A Thousand Dead Babies

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SCALE : 1” = 1/2 MILE







Cover painting taken from “AQUALARRE” by FRANCISCO GOYA

ISBN 978-0-9920472-2-1


his is a very simple introductory The town is at a crossroads and the players can
adventure about a small little town influence what happens to the very souls of
in the grips of some religious turmoil. the town’s inhabitants. Will they let the witches
It switched to follow the Holy Church about and warlocks rule the night? Crush the pagans
a generation ago, throwing off their ties to the once and for all? Overthrow the oppressive Holy
Old Gods (mostly). There are some hold outs. Church or perhaps just keep everyone from
Recently however, tales of demon worship killing each other and hopefully get along?
and witchcraft have begun to flourish, The answer is probably whichever one occurs
leading the young and inexperienced priest as a side effect of stripping the place of
to enter a panic. everything valuable that isn’t nailed down.


he small town of Corroc is both cabins clustered together, their brushwood roofs
backwater and unimportant. It is located giving the hill a slight resemblance to a muskrat
on a rolling hill that was claimed from the lodge. The hill itself is surrounded by a small stone
great boundless forest to the north. It overlooks fence no more than four feet in height. A single
fields and pastures, the bog to the east, and a small limestone church juts out from the town to
river and marsh a few hours to the west. South cast a long shadow on the fields below, acting
is the Thousand Acre Wood (also unoriginally almost as a sundial. The only other noticeable
called the South Wood), a small lot that was kept building being a sturdy two story inn that has
when the area was cleared and settled. The town is a noticeably different construction of plaster and
fairly even mix of cracked field stone huts and log timber. It appears to be of Bavarian design.


he people of Corroc lead a simple those who still cling to elements of the Old Gods.
agrarian existence and generally Dwarves are regarded as a curiosity with no real
exhibit a friendly, outgoing demeanour. bias by either group. That isn’t to say Dwarves aren’t
While Corroc is out of the way, it is not isolated. associated with a whole host of bizarre stereotypes,
A handful of visitors will pass through each merely that they are neither reviled nor adored by
month and a rather large community of the townsfolk. Other less common races will also be
Travellers always stops here for a couple weeks seen as curiosities, but may arouse fear depending
during harvest season to trade. Most of the on exactly how unusual they are.
townsfolk will continue with their day to day Should (or perhaps when) the players get into
routine and never interact with any of the Player trouble, there are no watchmen or police to
Characters but there are several key participants in enforce order. The Reeve maintains order with
the town’s current troubles who almost certainly will. the backing of the peasants in a makeshift mob.
If things get out of hand or people are killed,
Non-humans in the party may receive a slightly they may send someone to fetch the men from
mixed welcome. The more pious individuals tend to the local lord a few hours to the north. This is
be disrespectful to halfings and wary (bordering on a last resort as the knights tend to enforce
afraid) of elves . The situation is almost reversed for order harshly and indiscriminately.



The Town Reeve The Herbalist
Robert Doyle (or Bobbie as the locals call him Julie O’Rannigan is an ageing spinster whose
when he isn’t around) is the elderly and dour faced fiery red hair is beginning to turn white. She is
reeve of this small town. He keeps the records of independent minded, single, no children, works
the turnip and barley harvest, the sheep and the as an herbalist, and has a black cat for a pet.
lumber tithes. While people rumour that he’ll The townsfolk think she is a witch and more
fudge the records in one’s favour for a split of the than a few want to burn her at the stake. It is only
take, it is false. He is actually impeccably loyal to at the urging of Father McKenzie that they do not.
the local lord and wouldn’t think of cheating him. He is young and idealistic and sick of what he
He is generally unconcerned with the religious sees as persecution of single women. He is of
goings on, but he is quite eager to find someone course wrong, she is indeed a witch. The signs
to capture the black knight and is authorized by are all there. She is a member of the cult of
the local lord to pay the reward for doing as such: Baphomet and sneaks out to frolic nude with
• 100lbs of turnips, the devil’s minions and sacrifice babies unto
• 2 rams, his glory. Also she sells a variety of soothing
• 6 ewes, and ointments and herbs for 2 shillings a dose.
• 2 acres of pasture. Applying a dose of her ointments before
sleeping will ease pain and relax muscles
Note that this is property ownership not mere usage (NGR: +2 to healing check OSR: +1d6-3 hp
rights, in essence turning a simple serf into a yeoman. regained overnight, minimum of 0). She has
45 shillings and 202 pence in her stone cottage
FATHER MCKENZIE just outside of town. If the players start
The Village Priest interrogating her about witchcraft she will
claim to have seen a robed figure congregating
Father McKenzie is a young priest in his early near the MacDonald house at night.
twenties. He has been in Corroc for just over a
year and is deeply concerned about its pagan OSR: Level 1 witch, chaotic evil cleric, or failing that
history and the rumblings of there being diabolists magic user who knows “charm person”
practising in the woods. He knows there are still
secretly pagans in the town, and others openly in NGR: Level 1, 1 part priest, 1 part wizard, 1 part
New Smithwald on the other side of the Thousand rogue. Expert (Herbalism), Familiar, Miracles.
Acre Woods, but he hopes kindness, reason and Low strength (7) but high spirit (13).
prayer can convert them. He is also unable to live 30 piety. 1200xp.
up to his own ideals, and he is filled with guilt.
He has been sneaking out at night to have an
illicit affair with the yeoman’s daughter, Marilyn.
He is gone from an hour after sunset until
midnight each night. Father McKenzie has
offered his church’s entire savings of 17 golden
crowns , 45 silver shillings and 112 copper pence
if anyone can slay whatever demonic creature
has been leaving bipedal hoof prints in the forest.
OSR: Level 1 cleric, 3 hp.
NGR: Level 0, 2 part priest. Dogma, True Belief, Exorcism.
100 piety. 900xp. No milestone.


