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1. Provide a brief history of the company.

Trimex Computer School (Biñan) began as a franchise of Datamex

Computer School in February 1994 to serve as a recognized technical vocational
training facility in the Calabarzon area. It is Laguna’s contribution to the rapid
industrialization trend. Ms. Fluerdeliz A. Constantino, the creator, founded
Trimex in June 1994 with Ms.Rachael C. Cruz with the desire to reach out and
make a difference through education. Administration, Registrar, Accounting,
Information Technology , and Secretaria are the five (5) distinct divisions that
comprise Operations. The school began admitting students on a monthly basis
and offered the following courses; two-year hardware technology, two software
technology, and two-year secretarial education. Between June and July of the
year, 74 students enrolled.

2. List the top management of the firm and note what experience and
leadership skills they bring to the firm. If a larger conglomerate, list
both corporate and business managers.
Rachel Cruz
(Chairwoman of the Board/Chief Operating Officer)
❖ Responsible for leading the board when it comes to
strategic matters that the schools need to
implement/impose, need to enhance and innovate.
❖ Responsible for keeping the school and the students,
and vice versa, at high standards when it comes to
government and ensuring that all the aspects of
materials (books, references, etc.) to be used in
Dr. Rito A. Camigla Jr.
(VP for Academics & Students Services/College Dean)
❖ Responsible for imposing and monitoring the
teachers' academic performance and the students
obligation to perform the responsibilities of following
the core values of the school.
❖ Responsible for ensuring that the school is a
harm-free environment (no hazing inside, the worst
fraternities, bullying, and other kinds of harm that
can affect one’s self-esteem).

Lucila Merced
( Human Resource Management Officer)
❖ Responsible for hiring teachers and educators in
accordance with the standards of the school.
❖ Responsible for discharging teachers and educators
when they commit unlawful acts that violate the core
values of the school.

Edwin Arcega
(GSO Head)
❖ Enforce established policies and regulations
governing the proper care, maintenance and use of
the school facilities.
3. What is the principal business model of the firm? (How does the firm
make most of its profits)?
The Principal Business Model of Trimex Colleges is to cater students
what they need. School as the service provider and student as their client.
Trimex Colleges aim at imparting a worthwhile experience for students with
diversity. Where they accept different students that come from different places
with open-handed, ready to give these students answers to their questions.
Where everybody looks that education will give us hope and believe to find those
Trimex Colleges makes the most of its profit from students' tuition fees,
which they pay to earn degrees. Even though they offer affordable tuition fees,
they still offer high-quality education, and Trimex Colleges focuses on
enrollment rates. The more students who enroll, the more profit they will make.
1. Search for a mission statement of the firm. Not all organizations
publish such a statement, so alternatively you can look for enduring
principles and values upon which the firm seems to be anchored.
This information is often available at the firm’s website (though it
may also take some searching) or is contains in its annual reports.
You may also interview a manager of the firm or contact “investor
“To be a leading Education Institution for life-long learners
empowered by a strong research culture, outcomes-based teaching and
learning and community collaboration.”
Trimex is an educational institution built on the principles of
teamwork, commitment and integrity.
1. Teamwork
● Working in teams spreads responsibility. encourages creativity,
deepens friendships, and builds community among stakeholders.
2. Commitment
● We are committed to give a worth it, learning experience.
3. Integrity
● We will serve our community honestly and ethically.

