Frequency of ABO Blood Groups and RH Factor Among The Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients at Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital

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Online Available at: www.multiarticlesjournal.

com ISSN: 2583-7397

International Journal of Contemporary Research in Multidisciplinary; 2023; 2(4): 38-44

Research Paper

Frequency of ABO Blood Groups and Rh factor Among the Diabetes Mellitus
Type 2 Patients at Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital
Author (s): Dr. Saifullah Hadi1*

Nangarhar University's Department of Internal Medicine. Afghanistan

Corresponding Author: * Dr. Saifullah Hadi

Manuscript Information
Background: It is expected that type 2 diabetes is hereditarily determined by ABO
blood groups and phenotypic documentation of Rh factor is often related with type 2 Received Date: 18-06-2023
diabetes. This will be useful for those with blood types who are susceptible to to self- Accepted Date: 15-07-2023
care by evading other blood types. Risk factors and taking preventive methods. Our Publication Date: 01-08-2023
Aim is Frequency of ABO and Rh blood groups among the diabetes mellitus type 2. Plagiarism Checked: Yes
Manuscript ID: IJCRM:2-4-5
Materials and Methods: The Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital internal medical Peer Review Process: Yes
ward conducted a hospital-based cross-sectional study from 1400 to 1401.During this
period, 1,000 diabetic type 2 patients were referred, of which 278 patients were How to Cite this Manuscript
selected according to ABO blood groups and Rh factor, and we detected their ABO
blood group and Rh factor. We used the Direct Slide and test tube procedures were Dr. Saifullah Hadi. Frequency of ABO
Blood Groups and Rh factor Among
used to determine the ABO blood group and Rh factor. The fully automated clinical
the Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients
chemistry analyzer from micro lab, model 300, was used to measure biochemical at Nangarhar University Teaching
parameters. IBM SPSS version 26 statistical software was used to analyses the data. Hospital. International Journal of
Contemporary Research in
Results: We studied 1000 diabetes mellitus type 2 patients, of which 278(27.8%) Multidisciplinary. 2023; 2(4):38-44.
patients were selected. In terms of gender, 167 (60, 07%) (16.7) patients were female
and 111(39.93%) (11.1%) patients were male. Minimum age was 50 years old,
maximum age was, 85-year-old, mean age was 56.92 and ST. D was (56.924 ± 8.155).
(CI 95%, Marginal error 5%, Population proportion 50%, Sample size 278). According to
ABO blood group DM type- 2, B+82(29.5%), A+75(26.98%), O+68(24.46%),
AB+44(15.83%), A-3(1.08%), B-2(0.72%), AB-2(0. 72%).O-2(0.72%). According to Rh,
blood group DM type -2, 259(93.17%) were Rh+ and 19 (6.83%) were Rh -.

Conclusions: The purpose of this study was to find out how common ABO blood group
and Rh factor are in people with type 2 diabetes. This will be helpful for people with
different blood types who can take care of themselves by avoiding people with different
blood types. Risk elements and using preventative measures. Prevalence of type 2 DM
is more in B+ blood group. Rh + is riskier for type 2 DM. and 50years old is modest for
type2 DM. females is more predispose to type2 DM.

KEYWORDS: type 2DM, ABO blood groups, Rh factor, age and gender.

A common condition called type 2 diabetes makes the amount of sugar (glucose) in the blood rise too high. Excessive
thirst, the urge to urinate frequently, and weariness are just a few symptoms it might produce. Additionally, it can raise
the chance of significant heart, nerve, and eye issues. Because there are many diabetic patients in our hospital,