“SCABS” DUNCAN OSR: Level 1 Druid, Cleric or Magic User as appropriate.

The Lout Intelligence of 18.
“Scabs” is a short little toad of a man with beady NGR: Level 1, 2 part priest, 1 part wizard.
eyes and a terrible comb-over. He makes his living True Belief, Exorcism, Miracles, Vulgar Magic
running games of chance and (if rumour be told) Amazing Intelligence (20), Poor Strength (7),
pinching things not nailed down. No one in the Good Spirit (13). 750xp, 600 piety.
town particularly likes him, but the Duncans Memorized: Wall of Thorns, Bee Swarm, Faerie Sense
used to have a good family name so folks just Walking stick is a Talisman with 3 benefit levels.
hope he’ll keel over one day and be a bad memory.
Scabs is the only person in Corroc who has a set
of the specialized tools needed to perform certain HUNTER JON
illegal activities. He also has a set of loaded dice
and a deck of trick playing cards (in addition to
The Leatherworker
the regular variety). Hunter Jon is an ill tempered man with a weather
If someone breaks into his house they would beaten visage. He has a license to hunt game in the
find his savings of 23 gold crowns, 11 silver South Wood in exchange for working the village’s
shillings and 340 copper pence. They would leather. He is usually found by his straw hut (the
also find an amulet bearing the mark of only one in the village) just past the little stone wall,
Baphomet, a bloodstained iron knife with elbow deep in entrails or faeces as he butchers meat
a bone handle, and a set of concealing robes. or works leather. He does not wash his hands when
Scabs is the current leader of the cult that he switches tasks. He is pretty bitter at the village
operates in the woods. and no one there really likes him. When he was a
younger man, a bear wandered into the village and
OSR: Level 2 Thief, Specialist or failing that Cleric. he wrestled it with his bare hands before killing it
Whatever you would use for a cultist. with a cheese knife. No one fucks with Hunter Jon.
NGR: Level 2, 2 part rogue, 1 part priest. Detect Traps, He knows a bit about the goings on in the South
Jack of All Trades, Parkour, True Belief, 400 piety. 2000xp. Wood, he can be convinced (with difficulty) into
Great Intelligence (16), Poor Social (7), Good Agility (13), mentioning he has seen an elf in the eastern half
Poor Strength (7) of the woods and heard the cries of infants in
the western half. He tries to stay closer to the
eastern half.
OSR: Level 1 Ranger. 12 strength, 16 wisdom, 5 charisma.
The Berry Picker
Ally is a young blonde waif of a girl barely past NGR: Level 1, 2 part rogue, 1 part warrior. Expert
sixteen. She is an orphan and has lived on her (Hunting, Tanning), Specialist (Tracking, Hiding),
own for the past 5 years. She is generally pleasant Jack of all trades, Weapon Specialization (Bow).
but appears to be a bit slow. The townsfolk think Great awareness (16), Good Strength (12), Shitty Social(5).
she has been touched in the head and are fairly
protective of her.
She is in fact extremely clever but merely puts
on a show to keep the townsfolk from accusing
her of witchcraft. She is the leader (and currently
only active human member) of the coven of
Titania that operates in the South Wood.
She lives in a fairly sparse house and has little
for possessions on her person beyond a cloak
and walking stick.



