Cricket Guru S3 Patch Notes
Cricket Guru S3 Patch Notes
Cricket Guru S3 Patch Notes
The following document contains all the necessary details and updates as we
move into the 2nd season of Cricket Guru.
Squad Limiting
Squads have been limited to holding only 20 players now i.e. your Playing 11 & 9
extra substitutes. This has been done to tilt the game more towards squad
building and also to incorporate current and future updates.
Command: cgsquad
Batter Summary
Individual batter summaries that show up after each wicket to, you know, flex
them scores.
Mid-Game Scoreboards
cgscoreboard/cgsb - A new command which allows you to view a mid game
summary of your team’s performance so you can take the right decision on
bowling changes and batters to be used.
Game-End Summaries
Player Packs
Introducing, Player Packs! Get the chance to pack your favourite players with new
walkout animations. 4 packs have made it to the game so far, and those cards as
of now will not be available to purchase with cgbuy.
Command: cgpack
Decision Review System/DRS has also been introduced into the gameplay mode
of Cricket Guru. Batters can now ask for a decision of LBW or Caught Behind to
be reviewed if they feel they were not out. Rest of it, we leave it to the third
umpires :)
Daily Market
A Daily Market system which resets every 24 hours, which has 3-4 cards to offer
everyday, maybe those which you cannot purchase, or others at a lower rate than
normal. Watch out to make the steals!
Player Upgrades
Saving you the trouble of selling and re-buying different versions of the same
cards over and over again, player upgrades can now be done at a fair cost to save
the time and trouble of going through the same.
Command: cgupgrade
Player Stats
Obviously something we never promised, but here it is. Player stats have finally
made it to the game, which enable you to view how an individual player has been
performing for your team with different statistics available to analyse.
Command: cgshow <Player-Name>
New Team Display
Bowling Variations
Bowlers have been further divided into full fledged pacers as well as off spinners
and leg spinners to give more variation and involve more options into the bowling