Solution Exam 23-8

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solution exercise exam 23/8/2021

1) pendulum length: L = SQRT [(50-12)² + 6²] = 38.47 m

initial angle: qmax = INVsin(6/38.47) = 8.973° = 0.1566 rad
w = SQRT(g/L) = SQRT(9.81/38.47) = 0.5050 rad/s
 qT = 0.1566 * cos(0.5050t) rad (with t is s)
that is with q positive as in drawing, so clockwise from vertical
(3 pts)

2) Doppler: same frequency when vT = 0, for the first time after one half period = T/2 = p/w =
6.221 s
(2 pts)

3) vmax = L*(dq/dt)max = L*w*qmax = 38.47*0.5050*0.1566 = 3.042 m/s

(alternatively from conservation of energy: vmax = SQRT[2g(L-38m)]=3.04 m/s)
vsound = 331+0.6*Temp. = 331 + 0.6*30 = 349 m/s
Doppler: fmax = 400*349/(349-3.042) = 403.5 Hz
fmin = 400*349/(349+3.042) = 396.5 Hz
(3 pts)

4) phase difference = 90° = p/2 rad

(Jane leads by 90°: qJ = 0.1566 * cos(0.5050t+p/2) rad = -sin(.5050t) rad)
(2 pts)

5) Doppler: f' max or min when f' = f(vs-vx,T)/(vs-vx,J) max or min, so when df'/dt = 0
Mind the signs: f' increases if T moves to the right, so in the negative x-direction,
f' increases as well if J moves to the left, so in the positive x-direction, hence the minus signs
in the expression!
so with f' = f(vs-vx,T)/(vs-vJ) = f*[vs+ vmax*sin(wt)]/[ vs+ vmax*cos(wt)]
df'/dt = 0 leads to cos(wt) + sin(wt) = - vmax/vs = -0.00872 (≈ 0)
exact numerical solution gives wt = -45.35°+n2p and 135.35°+n2p
for 135.35°: f' = 800[349+3.042sin(135.35°)]/[349+3.042cos(135.35°)] = 809.9 Hz = f'max
(for -45.35°: f' = 800[349+3.042sin(-45.35°)]/[349+3.042cos(-45.35°)]= 792.2 Hz = f'min)
with explicit approximation .008 ≈ 0 : f'max = 809.9 Hz is OK

alternative, not 100% correct:

f' max when relative velocity is maximum (approaching) ( this is only approximatively
vrel = vT-vJ = [-v0*sin(wt)] - [- v0*cos(wt)] = v0*[cos(wt) - sin(wt)]
vrel max or min when dvrel/dt = 0
so when -sin(wt) - cos(wt) = 0 or sin(wt) = - cos(wt)
 wt = -p/4+np
fmax when both move towards each other, fmin when both move away from each other:
then (not needed): vrel, max = 2*vmax*sin(3p/4) = 2*3.042/SQRT(2)=4.302 m/s)
 then for q positive at starting position Tarzan (x-axis to the left):
xT = x0*cos(wt)  vx,T = -vmax*sin(wt)
xJ = -x0*sin(wt)  vx,J = -vmax*cos(wt)
at times of maximum relative speed │vT│ = │vJ│ = 3.042*sin(3p/4) = 3.042/SQRT(2) =
2.151 m/s
Doppler: fmax = 800*(349+│vT│)/(349-│vJ│) = 809.9 Hz
(10pts, 5 for reasoning and 5 for mathematical derivation)
Diagrams with q positive at original position of Tarzan (x-axis to the left):

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