Week 3 1. Compare decimals Extend all numbers to the Exploring Mathematics pg.92 Textbook, whiteboard
same place value by adding - 94 and Internet
2. Order decimal fractions zeros where necessary.
(Remove decimal point) and
3. Add and subtract fractions call numbers.
involving money Arrange in ascending or
descending order.
Or insert <, > or = to complete
number sentences
So 1¢ =1/100 = 0.01
5¢ = 5/100 = 0.05
10¢ = 10/100 = 0.1
50¢ = 50/100 = 0.5
Week 5 1. Convert decimals to To convert decimals to Exploring Mathematics pg. 88 Textbook, whiteboard
common fractions and vice common fractions: - 90 and Internet
e.g. 0.6 = six tenths = 6/10 = 3/5
2. Solve word problems e.g. 0.35 = thirty-five hundredths =
involving decimals 35/100 = 7/20
e.g. 2.5 = two wholes and fifty-two
hundredths = 2 52/100 =
2 13/25
3. Calculate the mode and
mean of a set of scores To convert common fractions
to decimals
4. Calculate the total of a set -form equivalent fractions with
of scores given mean and denominators of 10 or 100
number of scores -write decimal formed
divide numerator by
4. Calculate a percentage of
a quantity
To order fractions;
-convert all fraction to one
type (% easiest to assess)
then order or compare.
Week 7 1. Identify coins, bills, their Review number bonds in Exploring Mathematics & Textbook, Whiteboard,
value and value of a set of terms of money for $100 and Past Papers questions Notebooks
coins/bills (up to 100 cents 100¢ ($1)
and $100).
2. Determine the possible $50 + $50 = $100
combinations of coins/bills, (50 x 2 = 100))
which are equal to given
amounts (up to 100 cents 25¢ + 25¢ + 25¢ + 25¢ = 100¢/ $1
(25 x 4 = 100)
and $100).
3. Calculate total cost and $20 + $20 + $20 + $20 ……= $100
the change in money (20 x 5 = 100)
$10 + $10 + $10 ……. = $100
(10 x 10 = 100)
$5 + $5 + $5 ………. = $100
(5 x 20 = 100)
$1 + $1 + $1 + $1 ……= $100
(1 x 100 = 100)
Week 8 1. Solve real-life, one-step Role play customer & sales Exploring Mathematics & Textbook, Whiteboard,
problems involving whole clerk scenes Past Papers questions Notebooks
numbers, (including profit Discuss the terms profit and
and loss, best buy, and loss
discount. Use examples to establish
With and without what is a profit/loss
S.P > C.P = Profit
S.P < C.P = Loss
Discount = % Decrease
Original Price% - Discount% = N.S.P%
Method 1:
Discount = 20% x $180 = $36
Final Price = $180 - $36 = $144
Final Price% = M.P% - Dis%
Final Price % = 100% - 20% = 80%
Final Price = 80% x $180 = $144
Week 9 1. Solve problems involving Discuss and solve real-life Textbook, Whiteboard,
direct proportions. problems involving direct document/d/1es9e7jCO- Notebooks
2. Solve problems involving proportion
unequal sharing.
If 4 oranges cost $5, what is the
cost of 12 oranges? Exploring Mathematics &
Past Papers questions
Method 1: Unitary
1 orange = $5/4 = $1.25
∴ 12 oranges = $1.25 x 12= $15
Method 2: Factor
4 oranges = $5
12 oranges = $5 x 3 = $15
Week 10 1. Determine the mode of a View a set of data e.g. ages of Exploring mathematics, chart, Textbook, Whiteboard,
given set of data. students in class Past Papers questions Notebooks
2. Calculate the mean of a Determine which age is most
given set of data. popular/ occurs more
frequently. document/d/
Determine general age of the
Introduce terms: frequency,
mode and average/mean.
Discuss how mean is
Week 12 1. Tell time in five minute Review telling time on the Exploring Mathematics, Textbook, Whiteboard,
intervals using the digital analog and digital clocks Worksheets, Past Papers Notebooks, clocks
and analog clocks. questions
2. State the time after given Analog
intervals on analog and The 60 mins is divides into two
digital clocks. parts (past and to/before)
3. Match times shown on Minutes are stated first then
standard digital clocks and the hour
analog clocks to the
minute, and record the The Hour is stated first.
time. The minutes are stated second
– there is no dividing if the 60
Week 13 1. Calculate the duration of When solving problems Textbook, Whiteboard,
events using starting and determine if we are moving document/d/ Notebooks, clocks
finishing times (elapsed forward in time or backward in
time). time. When moving forward
2. Convert minutes to hours add, when moving backward Exploring Mathematics,
and vice versa subtract. Worksheets, Past Papers
3. Interpret simple time Remind students when
schedules (e.g. the regrouping, we are converting
calendar). 1 hour to 60 minutes.
4. Solve computational and
real-life problems involving
hours and minutes. View link
Week 14 -15 Revision & Testing