Unit 1 Pom QB
Unit 1 Pom QB
Unit 1 Pom QB
5. What are the essential skills needed for the managers? (May/June2012)
o Technical Skill
o Human Skill
o Conceptual Skill
13.What is partnership?
Two or more people share ownership of a single business. The Partners
should have alegal agreement that how decisions will be made, profits will
be shared, disputes will beresolved, how future partners will be admitted, or
what steps will be taken to dissolve thepartnership when needed.
14.What is organizational culture? (April/May 2017)
It is a system of shared meaning and beliefs held by organizational
members that determines how they act towards each other’s and outsiders.
Informational Role
o Monitor
o Disseminator
o Spokesperson
Decisional Role
o Entrepreneur
o Disturbance handler
o Negotiator