Overhead Arm Positioning ....
Overhead Arm Positioning ....
Overhead Arm Positioning ....
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Conflict of interest: Dr King has a patent from Wright Medical resulting in the The elbow is the second most frequently dislocated major joint
receipt of royalty fees, unrelated to the content of this manuscript. The remaining in adults.1 Elbow dislocations comprise 10%-25% of all elbow in-
authors hereby declare that they have no conflicts of interest to disclose. juries and occur in approximately five per 10 0,0 0 0 persons an-
Corresponding author. R.H.K. Manocha, Section of Physical Medicine and
nually.2 Dislocations result in damage to the lateral collateral lig-
Rehabilitation, Foothills Medical Centre, AC144, Special Services Building, 1403
– 29 Street NW, Calgary, Alberta T2N 2T9, Canada Telephone:(403)944-5930;
ament (LCL) and medial collateral ligament (MCL) of the elbow,
Fax:(403)283-2526. which can result in persistent and disabling elbow instability.3 , 4
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.H.K. Manocha). Dislocations may be classified as simple or complex, characterised
0894-1130/$ – see front matter © 2022 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
246 R.H.K. Manocha, S. Banayan, J.A. Johnson et al. / Journal of Hand Therapy 35 (2022) 245–253
Fig. 2. Custom elbow motion simulator, in three positions. (A) The components of the custom simulator are shown with the humerus in the gravity-loaded dependent
position. Stainless steel cables connected selected tendons of the upper extremity to servomotors and pneumatic actuators. A computer enabled simulated active elbow
extension. An electromagnetic (EM) tracking system, with a transmitter fixed relative to the humerus and a receiver attached to the ulna, measured ulnohumeral kinematics.
The platform could rotate to allow the humerus to also be positioned in the (B) overhead and (C) horizontal positions. A right upper limb is shown. (Image adapted with
permission from: Manocha RHK, Kusins JR, Johnson JA, King GJW. Optimizing the rehabilitation of elbow lateral collateral ligament injuries: a biomechanical study. J Shoulder
Elb Surg. 2017;26(4):596-603).
steel cables were connected to the sutures. These were then con- anatomically-derived humeral and ulnar coordinate systems were
nected to computer-controlled servomotors (for biceps, brachialis, established from the average of three successive digitizations of
and triceps) and pneumatic actuators (for the remaining tendons). bony landmarks using a Delrin stylus attached to another receiver.
For each specimen, the humeral head was reamed and a custom- The humeral coordinate system was established from the centre of
fabricated stainless-steel rod was inserted and cemented with the humeral shaft, the centre of curvature of the capitellum using
methylmethacrylate into the medullary canal. This rod was secured a least-squares sphere-fit, and the centre of the trochlear groove
to a clamp at the simulator base. The simulator base could be ro- using a least-squares circle-fit. The ulnar coordinate system was
tated to place the arm in the dependent, overhead, and horizontal established from the centre (using a least-squares circle-fit) and
positions. plane of the greater sigmoid notch and the ulnar styloid tip.