The Yeoman

Siris is both one of the least and most important he inn stands in stark contrast to
people in the region. On the one hand he is just the rest of the town. It has wooden
another farmer, and not a terribly well off one shingles, a brick chimney and a heavy
at that. On the other hand he actually owns his timber frame. The windows have shutters and
land, harvest and livestock. He is one of the few a lantern hangs on an iron hook by the heavy
people who does not have to bow to the local lord, oak door. The walls have a thick coating of
though he tends to out of respect for the late lord, plaster, giving it a very bright and clean look.
who made him a yeoman in exchange for bravery Above the door is a wooden sign carved in
in a petty cattle raid. Siris is actually the holder the shape of a donkey. Painted on the sign
(and owner) of the only cattle in Corroc; 1 bull is a silhouette of a rooster.
and 3 cows. He also has 20 golden crowns and Inside, the place appears as a dimly lit
120 copper pence in his home. German beer hall. The hearth is supplemented
Sadly Siris is a widower and has no sons to with candles to give the place a dim amount
pass on his title to; instead he merely has three of flickering light. Several large casks are on
increasingly beautiful daughters Grace, Sue and display behind the bar and the smell of roast
Crushertron. I mean Marilyn. The third daughter pork seems to constantly waft through the area.
is named Marilyn. Marilyn has been having Ale, mead, and fancy wines are available here,
a secret affair with Father McKenzie. If this is as is food and lodging. There are five rooms
brought to light Siris will disown his daughter. available, each with two single beds and a
washbasin. The rooms are 5 shillings
OSR: Siris is a level 1 Fighter with 16 strength. a week for room and board.
NGR: Level 1, 3 part warrior. Great strength (16) The Innkeeper is Otto Van Kaus; his wife
Sheila works the kitchen. They are in their
late thirties but do not appear to have any
DARCY SMITH children. They moved into this area 10 years
The Smithy ago and opened an inn, apparently having
had to abandon a similar inn in their last
Darcy is a young lad of 15 who has just started
home. They refuse to speak on the matter
a smithy in the town. He worked as an apprentice
but rumours spread. They are curt and distant,
smith for two years in the lord’s keep and is just
but provide everything they promise. They
starting out on his own in Corroc. He is not skilled
are honest if abrasive. The cellar is strictly
at his trade. Anything complicated or that requires
off limits, they store their finer wines down
a sharp edge is beyond him for the moment, but
there. Much of the town will frequent this
he will not admit to it. He is desperate for business
establishment, “Scabs” Duncan is known
and will tell the players anything he thinks they
to frequently run games of chance in
wish to hear to try and encourage them to buy or
the evenings.
commission something from him. This includes
implying people may be witches, especially if The inn’s lock box (stored under Otto
he thinks the players will then want to buy and Sheila’s bed) has 1278 silver shillings
hot irons. He can make those. and 532 copper pence.


The Church will be described in the reference section.

Any forbidden artifacts (grimoires, unholy
items or the like) that are confiscated from

he church is a simple limestone building
consisting of an offset bell tower and those in the village (or turned in willingly)
a large hall with an adjoining private will probably end up here. While of little
rectory. The roof has expensive lead work and use at the moment, trained monks and
the windows have actual glass. The glass is a inquisitors deconstruct these items to build
bit wavy with the odd bubble, but it is still an proper defences against these black arts.
expensive sign of wealth and power. There are
three entrances: a large set of oaken double doors
on the front of the church, a small oak door off THE CATACOMBS
the rectory that leads to the graveyard, and the AND ROYAL TOMBS
pine trap door in the bell tower. If one bypasses the sad and rickety excuse
Inside, the pews are smoothly sanded pine for a black library this church maintains, they
but the pulpit itself is stained oak. The rectory will be forced to wander down the catacombs.
is simply a small bed and dresser for the priest The passage is twenty-ish feet long and features
to sleep in, with an extra door leading outside. carved recesses into the wall, five high. Each
Behind the the altar however, lies a trapdoor recess contains a withered corpse in a simple
leading into the basement, which contains linen robe that was probably once white. Each
catacombs and the black library. one clings to a simple iron cross and wears a thin
gold necklace that loops through a silver ring.
NGR: The Church and grounds are consecrated Each set of jewelry is worth 20 silver shillings,
and count as holy ground. half for the necklace and half for the ring.
There are thirty corpses in the catacombs.
At the end of this small hallway is a round
THE BLACK LIBRARY room with two ornate stone sarcophagi and
Underneath the rusty trapdoor behind a bubbling stone fountain on the back wall.
the altar is a mouldy, wooden, open backed One of the stone sarcophagi has a carved lid
staircase leading into the dark basement. featuring a thin woman in simple robes holding
OSR: 1/6 chance of being heard by priest if opened a rose. The other features a man wearing wolf
skins adorned with a crown and holding a
NGR: d6 suspicion if opened cross with one hand and a sword in the other.
Following it straight will lead into a twenty foot The sarcophagus carved with the
stretch of catacombs along the walls, leading to the image of a lady is the tomb of Lady
tombs. To the right however is a rickety plank wall Gwyngyll, a pagan who long ago settled
and a simple locked door with an iron cross hung here with her husband who was an early
upon it. The key to the door is kept in the rectory. member of the church long before it was
Inside the room is a small lead chest tied to a established in the region. She was a sorceress
large rock (some 400lbs) and a small cherry wood in life, though she loved her husband dearly.
writing desk covered in extinguished candles. Should anyone who is not a pagan open
The desk drawers are locked, but inside them her sarcophagus she will rise up in anger.
are several dangerous artefacts. A bone dagger, Her body still clutches a strangely vibrant
the book of Aarrrgh, a golden coin, a small leather rose (detailed in The Vibrant Rose, p.14).
pouch filled with teeth (most of which are charred),
and a rolled manleather scroll. Inside the lead chest
is a stone hammer affixed to a carved ivory hilt
with ornate beaten copper wires. These items


