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Roxana Trigueros
University of El Salvador
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Persons that plan for the future are those that are sure
of their objectives. That is why in education to plan a
lesson is extremely necessary. In this article a lesson plan
is define as a source or tool that guides teachers through
their working learning process.
Persons that plan for the future are those that are sure of their objectives.
That is why in education to plan a lesson is extremely necessary. In this article a
lesson plan is define as a source or tool that guides teachers through their working
learning process. It is imperative for a teacher to plan his/her lessons since this
has the content, method, activity, practice and material the teacher will use in the
development of the class. Teachers that do not use a lesson plan usually mislead
the learning process. A lesson plan is guided by objectives that the students
will assimilate, learn and perform. It can also serve as “a usefull in-lesson reminder
to you of your pre-lesson thought” (Scrivener, 1994).
To write a lesson plan takes time. The activities included are well organized
to assure the students learning. In an ESL or EFS lesson plan teachers integrate
the four macro skills since they do not occur in isolation in real life. As a matter of
fact the use of one skill leads to another.
The practice included in the lesson plan is properly order from the easiest to
the most difficult task. Some EFL teachers recommend ordering the activities from
controlled, semi controlled and free practice. Each of this practices are divided in:
listening controlled practice, speaking controlled practice, reading controlled
practice, and writing controlled practice; listening semi controlled practice, speaking
semi controlled practice, reading semi controlled practice, and writing semi
controlled practice; Finally we have free listening practice, free speaking practice,
free reading practice, and free writing practice.
2. After the generalities you may consider writing down the unit number, content,
and target structure.
3. The objectives go in infinitive form and always end with an adverb. You can
include a general objective and specific objectives. It is advisable to include
just one general objective since it takes time and hard work to achieve it.
4. Timing is very important. You must include the estimate time that the lesson
plan will last. At the University of El Salvador it is timed for a session of ten
hours approximately.
5. Now you may think in the material you will need. Write down in details every
single thing needed to develop the activities included in the lesson plan.
6. The warm up is very important to break the ice and to have student get familiar
with the topic. Remember that this section must be well related with the
content you will teach. It can last around 5, 10 or 15 minutes. As follows you
will find examples of warm ups and fillers you may use. Remember that to do
so you must take into account students’ the age, sex, religion, believes and
English level.
Criss-Cross (beginner-intermediate, large group)
Learners must be seated in organized rows at least 4x4. Have the
front row of learners stand. Ask simple questions like "What day/time
is it?" Learners raise their hands (or blurt out answers) and the first
person to answer correctly may sit down. The last standing learner's
line (front-to-back) must stand and the game continues until 3-4
rows/lines have played. You can use diagonal rows if the same
person gets stuck standing each time. To end, ask a really simple
question (e.g. "What's your name?") directly to the last student
standing. Variation for small group: the whole group stands and may
sit one by one as they raise their hands and answer questions.
Name Bingo (beginner, large group)
Hand out a blank grid with enough squares for the number of people
in your class. The grid should have the same number of squares
across and down. Give the students a few minutes to circulate
through the class and get everyone's name written on a square.
Depending on the number of blank squares left over, you can have
them write their own name on a square, or your name, or give them
one 'free' square. When everyone is seated again, have each
person give a short self-introduction. You can draw names randomly
or go in seating order. With each introduction, that student's name
square may be marked on everyone's grid, as in Bingo. Give a prize
to the first 2-3 students to cross off a row.
Snowball Fight (any level, group)
Give learners a piece of white paper and ask them to write down
their name, country of origin, and some trivial fact of your choice
(such as a favorite fruit). Have everyone wad the pages into
'snowballs' and toss them around for a few minutes. On your signal,
everyone should unwrap a snowball, find the person who wrote it,
and ask 1-2 more trivial facts. Write the questions on the board so
the students can refer to them. Remember that each learner will
need to ask one person the questions and be asked questions by a
third person, so leave enough time. Variation for small groups:
learners can take turns introducing the person they interviewed.
If someone makes a mistake in forming the question, other club
members can help turn it into a proper question.
Chain Fairytale (intermediate-advanced, group)
English of course). If someone takes too long to give an answer (the
leader should count to five) then that person is out and a new
category begins. If someone gives an answer that doesn't make
sense or is incorrect, he is also out of the game. For example, if the
category is VEGETABLES and someone says "banana" that person
is out. The game continues until only one person is left!
In this game, the leader prepares cards with famous people's names
on them. The leader tapes one card on the back of each member.
Then everyone pretends they are at a party and asks each other
questions to find out their own identities. When someone guesses
their own name correctly, the name-tag gets taped to their front and
they continue to chat with the party guests until everyone is wearing
the nametag on the front.