Simulated passive motion was performed by one investigator Elbow instability was quantified at each extension angle by
(RM) manually grasping the wrist and hand to passively rotate varus-valgus angulation (VVA) and internal-external rotation (IER)
the forearm into a fully pronated, neutral, or fully supinated po- of the ulna relative to the humerus, determined using an Euler
sition. The elbow was then carefully extended from full flexion to Z-X-Y sequence. The effects of active and passive motion, fore-
full extension at approximately 10° per second while maintaining arm rotation, and arm position on elbow stability for each elbow
the forearm in its pronated, supinated, or neutral position. Active state (intact and injured) were analyzed using two-way repeated-
elbow extension at a rate of 10° per second was then simulated measures analyses of variance (RM-ANOVA). Testing was carried
using a custom-designed LabVIEW program that has previously out using SPSS (Chicago, Illinois, USA). For all tests, statistical sig-
been described through tensioning relevant tendons (National In- nificance was set at α = 0.05 and Bonferroni adjustments were
struments, Austin, Texas, USA).12 , 22 A 10-N tone load was applied used for post hoc comparisons. A previous investigation in our lab-
to the wrist extensors and the wrist flexors during active motion oratory suggested that a sample size of eight would be sufficient to
to stabilize the wrist. look for differences by elbow state.6
Specimens were tested in the dependent, overhead, and hor-
izontal positions. For each arm position, passive and active el- Results
bow extension were performed with the forearm in the pronated,
supinated, and neutral positions. Testing was first conducted with Dependent position
the elbow intact. To simulate an elbow dislocation (“Injured” state),
the LCL and common extensor origin were sectioned off the lat- During passive motion (Fig. 3), there was no significant effect
eral epicondyle and the MCL and common flexor-pronator origin of ligament sectioning on VVA for all forearm positions (P > .05,
were sectioned off the medial epicondyle. The anterior joint cap- Table 1). However, ligament sectioning increased internal rotation
sule was also sectioned. The testing sequence was then repeated. with the forearm pronated (mean ± SEM: -4.6 ± 0.4°, P = .01) and
Normal saline solution was used to keep the specimens moist and increased external rotation when the forearm was neutral (+5.6 ±
the skin was closed during testing. Five passive and five active pre- 2.4°, P = .03) and supinated (+8.7 ± 1.8°, P < .01). Within the in-
conditioning cycles through a full arc of flexion and extension were jured (ie, MCL-LCL deficient) elbow condition, forearm rotation did
conducted prior to data collection to minimize viscoelastic effects. not affect VVA (P = .27). However, forearm rotation had a signifi-
A 6° of freedom electromagnetic tracking system (Flock of Birds, cant effect on IER (P < .01), with each condition being significantly
Ascension Technologies, Burlington, Vermont, USA) was employed different from the others and with pronation most closely replicat-
to quantify motion of the ulna relative to the humerus, as has ing kinematics of the intact elbow.
been previously described.12 , 21–23 The transmitter was fixed to the During active motion, when the forearm was neutral, valgus an-
simulator base and the receiver was fixed to the distal medial gulation increased with ligament sectioning (+0.8 ± 0.6°, P = .04),
ulna. Following testing, the radiocarpal joint was disarticulated and but did not change with forearm supination or pronation (P > .05).
248 R.H.K. Manocha, S. Banayan, J.A. Johnson et al. / Journal of Hand Therapy 35 (2022) 245–253
Fig. 3. Mean kinematic profiles with the arm in the dependent position. Varus-valgus angulation (top) and internal-external rotation (bottom) are shown with the forearm in
pronation (left), neutral (middle), and supination (right). Four elbow states are shown: intact elbow during passive motion (intact-passive; black, solid); intact elbow during
active motion (intact-active; grey, solid); elbow dislocation during passive motion (injured-passive; black, dotted); and elbow dislocation during active motion (injured-active;
grey, dashed).
Table 1
Mean varus-valgus angulation (VVA) and ulnohumeral rotation (UHR) ± SD during elbow extension with the arm in the dependent position.
Elbow state
P-values describe the significance of elbow state as the result of a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (2WRMANOVA) with elbow state (intact, injured [medial
and lateral collateral ligament injury]) and extension angle as variables. P’-values describe the significance of forearm rotation in the injured case as the result of a two
WRMANOVA with forearm rotation (pronated, neutral, supinated) and extension angle as variables.
Indicates significance (P < .05).
There was no effect of ligament sectioning on IER with the fore- angulation when the forearm was supinated (+1.8 ± 1.0°, P = .02).
arm in any position (P > .05). In the injured elbow, forearm Ligament sectioning increased external rotation for all forearm
rotation affected VVA (P = 0.02). However, pairwise comparisons positions (pronated: +1.9 ± 0.1°, P = .01, neutral: +0.9 ± 0.2°,
between forearm rotations showed no significant differences P = .03; supinated: +0.1 ± 0.3°, P = .02). In the injured case, there
(P > .05). Pronation most closely replicated kinematics of the was no significant effect of forearm rotation on VVA (P > .05).
intact elbow. In the injured condition, forearm rotation did not However, forearm rotation had a significant effect on IER (P < .01),
change IER (P > .05). Injured elbow kinematics more closely with pronation resulting in more internal rotation that supination
matched the intact elbow during active motion more than passive (-2.6 ± 0.7°, P = .03). Supination most closely replicated the
motion for all forearm positions for IER (P = .02 for pronation, kinematics of the intact elbow.
