Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Oral Habits Among Health Care Professionals
Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Oral Habits Among Health Care Professionals
Assessment of Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Oral Habits Among Health Care Professionals
Assessment of perception about oral habits in …. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2022; 51(2): 196-203
Assessment of perception about oral habits in …. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2022; 51(2): 196-203
With respect to the age groups evaluated using One better compared to other age groups with a ‘F’ value
Way ANOVA (Table 2), it was found out that of 4.4967 and a highly significant ‘p’ value <0.01.
healthcare professionals aged above 51 years had However, with regard to practices related to oral
better knowledge compared to other age groups with habits, healthcare professionals aged 31-40 years
a ‘F’ value of 7.0330 and ‘p’ value <0.001 which were better compared to other age groups with a ‘F’
was highly significant. With regard to attitude, again value of 11.0994 and a highly significant ‘p’ value
healthcare professionals aged above 51 years were <0.001.
Table 2: Comparison of age groups with mean knowledge, attitude and practice scores by one way ANOVA
Age groups Knowledge Attitude Practice Total
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
<21yrs 17.08 2.23 15.63 1.96 19.55 2.27 52.26 4.05
21-30yrs 18.15 2.49 16.05 2.34 20.73 2.51 54.93 5.47
31-40yrs 18.84 3.23 17.02 2.54 21.64 2.28 57.50 6.06
41-50yrs 17.10 3.11 16.06 3.01 20.39 2.25 53.55 6.21
>51yrs 19.44 2.66 17.32 2.06 21.52 2.89 58.28 5.95
Total 18.00 2.68 16.16 2.37 20.61 2.52 54.78 5.63
F-value 7.0330 4.4967 7.3954 11.0994
p-value 0.0001 0.0015 0.0001 0.0001
With respect to the healthcare specialty evaluated from a medical background, closely followed by
using One Way ANOVA (Table 3), respondents Pharmacy were most aware of these oral habits.
Assessment of perception about oral habits in …. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2022; 51(2): 196-203
Table 3: Comparison of healthcare speciality with mean knowledge, attitude & practice scores by one way ANOVA
Healthcare speciality Knowledge Attitude Practice Total
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Ayurveda and Homeopathy 16.75 2.11 16.25 1.98 20.13 2.55 53.13 4.47
Medical 19.23 2.90 17.32 2.58 21.62 2.16 58.16 5.98
Nursing 17.85 1.95 15.65 1.69 20.00 2.18 53.50 3.43
Pharmacy 18.17 2.13 14.87 1.87 21.04 2.58 54.09 3.76
Physiotherapy 16.93 2.20 15.48 1.90 19.66 2.48 52.07 4.25
Total 18.00 2.68 16.16 2.37 20.61 2.52 54.78 5.63
F-value 18.1670 19.1728 14.6386 31.6346
p-value 0.0001 0.0015 0.0001 0.0001
These observations can be banked on as both was observed that Faculty closely followed by Post
Kruskal Wallis ANOVA and one-way ANOVA test graduate students were really aware in terms of
indicated that these are highly statistically knowledge, attitude and practices about oral habits
significant results with ‘p’ value <0.001 and a ‘F’ and these results were highly significant with a ‘p’
value of 31.6346 (Table 3). value <0.001 (Figure 1). However, when
comparison was done based on gender, no
By analysing the test results based on designations statistically significant values were observed, either
using both Kruskal Wallis and One-way ANOVA, it with using Mann-Whitney U Test or with t-test.
The correlation between Knowledge, Attitude and Knowledge and Practice, a ‘r’ value of 0.4220 was
Practices was done using Karl Pearson’s correlation obtained with a highly significant ‘p’ value <0.001.
coefficient and it was observed that correlation Similar findings were observed on comparison of
between Knowledge and Attitude was highly Attitude and Practices and a ‘r’ value of 0.1961 was
significant with a ‘r’ value of 0.3575 and ‘p’ value obtained with a highly significant ‘p’ value <0.001
<0.001. When correlation was done between (Table 4 and Figures 2, 3 and 4).
Assessment of perception about oral habits in …. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2022; 51(2): 196-203
Table 4: Correlation between knowledge, attitude & practice scores using Karl Pearson correlation coefficient
Variable Summary Knowledge Attitude Practice
Knowledge r-value
p-value ---
Attitude r-value 0.3575
p-value 0.0001 ---
Practice r-value 0.4220 0.1961
p-value 0.0001 0.0001 ---
Assessment of perception about oral habits in …. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2022; 51(2): 196-203
Assessment of perception about oral habits in …. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2022; 51(2): 196-203
Assessment of perception about oral habits in …. Sri Lanka Journal of Child Health, 2022; 51(2): 196-203
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