2. Identify the major goals of the company.

● To offer the best possible and excellence in higher education.
● To give more worthy and eligible students access to quality education
and opportunities.
● To view the field of education as a profession and develop students'
thinking as a powerful one.
● A student area where they can hone their big potentials and later on use
it to strengthen the institution's reputation in nurturing the students.
3. Does the firm seem to have any long-term challenging or stretch goals
that would serve as its strategic intent?
Trimex has achieved its long-term challenge and stretch objectives, such
as creating diversity in the school’s environment and strengthening its
commitment to community collaboration, therefore putting its mission
statement into action, which is to provide quality, equitable, culture-based and
excellence in higher education
4. Trace any changes in strategy that you can identify over time. Try
to determine whether the strategic changes of your selected firm are
a result of intended strategies, emergent strategies, or some
combination of both.
With the vibrant company that we are experiencing now is the result of
the many businesses that our government, in partnership with concerned
private entities, has embarked into. From the Franchise of the Datamex
Computer School as a reputable technical training center in the CALABARZON
area. With the passion to reach out and make a difference TRIMEX began to
expand and below are the strategic changes of TRIMEX a result of both
intended, emergent and realized strategy.
Computer With the desire to reach Now Timex colleges
School (Biñan) out and make a difference continue to expand by
began as a through education, Ms. adding more and more
franchise of Fleurdeliz together with courses with the current
Datamex Ms. Rachel continues to total of 22 courses
Computer expand. The school began offered.
School in admitting students on a
February 1994 monthly basis and offered They also cater to
to serve as a the following courses: seniors in high school
recognized two-year hardware and even offer TESDA
technical technology, two-year courses.
vocational software technology, and
training facility two-year secretarial
in the education. Between June
Calabarzon and July of that year, 74
area. students enrolled.
1. Are any changes taking place in the macro environment that might
have a positive or negative impact on the industry in which your
company is based? Apply the PESTLE framework to identify which
factors may be the most important in your industry. What will be
the effect on your industry?

Positive: Trimex Colleges, the institution upheld the

rights. The rights for freedom of choice, freedom of
speech, well-protected from any discriminations
definitely without grievances.
POLITICAL Example: CHED is part of the government that is
responsible for the inspection of materials used in
teaching, the criteria for the qualifications of the
program, and the existence of the institution by itself.
Negative: Government has the free-power to mandate
laws that can affect the institution.

1. Visibility of the Institution to Manufacturing,

Industrial and Commercial/Business Areas.
Trimex Colleges located at the heart of Biñan City. One
of the most progressive and forward-looking cities in
the CALABARZON REGION, known for its industrial
estates and export processing zones. The WEP
(Weekend Program) is designed to all students (working
students) all over the Philippines to give them an
ECONOMIC opportunity to pursue their ambitions and vision in life
no matter what their economic background, and most
importantly Trimex Colleges is a helping hand of those
marginalized and underrepresented students to fight for
their own right. The right to education.
(Laguna Technopark) (Sailun Tire) (GRUPPO EMS)
2. Wage Hike
As salary increases there are possibilities that
education is affordable throughout the Philippines. It is
the right time for a wage hike, and all of us can benefit
from that. Most students of Trimex Colleges are working
students and we cannot deny the fact that this factor is
very essential to both institution and the students. The
possibilities of increasing the number of working
students in Trimex Colleges is yet to come. It is very
essential to the institution in a sense that the
manpower behind the institution (Trimex Colleges) will
achieve a good compensation, and for those working
students they can sustain their education, support their
families or pay their bills such as health insurance.

Provincial Salary Rate

Laguna is a province just Southeast of Manila, wherein
it belongs to provincial salary rate, even though the
wage hike was already implemented, not all Filipinos
can get a higher salary some of them are receiving a
SOCIAL maximum compensation amounting to Php430.00
compare to Manila rate with a maximum rate of 570. It
affects the institution in a sense that the school should
plant deeper understanding to those students that
suffers from provincial salary rate. Trimex Colleges
known for its excellence in helping students by
providing scholarships to those deserving students and
low tuition fees.

Trimex Colleges during the pandemic set their academic

year by blended online Learnings until now. Some of the
students of Trimex Colleges are working abroad but
they’re still able to cope up with the lessons, because of
the innovative Technology of Trimex Colleges that is
ready to keep up in an ever-changing world. Trimex
Colleges uses many educational online instruments
TECHNOLO- such as google classroom, Trimex portal,zoom meetings
GICAL and many social media apps that can help the students
to nurture and improve their knowledge, and expand
their horizon on learnings wherever they want to study.
Choosing Trimex is ensuring your brightest future,
because Trimex is worth it.


COVID 19 has brought despair in our life. We
should prioritize our safety at all cost because public
health is everyone’s responsibility. Trimex colleges is
leading for its initiatives of MANDATORY
LEGAL the safety of the institution. Trimex colleges promote a
safety school in Laguna. Discipline is the school’s
The institution promotes its peace and order to take
a lead in inclusive diversity.