P = .02 for neutral, and P < .001 for supination). However, for VVA, During active motion, ligament sectioning did not affect VVA
this only reached statistical significance for pronation (P = .03). or IER (P > .05). However, forearm rotation significantly affected
VVA in the injured elbow (P = .005), with pronation causing sig-
Overhead position nificantly increased valgus angle compared to the neutral (+1.2 ±
0.3°, P = .04) and supinated (+1.5 ± 0.4°, P = .03) positions. There
During passive motion (Fig. 4), ligament sectioning did not was no effect of forearm rotation on IER in the injured elbow
affect VVA while the forearm was pronated and in neutral (P (P > .09). There was no difference between active and passive
> .05, Table 2). However, ligament sectioning increased valgus motion in the overhead position for either VVA or IER (P > .05).
R.H.K. Manocha, S. Banayan, J.A. Johnson et al. / Journal of Hand Therapy 35 (2022) 245–253 249
Fig. 4. Mean kinematic profiles with the arm in the overhead position. Varus-valgus angulation (top) and internal-external rotation (bottom) are shown with the forearm in
pronation (left), neutral (middle), and supination (right). Four elbow states are shown: intact elbow during passive motion (intact-passive; black, solid); intact elbow during
active motion (intact-active; grey, solid); elbow dislocation during passive motion (injured-passive; black, dotted); and elbow dislocation during active motion (injured-active;
grey, dashed).
Table 2
Mean varus-valgus angulation (VVA) and ulnohumeral rotation (UHR) ± SD during elbow extension with the arm in the overhead position
Elbow state
P-values describe the significance of elbow state as the result of a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (2WRMANOVA) with elbow state (intact, injured [medial
and lateral collateral ligament injury]) and extension angle as variables. P’-values describe the significance of forearm rotation in the injured case as the result of a two
WRMANOVA with forearm rotation (pronated, neutral, supinated) and extension angle as variables.
Indicates significance (P < .05).
Fig. 5. Mean kinematic profiles with the arm in the horizontal position. Varus-valgus angulation (top) and internal-external rotation (bottom) are shown with the forearm in
pronation (left), neutral (middle), and supination (right). Four elbow states are shown: intact elbow during passive motion (intact-passive; black, solid); intact elbow during
active motion (intact-active; grey, solid); elbow dislocation during passive motion (injured-passive; black, dotted); and elbow dislocation during active motion (injured-active;
grey, dashed).
Table 3
Mean varus-valgus angulation (VVA) and ulnohumeral rotation (UHR) ± SD during elbow extension with the arm in the horizontal position.
Elbow state
P-values describe the significance of elbow state as the result of a two-way repeated-measures analysis of variance (2WRMANOVA) with elbow state (intact, injured [medial
and lateral collateral ligament injury]) and extension angle as variables. P’-values describe the significance of forearm rotation in the injured case as the result of a two
WRMANOVA with forearm rotation (pronated, neutral, supinated) and extension angle as variables.
Indicates significance (P < .05).
position on IER when the forearm was pronated. (P > .05). How- creased valgus angulation (+0.8 ± 0.2°, P = .008) compared to
ever, there was a significant effect of arm position on IER when the horizontal position. There were no significant differences be-
the forearm was in neutral (P = .01) and in supination (P < .001). tween the other arm positions. There was no significant effect
With the forearm neutral, the overhead position increased internal of arm position on VVA when the forearm was pronated or
rotation compared to the dependent position (-8.5 ± 2.5°, P = .04). supinated (P > .05). Arm position did not change IER for any
There were no other differences between arm positions. When the of the forearm positions (P > .05). Across all three arm posi-
forearm was supinated, the overhead position increased internal tions, moving the injured elbow in the overhead position most
rotation (-12.7 ± 2.2°, P = .02) relative to the horizontal position. closely replicated kinematics of the intact elbow during active
The dependent position increased external rotation (+11.4 ± 1.8°, motion.
