Aeronautica Impeialis Eldar

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JO no ld UNS aa y , at ef \Zeeae ASURYANI SKY HOST Eo Ve) oP AEH ASURYANI SKY HOST ‘TheAeldari are a technologically advanced and psychically gifted race. Although their empire has long fallen and their disparate ‘and duindling peoples nov fight for they very survival, the Asuryani — thase Aeldari who belong tothe craftsworlds — are {feared across the galaxy. Far the Asuryani Sky host their vtwal wargear is not blade ov sidearm, but instead a sleek aerial fighter ‘that represents the pinnacle of Asuryani aeronulics The Asuryans’s unequaled grasp of anti gravitie technology means that their aircraft are faster and more agile. Fram Nightwing Interceptors to the huge Vampire Raider transport aircraft, the battle for the shies over any battlefield is a crucial aspect of war, and one in which the Asuryani have a telling advantage ASURYANI AIRCRAFT UPGRADES Eagle Pilot +5 points ‘The aircraft is piloted by an Aspect Warrior dedicated to the areial arts of war. This upgrade may only be taken by one aircraft within a force. Once per game, this aircraft may choose to reroll a dice roll, However, all of the dice rolled must be re-rolled and the player must accept the result of the second roll, even if itis worse. spirit Stone +3 points ‘The aircraft i fitted with a spirit stone to aid the pilot when required. Once per game, this aircraft ay choose to reroll a Holo-Field dice roll of 1. The player must accept the result of the second roll, even if it is another roll of 1 Pan-spectral Sights +2 points ‘The aircraft's sensors are upgraded allowing the firer to view their target in multiple spectra, both. physical and psychic, If the Night Fighting or Bad ‘Weather rules are in use, this aircraft may fire at ‘Medium range without reducing the number of Firepower dice rolled. Escape Capsule +2 ‘The aircraft has been improved to safely allow the recovery of an Aspect Warrior in case of an emergency. If the aircraft is reduced to 0 Structure points and destroyed for any reason, roll a D6. Ona 54, the crew safely escape and the aircraft is only worth 75% of its total points cost in Victory points, rather than the usual 100%, Roca ago hea ry Holo-fields ate programmable holog utilised by the Asuryani to defend themselves rere than a typical force Per ne sence ase ens distorts the user's image, prev Say nny Peeeaernrs equipped with a Holo Field suffers a d fire, roll eens Pees enn eit have been lost as a result of the D: Poste NIGHTWING = The Asuryani race's frontline combat aircraft is the infamous Nightwing Hated by all enemies of the Asuryani, itis a’sleek and deadly aircraft, capable of out-matching just about any other aircraft in the sky. The Nightwing is the pinnacle of Asuryani aircraft technology, a superbly designed fighter-interceptor that provides Asuryani Craftworld forces, and Corsair raiding parties, with the decisive edge in aerial combat, Utilising the Asuryani's sophisticated anti-gravity technology the Nightwing is capable of aerobatic feats mast Imperial Navy pilots Would consider impossibie. The Nightwing is extremely fast in a straight line, utilising its swept wing design for extra speed. With its wings in a backwards position it can easily outpace any Imperial Navy fighter. For extreme manoeuvres, the wings sweep forwards allowing the Nighwing to pull high speed, high-g turns, and brake the aircraft very rapidly during a dog fight. Asuryani pilots master this manoeuvre, suddenly braking and swerving hard to throw off pursuit NIGHTWING Porch eee tes ead | f | f STRUCTURE EY coy coy 2 Sek fenmtentd 1s Mame > | z 3 i "WEAPON cs cc eee re! uw = SES UL pwnage | u Q OFS See ae Bare [| oxew | purr | TIME. | petaus or soars —_ 145.66 | evo | wi da [ ight al 0210 [0320 + |risis| roDae| | | 304 = |uso|rrocincn| > | = [as "| enas2! FO Bald és "$0320 46.66 | fe | Wie Juda lsc ntecep 1800 | 1440 7 fis] ocak] "| ot | x atk ceding tt Stet ema dcop Ue w [ESSE sibs | 7 usa| seas » fra 46.64 | eie| wre judd] Patol | 170 | 1030 | wingemcedstgh mat modu sc pude Noeneny | eN452| F/O Bald = = | 1930 [sree 766 |r| weeynad| Trpst [ooo | 120, yond on nemo Bana | | ere (ease wom | rst [eee |e ee ndmngtnnng (Ll | | OPERATIONS LOG. 3695th IMPERIAL NAVY FIGHTER WING. LAMMAS CAMPAIGN. ‘The wing took 75% loses in 4 days of combat, Such lose ate not unusual when facing Aauryani icra. HERE) souavron usts PHOENIX = The Phoenix has many features in common with the Nightwing, but lacks the straight line speed and top end manoeuvrability ofthe fighter, instead carrying a larger weapons paylord for its role as a ground attack fighter. Despite its loss of speed, the Phoenix is still an outstanding aircraft, capable of tangling with most enemy fighter aircraft and still come out on top. The Phoenix's weapons load includes two nose-mounted shuriken cannons, primarily for use against enemy aircraft. Below the fuselage is a single centreline mounted pulse laser, a powerful, rapid firing laser weapon used for pinpoint accuracy against hard targets. The fuselage also holds the Phoenix's main ground attack weapons, two rapid discharge Asuryani missile launchers, armed with plasma missiles. These weapons saturate an area, obliterating a target in a hail of expanding plasma explosions pe PHOENIX MeL eco tes te) Bay 2 coy > coin — enenenycy 1.3 etn — pai 3. WEAPON FIREARC FPR DMG AMMO ea Pe sce ee ore erul RSE RM SST naam u i . ce ADDITIONAL WEAPONRY Phoenix Fighters maybe equipped with one additional weapon, which are chosen from the following list at no point cost. Reta oe oy Ea Res Twin Brightlance Front 12-0 2+ UL Extra Damage(6+) RR oennPutselaser ont is 3+ UL Ground Attack Extra Damage (5+) Jemmmiest —enstrcamen er 20 ot 3 SQUADRON Lists EINE CRIMSON HUNTER The Aspect warriors known as the Crimson Hunters are amongst the most unusual of their kind. Their wargear, the Nightshade Interceptors, are just as important to them as Dire Avenger's shuriken catapult or a Howling Banchsee's power sword. Their lethality, however, is measured on 4 different scale altogether. The Nightshade Interceptor has been designed specifically to hunt down and destroy aircraft of any kind - even those of the Dark Kin. A single beam of light can be the difference between victory and defeat, though itis said that the reflexes of a Crimson hunter are so preternaturally sharp that they can evade even these. By training every night against their own kind ~ in essence, the most gifted fighter pilots in the ‘galaxy - the warriors of the Crimson Hunters ensure that act of destroying the aircraft of the lesser race is a simple exercise that proves their superiority over the sluggish would-be pilots that pollute the skies of the universe. Soaring through the air in a blue of colour, they hunt down and destroy the aircraft of the foe, ensuring total air superiority, Et at Peet ea eosin coy > re 2 |AcE MANOEUVRES BE MAX S660 IE) 2 Meetnies 5 ADDITIONAL WEAPONRY Crimson Hunters may swap out its Twin Bright Lance fora Twin Starcannon at no point cost if the Exarch upgrade is purchased. Sen SS eos Semmes instercamen or 0 : E erway sre Peeps Crimson Hunter Exarchs are the most skilled of their kind, and it is rare day when such a masrksmen miss their shot, even whe moving at incredible speed. Although some Exarchs maintain the eee Sea they command, others replace their veheile’s bright lances with starcannons, adding greater volume to their firepower. A Crimson Hunter Exarch increases the Firepower Racer any each range band, that is not 0, by 1 HERE souavron usts VAMPIRE RAIDER The Vampire Raider isthe largest atmospheric aircraft yet encountered