Activity 2.4.1 Anatomy of The Eye SRS

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Why do you think the human eye is surrounded by seven different muscles?

The eye is surrounded by six different muscles so that it can move in all direction.

What roles do these muscles play?

Sleeping, blinking, and even crying are all eye movements, which are the muscles playing a role in the
function of the eyes.

What is the function of the eyelid and eyelashes?

Eyelid- to protect the eye and keep out foreign bodies

Eyelashes- protect the eye from debris, dust, and small particles.

Describe how the membrane looks in the cow's eye dissection video and compare it to the 3D model.

Cow's eye dissection video shows how the membrane is dissected visually. When compared with the 3D
model, it just shows the eye's diagram and the eye muscles' labels.

Note that the cornea does not have any blood vessels. Given the function of the cornea, why do you
think it is important that the cornea is clear and free of blood vessels?

Since the cornea is the outer layer of the eye, it is very important that it is clear and without blood
vessels, because it is the first layer you see from the eye and it permits very clear vision, then all the
other muscles are formed.

What shape is the pupil in a cow’s eye?

A cows pupil is oval.

Is the pupil’s response an involuntary reflex or a voluntary action? How is this response controlled by the
nervous system?

The pupil's response is an involuntary reflex. The nervous system controls this response because when
the eye detects light, it immediately transmits the response to the motor neurons via the spinal cord.

What differences did you observe between the aqueous and vitreous humors?

In the eye, I observed different amounts of each humor in the aqueous and vitreous humors. In the
aqueous humor, clear fluids support the cornea and prevent it from getting curved or rounded. While
the vitreous humors do not move and fill the space between the lens and retina with a gas that supports
the shape of the eye.

Seeing the state of the retina after removing the fluid, what do you think would happen to the retina if
this fluid was not present? How would this affect vision?

This fluid would make the retina crumble or change its shape from what it was before it was present.
Vision would be affected because everything would appear blurry, and you wouldn't be able to see
What is the function of myelin?

To protect and insulate the axons and enhance their transmission of electrical impulses.

The optic nerve takes messages back to the brain which then interprets the signal projected on the
retina. Which area(s) of the brain is (are) responsible for processing these signals?

Since vision and eyes are handled by the occipital lobe, the area of the brain that processes these signals
is the occipital lobe.

Based on the function of this structure, why doesn't the human eye have a tapetum?

Humans do not a have a tapetum because we are not nocturnal.

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