P = .01) relative to the horizontal position. There was no differ-
ence between the dependent and the overhead positions. Across all Discussion
three arm positions, moving the injured elbow in the overhead po-
sition most closely replicated kinematics of the intact elbow during This investigation found that during active motion with the arm
passive motion. overhead, elbow kinematics were not affected by combined MCL-
During active motion with the forearm neutral, arm position LCL injury. When the arm is overhead, the force of gravity com-
significantly affected VVA (P = .02). The overhead position in- presses the ulnohumeral articulation.17 This, combined with the
R.H.K. Manocha, S. Banayan, J.A. Johnson et al. / Journal of Hand Therapy 35 (2022) 245–253 251
action of the biceps and triceps muscles that cross the articulation, bow dislocation. Clinical studies suggest that after elbow disloca-
likely explains our findings, as similar results have been found in tions there is usually high-grade to complete tearing of the MCL
an investigation of the optimal rehabilitation paradigm of isolated structures with intact to complete tears of the LCL structures.31
LCL injury.12 As such, this investigation suggests that patients may In addition, in vitro studies cannot reflect other factors such as
be able to perform range-of-motion exercises in the overhead posi- pain, patient motivation, presence of other injuries as in the case
tion early in their rehabilitation program in order to prevent elbow of multiple-trauma, and patient adherence to an exercise prescrip-
stiffness. Elbow stiffness is a common complication of elbow dislo- tion and activity restrictions. More female than male specimens
cations24 , 25 that may result in loss of function as the elbow helps were evaluated in this investigation. Amongst adults aged 30-90,
to position the wrist and hand in space for many basic and instru- females experience more elbow dislocations.2 Thus our study pop-
mental activities of daily living.8 Schreiber and colleagues studied ulation was similar to clinical sex distributions. Given our small
27 patients following non-operative management of a simple el- sample size, we could not evaluate sex effects statistically. Quali-
bow dislocation with overhead motion initiated at 1 week post- tatively, however, there were no sex-based differences in the kine-
injury.26 At 29 months, patients’ mean extension-flexion range was matics of the simulated injury specimens. There was no effect of
6° to 137°, and patients did not suffer from instability. This inves- LCL and MCL injury or muscle activation on elbow kinematics in
tigation seems to provide a biomechanical basis for that clinical the overhead position. The study was underpowered to show a dif-
rehabilitation protocol in preventing elbow stiffness. ference here, although it was adequately powered to show a dif-
This investigation showed minimal effect of forearm rotation ference with the other arm positions. There have been no prior
when the arm was overhead. This is in contrast to previous studies studies of the overhead position in this clinical scenario. Previous
that have shown that forearm rotation impacts varus-valgus elbow investigations using cadaveric studies of elbow dislocations6 , 32 , 33
laxity after elbow dislocation when the arm is dependent.27 , 28 In have used fewer specimens than were used in our study. Given the
particular, the benefits of active motion and overhead positioning lack of difference seen in this study, many more specimens than
far outweighed the benefits of forearm rotation in this investiga- realistically available would be required to look for a minimal, and
tion. After combined collateral ligament injury, the neutral fore- likely clinically insignificant, effect of muscle activation with the
arm position most closely replicated kinematics of the intact el- arm overhead.
bow during active extension in the overhead and horizontal po- As mentioned, there may be varying spectra of damage to ei-
sitions. In contrast, during passive extension, the pronated posi- ther collateral ligament in the setting of elbow dislocation. The ef-
tion resulted in the injured elbow most closely replicating the IER fect of targeted strengthening of muscles on the side of the more
kinematic pattern of the intact elbow in the dependent position; injured collateral ligament (ie, strengthening the wrist flexors that
and forearm supination of the injured elbow most closely repli- originate at the medial epicondyle in the setting of relatively more
cated the IER kinematic pattern of the intact elbow in the over- MCL than LCL injury) would be an important avenue of future re-
head position. The latter had a mean difference of 0.1° from the search. In addition, the effect of hinged elbow orthoses on elbow
intact elbow, however, so this is likely not clinically significant. kinematics after elbow dislocation also needs to be studied. These
Clinical experience suggests that pronation may be a safer posi- devices are commonly used,7 but have recently been found to be
tion for the rehabilitation of elbow dislocations, perhaps because mechanically ineffective in the setting of isolated LCL19 and iso-
dislocations tend to result in more injury to the lateral than the lated MCL injury.30
medial elbow.15 , 29 This might explain the effect of pronation seen
during passive motion in the dependent position. In our study, Conclusions
however, we attempted to section both sides of the elbow equally.
