Dewey Decimal

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The library employs the 

Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme. Library materials are

accessed through an open-shelf system

where users can get the books they need and see other related materials in the stack.

The library’s catalog and the circulation services are fully automated. Retrieval of
bibliographic information is through the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC). and Web
OPAC. Catalogs and periodical indexes are encoded and accessed through the OPAC.
Theses and Dissertation Abstract are also available through the OPAC.


The Circulation/Reserve Section takes charge of loaning out materials in the open
shelves. The purpose of the circulation service is to make available the library materials
to the customers. This section is responsible for the smooth  system of loaning and
returning circulation and reserve books, pamphlet files, and clippings; and the proper
arrangement of the books on the shelves according to the classification system (DDC)
adopted by the library. lt also provides guidance in locating books.

The Periodical/Reference Section houses the entire collection of journals, magazines and
newspapers of the library.  Loose periodicals are displayed in a close shelf and bound
periodicals are shelved alphabetically. Periodicals are indexed while bound ones are
cataloged and encoded in the OPAC for easy access and retrieval. 

1. To keep the collection up-to-date with current thinking in various fields.

2. To provide materials not available in books in order to supplement the book
3. Filipiniana
4. The purpose of this section is to assist users in locating Filipiniana materials. The
services of this section is the same as in Circulation/Reserve section services in
borrowing, renewing, returning, reserving, etc, This section is housed at the North
wing of the second floor. The check-in and check-out of the Filipiniana materials
are done at the circulation counter.
6. Information Technology Systems Services is the internet services of the library
used to enhance research and teaching.  This section is located at the rear end of
the circulation section.  It has 54 units of N-Computing terminals and wireless
internet access. 


The Multimedia section of the library manages and provides access to collections of
audio, visual and audiovisual materials.

Institutional Repository

The Institutional Repositiry (IR) section of JLDM Library was established to collect and
maintain archival materials produced by the different colleges, offices, departments,
individuals, administrators of AUP that are of historical to research values in tracing the
evolution of AUP, reflect the professional careers and contributions of administrators,
faculty, alumni, and etc.
Graduate Library
Graduate Library is a dedicated study and research space for graduate students, faculty
and academic staff. This section houses books and computers for research purposes.

Suggested Electronic Resources

Public Health

 PubMed (Journal) -Free
 HERDIN (Journal) -Free
 BioMed Central (Journal) -Free
 Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic (Journal)
 MEDLINE with Full Text (Journal)

Business Administration

 Business Source Elite (Journal)

 Health Business Elite (Journal)


 ERIC (Journal) -Free


 CINAHL with Full Text (Journal)

 Biomedical Reference Collection: Basic (Journal)
 MEDLINE with Full Text (Journal)

For all Programs

 PQDT Open with Full Text (Theses & Dissertations) -Free

 DOAJ (Journals) -Free
 Academic Search Premier (Journals)
 eBook Academic Collection (ebooks)
 Philippine Newspapers -Free
 Adventist Heritage
 The Adventist Heritage section was established to gather materials about or
produced by the Seventh-day Adventist Church to cater the needs of researchers
and others interested in the history and work of Adventist in Asia and other parts
of the world. That includes The Ellen G. White writings, the Prophetess of the
Seventh-day Adventists. The Adventist Heritage Section consist of the following

 1. Books and periodicals produced by SDA publishing houses (Review and Herald
Publishing Association, Southern Publishing Association, Pacific Press, Philippine
Publishing House, etc.

 2. Library materials (books, periodicals, pamphlets, ephemera, manuscripts,

typescripts, computer printouts, pictures, etc.) about, or produced by and for the
Seventh-day Adventists. This includes anniversary programs produced by local
churches, mission’s conferences, and other similar institutions.

 3. Ellen G. White writings. The materials are available to the community anytime
the library is open. They are displayed also during special occasions in the JLDM
Library and other places for the awareness of the public. This section is
supervised by the Institutional Repository Librarian.
The Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system is the world’s most widely
used way to organize library collections. The DDC constantly updates to
enable better discovery across any topic in multiple languages. Because the
DDC is easy to use, you can increase the visibility of your materials quickly
and efficiently.

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