The other sarcophagus is that of her

husband St.Ysgythrog, who built the first
The Lumber
church in these lands. It didn’t take. He and his
followers were buried in this tomb, and later
his widow joined them (though she had never

t the edge of the South Wood is a motley
converted). His body has not decayed at all collection of shacks and tents amidst
and smells faintly of flowers. He wears a silver a field of tree stumps. Taxes tend to be
crown adorned with amethyst upon his head paid in terms of days of labour owed to the local
(worth 1000 shillings) and holds the Sword lord, and many pay by working at the lumber
of St. Ysgythrog in his hands (detailed on p.14). yard. Once the sun rises the sounds of axes on
Should anyone other than a priest, paladin or trees and saws on logs will rapidly begin to fill
devout follower of his religion open the air. The smell of boiling stews will waft along
his sarcophagus all thirty of the corpses in the breeze. Many young men choose to sleep at
the walls will awaken and attempt to slay the the camp rather then return home, so they can
trespasser. Those of the appropriate faith will earn a little extra in the hours when others are
see a translucent ghost animating the skeletons. walking back to Corroc.
NGR: St. Ysgtthrog was in a state of grace upon death.
The undead are simple 0 level undead. Lady Gwyngyll is
a ghost with 15 luck, +2 presence and 16 intelligence. Local
Legend. The Cook and Foreman
Sam is a heavyset man in his early forties.
OSR: Skeletons which can be controlled by a good cleric or He may have been a strapping young lad once,
turned by an evil. Lady Gwyngyll is a wraith. but his career as both cook and foreman means
he has had a few too many extra portions over
the years. He lives in a log cabin at the edge of
THE FOUNTAIN OF BAACHUS the forest, the only truly permanent building
In the back of the room is a small and ancient in the lumber camp. He has been awarded
fountain that predates this tomb, it is about knee the authority by the reeve to pass out wooden
high and two feet around. This is the only reason tokens denoting a days labour. He awards these
why Lady Gwyngyll had ever stopped here. It is a to the workers at the end of each day (assuming
fountain dedicated to Baachus. The first man and they showed up on time and worked hard) who
the first woman to drink from the fountain each in turn pay them as taxes (or trade them to
year receive a blessing (as per bless spell/miracle) craftsmen in the town). A wooden token can
until they next have (forgive my tawdry language) be sold in town for somewhere between 5 pence
physical relations. They are also guaranteed to and 2 shillings, depending on how many people
conceive a child. This assumes their liaison is with have been working at the lumber camp this week.
each other. If their liaisons are not with each other, Sam doesn’t work himself, but rather spends the
a child is still guaranteed but the magic might be a day cooking stews and soups to feed the workers.
bit. . .wonky. Who will become pregnant in such a He also has a bit of a side business, where he
liaison is even money. This does mean that a man lets workers get an extra hour or two in before
could become pregnant. darkness, gathering sticks and tinder to sell
in town. They get a third, he gets a third and
NGR: Destroying the fountain counts as
a third is put aside for the local lord. Sam will
destroying a small shrine.
offer 50 wooden tokens if anyone can find out
why they hear the cries of infants at night and
make them stop. He is terribly troubled and
frightened by the matter.


New Smithwald NGR: Level 3, 2 part warrior, 1 part priest. Weapon

Specialization (greatsword), Combat Tricks, Combat
Awareness, Fervour. Muscle Bound Trait. Superior

he hamlet of New Smithwald is on
the southern side of the Thousand Acre strength(20), good health (13), great spirit (16), poor
Wood and consists of about a dozen huts intelligence (7), poor social (7)
with cobb walls and thatch roofs, lined up along Knows: Sunder, Pommel Strike, Stomp, Riposte
the small river that flows from the Applemarsh.
The only other building is a large wooden hall
with a sod roof. That is the home of the last
remaining pagan knight in the local lord’s
The Grove
service, Sir Gallan Darnan. The village itself of Titania
herds a few pigs and keeps a few rabbit hutches,

but mostly grows vegetables and fishes in the f any time is spent methodically searching
river. The village has only been here maybe two the eastern half of the Thousand Acre
years, since old Smithwald burned to the ground Wood it is possible someone may be able
due to an unfortunate accident. The ruins of to stumble across the hidden grove of Titania.
old Smithwald are a couple miles to the east, Unless they are specifically sneaking about it is
away from the river. likely they will probably first be ambushed by its
three elven guardians. Two of them wield granite
hand-and-a-half axes and large wicker shields,
SIR GALLAN DARNAN woven from briar. The third has a longbow and
The Bear Knight a quiver of jagged obsidian arrows. All three wear
specially woven leaf cloaks that help them in
The banner of the Darnan line does not feature a
remaining hidden.
bear, nor has Sir Gallan ever slain a bear. No part
of either his personal history or the history of his The grove itself is a clearing maybe 40 feet in
line involves a bear, yet he is known as the Bear radius, centred around a large pine tree growing
Knight. He is an immensely large man. While the next to a bubbling spring that forms a pond.
local lord’s father converted away from the old The pond is surrounded by three standing stones,
faith late in life, Sir Gallan refused. While lesser carved with ornate runes and sigils. The area is an
knights may have been punished, Sir Gallan’s ancient place of worship to Titania and the cones
otherwise impeccable loyalty and his immense from the sacred pine count as holy symbols.
value in defending the realm has allowed him to Each of the standing stones contains a sacred
remain unperturbed in his little hall with a few spell: Wall of Thorns, Bee Swarm, and Faerie Sense.
dozen fellow pagans. In his hall Sir Gallan keeps OSR: Magic users require read magic to read any given stone
a golden goblet (worth 2500 shillings), two small
rubies (worth 1000 shillings each) and 670 copper NGR: It is consecrated holy ground, counts as a small temple.
pence. He also has an iron helm adorned with a Should anyone enter the grove without the backing
set of antlers, a coat of scale armour and a large of Ally Mac’Oban, the elves will attack.
two handed sword of exceptional quality. He has
a single old nag for a horse that he cannot afford OSR: Elves are level 1 elves, or elven rangers, or elven
to replace and would not be the most suitable fighters as appropriate.
mount in a battle. It remains as a pet and a relic
of his spent youth. NGR: Level 1, 2 part warrior, 1 part rogue. Combat
awareness, Weapon specialization (longbow or battle axe
OSR: Sir Gallan is a level 3 fighter with 18 strength, as appropriate), Guard, Parkour. Superior Awareness(20),
18/00 if you use it. He has a Constitution of 13, Good Agility (13), Poor Health (7).
but intelligence and charisma of 7. Knows: Fire Control, Feint