2. Apply the five forces model to your industry. What does this model
tell you about the nature of competition in the industry?
A. Competition in the Industry
Trimex Colleges are located in the heart of Binan City, Province of
Laguna. A province in which the level of competition is forceful,
inevitable, and strong. Since Trimex College provides equitable,
affordable, and good-quality education, we cannot repudiate the fact that
the institution encounters forceful competition every day with different
top universities in the province and outside the province.
Fact/s: Top Universities & Colleges in Laguna
1. Mapua Colleges of Laguna
2. UP Los Banos
3. University of Perpetual
4. San Pedro College of Business Administration
5. Lyceum of the Philippines
B. Threat of New Entrants
1. Phinma Subsidiary to Develop School in Laguna
2. SM group to Build New Schools in Laguna and Batangas.
C. Power of Suppliers
Trimex Colleges offers affordable, equitable, and good-quality education.
The institution produces high-quality local and international professionals, but
behind the success of the institution, who are the key suppliers of Trimex
The manpower (academic or non-academic) are the suppliers of Trimex
Colleges. They’re not the suppliers of chalk, papers, or any material things, but
they are the suppliers of knowledge and wisdom to the students. The school
should invest in educators who are willing to share their knowledge,
experiences, and wisdom. The future is in their hands; they are the engineers
that build every Filipino citizen's dream to be globally competitive in an
ever-changing world. The institution is responsible for taking care of their
careers and giving them the benefits that they deserve in appreciation of their
efforts and motivation to teach. As competition gets stronger, educators are in
demand nowadays. Take note that intellectual property cannot be stolen by
somebody. It is something that makes the institution unique because of the
skills and knowledge that they share and impart.
D. Power of Customer

The power of the customer is very important to consider in business;

they are the lifeblood of the business. Trimex Colleges, an educational
institution, has a total of 2,000 students; they are called customers of the
business. It consists of WEP and regular students. Students always considered
the accessibility of the campus in terms of transportation, safety, tuition fees,
and quality of education.
E. Threat of Substitute

The threat of substitute is a choice or an option of the customer, it is the

availability of other services that a customer could get outside the company.
Trimex Colleges offers 22-degree courses, but other schools offer
numerous courses. It is said that Trimex Colleges has been lacking services
offered to the students.
3. Identify any strategic groups that might exist in the industry. How
does the intensity of competition differ across the strategic groups
you have identified?
Strategic Groups that Exist in the Industry
1. No Entrance Exam
2. Prioritizing Working Students
3. Accurate distribution of subjects in accordance to the
expertise of the professor or teacher.
4. Measuring economic line up of the students vs tuition fee.
These strategic groups played a vital role in the institution. It means that
the institution is leading the way to stop intellectual discrimination and that
everyone has the right to education. WEP, or Weekend Program, is established
to prioritize working students getting their degree while working; the institution
believes that they have a higher chance of promotion after they graduate from
their chosen career or degree. Accurate distribution of subjects in accordance
with the expertise of the professor or teacher is Trimex College's priority to
maintain, and it is the management's consistency to organize it so well that the
lesson is relatable and valuable. Measuring the economic line-up of the
students vs. Tuition fee is the institution's expertise; the institution provides a
low tuition fee but quality education. The management considered the
demographic background of the student, such as income. Laguna is part of the
provincial salary rate, and that is the reason why Trimex Colleges offers a low
tuition fee so that education is accessible and affordable.
4. How dynamic is the industry in which your company is based? Is there
evidence that industry structure is reshaping competition, or has done so
in the recent past?
Trimex Colleges is very consistent with its goals (mission and vision);
therefore, there is no evidence that the industry is reshaping competition due to
its consistency. The institution is now being challenged for having incomplete
courses compared to other schools that offer numerous courses, but
management seeks to provide a strategic decision on how to address it. Every
school year, the school offers new courses (ex., BS Industrial Engineering, BS
Real Estate Management) to show that the institution is keeping up with the
competition. It is dynamic in the sense that Trimex Colleges is located at the
heart of Binan City, where it is part of one of the most developing cities in the
Philippines and where the level of competition is strong amongst different
colleges and universities in the province.


1. A good place to start with an internal firm analysis is to catalog the
assets a firm has. Make a list of the firm’s tangible assets in the
firm. Then, make a separate list of the intangible assets you can
I. Property, Plant & I. Skilled Manpower(academic
Equipment and non-academic) of
a. Campus Building Trimex Colleges
b. Innovative
technology to be II. Graduate Students of
used for those Trimex Colleges
courses who need
nourishment in their
profession (BSIT,
Engineering field,
practical nursing etc.
II. Learning References to be used
in teaching
a. Updated Books
b. Libraries
2. Now extend beyond the asset base and use the VRIO framework to
identify the competitive position held by your firm. Which, if any, of these
resources are helpful in sustaining the firm’s competitive advantage?