Broken Telephone (any level, group)
This is a listening and pronunciation activity that always gets people
laughing. The leader first must think of a sentence or phrase and
whisper it to the person beside her. That person will then whisper
what she heard to the next person. Each person can only say, "Can
you please repeat that?" one time. When the message reaches the
end of the chain that person must speak out loud. Oftentimes the
message will be completely different when it reaches the end. Try to
find out where the chain broke! In a big group you can send the
message two ways and find out which team comes closest to the
real message. (A famous example is the army message that started
as "Send reinforcements, we're going to advance" and ended as
"Send three and four pence, we're going to a dance.")
teacher asks the question and the first student to write the answer
on the board wins. The two students run to the end of the line and
the second question is asked to the second students of each team.
The game goes on until all the questions are answered. Example:
The teacher says the name of a city and the students need to write
the country it belongs to.
Ask a student to pick a random letter of the alphabet. That student
then needs to start a story or a conversation with a word that begins
with that letter. The next student continues, starting his/her sentence
with a word that begins with the next letter of the alphabet and so on
until all letters are used (SpaceA, 2015).
7. Next there is the presentation of the topic. You may want to present the topic
with a dialogue, a reading, a dictation, a song or whatever activity suits your
pupils well. A presentation is meant to just present the topic and not explain
it. At this stage, it is supposed that students acquire the language in a natural
way. It may last 15, 20 or 25 minutes.
8. The grammar, grammar notes or explanations of the content are given in this
section. Do not extend the explanation; just go straight to the point with the
necessary information the students need to manage the topic well. This
section may last between 15, 20, 25 or 30 minutes maximum.
9. The practice starts here. Start with the controlled practice, continue with the
semi-controlled and end with the free practice.
1. Warm-up:
Mimes, dance, songs, jokes, play. This activity gets the students
stimulated, relaxed,motivated, attentive, or otherwise engaged and
ready for the lesson. It does not necessarily involve useof the target
2. Setting:
3. Organizational:
4. Content explanation:
5. Role-play demonstration:
6. Dialogue/Narrative presentation:
7. Dialogue/Narrative recitation:
8. Reading aloud:
Reading directly from a given text.
9. Checking:
11. Drill:
12. Translation:
13. Dictation:
14. Copying:
15. Identification:
Student picking out and producing/labeling or otherwise identifying
a specific targetform, function, definition, or other lesson-related
16. Recognition:
17. Review:
18. Testing:
Story telling (especially when student-generated):
Question-answer, referential:
Cued narrative/Dialogue:
Information transfer:
Information exchange:
Brief teacher- or student-produced summary of point and/or items
that have been practiced or learned.
Problem solving:
Activity involving specified problem and limitations of means to
resolve ¡t; requires cooperation on part of participants in small or
large group.
A propos:
You must have in mind that each listening activity must have a pre-
listening activity, during listening activity and post listening activity. As Davies
& Pearse (2006) say, their are many possible pre-,while, and post-listening
Discuss a relevant picture
Discuss relevant experiences
Associate ideas with the topic
Predict information about the topic
Write questions about the topic
Identify the exact topic, or an aspect of it
Note two to four pieces of information
Answer questions
Complete sentences
Complete a table, map or picture
Give opinions
Relate similar experiences
Role-play a similar interaction
Write a brief report
Write a similar text
Debate the topic (Davies & Pearse, 2006)
Then we go with the speaking activity. Here are some suggestions that Kayi
(2015) gives for English language teachers while teaching oral language:
Indicate positive signs when commenting on a student's response.
Ask eliciting questions such as "What do you mean? How did you
reach that conclusion?" in order to prompt students to speak more.
Provide written feedback like "Your presentation was really great. It
was a good job. I really appreciated your efforts in preparing the
materials and efficient use of your voice…"
Do not correct students' pronunciation mistakes very often while
they are speaking. Correction should not distract student from his or
her speech.
Involve speaking activities not only in class but also out of class;
contact parents and other people who can help.
Circulate around classroom to ensure that students are on the right
track and see whether they need your help while they work in groups
or pairs.
Provide the vocabulary beforehand that students need in speaking
Diagnose problems faced by students who have difficulty in
expressing themselves in the target language and provide more
opportunities to practice the spoken language (Kayi, 2006).
The reading is developed almost like the listening. First we start with a pre
reading activity, then a during reading activity and finally a post reading activity.
As previously seen in the listening practice, Davies & Pearse (2006) also give
teaching ideas to develop each one of this reading stages:
Guess the topic of the text from the heading, illustration, etc.
