Objectives:: Pre-Presentation Activity

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The theme: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Practical: to activate pupils’ listening and speaking skills, trying to get the main information
from the reporting; to expand pupils’ vocabulary; to involve pupils into communicative
activities, to practise group work.
Educative: to extend pupils’ knowledge about the UK, their parts and capital cities ; to teach
pupils respect the culture of the country the language of which they study.
Developing: to develop pupils’ attention, memory; to develop pupils’ ability to express their
thought logically; to broaden their outlook.
Type: combined
Equipment: mind-map “Why people travel to the UK”, map “The United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland”, computer with multimedia projector .
I. Introduction.
1. Greeting.

T : Hello! My dear friends I am very glad to see you! I hope our lesson will be interesting
and useful for you .
T : Today lesson I want start with words:
Cities are…distinguished by the forms
They possess, and these forms are a vital
Part of their essential charm.
Jean Boudrillard
T : What do you understand this words?

2. The aim of the lesson.

T: Today we are speaking about the UK,their parts and capital cities.. We’ll listening
reporting and learn new things about the country; and by the end of the lesson you should be
able to apply your knowledge for this topic and talk about the parts of the UK.
3. Warming-up. (slide)

T: Modern life is impossible without travelling. Travelling has completely changed our life,
our knowledge about other people, their life-style and culture. Do you like travelling? Where
do you like to travel: in our country or abroad? Why do people travel to the UK? Make up
the mind-map.
Possible answers using the method “Microphone”.
I think (In my opinion)…
To meet people; to take part in celebrations; to learn English better; to know more about the
Royal family; to make friends, to visit London ( other cities); to study; to see the countryside;
to work…
II. The main part.
Pre-presentation activity
T: Imagine you are tare part in the program Around the World in 30 Minutes. The
program is dedicated to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and capital cities of
this country. The presenters – Dmitry and Violeta, will tell us interesting
information about the United Kingdom.
Виступ Діми та Віоли. Презентація інформації про Сполучене королівство.

Good morning! Dear viewers, our program today is dedicated to a very interesting
country. It has a long and fascinating history and a high level of culture.

Віола :

Dmitry, and you know that this country is an island state ruled by monarch. The
ruler is a woman!

The United Kingdom is located off the northwest coast of Europe. The territory of
the United Kingdom includes the island of Great Britain, part of the island of
Ireland and numerous small islands. Northern Ireland is the only part of the United
Kingdom that has a land border with another sovereign country - the Republic of
Ireland. All other borders are aquatic: The United Kingdom is surrounded by the
Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, the Channel Strait and the Irish Sea.

Віола :
The capital is London.

Area - 244100 km²;

Relief: the island separated from the European continent about 6 thousand years
BC. is.;

The landscape is variable, in the north mountainous, with the Grampian Mountains
in Scotland, the Pennines in the north of England, the Cambrian Mountains in
Rivers: Thames, Severn and Spey;

       Head of State Elizabeth II (since 1952);


 Prime Minister David Cameron (since 2010);

 Currency - Pound Sterling.

 Population 57.121 million (1990), 59.055 million (2001): (81.5% English,

9.6% Scots, 1.9% Welsh, 2.4% Irish, 1.8% Ulster);
 urban population 89%
 Languages: English, Welsh, Gaelic;

Віола :
Administratively, the United Kingdom is divided into four
administrative centers: England- capital London, Scotland- capital
Edinburgh, Wales – capital Kadif, Nothern Ireland- capital Belfast.
Head of State - Queen Elizabeth II
Rivers of Great Britain - The Thames,Severn, Sprey.
UK industry- Mining,Engineering.


Attractions of Great Britain

 Buckingham Palace is the official residence of the British monarchs in
London and a monument of London. It is located in Westminster.

 The Tower Bridge is a business card of London, and its history is closely
linked to that of the Tower of London.

 Big Ben, the voice of London, shows the exact time since 1859.
Construction of the 320-pound clock tower began in 1837 ascending the
throne of Queen Victoria.
 Westminster Palace - The building of the Parliament of Great Britain.

