Ideologies' Advantages and Disadvantages

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Ideologies Advantages Disadvantages

Conservatism ● Seclude and conserve a ● Provide limited human

country’s traditional freedom
values ● Little to no economic
● Reflects nationalism improvement

Liberalism ● Promotes individual ● Taking advantage of

freedom others may become an
● Growth opportunity issue if there is too much

Marxism ● Promotes equality and ● Can lead to communism,

human rights therefore, everything is
owned by everyone

Anarchism ● Assists people in ● Since there is no control it

becoming self-sufficient. can lead to chaos
● Free from being forced to ● Some people might take
follow such law or anarchism too far or
government abuse its power

Libertarianism ● Less violence and ● People's safety is

minimal security on jeopardized due to a lack
free-will living people of respect for the
government and vice

Fascism ● Prioritizes their ● No good connection with

motherland and its citizen other countries
● Full control on everything ● Damage a country’s

Feminism ● Strengthens human rights ● Take advantage of

● Less gender women
discrimination ● Discriminates men

Ecologism ● Preserves and natural ● Disapproves

resources industrialization, so there
is no economic

Cosmopolitanism ● Open-minded to other ● Some sees other race as

countries’ culture and a threat

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