The JuJu Tree Julie and Scabs are the leadership in town, there are
also 8 other male and 2 female followers who make
their way here for the dark rites. Outside of the

eep in the western half of the forest lies townsfolk, there is also the Black Knight who rides in
a desolate grove of sandy, lifeless earth each night, and of course the Goat in the Woods, who
with the dead and grey husk of a once brings with him a fresh newborn infant each night.
mighty oak overlooking it. A great stone slab
that is stained with blood sits at the base of the
oak tree, and five fire pits filled with ash and THE BLACK KNIGHT
charcoal line the perimeter of the clearing. The Black Knight has never been seen outside
Every night for weeks cultists have crawled out of his armour. He simply rode in one day, burned
to this dead grove to celebrate their dark rites. a couple huts and has otherwise remained a bogey
The fires burn, the cultists dance naked but man to the locals. He wears a full suit of heavy
for a sack that covers their head, and the black mail, a bucket shaped great helm, and rides upon
knight holds court with the goatman while a large black stallion. His shield and tabard are
both black save for a red inverted pentagram.
the high priest sacrifices a new born baby
He has a lance, but does not bring it into the
to the dark lord Baphomet. During the day
woods, keeping only his broadsword as a
however, the clearing is empty.
weapon. He almost never speaks except to
NGR: This is unholy ground, counts as a small temple utter single word commands with a deep and
to Baphomet. somewhat distorted voice. He moves constantly
across the fields and moors, the only consistent
The roots under the JuJu tree lead to a small place he can be found is in the presence of
fungus-riddled cavern system (detailed in The Rot the JuJu tree when the cultists congregate.
on the Roots on p.11). Clearing out this “dungeon”
should act as a way to cleanse the JuJu Tree of the OSR: Level 4 Cavalier, Anti-Paladin or Fighter with
corrupting influence of Baphomet. 16 strength and maximum hit points.
The pagans would love to reclaim this sacred NGR: Level 4, 2 part warrior, 1 part priest. Guard,
grove and reconsecrate it, while the church would Weapon specialization (broadsword), Combat Tricks,
love to see it set aflame (and the grove of Titania Fervour. Great Strength (16), Good Agility (13),
while you are at it). Of course to truly stop the Poor Awareness (7), Good Luck (13)
cult requires exposing and killing them all. Knows: Riposte, Shield Punch, Coup De Gras, Feint


THE GOAT IN THE WOODS The cave is filled to the brim with the bones of
small infants, the only other item of note is a
The so called “Goat in the Woods” is a fearsome wicker bassinet containing a small blanket. If one
creature, to call it half man and half goat would roots through it they will also find a folded and blood-
be to understate matters. It has the head stained slip of paper containing the following
of an enormous black goat with a glossy words in a foreign (though still modern) tongue:
ebony mane, that is true. However its
maw is filled with fangs and razor sharp “I could not handle the responsibility any more,
teeth of a dull ashen grey, with a great tonight I take my life. I only hope whoever takes the
black tongue that writhes and twirls burden after me has a pure heart and a stronger will”.
as it lets out its unnaturally deep
and throaty bleats. Its upper If anyone grabs the bassinet after the goat is slain,
body is similar to that make note of it (even if they put it down) for it
of a man, but with is cursed. Nearby there is a palanquin chair
massive rippling buried under a pile of pine boughs and grass.
muscles and OSR: 3 hit dice, AC as leather, Attack as weapon
massive hands; or gore for d6.
with its matte
black skin a gorilla NGR: Skin is as tough as light armour, horns
might be a more apt count as helmet. Incredibly strong and
comparison. Its lower healthy (20), quick reflexes (agility 13)
limbs are covered but low intelligence and easily lead
in more shiny black (7 intelligence, 7 social).
fur, ending with cloven Local Legend.
hooves for feet.
This creature lives a short
distance away in a small
earthen cave under the roots
of a long collapsed tree in
the southern portion of
the Thousand Acre Woods.