 Westminster Abbey- With its identical square towers and magnificent

arches, this ancient Westminster Abbey English Gothic style is one of the
largest examples of church architecture. But for the British it is much
greater: it is a sanctuary of the nation, a symbol of everything that the
British fought for and fight for.

Віола :

Well, Dmitry, we introduced the audience to the general information

about this country.

Yes, but it is strange to say that the state is divided into four countries.
Each of these countries has its own capital city.

Віола :
Unusual, right? But the city of London is the capital of the state and
country of England.

Presentation activity.


Our journalist Dasha visited this city. And now she will share with us interesting
But before presenting information about our famous cities. We want to offer
viewers the task they will have to perform during our telecast.

Віола :

You have a UK map on your desk. It will require you to sign the capitals and affix
images of famous landmarks you will be able to visit while traveling to this city.


Dasha, please start.

( виступ Даші)
England is a country in Western Europe, part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern
Ireland. Largest in terms of area and population of four countries in the United Kingdom and three parts
of the United Kingdom. It is bordered by two other parts of the UK - Wales in the west and Scotland in
the north. The name of the country comes from the name of a tribe of Angles, one of the Germanic tribes
who settled here in the V and VI centuries .

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom, located on the River Thames. One of the
largest cities in Europe. Area 1572 km²; as of 2017, the population is 8.8 million, and with suburbs about
10 million. The heartland of London is the financial and commercial hub of the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland. Greater London has been comprised of 32 counties since 1965.
From southwest to east, the city crosses the Thames, a navigable river that flows into the North Sea. In
the Middle Ages, London split into two main parts - the administrative and political Westminster and the
trading city. This division remains to this day.
In 1707, London became the capital of the United Kingdom, a new state created through the union of the
Kingdom of England and the Kingdom of Scotland. In the same eighteenth century, a new St. Paul's
Cathedral and Buckingham Palace - symbols of modern London - were built, as well as Westminster
Bridge, which became just the second bridge in London across the Thames.
An important source of income is tourism. The most visited places are: Tower of London, St Paul's
Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Westminster Abbey. The University of London is the largest in the
. London is the center of English theatrical activity since the construction of the first James Berbage
Theater in 1576. The first public theaters appeared, the most popular of which was The Globe, which
featured plays by William Shakespeare.
Administratively, London is divided into 33 districts, comprising 32 boroughs and City Boroughs. Each
district has its own administration and district council.
amous streets and squares

• Piccadilly (street and square) - the economic center of the city. The walls of the houses on the square are
covered with advertising. In the middle (but not in the geometric center) of Piccadilly Square is a fountain
and the famous sculpture of Anteros, called the Eros people.
• Trafalgar Square dedicated to the defeat of the Spanish-French Navy in 1805. In the middle of the
square is a monument honoring Horatio Nelson, the Admiral who commanded the British Navy in the
Battle of Trafalgar. Trafalgar Square houses the London National Gallery.
Oxford Street - shopping street. Here are boutiques and shopping centers.
• Harley Street - a street in Westminster that became famous as the street of doctors - many doctors still
practice on this Harley Street.
• Abby Road is a renowned recording studio of the same name, with many legendary musicians
recording: Beatles, Pink Floyd, Manfred Mann and others. The Beatles released an album called Abbey
Road in 1969.
• Baker Street - The street where the Sherlock Holmes Museum is located.
There are four World Heritage Sites in London: the Tower, the historic settlement in Greenwich, the
Royal Botanic Gardens and the Westminster District, which includes Westminster Palace, Westminster
Abbey and St. Margaritas

Віола :

Thank you Dasha for the interesting facts about this unusual city.


Our next colleague will tell us about a less exciting city - Belfast. Let's meet
(Виступ Богдана)
Northern Ireland is a country in Western Europe that is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and
Northern Ireland. It is bordered by the Republic of Ireland within the Island of Ireland. The capital and
largest city is Belfast. Administratively divided (since 1975) into 6 counties.

Belfast is a city in the United Kingdom and the capital of Northern Ireland. It was once a powerful
shipbuilding center, on which the legendary Titanic was built. Belfast is a city with a wonderful Irish
atmosphere, a rich history, a vibrant cultural life and a charming country charm.
The name Belfast comes from the Irish Béal Feirsde, which can be translated as "River mouth". In fact,
the territory of the modern city was inhabited more than 5000 years ago. In fact, the history of Belfast
began in the 12th century, when the British built a castle here. The city itself was founded in 1609 by
English and Scottish settlers.
Despite the scars of recent military conflicts (between government forces and Irish nationalists), the
capital of Northern Ireland is now living a peaceful life and is one of Britain's safest places. Belfast is
attracting more and more tourists with its sights, beautiful Victorian architecture, the surrounding natural
scenery and interesting cultural sites.
  Belfast is located at the mouth of the River Lagan on the east coast of Ireland. From the north and
northwest the city is bounded by rows of hills.
Practical information
 Population - more than 340 thousand people.
 Area - 115 km².
Currency is the pound sterling.
The language is English and Irish
The Tourist Information Center is located on Donegall Square North opposite the Town Hall. Belfast
Markets & Shopping Centers: George's Market on May Street is Northern Ireland's largest indoor market,
Victoria Square is a modern large shopping mall, Smithfield Market is an interesting authentic market
The Titanic Museum is one of Belfast's most famous cultural sites, dedicated to the construction and
death of one of the largest ocean liners of the early 20th century and the maritime history of the city. Here
you can make excursions through the marina and the huge dock in which the Titanic (the second liner of
the Olympic class) was built more than a century ago.
Cathedral of Sts. Anne is the main Anglican Church of Ireland. This beautiful Neo-Romanesque basilica
was built in the late 19th century

Belfast is famous for restaurants and pubs. The most popular hiking areas are Cathedral Quarter and
Dublin Road.
Modern Belfast is one of the safest cities in the United Kingdom. Although we recommend abandoning
football and national symbols of England and Scotland.

In the 17th century, Belfast was a small provincial town selling wool and agricultural products. The rapid
development of the city occurred with the beginning of transatlantic trade. By the end of the 19th century,
Belfast had become one of the largest shipbuilding centers in Europe. The city was also one of Ireland's
largest industrial centers. In the early 20th century, Belfast shipyards completed a number of ambitious
shipbuilding and engineering projects, including the construction of the Titanic.
The Grand Opera House is one of Belfast's most beautiful buildings, built in 1895.
Belfast Castle is one of Belfast's oldest buildings, dating back to the 12th century. The current structure
dates from 1870 and more like a country mansion. The castle is located 6 km from the city center.
Stormont is a building of the Northern Irish Parliament, built in 1921 in the style of classicism.
The Town Hall is a fine example of early 20th century architecture and one of the main symbols of the
Northern Ireland capital. The building has a beautiful Renaissance facade and magnificent interior.
Crumlin Road Gaol is a Victorian prison, closed in 1996. It is now a museum filled with gloomy
Big fish is one of Belfast's most famous compositions. This is a 10-meter statue, opened in 1999.
Church of St. Malachi is a Catholic church built in the 19th century in the architectural style of the
Tudor era.
Church of St. Patrick is a Catholic church in the Gothic Revival style, built in the second half of the 19th
century. Church of St. George is a religious construction in the style of classicism, built in 1816.
Віола :

Thank you, Valeria, for the interesting information. Honestly, for the first time, I
hear information about the place where the famous Titanic ship was built.


This is all of course interesting, but there is a country in the United Kingdom
where men walk in skirts and woolen cloths over their shoulders, can you imagine?
Віола :

What kind of country is this?


This is Scotland, the city is the capital of Edinburgh. Snizhana will tell us about it.

( виступ Сніжани)
Hi to all! I recently visited one of the largest cities in the north of the UK. a city that blends antiquity and
modernity - the city of Edinburgh.
 Now I want to share with you my impressions and knowledge about this city.
Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland and one of the largest cities in the north of the UK. It is a place that
combines antiquity and modernity in a unique Scottish atmosphere. Edinburgh is one of the most
beautiful cities in the United Kingdom, with a large medieval castle, extending above it on a high rocky
summit, and amazing medieval Gothic architecture, with magnificent examples of modern construction. It
is a true center of history, culture and art, recognized as the best place to live in the UK.

