Questions - How To Ask Them

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Questions : how to ask them

With an auxiliary:

He is French  Is he French?

She will go to school  Will she go to school?

He would work harder  Would he work harder?

With a modal verb :


He can swim  Can he swim?

She may go out tonight  May she go out tonight?

They must work hard  Must they work hard?

With a regular or irregular verb:


She likes chocolate  Does she like chocolate?

They go to school  Do they go to school?

She brushed her hair  Did she brush her hair?

We went out  Did we go out?

He took the bus  Did he take the bus?

!!!!Mind the subject:

What do you think of that?.  the subject is 'you', you have to use 'do'

Which book does she read?.  the subject is 'she', you have to use 'do'

What happens here?.  the subject is 'what', you need not use 'do' !!!

Who wrote that novel?.  the subject is 'who' , you need not use 'do'!!! !
Exercises – Ask a question relating to the underlined word.
1. She is opening a present.

2. The boys are hiding under Tom's bed.

3. My sister prefers porridge for breakfast.

4. On Thursday Jack has German, history and maths.

5. Yesterday Carol and Jane went to the swimming pool.

6. The plane is landing at the airport.

7. The telephone is ringing.

8. Sarah has to stop because of a security check.

9. Andrew's new mountain bike costs €1000.

10. At sunset Peter is walking along the beach.

11. John is writing a letter.

12. She walks home from school.

13. The children are sitting in the garden.

14. Peter runs with his dog on Sundays.

15. My rabbit has a cage in the garden.

16. They go to work by bus.

17. David likes cats because they are nice.

18. Jenny isn't sleeping late today.

19.We are going to the cinema.

20.I'm leaving now.

Fill in the correct question word.
1. __________ sits next to Dries? John.
2. __________ does the boy come from? From Madrid.
3. __________ old are her children? Three and five.
4. __________ is Lola´s birthday? In March, I think.
5. __________ much is the shirt? It´s twenty euros.
6. __________ is best at playing tennis? Johann.
7. __________ are you going? To my parents.
8. __________ much is a soda? It´s one euro.
9. __________ does the restaurant open? At ten o´clock.
10. __________ can I get some ice cream? At the snack bar.
11. __________ are you going to order? Pasta.
12. __________ are you going to do on Monday? I don´t know.
13. __________ has got my sunglasses? I have got them.
14. __________ is your name? Rita.
15. __________ is Helen´s party? On Friday.

Complete with the correct question word.

1. _______ much are the potatoes? One dollar.
2. _______ can I do for you? I want two white T-shirts.
3. _______ can I get a newspaper? At Park street.
4. _______ is your best friend? It´s Paul.
5. _______ does Lisa live? In Boston.
6. _______ colour is your new car? It´s white.
7. _______ do you collect? Stickers.
8. _______ can help me? I can.
9. _______ about some grapes? No, thanks.
10. _______ was your first word as a baby? Mama.
11. _______ were you born? On March 9th.
12. _______ were you born? In St. Maarten.
13. _______ were you last Sunday? I was working.
14. _______ can we have a picnic? I know a nice place near a pond.
15. _______ are you going to take with you? Some sandwiches and a coke.

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