The Nightly The Rot

Ritual on the Roots

very night as the sun goes down, AREA A:
the cultists make their way to the JuJu

his is the entry. The area is an earthen
tree. Two men from New Smithwald,
tunnel with long rotted roots sprawling
two men from the Lumber camp, four men
across the ground. Small mushrooms of
and two women from Corroc proper along
all shapes and sizes (the occasional patching being
with Julie and Scabs. Father McKenzie will
also head out to visit Marilyn at the same time. phosphorescent) litter the area. The tunnel forms
a ring around where the JuJu tree is up top, blocked
Julie, Scabs, and the cultists from Corroc off by two cobblestone walls with a healthy dose
will arrive first. The cultists will strip down of crumbling clay plastered over them. The clay
to nothing but a sack with eye-holes cut out is covered with fading cave paintings and scorch
that they wear over their head. They will begin marks. The only way out is back through the
to chant and dance and frolic in the nude as tangled roots 7 feet above, one person at a time.
Scabs and Julie stoke the fire pits. Scabs
and Julie remain in their robes.
The two men from Smithwald and the two
men from the lumber camp head to the Goat The walls of this largely spherical room are made
in the Woods to fetch him on a palanquin chair, of spongy fungus. Anyone that has recently died
they remain in their robes. The black knight who gets any of this fungus on their body will
will ride into the clearing next and dismount. immediately rise as a fungal zombie and burrow
He will stand in stern silence, watching into the spongy fungus. There are 7 zombies
over the proceedings. burrowed into the floor, walls, and ceiling already.
A few minutes later the cultists carrying If anyone either brings light into the room, digs
the Goat in the Woods upon the palanquin into the fungus, or starts a large fire anywhere
chair will move into the clearing. underground (such as throwing flasks of burning
oil) the zombies may awaken and attempt to
The goat will hand a crying newborn to Scabs,
spread their contagion through murder.
who will bow and bring it over to the stone
slab. There he will ritually butcher it and OSR: 1/6 chance per action they will awaken.
smear the blood over the altar, before
returning the remains to the goat. The goat NGR: d6 suspicion per action
will eat some, and then the orgy will begin, AREA C:
with only the black knight remaining out
of the festivities. A pile of valuable and shiny looking material
is at the back of this long, narrow and cramped
The goat is quite rough and indiscriminate. tunnel (about two feet wide). The walls are
If the players are ambushing this coven’s covered in a thick layer of fungal slime that
activities though, they probably ambushed acts as a powerful numbing agent with slight
earlier, with the whole baby sacrifice thing. acidic properties (dissolving flesh over the
After that, the Goat is hauled back and course of a week). Contact with the slime will
the cultists and black knight return leave the exposed area paralyzed for several
from whence they came. hours, assuming they can remove the slime.
OSR: Save vs paralysation.
NGR: d6 stun damage per round


Covered in the transparent slime at the AREA E:

end of the tunnel are 3 steel swords as well This chamber contains the heart of the tree,
as piles of gold and silver jewellery (worth resembling a grey and faintly beating ox
150 gold crowns). Two rubbery and partially heart. It is covered in toadstools and mould.
dissolved skeletons are also present, laying Scraping it clean with a non-iron implement
on top of a giant puffball. If the puffball and splashing fresh blood on the heart will get
is touched with anything sharp or pointy it pumping again. The tree will quickly return
it will explode in a cloud of corrosive to life and release antibodies to kill off the
enzymes for 3d6 damage. demonic fungal infection within ten minutes.
Stabbing it with an iron implement will kill
AREA D: the tree . Entering this room summons the
Getting into this sealed area requires knocking slime mould from the well in AREA F.
down the cobblestone walls with heavy tools. NGR: This counts as either building or destroying
Unless care is taken (by someone who knows a small temple as appropriate to your actions
about stone working or architecture carefully
examining the walls), this will cause a partial
cave in for 2d12 damage. The inside of the AREA F:
room is full of salt lines and ash. In between This region has a cobblestone well in an
the salt lines are dozens of neolithic weapons otherwise bare area. The well looks at least
(such as bone clubs, flint spears, and daggers 20 feet deep with liquid in it. That liquid
made from carved antler), and hundreds of is a massive slime mould that can only
puffballs. Accidentally stepping on a puffball be harmed by flaming oil, acid vats and
releases a cloud of corrosive spores (1d4 damage similar sorts of things, requiring 100 points
to all present). Characters must make an agility/ of damage to kill and dealing 1d6 damage
dexterity check for each thing they wish to per round to any characters in the same area
handle or closely inspect to avoid triggering as it. The slime mould is demonic and is
a cloud of spores. possessed with a low cunning but will avoid
In the center of the area is a stone hearth sunlight, which deals 1d12 damage per round
containing three small clay statues of stylized to the slime mould.
imps buried under a layer of ash. Each statue
contains the spirit of a dire animal from NGR: It may also be harmed by exorcism.
neolithic times. Breaking one will cause the At the bottom of the well are literally buckets
spirit to attempt to posses the nearest being full of shiny metal trinkets (bronze cloak
in a burst of pent up psychic energy. pins, silver coins, etc) worth 100 gold crowns.
The slime mould will head to AREA E if the
OSR: roll above level on d6 to possess. players break the clay slab. It flows like water
NGR: d20 stress. and will arrive in 3 rounds, pouring into any
opening. It will reinfect the tree heart with
The spirits are quite mad and wish to return its touch.
to the sunshine above ground.
A clay slab several inches thick and covered
with ancient pictograms blocks access to
AREA E, though it has several obvious cracks
in it. A sledgehammer will easily break the
clay slab but will also generate a lot of noise.
NGR: d20 suspicion