The best resource that the institution of

Trimex Colleges could offer is the
Value: Do you offer a resource manpower. Trimex Colleges known for its
that adds value for customers? excellence in providing quality education,
Are you able to exploit an the institution invests in those educators
opportunity or neutralize who have a high value profile with
competition with an internal experience as their human capital, and
capability? that’s the flavor that adds value to the
students of Trimex Colleges that produce
excellent graduate professionals.

Offering a weekend program is definitely

something that is hard to find at other
schools. It is in demand because of the
working students who believe that their
dreams are possible through this
program. The student enrolled in
weekends only from Saturday to Sunday
because they are employed, and after
Rarity: Do you control scarce they graduate, the institution assures
resources or capabilities? Do you them that the brightest future awaits
own something that’s hard to find them. Having good qualifications for
yet in demand? educators in the institution is a basic
necessity to control resources and gain
an advantage over other competitors,
and that’s what Trimex Colleges has:
skilled and well-experienced manpower.
Imitability: Is it expensive to Intellectual property is a right that
duplicate your organization’s cannot be stolen by anyone. They are
resources or capability? Is it difficult the suppliers of knowledge and
to find an equivalent substitute to wisdom to the students; they are to
compete with your offerings? shape the future of the students to
become globally competitive in the
future, and it is definitely hard to
duplicate. The institution also
challenges having complete courses
in the future since Trimex Colleges
offers only 22 courses compared with
other colleges and universities, so the
possibility of substitution is strongly

When it comes to the enrollment

Organization: Does your company process, the institution should
have organized management systems, develop a solid strategy on how to
processes, structures, and culture to facilitate the process since the
capitalize on resources and student at Trimex Colleges took a
capabilities? long time to enroll. Remember that
this kind of process is part of
customer service, and customers
should receive service satisfaction.
3. Identify the core competencies that are the heart of the firm’s
competitive advantage. (Remember, a firm will have only one, or at most a
few, core competencies, by definition).

A. Offering Weekend Program

The program is designed to give working students a seat in the future.
The program aims to support students so that they can simultaneously pursue
their academic pursuits while working and have a chance for higher promotion
at work. The schedule for WEP is from Saturday to Sunday only, which is
exactly the common rest day at work.
B. Offer Lowest Tuition Fee
Trimex Colleges is an institution known for its excellence in helping
marginalized and underrepresented students afford quality education. Tuition
fees can be accessible through SSS loans or on an installment basis.
C. Well- Experience & Skilled Manpower
The basic concept of teaching is applying your experience to the lessons
so that they are valuable, and that’s one of Trimex College's core competencies
in the aspect of teaching. Academic professors or teachers have their own solid
strategy on how to elevate the students using their own experience.
4. Use the strategic activity system framework to diagram the important
and supportive activities the firm has that are key to delivering and
sustaining the firm’s value proposition.
5. Perform a SWOT analysis for your firm. Remember that strengths
and weaknesses are internal to the firm, and opportunities and threats are

1. Combined Strong academic and

professional background of the
Strength professors.
2. High experience in different types
of courses.
3. Good reputation and background
of the founders and teamworks.
4. Providing unusual and innovative
solutions to engineering problems.
1. Consist of 3 campuses/buildings.
2. It took a long time in the
enrollment process.
Weakness 3. Not enough classrooms.
4. Incomplete Courses
5. Transportation expenses are
6. Poor Website ( Ex. Student Portal)

