Unit 1 Pom QB

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1. Define Management. (May/June’16, Nov/Dec’14, Apr/May’11)

According to Knootz and Weihrich “Management is the process of
designing and maintaining of an organization in which individuals working
together in groups efficientlyaccomplish selected aims”.

2. What is Scientific Management? (Apr/May2015, Nov/Dec2015)

Fredrick Winslow Taylor is called “Father of scientific management”.
Taylor attempted a more scientific approach to management as well as the
problems and the approach wasbased upon four basic principles.
o Observation and measurement should be used in the organizations.
o The employees should be scientifically selected and trained.
o Due to scientific selection and training, an employee has the
opportunity of earning a high rate of pay.
o A mental revolution in the form of constant cooperation between the
employer and employees should be given the benefits of scientific

3. What are management levels? (May/June2016, Nov/Dec2011)

o Top level management
o Middle level management
o Lower level management

4. Write some important functions of top level management?

o To formulate goals and policies of the company
o To formulate budgets
o To appoint top executives

5. What are the essential skills needed for the managers? (May/June2012)
o Technical Skill
o Human Skill
o Conceptual Skill

6. List the functions of Management. (Nov/Dec2012, Apr/May2009)

o Planning
o Organizing
o Staffing
o Coordinating
o Controlling

7. What are the roles of manager? (May/June2014, Apr/May2015,Apr/May

o Interpersonal role
o Informational role
o Decisional role
8. What is Multinational Corporation (MNC)? (Apr/May2010)
“An enterprise which own or control production or service facilities outside
the country inwhich they are based”.

9. Distinguish between Management and Administration.

(Nov/Dec2014, May/June2014,
S. No Administration Management

1. It is higher level functions It is lower level functions

It refers to the owners of the
2. It refers to the employees.
Administration is concerned Management is concerned with
with execution of decision
decision making.
4. It acts through the It acts through the organization
Administration lays down Management executes these
broad policies and policies in to practice.
principles for
10.List the different forms of Organizations. (Nov/Dec2009)
o Sole Proprietorship
o Partnership
o Joint-Stock Company
o Co-operative Enterprise
o Public Enterprise

11.Name the types of managers.

o Top Manager
o Middle Manager
o Lower Manager
12.Define ‘sole proprietorship’
Sole proprietorship is one in which Only one person invests the entire
capital need to run the business hence one person owns this business
organization, The businessman invests the capital, employees labor and
machines. Sole proprietors own all the assetsof the business and the profits
generated by it. They also assume "complete personal" responsibility for
all of its liabilities or debts

13.What is partnership?
Two or more people share ownership of a single business. The Partners
should have alegal agreement that how decisions will be made, profits will
be shared, disputes will beresolved, how future partners will be admitted, or
what steps will be taken to dissolve thepartnership when needed.
14.What is organizational culture? (April/May 2017)
It is a system of shared meaning and beliefs held by organizational
members that determines how they act towards each other’s and outsiders.

15.How is a manager different from an entrepreneur?

Manager – “A manager is a person responsible for planning and directing
the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking
corrective actions when necessary”.
Entrepreneur - “He is a person who establishes business unit and utilizes
the other factors of production like land, labour and capital”.
16.What according to, Elton Mayo, is Management? (Nov/Dec 2016)
According to Elton Mayo, “Management is not a mechanical process but
study of people involved in production process. Management will get
positive response from their employees when their actions, sentiments and
expectations are given due attention”

17.What are the roles of management in organization? (April/May

2015, April/May2016, Nov/Dec 2017)
 Interpersonal Roleo
o Leader
o Liaison

 Informational Role
o Monitor
o Disseminator
o Spokesperson

 Decisional Role
o Entrepreneur
o Disturbance handler
o Negotiator

18.Define administration (April/May 2013)

It refers to the group individuals who are in charge of creating and
enforcing rules and regulations, or those in leadership positions who
complete important tasks. It also refers to formulation of broad objectives,
plans and policies.