Edinburgh is located in the north-east of the UK in the east of Scotland 650 km from London. The city is
located on the North Sea between the Valley of the Leith River and the slopes of the low mountains of
Salisbury Creek.

Practical information
 Population - more than 480 thousand people.
 Area 118 km².
 Currency is the pound sterling.
 The language is English, Gaelic, Scottish.
Traditional dishes: Haggis (national dish of Scotland), Black Pudding (blood sausage), Scotch Pie and
Bridie (minced meat pie), Cranachan (light raspberry, whipped cream, honey and toasted oats).
 Edinburgh is famous for its pubs. The most popular Scotch Whiskey and beer
Edinburgh is one of the safest cities in the UK. Only the Sighthill and Wester Hailes areas and the
suburbs have some danger here.
The first settlements on the site of the modern city were founded in the 7th century.
In the 13th century Edinburgh officially became the capital of Scotland and remained the most important
city of the kingdom until the early 17th century.

The historic center of Edinburgh is divided into two parts by the Princes Street Gardens Park Area. To
the south is a castle located on top of a decaying volcanic rock and surrounded by the medieval streets of
the Old Town. To the north lies the New Town, built in the 18th century in the style of Georgian
Edinburgh Castle is one of Scotland's most iconic landmarks and a symbol of Edinburgh. Founded in the
12th century, this ancient fortress is one of the most important historical monuments in the UK. The
castle is located on a picturesque rock, which is an extinct volcano.

The Royal Mile is a beautiful historic street that connects Edinburgh Castle and Holyrood Palace. It is a
place with charming architecture, high old buildings, churches and narrow little lanes.
Holyrood Palace is the official Scottish residence of the Queen of Great Britain and one of Edinburgh's
most important historic buildings.

Cathedral of Sts. John is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture dating back to the 13th century. This
cathedral is the most important religious building in Edinburgh and has an interesting (slightly harsh)
Tron Kirk is a former parish church that is one of the most famous monuments of the Royal Mile. This
religious edifice was built in the 17th century after the Scottish Reformation. John the Divine Church is a
beautiful neo-Gothic church built in the 19th century.

St. Paul and St. George Church is another Gothic Renaissance church built in the 19th century.

The Scott Monument is one of the finest examples of Victorian Gothic architecture, dedicated to the
famous Scottish writer.
Greyfrayers is the oldest city cemetery in Edinburgh, built in the 16th century. The church was built in the
17th century.

The obscura camera is an old museum dedicated to optical illusions.

Calton Hill is a high hill and the best viewing platform in Edinburgh. At the foot of the slope is a 13th
century royal high school. The monument on the hill is dedicated to the fallen during the Napoleonic wars
Edinburgh Museums:
The National Gallery of Scotland is a collection of European paintings and sculptures from the
Renaissance to the present day.
 National Museum of Scotland - Medieval artifacts and collections dedicated to history, geology, art,
science and technology.

Thank you ! and I hope you enjoyed the information you heard and listened to. Goodbye!

Віола :

Thank you, Snizhana, for the story of Edinburgh. It is a twin city of Lviv.
Well, the next town we will get to know is Cardiff. This is the capital of Northern


Valeria will tell us about the city of the ancient castle and museums.
( Виступ Валерії)

Віола :

Thank you for the wonderful report.

We hope our viewers enjoyed our broadcast and learned a lot of useful and
interesting information and coped with the challenge for viewers.

But now they can name the capital cities of the United Kingdom and well-known
sites to visit when traveling to these cities.
Post-presentation activity
T: Well, thank you to our presenters and journalists for such helpful information

and new interesting facts.

T : Dear Spectators, It's time to check how you remember the information.

Please answer my questions:

1. How many parts is the United Kingdom divided into?
2. What name the capital cities England( Edinburgh,Cardiff, Belfast)?
3. What famous places we can visited England( Edinburgh,Cardiff, Belfast)?

III. Conclusion.
1. Summarizing.

T: Did you like our tour to the UK? What impressed you most of all? What
activities did you like? What have you learned at the lesson?
2. Evaluation (marks with motivations).
3. Homework.

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