Consequences Magical Items

orroc is at a crossroads. It could be destroyed,
have the pagan elements finally stamped out

or return to the town and drive out the church. his is a thin bladed stiletto carved as
a single piece from a human femur.
The Town is Destroyed The “handle” is carved with the smiling
If either Ally Mac’Oban and the Grove of Titania are face of a pagan huntress deity. The weapon doubles
destroyed, or Father McKenzie is disgraced or slain, as a holy symbol and counts as a +1 weapon.
without the cult of Baphomet also being routed and
destroyed then the town will be destroyed by a super-
natural curse and legends will speak ill of the dark THE BOOK OF AARRRGH
monsters that now haunt its shell. This book has a simple black leather cover
Back to the Status Quo with heavy brass buckles and a title that seems
If the cult of Baphomet is destroyed and no other to trail off. The pages inside are crisp and fresh
major factions are disrupted, things will just keep should someone open it. The first few dozen
carrying on. Father McKenzie will inform the pages are two spells: Keeper of Forbidden Knowledge
Witchfinder he had sent for that local heroes routed and Screams of Anguish. After that, the book
out the problem before he could arrive, thanking continues into cursed text. Reading the text
him for his journey thus far but letting him will cause it to vanish from the book and
know he can return to other business. The players release a bound demon from within its pages.
may have earned the rivalry if not enmity of The demon is a twelve foot tall nude woman
a Witchfinder without even knowing it though. with red skin and the horns of a ram.
Pagans Driven Out OSR: 6 hit dice, AC as leather, 1 attack for d8+1 damage.
If Ally Mac’Oban and Sir Gallan Darnan are slain Requires magic to harm.
or driven out, and the cult of Baphomet is routed,
then the last remnants of the old faith will also be NGR: Size modifier 2, 12 strength, 13 agility, 5 social.
driven out and the church will permanently take Requires magic to harm.
hold. If Father McKenzie has not been disgraced
by outing his affair he will take it as a sign he has
divine sanction to overlook a few minor faults. This THE SCROLL OF MANLEATHER
line of rationalization will lead to truly dark times This is a two foot tall rolled up piece of human
in this village a few decades from now. Corruption leather, tied shut with a bloodstained piece of
is like a worm that conquers the weakened heart. twine. It contains a spell to enlarge a goose into a
Pagan Revival monstrous bloodthirsty. . . goose. The spell appears
If Ally Mac’Oban is still alive, the cult of Baphomet to have originally been recorded as a tattoo that
has been routed, and Father McKenzie has been someone decided to remove from its previous
disgraced then the townsfolk will throw off their ties owner. The spell is called Dire Goose.
to the church and revert to following the old ways.
The church will be sacked. However unless the JuJu
tree was reclaimed without being burned (so it can THE STRANGE GOLDEN COIN
be reconsecrated to Titania) the Elves will have left. This strange gold like coin features a crescent
Unless Sir Gallan Darnan is still alive and at least two moon image on one side and a full moon on the
elves are alive, the Witchfinder that Father McKenzie other. Being near the coin gives a -2 to any health/
wrote to will arrive with his retinue and violently constitution checks. The metal it is made out of
purge the area of all pagans, which is largely the entire does count as magical, and it could easily be
town, due to player involvement. forged into an arrowhead, bolt or shot.



FILLED WITH TEETH Although it appears as a simple wicker bassinet
The teeth in this bag are all from an adult human with a wool blanket, it is a cursed item. Every day
(or humanoid). There are 23 teeth in total, all but 4 it teleports to its owner. It then produces a new
are charred. Burning a tooth will cause a billowing healthy baby. Every day. Forever. The bassinet can
cloud of fog to fill the area with 75 cubic feet of fog. only switch hands when its last owner is killed.
They quickly become damaged if exposed to light. Its current owner is the Goat in the Woods. Note
that if it has no owner the babies simply pile up.
NGR: A sage could destroy a tooth to potentially learn The bassinet cannot be destroyed either, it simply
“Breath of the Moors” and “Bane of Mush’kar”. re-appears the next morning. Perhaps there is
They are power level 5 each. some sort of mountain where it can meet its doom,
but a regular fire will do nothing permanent to it.

THE STONE & IVORY HAMMER OSR: A remove curse will strip an individual from
The hammer is a smooth rounded piece of basalt being the basket’s owner, but it is not destroyed.
that is affixed to a shaft of carved mammoth ivory NGR: This item cannot be reverse engineered by
with an intricate weaving of copper wire. The
a sage as it keeps re-appearing the next morning.
hammer was a religious icon to long gone stone age
deity of which no one remembers the name, if ever
the deity had one. THE SWORD OF
OSR: An Intelligent +2 hammer, has an intelligence ST. YSGTTHROG
of 5 and an ego of 10. The blade is an older style steel arming sword
with a simple silver cross set into the blade.
NGR: +2 bonus from divine blessing. each point of damage
dealt also deals 1 point of influence to wielder. The influence OSR: +2 if wielded by paladin, otherwise +0.
wears off as soon as the wielder sleeps. If the wielder is
under the influence they will go on a mad berserk rampage. NGR: This is a religious relic for the holy church,
with a +2 benefit.


This is a long stemmed red rose that, despite the
obvious age it must be, appears to be freshly cut.
Unless destroyed or damaged (by say burning it)
this will always be the case. It radiates magic.
OSR: Any magic user brandishing the rose counts as
2 levels higher for purpose of determining the effects
of a cast spell.
NGR: This was Lady Gwyngyll’s talisman.
It has a+5 benefit.