19.Is a management is a profession? How? (Nov/Dec 2016)

Management's a new branch of knowledge. It's developed as a
profession because of the need for acquiring skills to solve problems. Thus,
it's not a full-fledged profession. It also involves of special knowledge,
formal training methods, a code of conduct, and he is a representative of
20. Who is the father of scientific management? What is scientific
management?(Nov/Dec 2015)
Fredrick Winslow Taylor is commonly known as “Father of Scientific
Management”. According to F. W. Taylor, Scientific management is an art
of knowing exactly what youwant your men to do and seeing that they do it
in the best and cheapest way.

21.What is globalization? (April/May 2013)

The tendency of investment funds and businesses to move beyond
domestic and national markets to other markets around the globe, thereby
increasing the interconnectedness of different markets.

22.What are the difference between a manager and a leader? (April/May

S. No. Manag Lead
er er
1. Manager creates goal Leader creates vision
2. Manager controls risks Leader takes risks
3. They build systems and process. They build
4. Managers assign tasks and Leaders coach the
provideguidance on how to peoplewho work
accomplish them. under him.

23.Write any two functions of middle level management.

o To train, motivate and develop supervisory level.
o To monitor and control the operations performance.

24.Distinguish between public and private limited companies. (April /May


S. No. Public Companies Private Companies

Minimum of person is 7 and Minimum of person is 2 and
1. maximum is unlimited to be maximumof 50 to be worked
workedin the company in the company
It requires both It can commence its
2. certificate of business operation after
incorporation and getting certificate of
certificate of incorporation.
commencement for its
It cannot sell shares to the It can sell shares to the general
generalpublic in open publicin open market.

25.What is the importance of organizational culture?

o The culture decides the way employees interact at their workplace.
o It represents certain predefined policies which guide the employees
and givethem a sense of direction at workplace.
o The work culture goes a long way in creating the brand image of
organization.It brings all the employees on a common platform.
26.What are the functions performed by the low level manager? (Nov/Dec
o Assigning the jobs and tasks to various workers.
o They guide and instruct workers for day to day activities.
o They help to solve the grievances of the workers.
o They prepare periodical reports about the performance of workers.

27.What are the elements of organizational culture?

o Invisible elements
Organizational values, beliefs and norms
o Visible elements
Artifacts, stories, histories, myths, legends, jokes, rituals, rites,
ceremonies, celebrations, heroes, symbols and symbolic actions,
attitudes, rules, norms, ethical codes.
28.Define partnership. (Nov/Dec 2017)
Partnership is an association of person who agree to combine their
financial resources and managerial abilities to run a business and share
profit in an agreed ratio. The persons who have agreed to join in
partnership are individually called “partners” and collectively a “firm”.
1. Outline the various forms of business organization.
2. Explain about the evolution of management. (Apr/May 2014, Apr/May
3. Enumerate Fayol’s principles of management. How are they different
from Taylorprinciples? Comment on them in brief. (13) (Nov/Dec
2014, Nov/Dec2015)
4. Explain in detail about Henry Fayol’s contribution towards
classical approachtowards management.(13) (Apr/May 2015)
5. Discuss the contributions made by Henry Fayol and F.W.Taylor to
the field ofmanagement. (13) (Nov/Dec 2013)
6. Discuss Henry Fayol’s principles of management. (13) (May/June 2013)
7. Explain the Levels of Management and functions of
management. (13) (Nov/Dec 2011, Apr/May 2015, May/Jun
8.Explain managerial skills and roles. (13) (Nov/Dec2014)
9. Explain the roles and social responsibility of a manager. (13)
(Nov/Dec2015,April/May 2017)
10. Discuss the trends and challenges of management in globalized era. (13)
(Apr/May 2014, & 2011)
11. Enlighten the relevance of environmental factors that affects global
business. (13) (April/May 2018)
12. Is management art or science? Discuss. (13) (April/May 2019)
13. What are the functions of manager? Explain. (13) (April/May 2014)
14. Discuss the relative importance of each type of skills to lower level
and upper levelmanagers. (April/May 2015)
15. Describe the motion study as used by Gilberth. (April/May 2015)
16. Discuss the scope and nature of management. (Nov/Dec 2015)
17. Explain the different types of business organization. (April/May 2017)
18. Explain the issues in organizational culture in modern business
(April/May 2017)

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