and its ability to function as a drop ship makes it favoured by Corsair bands, for making swift sorties onto a planet's surface, It is used primarily as a transport for Asuryani assault forces, descending from orbiting spacecraft to strike at their targets before quickly withdrawing For its size, its capable of travelling at many times the speed of sound and as agile as any bird of prey, combat reports that the Vampire Raider is well capable of defending itself even without the commonly employed Nightwing cover Armed with a nose-mounted scatter laser and two under-wing hard points which mount twin-linked pulse lasers, It also utilises holo-fields for protection. Like the Nightwing the Vampire Raider is capable of operating in the hard vacuum of space just as well as in an atmosphere. Vampire Raiders are used as primary transport for Asuryani assault {forces descending from orbiting spacecraft. The Vampire Raider can carry up to 30 troops in its passenger compartment and has two crew, a pilot and a co-pilot. pr = VAMPIRE RAIDER PL Ci cee ey Bray > THROTILE MEG 2 Bott 5 Peace 10 MAX SPEED IE Gr HANDUNG JES 3 ‘WEAPO! ARC FPR DMG AMMO Ea feeieetoe ot 680 GUL 2 Palins Font 222 2% UL Esra Dare) Pi ” Sue mace? AIRCRAFT UPGRADE: JUMP TROOPS +10 Points SQUADRON Lists EINE VAMPIRE HUNTER The Vampire Hunter is the variant of the Vampire Raider converted for use as « heavy ground attack bomber rather than as a troop shuttle, It foregoes any transport capacity for additional heavy armament, and carries massive pulsars, multiple missile launchers, and nose-mounted scatter lasers. The Vampire Hunter is a super-heavy gunship, capable of taking on the heaviest enemy units, including Titans, and is only deployed onto the fiercest battlefields against large targets. They fly on missions to engage specific enemy targets, such as an attacking Titan, and each Vampire Hunter will usually have its own Nightwing fighter cover to support its attack runs and keep enemy aircraft at bay. The Hunter is just one of several identified variants of the standard Vampire, usually carrying different Craftworlds and Corsair bands. Despite its heavy weapons load, the Hunter retains the Vampire's amazing manoeuvrability and speed (for such a large aircraft), and, like all Asuryani aircraft, is protected by its holo-field a NUT ae to Crepe Merccetittanrto st) Bray > THROTILE WEG 2 pot - Peanentcy 1-0 MAX SPEED IE ru pins 3. Bnrwetiniis 5 ‘WEAPON REAR FPR HERE] souavron usts ea GROUND DEFENCE FIRESTORM The Firestorm is a rare Asuryani grav-tank based on the Falcon chassis. Designed for anti-aircraft warfare, the Firestorm is employed only in unique cases where Asuryani aircraft are not available to achieve air superiority over the enemy, such as the Baran War where only vehicles Falcon sized or smaller could fit through the wraithgates. It mounts a complex triple barreled array of scatter lasers in a single-seater turret that fills the sky wish streaking laser bolts above an Asuryani grav- tank formation. Highly accurate and capable of sustained bursts, these are ideal for protecting Asuryani hosts from enemy aircrafts. 2 ACE ABILITY TABLE ‘Asuryani Pilot Ace Abilities Dé Ace Ability | 2 _Eyes of Khaine: This aircraft may roll one extra dice when firing at Medium range 2 Masterful Aerobatics: This aizcraft may add +1 to its Throttle characteristic when decreasing Speed during the Throttle step of the Movement phase: | "5 Stefing Atsult When makings Seeing Run, ti iveraft may rerol one Damage ice mm i Ea ee ea fea SEE targeting this aircraft, Hall of Deon Once per game it afeat may ueat ls Shuriken Cannody Damage characterise asa 6 Skyhunlers Add toall it rolls made by this aircraft when tangeting enemy atcrat that isin Tailing position for SQUADRON Lists FANN

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