِم يَم ٍة‬٦٠﴿

‫َو َع ْن ُكِّل َقْو ٍل ِللِّد َياَنِة ُم ْف ِس ُد‬
[60] and also restrains a person from saying things
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
about others which they dislike, from relaying
statements between people to incite problems between
them, ··· and from all words that ruin one’s practice of

‫﴾ َلَك اَن َلَنا َح ٌّظ َع ِظ يٌم َوَر ْغ َب ٌة‬٦١﴿

‫ِبَك ْثَر ِة ِذ ْكِر اللِه ِنْع َم الُم َو َّح ُد‬
[61] that would suffice to give us enormous incentive
and instil within us an ardent desire ··· to mention
Allaah much. Truly sublime is Allaah, the only One
who deserves for His uniqueness to be affirmed.

‫﴾ َو َلِكَّنَنا ِم ْن َج ْه ِلَنا َقَّل ِذ ْك ُر َنا‬٦٢﴿

‫َك َم ا َقَّل ِم َّنا ِلْلِإ َلِه الَّتَع ُّبُد‬
[62] However, our ignorance results in us making little
mention of Allaah ··· and, similarly, our worship of
Allah falls short.

‫﴾ َو َس ْل َر َّبَك الَّتْو ِفيَق َو الَف ْو َز َد اِئًم ا‬٦٣﴿

‫َفَم ا َخ اَب َع ْب ٌد ِلْلُم َه ْي ِم ِن َيْق ِص ُد‬
[63] Therefore, you must always beseech your Lord for
‫مــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــنهج الحــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــق‬
special assistance and for success, ··· since no
worshipping servant suffers loss when he beseeches
Allaah: the All-Aware Witness to everything.

‫﴾ َو َص ِّل ِإٰلِه ي َم ْع َس َل اٍم َوَر ْح َم ٍة‬٦٤﴿

‫َع َلى َخ ْي ِر َمْن َقْد َكاَن ِلْلَخ ْلِق ُيْر ِش ُد‬
[64] May Allaah “the only One whom I worship” grant
His commendation, protection, and mercy ··· to our
Prophet, the best individual who guided all people,

‫﴾ َو آٍل َو َأْص َح اٍب َوَمْن َكاَن َتاِبًع ا‬٦٥﴿

‫َص َل اًة َو َتْس ِليًم ا َيُدوُم َو َيْخ ُلُد‬
[65] as well as to the Prophet’s family, Companions,
and followers. ··· May Allaah grant them
commendation and protection that are continuous and


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