LitCharts A Far Cry From Africa
LitCharts A Far Cry From Africa
LitCharts A Far Cry From Africa
Or lines 5-6:
Alliteration has always been an important element of English The violence of beast on beast is read
poetry. In fact Old English poetry, the oldest known literature in As natural law, but upright man
English, was based around patterns of alliteration (Beowulf
Beowulf is a Seeks his divinity by inflicting pain.
good example). Throughout the history of poetry of English,
alliteration has been a fundamental device. English's many Here, the speaker discusses how humans supposedly separate
consonants give it a rich texture. The speaker makes full use of themselves from animals because humans are more godlike
that texture in this poem. and less violent than animals. This is of course absurd: humans
are capable of extraordinary violence. In fact, when humans
Where Alliter
ation appears in the poem: engage in war, they become "Delirious as these worried beasts."
• Line 2: “Kikuyu,” “quick” In other words, people become beasts when they engage in
• Line 3: “Batten,” “bloodstreams” atrocious acts.
Colonel (Line 5) - Pronounced the same as kernel, a "colonel" is Cool (Line 32) - Calm; that is, how can the speaker learn about
an officer in an army. such violence and be okay with it?
Griffin, Brandan. "A Far Cry from Africa." LitCharts LLC, July 8,
2020. Retrieved September 16, 2020.