1. They can deal with any problems.

2. Offers low tuition fee
3. High chance for promotion in
Opportunities work after you graduate.
4. Produce high professionals
graduate local and international.
1. The institution is situated in one
of the most developing cities in the
Threat country, where all the top
universities and colleges are
2. Demand to manpower
1. Based on information in the annual reports or published on the
firm’s website, summarize what the firm views as the reasons for its
success( either past or expected in the future). Search for both
qualitative and quantitative success factors provided in the report.
Trimex strives for the highest level of educational competence in many
fields. Trimex views as the reason for its success is qualitative success
factors because as part of Trimex Colleges as of now Trimex continues to
add more courses and from 74 students to thousands of students enrolled.
These are the qualitative success factors that we found in Trimex colleges:
● Strong and effective leadership.
● Sustained focus on instruction and learning.
● Safe and positive school climate and culture.
● High expectations for all students and staff.
● Effective use of student achievement data
● Teaching practice.
2. Does the firm seem most focused on the economic, accounting, or
shareholder perspective of its competitive advantage? Give quotes
or information from these sources to support your view.
Trimex colleges seem most focus on both economic perspective and
accounting perspective:
● Economic perspective of competitive advantage like The value of
human capital is where Trimex Colleges give students more
opportunity to continue their studies even when they are working,
and one of the problems that students are facing is tuition fees.
Trimex is also known for their Weekend Education Program, or
WEP, where diversity really exists. Trimex colleges provide quality
education with a lower tuition fee; therefore, Trimex practices the
idea of its competitive advantage by recruiting students into
programs where it provides marketable value to the students and
redirects prospective students. In the future, there will be more
students learning, more opportunities, and more knowledgeable
● Accounting perspective of competitive advantage, where every
organization also focused on its revenue growth and invested in
new technology and infrastructure so they could cater to more
students conveniently.
3. Many firms are now including annual corporate social responsibility
(CSR) reports on their websites. See whether your frim does so. If it
does not, are there other indications of a triple-bottom-line
approach, including social and ecological elements, in the firm’s
As part of their mission line where there are community collaboration
Trimex do believe that organization should have social roles; they try to
extend their services to enrich the surrounding community by these
● NSTP Community Service is held every semester, where they give
back to the community the help that they deserve and choose a
different recipient who is deserving to be honored.


1. Does your selected business have differentiated products or
services? If so, what is the basis for this differentiation from the
Aside from lower tuition fees, Trimex Colleges has differentiated
services, such as a weekend education program for working students or
anybody who wants to go back to school but doesn’t have enough time
because of their tough schedule.
"Education is wealth that can never be stolen. Many families
struggle for their lives just to let their children finish their studies. We
know that learning is a life-long process, and everybody, even in their old
age, still wants to continue their studies, but as a student, you need to
allocate a lot of time and effort to focus on your studies. So if you hear
that there is a school that provides this opportunity to everybody, even in
their hectic schedule, they still want to grab this opportunity to gain
more opportunities in the future, and that is what Trimex is providing
now to gain a competitive edge over its competitors.”
2. Does your firm have a cost-leadership position in this business? If
so, can you identify which cost drivers it uses effectively to hold its
Yes, Trimex Colleges have cost leadership because, unlike other colleges,
Trimex offers a WEP designed exclusively for workers who want to return to
school. Given that the bulk of these employees are low-income parents earning
the minimum wage, they are budgeting for future school expenses. Unlike its
main competitors, who charge significantly higher costs, Trimex Colleges offers
the most affordable and lowest cost of fees in the area, allowing these employees
to return to school at a very affordable price.
3. What is your firm’s approach to the market? If it segments the
market, identify the scope of competition it is using?
Trimex Colleges’ approach to the market is through demographic
segmentation. Demographic segmentation refers to the categorization of
consumers into segments based on their demographic characteristics.
This includes variables such as age, gender, income, education, religion,
and nationality.
Trimex caters to anyone who wants to return to school. Education has
no age or limit. In recent years, Trimex has been well known for its
Weekend Education Program, which allows working students and those
parents who want to go to school while taking care of their families to do
so. The scope of competition they are using is broad competitive scope.
4. Using the answers to the preceding questions, identify which
generic business strategies your firm is employing. Is the form
leveraging the appropriate value and cost drivers for the business
strategy you identified? Explain why or why not?
Trimex Colleges generic business strategy is its source of competitive
advantage, where Trimex seeks to gain an edge on rivals by keeping
tuition fees down and by offering something unique, the Weekend
Education Program, or WEP. Another tactic that the Trimex Colleges are
using is their free concert every year, where anyone can watch or join
(which other schools do not offer), and that helps the school encourage
more incoming students to enroll at the Trimex Colleges.
5. As noted in the chapter, each business strategy is
context-dependent. What do you see as positives and negatives with
the selected business strategy of your firm in its competitive
Trimex Colleges Positive Negative
Weekend Education Giving opportunities More of the students
Program (WEP) to anybody who wish enrolled in WEP and
to go back to school Regular students has
even in their hectic lower numbers of
schedule enrollees
Lower Tuition Fee
More students to The quality of
cater because of the education may not be
affordability maintained because of
other cost drivers that
might be affected.

