Stripe Payment Module
Stripe Payment Module
Stripe Payment Module
E: [email protected]
License Key
After successful installation of Stripe Payment extension by using the Magento setup, you are now
required to configure the license key in the admin configuration section. You can set it from:
Admin > System > Configuration > MageDelight > Stripe Payment > License Configuration. As shown in
screenshot below:
You will find two text boxes asking for Serial Key and Activation Key, which you can find in the email you
received upon the purchase of extension. See screenshot below:
1. Enabled
This can enable/disable the Stripe Payment method.
2. Title
Here you can define the label for Stripe Payment method that will display in
a. Payment section of one page checkout.
b. Payment information of order, invoice, credit memo and shipment section.
3. Test Mode
Admin can define the mode of Stripe Payment method of web shop. Merchant can set either
“Yes”/ “No” for this option depends on the environment of web shop (Production or
4. Test Secret Key
If test mode is enable for development/test, define test secret key here.
5. Test Public Key
If test mode is enable for development/test, define test public key here.
6. Live Secret Key
Set real account secret key here, while webshop is on live mode.
7. Live Public Key
Set real account secret key here, while webshop is on live mode.
8. Payment Action
Admin can define the payment action that would take on successful order placed by user. Admin
can choose,
· Authorize and Capture: This payment action will directly capture the requested amount
from the customer credit card on placing an order from frontend or backend. Invoice will
automatically create when user successfully place an order.
· Authorize Only: This payment action will only authorize the requested amount on the credit
card of customer on placing an order from frontend or backend.
In this payment action invoice will not be created after order creation successfully. Admin will
have to manually create invoice from backend from order management section.
9. Accepted Currency
This option defines the currency that merchant want to accept with Stripe payment method.
10. Debug
This option defines the debugging mode of Stripe payment method. Admin can choose “Yes /
No” depending on the Production / Development environment if web site. Normally this option
should only enabled for development environment.
Note: All saved credit cards details are associated with merchant details. Hence, if merchant
edits the details it is required to delete the saved cards because for the authorization merchant
details should be matched with saved credit cards.
Here admin can able to view all stored cards for each customer, also can add new card as well as edit or
delete particular card.
Admin can see the payment information for specific order like “Credit Card Type”, Credit card number
with masked format, total processed amount on the card, card issuer approval code, CAVV Result code,
Stripe gateway generated transaction id and the currency format in which order was placed.
Where the customer will get list of all saved card if any. Customer can able to save multiple saved cards
to use with next order checkout. As shown in the below screenshot:
As you can see with above screenshot logged in customer have already stored three cards listed.
Customer can able to edit each cards information if required, they can also have option to delete
particular card.
It also provide one be good feature is to define default cart, customer will have an option to set any card
as default card. Default card would be always be on the top of list, this make easy for customer to easily
place order or user default card.
Customer will also have button to add new card, which will head to add new card form, which needs to
filed with customer billing address and card details as shown with below screenshot,