WR09 Quick Installation Guide

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Wireless-N Repeater/Router/AP

Applicable Model:LV-WR09 WAN



LED Explanation Button and Port Explanation
WPS Button: If your host router supports WPS function, you can press the WPS
NO:The device is power on. button and then press the WPS button of the MiNi Router to establish a secure
POWER LED OFF:The Device is not receiving connection between the host router and the MiNi Router.
electrical power. Reset Button: This button is used to restore the MiNi Router’s factory default
WLAN LED Wireless signal. There are two ways to reset the MiNi Router:
Option One: With the MiNi Router powered on, use a pin press the Reset Button
Flashing:WPS connection is for less than 8 seconds , then release the button and wait the MiNi Router to
WPS LED established or WPS signal reboot to its factory default settings.
of another device is expected. Option Two: Restore the default setting from “Advanced->System->Load
default->Load default ” of the MiNi Router’s Web-based Management page.
ON:The LAN port is connect. Power on/off Button: This button is used to power on or off the MiNi Router.
LAN LED OFF:The LAN port is disconnected. WAN Port: One 10/100Mbps RJ45 Ethernet port.
Flashing:Transferring data to/from •Router mode, it’s used for connecting to the DSL/cable Modem or Internet.
a network device. •Repeater/WISP mode, it’s used for connecting to Ethernet-enabled device,
working the same as the Ethernet port.
ON:The WAN port is connect. •Access Point mode, it’s used for connecting to front router or Internet.
WAN LED OFF:The WAN port is disconnected. LAN Port: One 10/100Mbps RJ45 Ethernet port used to add wireless
Flashing:Transferring data to/from connectivity to an Ethernet-enabled device such as Internet TV, DVR, Gaming
console and so on.Please note that this port is not allowed to be connected
a network device.
with router.

Stand Wireless Router Mode: Use as a wireless adapter for Extand wireless signal Traditional wired router realize Wireless used as WAN port:
This router connect to Internet wired-only Ethernet enabled comprehensively: This router can wireless function:This router can This router can connect to uplink
by WAN port,and then other devices. This mode is suitable connect to uplink wireless router connect to uplink router’s LAN wireless router by wireless
terminal devices can connect for connecting Smart Tvs by wireless connection, user port by wired connection,user connection,at the same time,it
to this router by wireless game consoles, or computers terminal can connect to this terminal can connect to this can extend wireless signal for
connection or connect to this to your wireless network. router by wired or wireless router by wireless connection. other devices’ connection.
router’s LAN port by wired. connection.

Quick setup Repeater Mode using WPS Button Quick setup using a web browser

WPS is an easier way to extend your host network. You are recommended
to use this method if your host router has a WPS button.
Power on
Plug the MiNi Router into an electrical outlet near your router.
Note: your host router should support WPS.
Wait until the WLAN LED is blinking.
The button might look like one of these: . Otherwise, please
setup Using a Web Browser.
1)Press the WPS Button on your host Router.
2)Press and hold the WPS Button on the side of the WiFi Repeater for one
second within 2 minutes.
3)If the connection is successful, The default Repeater ssid is set to be
xxx_ext(xxx indicates host Router’s SSID) and the Security Key is the same
as your host Router’s WiFi key.

Connect to the MiNi Router

For Windows Users For Mac OS X Users For Wired



Disconnect your Ethernet (wired) connection from your computer. Disconnect the Ethernet (wired) connection from your computer (if any). Disable the Wi-Fi on your computer. Connect your computer to the
Click the Wi-Fi icon on the taskbar and connect to the Repeater’s Click the Wi-Fi icon in the top right corner of the screen, and connect to Repeater via an Ethernet cable.
network (e.g. Wireless- N ). the Repeater’s network (e.g. Wireless-N ).
Congure the MiNi Router • Wireless AP Mode
1.Open a web-browser and type http://myrepeater.net in the address eld. After a moment, If Wireless AP Mode is selected,The Wireless settings page will appear as shown
a login window will appear. Select the language for the installation, and then enter admin for below.
the Password, Then click the Submit button or press the Enter key to log in.
Language - Select the Language from the drop-down list. The default setting is English . SSID- Enter a value of up to 32 characters. The same name
Password - Enter the password for Login. The default password is admin . of SSID (Service Set Identication) must be assigned to all
2.After successful log in, you can click the Wizard to quickly congure your router. Select the wireless devices in your network.The default SSID is set to
Operation Mode you need and click Next go on conguring. be Wireless-N .
Security - you can choose the security type on the drop-
http://myrepeater.net Opera on Mode down list. The default setting is OPEN .
Gate Way Security key - Wireless Password, When WPA/WPA2PSK
Wireless AP Mode
Wireless Repeater Mode
is set as the Security Type, You can enter ASCII characters
Language English
WISP between 8 and 63 characters or 8 to 64 Hexadecimal
Enter SSID and Security,then click Apply to complete setup.