Community Political
Collaboration Gaining strong Misunderstanding
relationship with the

6. What suggestions do you have to improve the firm's business

strategy position?
Raising the profile of your school.
- A strong school profile makes an impression on potential parents, helps
draw in the top instructors, and supports the local community. It is
crucial to take the time to emphasize the unique qualities of your school.
For example, promoting the school's profile on social media and joining
in competitions and events raises the profile of the professors.
Enrollment process must be improved.
- During enrollment, it took students a whole day to wait in line. Trimex
should educate students to enroll online so it is convenient and they are
not wasting their time waiting all day.
Using social media in engaging customers.
- Everyone is now using social media. Sharing instructional and insightful
social media content presents your school as a cutting-edge,
contemporary organization. People frequently turn to social media
platforms for news and guidance, and it is a key component of many
important marketing tactics. For example, Trimex should post on their
page in an informational context. More information about the status of
the school is needed because people ask questions in their minds and
always search first on social media.
Add classrooms.
- There are so many enrolled students, but there are fewer classrooms to
accommodate all of them.
Trimex Colleges as an educational institution with one-campus only.


1. Where is your firm’s industry on the life cycle?
- Innovation is considered the lifeblood of higher education
institutions and universities in order to survive, sustain,
differentiate, monopolize, and develop in their industry. Trimex
Colleges is now in its growth stage, where more students are
aware of Trimex Colleges and the services that they offer, not just
here in Binan but also in neighboring places like San Pedro and
even in the province of Cavite.
2. What is the dominant technological design of the industry in which
the firm is primarily located?
- The dominant technological design that Trimex colleges have is
audio-visual and interactive software gadgets. Virtual attendance,
live chat, and in-person face-to-face connections with teachers
and students are all made possible by technology in education.
The previously recorded lessons can also be accessed, along with a
multitude of other helpful resources. The evolution of computers
and tablets in classrooms is useful to education because all
information would be placed on a tablet (or computer). The
digitization of educational content would facilitate access to
information, while hard-copy textbooks would no longer be
3. Did this dominant technology develop quickly or more slowly? Can
you identify what influenced the speed of diffusion?
- This dominant technology has developed quickly since the
beginning of the pandemic, with all the people stuck in their
homes using their cellphones to do what they want, like playing
games or delivering food, using this digitization. In order for the
school to continue to operate, they adapted the online classes,
which are more convenient and safe for both students and
professors during the surge of the pandemic. Until now, we have
all used computers and tablets to communicate and to lessen our
time to personally go to school to comply with requirements and
payments with the help of this dominant technology.
4. From a marketing perspective, what attributes describe the current
major customer segment for your firm?
Technographic Attributes
- The innovation of technology is fast approaching, and Trimex
Colleges continues to adapt new technologies to reach out to its
students and potential customers. Trimex uses different platforms
of today to reach out to their students, like Gmail, Facebook, and
other platforms.
5. Are the intellectual property rights important for your firm? Can
you find what strategies the firm is implementing to protect its
property position?
- Intellectual property rights are one of the most important
intangible assets of every company, especially educational
institutions. The internet has undoubtedly benefited almost all
businesses by enabling them to promote to vast audiences for little
or no expense, but it has also increased the possibility of
intellectual property infringements.
- From its updated student handbook article VIII SCHOOL
school name and its logo indicate that individual students or
groups are not allowed to use the school name or its logo without
the authorization and approval of the school head, whether on a
printed program, invitation, ticket, ring, t-shirt, or similar
- Trimex is implementing its intellectual property rights through its
student handbook so that every student is aware of Trimex's
intellectual property rights.
There are several ways to protect intellectual property rights against
violation, especially now that Trimex Colleges is engaging in social media. Below
are suggestions that we want to make to Trimex Colleges to protect more of its
Apply for Trademarks and Copyrights.
Intellectual property rights and registrations also allow a corporation to
obstruct competing goods, deter new entrants, and pave the way for future
market share via technological advancements.
Never Stop Innovating
Plagiarism will also be a problem in most industries. Trimex Colleges is
known for its Weekend Education Program in order to protect its competitive
advantage against competitors here in Binan. Trimex should never stop
innovating and continue to develop more strategies to attract more students.

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