Review of Prose and Drama

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REVIEW OF PROSE AND DRAM prose, the reason for its adoption can be attributed

Written Report to its loosely-

Introduction defined structure, which most writers feel
Prose and drama are two major forms of literature comfortable using when expressing or conveying
that have been widely studied and appreciated for their ideas and thoughts. It is the standard style of
centuries. Both forms have unique features that set writing used for most spoken dialogues, fictional as
them apart from one another. Prose is a form of well as topical and factual writing, and discourses.
language that uses grammatical structure and It is also the common language used in
natural flow of words to convey information, ideas, newspapers, magazines, literature,
or emotions, while drama is a literary genre that is encyclopedias, broadcasting, philosophy, law,
written to be performed on stage or screen. In this history, the sciences, and many other forms of
review, we will explore the characteristics and communication.
conventions of prose and drama, their similarities
and differences, and the ways in which they What is the difference of prose and poetry?
contribute to the rich and diverse world of Prose
literature. •Follows natural patterns of speech and
Prose is verbal or written language that follows the •Has a grammatical structure with sentences and
natural flow of speech. It is most common form of paragraphs
writing, used in both fiction and non-fiction. Prose •Uses everyday language
comes from the Latin “prose oration,” meaning, •Sentences and thoughts continue across lines
“straightforward.” There are 4 types of prose: non- Poetry
fictional, prose, fictional prose, heroic prose, and •Traditional poetry has deliberated patterns, such
prose poetry. as rhythm and rhyme
First Concept •Many poems have a formal metrical structure—
Non-Fictional prose- Prose that is a true story or repeating patterns of beats
factual account of events or information is •Incorporates more figurative language
nonfiction. Textbooks, newspaper articles, and •Poems visually stand out on a page with narrow
instruction manuals all fall into this category. Anne columns, varying line
Frank’s Diary of a Young Girl, composed entirely of lengths, and more white space on a page than prose
journal excerpts, recounts the young teen’s •Deliberate line breaks
experience of hiding with her family in Nazi-
occupied Netherlands during World War II. All-time best prose writers
Second Concept
Fictional prose- A literary work of fiction. This is William Shakespeare (1564 -1616)
the most popular type of literary prose, used in Best known for: King Lear, Romeo & Juliet, Hamlet
novels and short stories, and generally has Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881)
characters, plot, setting and dialogue. Best knows for: Crime and Punishment, Demons,
Third Concept The Idiot
Heroic prose- A literary work that is either written Tolstoy (1828-1910)
down or preserved through oral tradition but is Victor Hugo (1802- 1885)
meant to be recited. Heroic prose is usually a Best known for: Les Misérables, The Hunchback of
legend of fable. The twentieth-century Irish tales Notre-Dame, Odes et Ballades
revolving around the mythical warrior Finn Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
McCool are an example of heroic prose. Best known for: Great Expectations, A Christmas
Fourth Concept Carol, Bleak House
Prose poetry- Poetry written in prose form. This J.R.R. Tolkien OBE (1892-1973
literary hybrid can sometimes have rhythmic and George Orwell (1903-1950)
rhyming patterns. French poet Charles Best known for: 1984, Animal Farm
Baudelaire wrote prose poems, including “Be Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Drunk” which starts off: “And if sometimes, on the Best known for: Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,
steps of a palace or the green frass of a ditch, in the The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
mournful solitude of your room.” Edgar Allan Poe
Function of prose Best known for: The Raven, The Tell-Heart, The
While there have been many critical debates Cask Amontillado
over the correct and valid construction of Jane Austen (1775-1817)
Best known for: Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Nationality: English
Sensibility, Emma Literary Style: Comedies, histories, tragedies,
Introduction for drama Drama is a mode of Notable Works:
fictional representation through dialogue and  The Two Gentleman of Verona (1589)
performance. It  Merchant of Venice (1596)
is one of the literary genres, which is an imitation of  Romeo and Juliet (1597)
some action. Drama is also a type of a play written  Julius Caesar (1599)
for theater, television, radio and film.  Hamlet (1599)
 Othello (1603)
First concept
Comedy- Comedies are lighter in tone than Henrik Ibsen
ordinary works, and provide a happy conclusion. Years: 78 (1828-1906)
The intention of dramatists in comedies is to make Nationality: Norwegian
their audience laugh. Hence, they use quaint Literary Style: Modernism, Realism, Naturalism
circumstances, unusual characters, and witty Notable Works:
remarks. • Brand (1867)
• Peer Gynt (1867)
Second concept • Emperor and Galilean (1873)
Tragedy- Tragic dramas use darker themes, such as • A Doll's House (1879)
disaster, pain, and death. Protagonists often have a • Ghosts (1881)
tragic flaw — a characteristic that leads them to • An Enemy of the People (1882)
their downfall.
Anton Chekov
Third concept
Farce- Generally, a farce is a nonsensical genre of Years: 44 (1860-1904)
drama, which often overacts or engages slapstick Nationality: Russian University: First Moscow State
humor. Medical University
Literary Style: Modernism
Fourth concept Notable Works:
Melodrama- Melodrama is an exaggerated drama, • Ivanov (1887)
which is sensational and appeals directly to the • The Seagull (1895)
senses of the audience. Just like the farce, the • Uncle Vanya (1899)
characters are of a single dimension and simple, or • Three Sisters (1901)
may be stereotyped. • The Lady with the Dog (1903)
• The Cherry Orchard (1904)
Fifth concept
Musical drama- In musical dramas, dramatists not
only tell their stories through acting and dialogue, Sophocles
but through dance as well as music. Often the story Years: 90 (497 BC- 405 BC)
may be comedic, though it may also involve serious Nationality: Greek
subjects. Literary Style: Classical tragedy
Notable Works:
Function of drama • Ajax (5th century BC)
Drama is one of the best literary forms through • Antigone (441 BC)
which dramatists can directly speak to their • Women of Trachis (5th century BC)
readers, or the audience, and they can receive • Oedipus Rex (429 BC)
instant feedback of audiences. A few dramatists use • Electra (5th century BC)
their characters as a vehicle to convey their • Philoctetes (409 BC)
thoughts and values, such as poets do with • Oedipus at Colonus (406 BC)
personas, and novelists do with narrators.
Arthur Miller
Famous playwrights
Years: 89 (1915-2005)
William Shakespeare Nationality: American University: University of
Years: 52 (1564-1616) Literary Style: Realism, Symbolism, Expressionist
Notable Awards: Pulitzer Prize for Drama (1949)
Notable Works:
• All My Sons (1947)
• Death of a Salesman (1949)
• The Crucible (1953)
Prose and drama are two of the major
forms of literature, each with its unique
characteristics and conventions. Prose is a form of
language that uses natural flow and grammatical
structure to convey information, ideas, or emotions.
It is written in ordinary language, with an emphasis
on clarity and coherence. Prose can take various
forms, such as fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and
academic writing. Drama, on the other hand, is a
literary genre that is written to be performed on
stage or screen. It often features a dialogue between
characters, and may also include stage directions
and other theatrical elements. Drama is typically
divided into acts and scenes, and often explores
themes of human relationships, conflict, and
emotion. While both prose and drama can tell
compelling stories and convey important messages,
they differ in their presentation and style. Prose
often relies on descriptive language and internal
monologues to convey the thoughts and emotions
of characters, while drama uses dialogue and
actions to reveal character and advance the plot. In
terms of structure, prose is typically organized into
chapters, sections, or paragraphs, while drama is
divided into acts and scenes. Prose may also
include elements such as imagery and symbolism,
which are less commonly found in drama. Overall,
both prose and drama have their unique strengths
and limitations, and are important forms of
literature that continue to captivate and engage
audiences around the world.

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