Brainstorm around a topic word on the board, for example,
Predict what the text will say.
Write questions that may be answered by the text.
Scan for two to four items of information.
Skim for the general idea.
Answer questions.
Complete sentences,
Complete a table, map, or picture.
Ask each other questions.
Discuss what was interesting or new in the text.
Discuss or debate the topic of the text if it is controversial.
Do tasks on the language or structure of the text.
Summarize the text, either orally or in writing (Davies &
Pearse, 2006).
On the other hand, according to Morley (2005), the writing skill can be
developed in harmony if we follow some stages:
Generating ideas
such as a letter of complaint, using learners' own ideas can make
the writing more memorable and meaningful.
Focusing ideas
Focus on a model text
Once the students have generated their own ideas, and thought
about which are the most important or relevant, I try to give them the
tools to express those ideas in the most appropriate way. The
examination of model texts is often prominent in product or genre
approaches to writing, and will help raise learners' awareness of the
conventions of typical texts of different genres in English.
Learners are given an essay with the topic sentences taken out, and
put them back in the right place. This raises their awareness of the
organisation of the essay and the importance of topic sentences.
Organising ideas
Once learners have seen how the ideas are organised in typical
examples of the genre, they can go about organising their own ideas
in a similar way.
Students in groups draft a plan of their work, including how many
paragraphs and the main points of each paragraph. These can then
be pinned up around the room for comment and comparison.
In a pure process approach, the writer goes through several drafts
before producing a final version. In practical terms, and as part of a
general English course, this is not always possible. Nevertheless, it
may be helpful to let students know beforehand if you are going to
ask them to write a second draft. Those with access to a word
processor can then use it, to facilitate the redrafting process. The
writing itself can be done alone, at home or in class, or
collaboratively in pairs or groups.
Peer evaluation
Peer evaluation of writing helps learners to become aware of an
audience other then the teacher. If students are to write a second
draft, I ask other learners to comment on what they liked / didn't
like about the piece of work, or what they found unclear, so that
these comments can be incorporated into the second draft. The
teacher can also respond at this stage by commenting on the
content and the organization of ideas, without yet giving a grade or
correcting details of grammar and spelling.
When writing a final draft, students should be encouraged to check
the details of grammar and spelling, which may have taken a back
seat to ideas and organization in the previous stages. Instead of
correcting writing myself, I use codes to help students correct their
own writing and learn from their mistakes ( Morley & British Counsil,
10. After the practice section the students need a review of the content seen in
class. That is why it is necessary to end each lesson with a wrap up activity.
There is no exact way of doing it, however here are some ideas from
Shenassa, 2015) and Cunha, (2012) for you to grasp.
Like a good trial lawyer who presents the jury with a concluding
summary on the last day of the trial, driving home the important
points, an effective teacher reinforces the key points of the lesson
during the wrap-up. To make your review interactive and exciting,
ask questions about the key points rather than present a boring
summary, and encourage student participation. After a challenging
session, students usually appreciate the added comprehensiveness
a good review brings to the lesson. Your review can be as warm
and comforting as an engaging story told around the campfire after
a full day of strenuous activity.
There is often a bit of tension hanging in the air when students have
been working on tasks which they’ll be put on the spot to present to
the class. A great way to dispel this anxiety is to have students
compare their work in pairs or small groups before having to give
the answers to the teacher. The group-work itself is comforting as
students get to speak to each other and come out of their individual
shells. Sharing the responsibility for the answer also decreases the
weight of a possible wrong answer told in front of classmates. As
an added benefit, students can learn from each other and go more
deeply into their work as a team.
pretty clear-cut, or something more involved such as evaluating
travel brochures students designed in their teams. Be sure to use
the opportunity to go over any problem areas and remember that
encouragement is an essential ingredient of personal and
educational growth.
One of the more exciting wrap-ups for students is when they have
the opportunity to present their work to the class or to a larger
audience. Imagine your students have been working in small groups
on creating a travel brochure about the attractions of their
hometowns. Why not ask the groups to paste their brochures and
photos to the board and present them to the class. Juice the process
by giving the class guidelines about presentation skills such as
energy, voice, and eye contact. Make sure team members
participate equally in the presentations. To take it all to a higher
level, you could ask the students to publish their work on a travel
blog to reach the wider world of international travelers!
6) Just push PLAY warm-up : show the picture below to your students
and while you play a song they should talk to someone about their day
or weekend. They talk about the things they would like to play again,
rewind, forward or pause. Play the song for 1 or 2 minutes and pause
it. Tell them that now they are supposed to change partners and so on.