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research has not been done to determine which blood Firstly, we make a questioner for type2 DM patients and
type is affected. As a result, it is important to take care after the diagnosis of diabetes, the patient's ABO blood
the blood type that is more susceptible to the disease so groups and Rh factor were determined with the consent
that the patient does not develop diabetes and of the patient. All laboratory examination of patients is
experience negative outcomes. Type 2 diabetes is performed free of charge in the hospital. During this
characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and typically time, we identified the ABO blood groups and Rh factor
manifests in adults. Islet B-cell function deteriorates and of 278 of the 1,000 diabetic type 2 patients who were
eventually fails in this condition. (Sharjeel, 2021). Type 2 referred. To identify the ABO blood groups and Rh
diabetes is hypothesized to have a genetic component factor, we employed the Direct Slide and test tube
that is influenced by the ABO and Rh blood group procedures. Biochemical parameters were measured
antigens. The phenotypic traits of the blood group are using the fully automated Micro Lab model 300 clinical
more closely associated with type 2 diabetes. It is chemistry analyzer. The data were analyzed using
advisable to take care of yourself if you have a blood statistical software from IBM SPSS version this
type that is susceptible to such illnesses by avoiding research all diabetes mellitus type -2 patients were
additional risk factors and adopting preventive included.
measures. (Legese, 2020). On the outside of tissues
and red blood cells, the phenotypic blood groups "ABO" RESULTS:
are hereditary antigenic elements. One idea holds that
We studied 1000 diabetes mellitus type 2 patients in
genetic predispositions like the blood group "ABO" are
Nangarhar University teaching hospital from 1400 to
responsible for the incidence of diseases like type 2
1401, of which 278(27.8%) patients were
diabetes. ( Meo, 2016). Diabetes mellitus is a condition
figure (1) show the statistic age group, Minimum age
characterized by elevated blood sugar levels due to
was 50 years old, maximum age was 85-year-old, and
decreased insulin secretion or elevated insulin levels.
ST. D was (56.924 ± 8.155). (CI 95%, Marginal error
From 140 million in 1998 to 300 million by 2025,
5%, Population proportion 50%, Sample size 278). in
according to Hilary King, individuals with diabetes. The
figure (2) show frequency of age groups. Fig (3) show
most typical system in humans is the ABO blood group
the gender and ABO blood groups, in terms of gender,
system. Two genes, A and B. (Kamil, 2010), influence
167 (60, 07%) (16.7) patients were female and
the blood type of humans. Our research focused on the
111(39.93%) (11.1%) patients were male. According to
prevalence of ABO blood groups and Rh factor among
ABO blood group DM type- 2, B+82(29.5%),
diabetes mellitus type 2 patients in the internal medicine
A+75(26.98%), O+68(24.46%), AB+44(15.83%), A-
ward at Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital.
3(1.08%), B-2(0.72%), AB-2(0. 72%).O-2(0. 72%).fig(4)
shows the Rh factor in DM type -2, 259(93.17%) were
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Rh+ and 19 (6.83%) were Rh -.
From 1400 to 1401, the internal medicine ward of
Nangarhar University Teaching Hospital carried out a
hospital-based cross-sectional study.

statistics of age
18000 15825
2000 2782.4 2 0 56.92 55 50 6.873
valid missing mean median mode st.deviation sum
Series 1 278 0 56.92 55 50 6.873 15825
Series 2 2.4
Series 3 2

Figure 1: show the statistics of age it means the TYPE 2 DM is mode in 50 years old

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Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent

50 86 30.9 30.9 30.9

51 2 .7 .7 31.7
52 5 1.8 1.8 33.5
53 3 1.1 1.1 34.5
54 7 2.5 2.5 37.1
55 43 15.5 15.5 52.5
56 14 5.0 5.0 57.6
57 2 .7 .7 58.3
58 4 1.4 1.4 59.7
59 2 .7 .7 60.4
60 63 22.7 22.7 83.1
61 1 .4 .4 83.5

Valid 62 2 .7 .7 84.2
63 1 .4 .4 84.5
64 1 .4 .4 84.9
65 15 5.4 5.4 90.3
68 2 .7 .7 91.0
70 17 6.1 6.1 97.1
71 1 .4 .4 97.5
72 1 .4 .4 97.8
75 2 .7 .7 98.6
76 1 .4 .4 98.9
81 1 .4 .4 99.3
85 2 .7 .7 100.0

Total 278 100.0 100.0

Table 1: frequency of age

Figure 2: it illustrate frequency of age the T2 DM is frequently in 50years old

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Table 2: Gender and ABO blood group frequency in T2DM patients

Table 3: Gender and ABO blood group frequency in T2DM patients

Table 3 in the table is indicated that female B+ blood female than other negative blood group. In male T2DM
group is more predisposed to T2 DM than other positive is more prevalent in B+ blood group than other positive
blood group and T2DM is more prevalent in female than blood group and AB negative blood group is more
male. A- Blood group is more predisposed to T2DM in predisposed to T2DM than other negative blood group.

