Leni Andriani 1012 Class Activity Top Hacker Shows Us How It Is Done PDF Free

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Class Activity – Top Hacker Shows Us How It is Done

Understand vulnerabilities of wireless and other common technologies

Background / Scenario
Nearly every “secure” system that is used today can be vulnerable to some type of cyberattack.

Required Resources
 PC or mobile device with Internet access

Step 1: View the TEDx Video “Top Hacker Shows Us How It’s Done; Pablos Holman at
a. Click on the link below and watch the Video.
Top Hacker Shows Us How It’s Done; Pablos Holman at TEDxMidwests
In the video, Mr. Holman discusses various security vulnerabilities concerning systems that are typically
considered as secure, however, as he points out in his presentation, they are all vulnerable to attack.
b. Choose one of the hacks discussed by Mr. Holman in the video, and using your favorite search engine
conduct some additional research on the hack.
c. For the hack chosen in Step 1b, answer the questions below. Be prepared to share your work in a full
class discussion.

Step 2: Answer the following questions.

a. What is the vulnerability being exploited?
Answer : Vulnerability pada Firmware, Operating System, Software,Brainware, Aplikasi Web
b. What information or data can be gained by a hacker exploiting this vulnerability?
Answer : Data, Video, Gambar, File
c. How is the hack performed?
Answer :
Hacker biasanya akan membuat Exploit yang desesuaikan dengan vulnerability yang telah ditemukan nya.
Setiap aplikasi (service,desktop,web base) pasti memiliki celah atau vulnerability,hanya saja belum ketauan.lambat
laun akan ditemukan juga oleh hacker. Tidak semua hacker jahat ,jika celah keamanan ditemukan oleh hacker
kemungkinan akan digunakan untuk meng exploit system.

 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential Page 1 of 2 www.netacad.com
Class Activity – Top Hacker Shows Us How It is Done

d. What about this particular hack interested you specifically?

Answer :
Dengan berbagai macam attack saya sangat tertarik bagaimana mengamankan suatu jaringan ataupun
data sehingga tidak dapat ditembus oleh attacker.

e. How do you think this particular hack could be mitigated?

Answer : Hack dapat dikurangi dengan lebih memperketat keamanan suatu sistem dan menghindari

 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Confidential Page 2 of 2 www.netacad.com

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