Further research on the impact of varying the degree of medial This investigation demonstrated that active extension exercises
and lateral collateral ligament injury on elbow kinematics would in the overhead position should be considered in the rehabilita-
be valuable. In the setting of more medial damage, for exam- tion of simple elbow dislocations that result in equivalent injury
ple, overhead positioning could potentially result in slightly more to the MCL and the LCL of the elbow. The effects of forearm ro-
gravitational valgus force at the elbow if the humerus is slightly tation in the overhead position were negligible, but neutral fore-
internally rotated or adducted, which might impair ligamentous arm rotation seemed to show the closest similarity in kinematic
healing. pathways between injured and uninjured elbows with the arm
This investigation also found that in the elbow with combined overhead. The beneficial biomechanical effects of muscle activa-
MCL-LCL injury, active extension resulted in similar ulnohumeral tion and gravity in the overhead position on the elbow with com-
rotation and varus-valgus angulation patterns to the intact elbow bined LCL and MCL injuries may allow for early initiation of ac-
when the arm was in the dependent, overhead, and horizontal po- tive range of motion exercises which may help to reduce elbow
sitions. The only exception was when the arm was dependent with stiffness without risking further elbow instability. Passive motion
the forearm in a neutral position. This resulted in increased val- in the dependent position should be avoided early after elbow
gus angulation with active extension. This is in contrast to clinical dislocation.
practice which suggests that if there is equal damage to the me-
dial and lateral stabilizers of the elbow, then neutral positioning Acknowledgments
should be used in rehabilitation.7 Outside of this, however, these
results agree with previous studies that suggest that active-based The authors wish to thank Dr Louis Ferreira for assistance
exercises are important in the rehabilitation of isolated MCL,13 , 30 in software configuration and the Physician Services Incorporated
isolated LCL,12 , 14 and combined LCL-MCL injuries.6 In addition, as Foundation (Grant Number R14-31) for their funding in support of
kinematics of the injured elbow during passive motion in the de- this research. The sponsor had no role in study design; data collec-
pendent position differed from the intact elbow, passive motion in tion, analysis, or interpretation; or writing of the manuscript.
the dependent position should be avoided, at least early in the re-
habilitation period, until there has been sufficient healing of both
the MCL and LCL.
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R.H.K. Manocha, S. Banayan, J.A. Johnson et al. / Journal of Hand Therapy 35 (2022) 245–253 253
Record your answers on the Return Answer Form found on the # 4. Elbow instability was determined at different angles of exten-
tear-out coupon at the back of this issue or to complete online sion by
and use a credit card, go to JHTReadforCredit.com. There is only a. neither VVA nor IER
one best answer for each question. b. both c and d below
c. VVA
# 1. With active extension
d. IER
a. there was no effect on valgus stress
# 5. The advantage to performing extension overhead is that it
b. supination increased valgus stress
more closely replicates the kinematics of the intact elbow
c. pronation reduced valgus stress
a. not true
d. pronation increased valgus stress
b. true
# 2. PROM is generally withheld until _______ post-op
a. 4 weeks When submitting to the HTCC for re-certification, please batch
b. 10 weeks your JHT RFC certificates in groups of 3 or more to get full credit.
c. 6 weeks
d. 8 weeks
# 3. The target population would be patients who sustain
a. combined medial and lateral collateral ligament injuries
b. posterior lateral instability
c. Fx-dislocation of the distal humerus
d. LUCL injury