Template: Cone
Difficulty: 3 per power level
BANE OF MUSH’KAR Cost: 3 per power level
NGR Range:5 feet per power level
Template: Spell Storage Memory: 1 memory slot
Difficulty: +1 per power level Effect: Using the rules in ‘Cone’ deals 1d4 damage
Cost: +1 per power level per power level with a sharpness of 1, decreasing in
Range: Touch damage by 1d4 every 5 feet and expanding outward
Memory: 1 memory slot to have a width equal to its length at any given point.
Effect: This spell allows the caster to store another
spell into the removed tooth of a (currently) still DIRE GOOSE
living person. The stored spell will be activated when
the item is burned under a flame or when a trigger
Magic User Level 3
(see trigger spell) is activated (if it was attached at the
Duration: Permanent
tooth’s creation). The spell will treat the person who
Range: 5 feet/level
burned the tooth as both the ‘caster’ and the target.
The caster causes a target goose to grow into a primal
The spell stored in the tooth will weaken by 1 power
250lb dire goose, an enraged monsterwith 3 hit dice,
level for every 10 minutes the tooth is exposed to
AC as leather, and twowing attacks for d6 damage
light. If the caster chooses not to store a spell, the
cost paid may be converted into mana, which can be NGR
gained when the tooth is burned. Template: Embiggen
Difficulty: 4(cumulative) per power level
BREATH OF THE MOORS Cost: 5(cumulative) per power level
Range: Short Missile Range
NGR Memory: 1 memory slot
Template: Obfuscation Effect: This spell causes a target goose to grow to be
Difficulty: 1 per power level at least a size modifier equal to the power level of the
Cost: 1 per power level spell and suffer 5 stress per power level of the spell.
Range: 5(cumulative) cubic feet per power level The stress will drive the goose into a violent rage.
Memory: 1 memory slot
Effect: This spell creates a billowing bank of thick fog
to fill the area. This causes no breathing difficulties but
blocks normal vision. Strong winds or other similar OSR
actions can quickly dissipate the effects of this spell. Magic User Level 1
Duration: 1 minute/level
Range: Olfactory
BEE SWARM The caster gains the ability to smell magical
OSR items, beings and effects for the spell’s duration.
Magic User Level 1 They will give the odour of cinnamon.
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: 5 feet/level
The caster emits a horrendous swarm of bees from her
mouth in a devastating conewith a radius at any given
point equal to the distance from the caster. Anything
living takes 1d4 +the caster’s level in damage from
bee stings. They may save for half damage.



Template: View Veil
Difficulty: 1 per power level OSR
Cost: 1 Magic User Level 1
Range: Visual Duration: Instantaneous
Memory: 1 memory slot Range: 100 feet/level
Effect: This spell allows the caster to detect The caster summons a disembodied scream that
magical auras and pierce the veil over the mundane echoes from somewhere in the spell’s area.
world. The caster will detect any magical beings NGR
(including other wizards) items or spells. Creatures Template: Cantrip
or items that currently lack mana or magical power Difficulty: +0
will not be detectable by this spell. The caster is able to Cost: +1
detect through the power of smell. Anything magical Range: N/A
will have the strong odour of cinnamon. This spell will Memory: 0 memory slots
last for 1 (cumulative) minute per power level. Effect: This spell creates a disembodied scream
somewhere off in the distance. This can be cast
alongside another spell by increasing that
KEEPER OF FORBIDDEN spells difficulty by 1.
Magic User Level 5
Duration: Permanent OSR
Range: 10 feet Magic User Level 2
The caster marks an extra-planar or ethereal being. Duration: Permanent
If that being fails a saving throw they are trapped Range: 5 feet/level
inside an empty tome (a required spell component) The caster summons a tangled mass of briars to
which instantly fills with cursed text. The creature form a wall. It takes 10 points of slashing damage
will be bound there until the book is either read to hack through a five foot chunk of briars. Anyone
or destroyed. not wearing metal armour that attacks the briar
must save each round or take d4 damage.
Template: Imprison NGR
Difficulty: 5 per power level Template: Barrier
Cost: 10 Difficulty: 2 per power level
Range: Touch Cost: 6 per power level
Memory: 4 memory slots Range: Short Missile
Effect: This spell potentially locks a mystical or Memory: 1 memory slot
incorporeal creature (such as a ghost, demon, Effect: Creates a wall of briars and brambles with
djinn or dryad) into a blank tome, which will fill a length of up to 5 cumulative feet per power level
itself with cursed text. The being is trapped and and a height of 5 feet per power level. Can absorb
powerless in the item until the book is destroyed 10 damage per power level with a DR of 1 per 3
or the cursed text is read. To be bound, the creature power levels. Attempting to climb or handle the
must be defeated within 1 (cumulative) round razor sharp thorns deals 1d4 damage. This spell
per power level of being touched. has a duration of 15 cumulative minutes per power
level, after which point the wall remains as normal
thorns (and may tip over).


SCALE : 1 SQ = 5 FT



SCALE : 1 SQ = 5 FT

ISBN 978-0-9920472-2-1

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