Fourth Quarter Hrpta Narrative Report

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region ____
_____________________ SCHOOL
___________________ City

Home Room Parent-Teacher Association Meeting

SY 2023-2024
Narrative Report

In the continuation of this school year 2023-2024, the class adviser held the HRPTA
meeting for the fourth quarter. The HRPTA meeting for Fourth Quarter was held last
___date_______. The meeting began through the singing of the national anthem followed by an
opening prayer. To figure out if the attendees were complete, attendance was made by a roll call.
For the school to give in the attendees the clear outline of what will happen in the meeting, the
agenda was mentioned.
The Class adviser welcomed the students as the school year 2023-2024 was about to end.
The class adviser said that she is happy that the students had finished this school year well and
just continue to improve themselves for the next years of their schooling. She expects that the
students will continue reading their previous lessons even they are on vacation for their
preparation for the next school year. She also thanked the parents and guardians by continuing
their support to their children and to the school. Also, by regularly engaging themselves in the
school activities. She thanked some of the parents who donated and help in the school for it to
overcome its shortcomings.
The teacher continued the meeting by awarding the certificates to the students who
demonstrated their academic excellence for the last quarter. She also presented additional e-
certificates for the other students who always attended online classes and for those who
participated in other school activities. The class adviser mentioned that their year ended well
because some of the students went back to school. She added that she prepared a simple treat
for the students and it will be available upon returning of parents and guardians to pick up their
child’s report cards.
She said that the report cards should be kept by the parents and guardians because these
will be pass on to the next teachers. If possible, avoid tearing or damaging it because there is no
replacement for the report cards once they have been given to them. The guidelines and ways of
computation of grades was also discussed during the meeting. The class adviser mentioned that if
there were any queries, just approach her to get attention.
An open forum was made for any queries about the agenda of the meeting.
Some of the parents asked about getting their child’s report cards the other day because
they had job and no one can be commanded to go to school to get it. The class adviser said that
they can take it in another day at the office again provided with their any identification card proving
that they care the parent of the student. She reminded not to forget to sign on the school’s
logbook. The class adviser asked the parents and guardians to be careful when getting the report
cards, to double check the names of the envelopes as well as its contents for to avoid exchange of
credentials. Few parents also asked about the enrollment of their other children. She said that
there is no announcement on this yet if there is she will provide the announcement to their group
chats or it will be posted on the school’s Facebook page. The teacher again thanked the attendees
and if anyone remembers to ask more questions can contact through text or Facebook
Messenger. At the end of the meeting everyone offered a closing prayer.

Prepared by:

Teacher Adviser

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