7) Just push PLAY wrap-up: in the last 10 minutes of your lesson, give
each student a piece of paper with the buttons printed on it (you can
just print the image above!). Play a cool song and ask students to
reflect upon the lesson and write down on the paper what they would
like to play again, rewind, pause and stop. If you think it is ok, you
can have students talking and sharing their opinions but if you prefer
not, just collect the pieces of paper. I have no doubt you will have a
priceless material in your hands which will work as an accountability
moment to assess how students like your lessons and what they
think of your and their performance.
9) Ballon Pass: Before class, the teacher should get 5 balloons and
put a slip of paper with a question inside each balloon. Suggested
questions: What was your favorite activity? What can you teach for
you classmates from today’s lesson? Tell everyone a new word you
learned? What topics were discussed during the class? What was
the most important thing you learned today? Can you remember the
homework assignment? At the last 5-8 minutes of the lesson, have
the students stand in a circle. Without using their hands, have the
students pass around the balloon. If a student happens to use their
hands or is unable to keep the balloon afloat, the student must then
sit or step on the balloon to pop it and answer the question inside it.
10) Lesson Stop Light: the teacher should give each pair of students a
picture of a stop light. In the green, they write something they
already knew about today’s topic. In yellow, they write something
they learned today and in red, they write something they didn’t
understand about what was discussed. Give immediate positive
feedback on the green/ yellow comments and try to clarify the red
light comments. If it is needed longer time to do so, tell students you
are going to prepare a great activity to clarify the topics next lesson.
This way you show that you care about their impressions and you
are concerned about their learning! (Cunha, 2012).
These are some pieces of advice you can take into account when
assigning a homework assignment, however, keep in mind that homework
goes along with students ‘needs:
1. If you are using a course book let them develop some exercises assigned in
the unit you are studying.
2. Students can also be assigned writing tasks like essays, dialogues, giving
advice, voicing an opinion, or politely agreeing or disagreeing.
3. You may want to use worksheet from the text book or from internet to review
the topic, too.
4. Students can also be asked to read a topic beforehand. Let them prepare
themselves before you explain the lesson.
5. Research can also be done. You may ask students to look up a grammar
point or any matter related with the topic.
6. Tell the students to explore other ways of learning the target structure,
vocabulary or topic seen in class.
12. Following goes the bibliography section or reference section. The reference
must be ordered according to the books, magazines and websites you visited.
If you used books you must write first the last name of the author. Initial letter
of the last name (year when the book was published) title of the book, country,
and name of the publisher. If it is a magazine first you write the last name of
the author, first letter of his/her name. (year of when the book was published).
Name of the article. Place or country: and publisher.
If it is a website, first you write the last name of the author, first letter of his/her
name. (date when it was published: moth, day, year). Name of the page or
article. Retrieved Month day and year, from and the electronic address.
Cook, V. (2001). Second Language Learning and Language Teaching. New York:
Oxford University Press.
Abbott, S. E., Guisbond, L., Levy, J., Newby, D., Sommerfeld, M., & Thomas, B. (28
de April de 2014). The Glossary of Education Reform. Recuperado el 25 de
April de 2015, de http://edglossary.org/student-engagement/
13. Finally we find ourselves in the appendix and annex section. An appendix is
something extra you got from an author and need students to have a copy of
it. On the contrary, an annex is also something extra but you did it and you
too need the students to photocopy. Remember to include audios or videos
you will use in a CD.
Cycle I, 2015
Warm up (time):
Presentation (time):
Controlled Practice
Free Practice
Wrap up (time)
Homework (time)
Morley, C., & British Counsil. (June de 2005). Planning a writing lesson. Recuperado
el 13 de Noviembre de 2015, de Planning a writing lesson:
Cunha, A. (12 de Febrero de 2012). Teaching English with Magic. Recuperado el 16
de Noviembre de 2015, de Teaching English with Maic:
Kayi, H. (11 de Noviembre de 2006). Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote
Speaking in a Second Language . Recuperado el 13 de Noviembre de 2015,
de Teaching Speaking: Activities to Promote Speaking in a Second Language
: http://iteslj.org/Techniques/Kayi-TeachingSpeaking.html
Shenassa, A. (2015). How to create great wrap-ups for the ESL lessons you teach?
Here are 5 tips! Recuperado el 16 de Noviembre de 2015, de How to create
great wrap-ups for the ESL lessons you teach? Here are 5 tips!:
SpaceA. (Agosto de 13 de 2015). Warm ups and Games. Recuperado el 16 de
Noviembre de 2015, de Warm ups and Games: