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Quick web application

building with TurboGears

A short tutorial

RuPy conference, Poznań

Christopher Arndt <[email protected]>
What is TurboGears?

● A Python web meta framework!

● Comparable to Django and Ruby on Rails
● Open Source (MIT License)
● Still young (1st public version autumn 2005)
● Buzzword compliant: MVC, AJAX(J), REST etc.
What can it be used for?

● „Classic“ web apps, e.g. Blogs, Wikis, CMS

● Intranet apps, e.g. WhatWhat Status
● Web administration front ends, e.g. Control Panel
● „Microapps“ ( à la,, etc.
● See
Which components make up the
TurboGears framework?
● Database abstraction: SQLObject
● Application server: CherryPy
● Template engine: Kid
● Client-side JavaScript: MochiKit
● plus several other bits, including:
– FormEncode (Validierung),
– Nose (Unit tests),
– simplejson (JSON) and many more...
The Model-View-Controller pattern and you

● MVC = Model / View / Controller

● Web applications:
database / data retrieval methods / templates
● Goal: separation of components for easier
● Easier to grasp by example later
10 steps to your TurboGears application

1. Quickstart your 6. Write your controller

project methods
2. Code your data model 7. Write your templates
3. Create the database 8. Add some CSS and/or
4. Add some bootstrap JavaScript
data using CatWalk 9. Build an egg
5. Design your URLs 10.Deploy!
A simple example

Yet another
Bookmark directory
Step 1: Quickstart your application

$ tg-admin quickstart
Enter project name: Bookmarker
Enter package name [bookmarker]:
Do you need Identity (usernames/passwords) in
this project? [no] yes

[ long output follows...]

$ cd Bookmarker
Step 2: Code you data model

● Two application-specific data objects:

– Bookmarks
– Tags

● TurboGears creates standard data objects for us:

– Users
– Groups
– Permissions
Step 2 (cont.):
Data model - Bookmarks
Bookmark properties:
● Title (text, one-line)
● URL (text, one-line)
● Description (text, multi-line)
● Creation time (timestamp)
● Owner (one-to-many: User )
● Tags (many-to-many: Tag)
Step2 (cont.):
Data model - Bookmark objects

# in

class Bookmark(SQLObject):

title = UnicodeCol(length=255, notNull=True)

url = UnicodeCol(length=255, notNull=True)
description = UnicodeCol()

tags = RelatedJoin('Tag', orderBy='name')

# meta data
created = DateTimeCol(
owner = ForeignKey('User', notNull=True)
Step 2 (cont.): Data model - Tags

Tag properties:
● Label (text, one-line)
● Name (text, one-line)
● Creation time (timestamp)
● Owner (one-to-many: Tag)
● Bookmarks (many-to-many: Bookmark)
Step2 (cont.):
Data model - Tag objects
# still in

class Tag(SQLObject):

name = UnicodeCol(length=100, notNull=True)

label = UnicodeCol(length=100, notNull=True)

bookmarks = RelatedJoin('Bookmark',

# meta data
owner = ForeignKey('User', notNull=True)
created = DateTimeCol(
Step 3: Create the database

Everything is already set up for the default SQLite


$ tg-admin sql create

Using database URI
Step 4: Add bootstrap data

● TurboGears comes with a nice web administration

interface called CatWalk.
● We'll add groups, users and permissions and a few
bookmarks and tags.

$ tg-admin toolbox
HTTP INFO Serving HTTP on http://localhost:7654/

● Open web browser at http://localhost:7654/

Step 4 (cont.): CatWalk
Step 5: Designing your URLs
● http://mysite/bookmarks/
List of bookmarks
● /bookmarks/<id>
/bookmarks/<id>/view Show bookmark details /
● /bookmarks/<id>/edit Show edit form

● /bookmarks/<id>/delete  Delete bookmark
● /bookmarks/<id>/update  Update bookmark
Step 5 (cont.): URL mapping

● URL mapping is the process of turning a request

for a certain URL into a function or method call in
your web application.

● Example:
● Question: which part of the URL is the method
name and which are the parameters?
Step 5 (cont.):
URL mapping à la CherryPy
# in

class BookmarkController(controller.Controller):
def edit(self, id):
return “The given ID is %s” % id

class Root(controller.RootController):
bookmarks = BookmarkController()

URL: http://mysite/bookmarks/edit/1

Resulting call: Root().bookmarks.edit(1)

Step 5 (cont.):
CherryPy REST URL mapper
def default(self, *params, **kw):
if len(params) == 1:
id = params[0]
redirect(url('%s/view') % id)
elif len(params) >= 2:
id, verb = params[:2]
action = getattr(self, verb, None)
if not action or not \
raise cherrypy.NotFound
action(item, *params[2:], **kw)
Step 6: Write controller methods

We need the following methods:

1. Show a welcome page*

2. Show list of bookmarks
3. Show bookmark details / edit form
4. Show form for new bookmark*
5. Create/Update bookmark from form submission
6. Delete bookmark

* left as exercise for the reader

Step 6 (cont.): Controller methods
List of bookmarks
# in

class BookmarksController(controllers.Controller):

def index(self):
bookmarks =
return dict(entries=bookmarks)

list = index
Step 6 (cont.): Controller methods
Show bookmark details / edit form
# still in

class BookmarksController(...):

def view(self, id, *params, **kw):
bookmark = Bookmark.get(id)
except SQLObjectNotFound:
flash('Bookmark not found.')
return dict(entry=bookmark)
Step 6 (cont.): Controller methods
Update/Create bookmark
def update(self, id, *params, **kw):
bookmark = Bookmark.get(id)
except SQLObjectNotFound:
bookmark = Bookmark(
title = kw.get('title'),
url = kw.get('url'),
description = kw.get('description'))
title = kw.get('title'), url=...)
# TODO: handle tags specially
Step 6 (cont.): Controller methods
Delete bookmark

def delete(self, id, *params, **kw):
except SQLObjectNotFound:
flash('Bookmark not found.')
flash('Bookmark deleted.')
Step 7: Edit templates
List of bookmarks
<!-- templates/list.kid -->

<?python item = tg.ipeek(entries) ?>

<div py:if="item" class="bookmarks">

<dl py:for="bookmark in entries">
<dt><a href="${bookmark.url}"
py:content="bookmark.title" /></dt>

<dd><p py:content="bookmark.description" />

<p><a href="${tg.url('/bookmarks/%i/edit' %}">Edit</a></p></dd>
<div py:if="not item" class="bookmarks">
No bookmarks found
Step 7 (cont.): Edit templates
Show bookmark / edit form
<!-- templates/edit.kid -->

<form action="update" method="POST">

<input type="text" name="title" value="${entry.title}" />

<input type="text" name="url" value="${entry.url}" />

<textarea name="description">

<input type="text" name="tags"

value="${','.join([ for tag in entry.tags])}" />

<input type="submit" value="Save">

Step 8: Add CSS and/or JavaScript

● Edit static/css/style.css and give your

application a facelift:
Step 9: Build an egg

● Edit to add package meta data.

● python bdist_egg

● Copy egg to target host and do

easy_install <egg-file>

● See for

more information
Step 10: Deployment options

● Pure CherryPy-Server (for development/testing)

● Apache with mod_proxy (recommended)
● Apache with mod_python
● Alternative light-weight webservers:

– nginx (my favourite)

– LighTTP

● We edited 3 Python source code files:

● We edited 3 Kid template files:
– welcome.kid
– list.kid
– edit.kid
● Plus some CSS
● and no SQL statement in sight!
What's next?

● Read the book:

● Visit the Wiki:
● Easy forms with TurboGears widgets:
● The future: SQLAlchemy and Genshi:
Thank you for listening!


Slides and sample code at:
Easy controllers with FastData

● FastData is a TurboGears extension.

● Build CRUD interface for your model objects with
<10 lines of code
● Current version needs my patch which will be in
SVN soon (hopefully).
● Works only with SQLObject.
FastData example:
User administration
from turbogears import controllers, identity
from tgfastdata import DataController
from bookmarker.model import User

class Root(controllers.RootController):

# the FastData controller

users = DataController(User,
object_name = 'User',
list_fields = ['id', 'user_name',
'display_name', 'password'])

# only users with permission 'admin' can

# access the user administration
users = identity.SecureObject(users,
FastData example:
User administration
FastData example:
User administration

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