Figure 2: distribution of gender and ABO blood group, it showed that the type2 DM is more prevalent in female

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Table 4: in this table is showed the frequency of type2 DM in gender and Rh positive and negative group

Figure 4: in this graph is showed that the Rh-positive blood group is more predisposed to type 2 DM

DISCUSSION: were that we found some number of patients with

Our sample size of type 2 DM was 278(27. 8%).In terms diabetes type-2 in ABO blood group negative and Rh-
of gender, 167 (60, 07%) (16.7) patients were female negative patients. The strong points of this research
and 111(39.93%) (11.1%) patients were male. were that international journals and database such as
According to ABO blood group DM type- 2, B+82(29.5%) google scholar and PubMed were used, and in terms of
was more and AB+44(15.83%) was less, A-3(1.08%), ethics, we did not have any problems during patient
and O-2(0.72%). Type2 DM was more in Rh-positive examinations because all hospital laboratory
blood group (259(93.17%) than Rh negative19 (6.83%) examinations were free, and all laboratory personnel
blood group. In this research, it was seen B blood group and my colleagues cooperated me in the collection of
and Rh+ is favorable to type 2 diabetes regardless of materials. During the physical and laboratory
other blood groups, so it should be tried that this group examinations, we shared the information with the
should follow the lifestyle modification for the prevention patient, the patient agreed to the physical and laboratory
of type 2 diabetes, it is because the number of women examinations. We only examined the frequency of ABO
suffering from diabetes is more than that of men. In this and Rh blood group in type 2 diabetes patients; others
research, there were more female patients because can also examine this frequency in type 1 diabetes. It is
there are more female patients in the hospital. This is suggested that physicians should closely monitor
important because research has not been carried out in subjects with blood group “B” as these subjects have an
this way until now, and it has been carried out in the increased risk of type 2 diabetes. You can greatly
blood groups and Rh positive and negative patients of reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes and prediabetes
DM- 2. We studded frequency of ABO and Rh blood by eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of physical
group in type2 DM in positive and negative blood group activity, and losing excess weight. Managing blood
and Rh. Other researchers studded only frequency ABO pressure, Making healthy food choices. Managing
blood group in type2 DM patients. During the cholesterol levels. Not smoking. T2DM and ABO blood
implementation of this research, the important, groups were significantly associated. blood group O had
unexpected, and different points from other researches a lower risk of T2DM than other blood groups, but blood

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group B had a higher risk. (Legese, 2020). According to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:

the study, type 2 diabetes mellitus and blood group B I would like to express my deep gratitude to the
are strongly correlated, while type 2 diabetes mellitus laboratory technicians to examination ABO and Rh
and blood group O are negatively correlated. blood group and blood sugar.
Additionally, there was no obvious connection between
blood types A or AB and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: there is no conflicting
(Sharjeel, 2021).Blood types A, B, and AB values were
higher in diabetes patients by 4.36, 17.15, and 7.34
percent, respectively. Blood type O values were lower
by 28.94%. (Qureshi, 2003).Diabetes mellitus and blood FUNDING: there was no funding of any organization for
types were found to significantly correlate. While type-2 performing this research
diabetics had a noticeably greater incidence of the A
blood group, the incidence of Rh-negative patients was AUTHORS CONTRIBUTIONS: In this research, there is
substantially higher in type-2 diabetics. (Oner, 2016). In only one author; all the research work was done by Dr.
comparison to other blood groups, male and female Saifullah.hadi.
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