Bond Energy Chemistry Questions

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Bond Energy Chemistry Questions with Solutions

Q1: How can we determine the strength of a bond by the radius of an atom?

Q2. What is the difference between a primary and secondary bond? Give 2 examples of each.

Q3. How is the melting temperature of solids related to the bond energy?

Q4. What is the enthalpy change for the given reaction?

CH3CH3 + Cl2 → CH3CH2Cl + HCl

Given the enthalpies:

Bonds Bond Enthalpy (kJ mol-1)

C-H 413

Cl-Cl 239

C-C 347

C-Cl 339

H-Cl 427

Q5. Choose the correct statement.

1. A (-) ΔHreaction indicates that energy is released.

2. A (+) ΔHreaction indicates that energy is released.

3. A (-) ΔHreaction indicates that energy is absorbed.

4. A (-) ΔHreaction indicates that the reaction is endothermic.

Q6. Pick the false statement.

1. Single bonds are more easily broken than double bonds.

2. Double bonds are more easily broken than triple bonds.

3. Triple bonds are more easily broken than double bonds.

4. The bonds formed in the endothermic reactions are weaker than the bonds broken.

Q7. What is the enthalpy change in the following decomposition reaction of HCl?

2HCl → H2 + Cl2

The average bond enthalpies (kj mol-1) for the concerned bonds are:

H-Cl = 431 kj mol-1

Cl-Cl = 242 kj mol-1

H-H = 436 kj mol-1

Q8. Why does FeCl3 have a greater covalent character than FeCl 2?

Q9. The combustion of 1 g Graphite produces 20.7 kJ heat. Calculate its molar enthalpy change.

Q10. Predict the spontaneity of the reaction:

N2O4 (g) ⇌ 2NO2 (g); Given KP = 0.98 and T = 298 K.

Q11. Why is the molar enthalpy of vaporisation of acetone less than that of water?

Q12. Comment on the bond energies of 4 C-H bonds in CH 4.

Q13. Predict the enthalpy change for the isomerization of acetonitrile into methyl isocyanide.

Q14. Name 3 ions that are isoelectronic to Neon.

Q15. Out of NaCl and KCl, which will have more exothermic lattice energy?

Q16. Which of the following alkali metals has the least melting point?

1. Na

2. K

3. Cs

4. Rb

Q17. Why does Calcium have an abnormally higher boiling point than magnesium?

Q18. Name the energy associated when 1 mole of an ionic compound is formed from gaseous ions.

Q19. In Spite of the large electronegativity gap between Be and O in the BeO molecule, BeO is covalent.

Q20. What are the decomposition products of Group II nitrates?

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