• Gateway Mode(Default)
If GateWay is selected, Click drop-down menu of WAN Mode, and then WAN Connection IP Address - This is the WAN IP address as seen by external users on the Internet
Type will appear, Select the very type go on conguring. (including your ISP).Enter the IP address into the eld.
Subnet Mask - The Subnet Mask is used for the WAN IP address, it is usually
b.If the connection type is Static IP Address , c.If the connection type is Gateway - Enter the gateway IP address into the box if required.
the next screen will appear as shown below. PPPoE, the next screen will Primary DNS - Enter the DNS Server IP address into the box if required.
Congure the following parameters and then appear as shown below. Secondary DNS(option) - If your ISP provides another DNS server, enter it into this eld.
click Next to continue. Congure the following PPPoE User Name - Enter the User Name provided by your ISP.
parameters and then click PPPoE Password - Enter the Password provided by your ISP.
Next to continue.
SSID- Enter a value of up to 32 characters. The same name of
a.If the connection type is SSID(Service Set Identication) must be assigned to all wireless
Dynamic IP Address,Please devices in your network. The default SSID is set to be Wireless-N.
click Next to continue. Security - you can choose the security type on the drop-down
list. The default setting is OPEN .
Security key - Wireless Password, When WPA/WPA2PSK is set as
the Security Type, You can enter ASCII characters between 8
and 63 characters or 8 to 64 Hexadecimal characters.
Enter SSID and Security, then click Apply to complete setup.
Note:Do not close this window,the window will automatically close when setup is

• Wireless Repeater Mode • WISP Mode

If Wireless Repeater Mode is selected,The Wireless Repeater(WDS) page will If WIPS is selected,The Wireless ISP (APClient) page will appear as shown below.
appear as shown below.

Select the SSID of the target network and insert Repeater SSID and the key of your Select the SSID of the target network and insert Repeater SSID and the key of your
network. the default Repeater SSID is set to be xxxx_Ext (xxxx indicates The Main network. the default Repeater SSID is set to be xxxx_Ext (xxxx indicates The Main
Router’s wireless network name). Then click Apply to complete setup. Router’s wireless network name). Then click Apply to complete setup.
Note: The Security Key is the same as your Wireless Router. Note: The Security Key is the same as your Wireless Router.

Change Default Access Firmware Upgrade

Default Access of The AC MiNi Router is http://myrepeater.net , The system software used by this MiNi Router is called “ rmware ”, just like any applications on your
and Default IP Address of The MiNi Router is computer,when you replace the old application with a new one, your computer will be equipped with new
Click “Advance -> Internet-> LAN Settings ” located at the function. You can also use this rmware upgrade function to add new functions to your router, even x the
home page,the following message will be displayed on your bugs of this router.
web browser. 1)Click “Advance -> System -> Upgrade Firmware ” located at the home page, the following message
will be displayed on your web browser.

2)Click “Browse” button rst; you'II be prompted to provide the lename of rmware upgrade le.
Click Apply to save the settings. 3)After a rmware upgrade le is selected, click “Upload” button. and the MiNi Router will start
Note: If you change the IP Address of LAN or Domains, you must rmware upgrade procedure automatically. The procedure may take several minutes, please be patient.
use the new IP Address or Domains to log in the router.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q1. What should I do if I cannot access the Router’s web management page?
• If your computer is wirelessly connected, make sure that you have connected to the Router’s SSID.
• If your computer is connected via an Ethernet cable, please make sure that the connection is stable.
• Make sure your computer is set to obtain an IP address and DNS server address automatically.
• Verify that http://myrepeater.net or is correctly entered in the web browser and press Enter.
• Please reset the extender and try again.
Q2. I have enabled a wireless MAC lter, wireless access control, or access control list (ACL) on my host router. What should I do before conguring and using
the extender?
• If you have enabled those functions of your host router, you may need to disable them rst. And then follow quick setup to complete the conguration.

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