Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
What is a database?
controlled by a database management system (DBMS). Data and its DBMS and related
applications are collectively called a database system, often abbreviated simply as database. Data
in the most common types of databases in operation today is typically modeled as rows and
columns in a series of tables to streamline processing and data retrieval. 151 Data can then be
easily managed, updated, regulated and structured. Most databases use Structured Query
Language (SQL) to write and query data. What exactly is SQL 262 Structured Query Language?
SQL is the programming language used in almost all relational databases to provide data
querying, manipulation, definition and access control. 21 The SQL ANSI standard was first
developed by IBM in the 1970s, and Oracle played a key role in its development. Since then,
SQL has inspired numerous extensions from companies such as IBM, Oracle, and Microsoft.
Despite the continued popularity of SQL, new programming languages are beginning to emerge.
Database Evolution
Databases have evolved significantly since their invention in the early 1960s. The first
systems used to store and manipulate data were hierarchical databases (based on a tree-like
architecture and allowing only one-to-many connections) and network databases (more flexible,
allowing many connections). model) and other navigation databases. allowed associations).
These early systems were not complex, but they were rigid. Relational databases were popular in
the 1980s, and object-oriented databases were popular in the 1990s. His NoSQL database of 156
was recently created in response to the proliferation of the Internet and the need for fast
processing of unstructured data. Today, the collection, storage, management and use of data is
Databases and spreadsheets (such as Microsoft Excel) are both convenient ways of
Suitable for single users or small groups of users who do not frequently need to manipulate
large amounts of very difficult data. Databases, on the other hand, are designed to hold vast
amounts of organized data in much larger collections. Databases allow multiple users to access
and query data simultaneously, quickly and securely, using highly complex logic and language.
Types of Database
There are many different types of databases. The ideal database for any organization
database elements are organized as a collection of tables with rows and columns. The
most efficient and adaptable way to access organized data is relational database
Object-Oriented Databases: As in object-oriented programming, information is
Distributed Database: Two or more files distributed in multiple separate locations form
Data Warehouse: A central repository for data, a data warehouse is a type of database
NoSQL Databases: Unstructured and semi-structured data can be stored and processed
using NoSQL databases (as opposed to relational databases, which define how all data
inserted into the database is organized).). NoSQL databases gained popularity as web
A database management system (DBMS) allows you to organize, store, and retrieve data
from your computer. How to interact with "stored memories" on your computer. Punch cards
were used for input, output, and data storage in the early days of computers. Punch cards
allow you to quickly enter and retrieve data. Around 1890, Herman Hollerith is believed to
have been responsible for converting the loom's punch cards into the memory of the
mechanical tally. Later databases and David Kroenke (2010) appeared. databases, often
known as DBs, are essential to modern computer development. In the early 1950s, the first
computer programs appeared that dealt exclusively with coding languages and algorithms. 5
because computers are basically just big calculators. When business people began using
computers for practical purposes, the data left behind became important at a time when
computers were just becoming commercially available. Databases can be organized as
collections of data so that a database management system can access and extract specific
data. The "first" DBMS, the integrated database system, was developed in 1960 by Charles
W. Bachman. Not to be left behind, IBM developed its own database system called IMS.
In the mid-1960s, as computers became faster, more flexible, and more prevalent, many
demanded the development of standards, and Bachman formed the Database Task Group.
This group was responsible for designing and standardizing a language called Common
Business Oriented Language (COBOL). The Database Task Group introduced this standard
The CODASYL approach was a very complex system and required extensive training. It
relied on' manual' navigation techniques using a network of linked datasets. You can use one
Relationships (also called sets) are transferred from one record to another.
The CODASYL method eventually fell out of favor as easier-to-use, less complicated
systems became available that scanned each record individually. The CODASYL approach and
the lack of a search engine in his IMS model worried Edgar Codd, his IBM employee who was
working on creating a hard disk system. In 1970, he published a series of articles describing
creative techniques for creating databases. A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data
Banks, the article he eventually wrote about his idea, proposed a new approach for handling and
storing data in huge databases. The records are held in a "fixed-length record table" as opposed
to a free-form list of related records like the CODASYL navigation model. IBM was heavily
invested in his IMS model and was not very interested in Codd's concept. Fortunately, some
people unrelated to IBM showed interest. Both Michael Stonebraker and Eugene Wong decided
to study relational database systems when they were students at UC Berkeley in 1973. A study
known as INGRES (Interactive Graphics and Retrieval System) has proven the relational model
to be effective and useful. Using the query language QUEL, INGRES put pressure on IBM in
1974 to develop a more sophisticated SQL (SQL became an ANSI and OSI standard in 1986 and
1987) . SQL, a more practical query language, quickly replaced QUEL. RDBM systems are
useful tools for processing and storing structured data. Then, as processing speed increased, the
five "unstructured" data (graphics, photos, music, etc .) were displayed more frequently.
Relational database management systems were not designed to manage unstructured data.
MySQL has evolved into a highly scalable database system that can operate on multiple
Any programming language can be used for configuration (PHP is the most popular).
It provides excellent security by using a reliable data security layer and ensuring that only
facilitates the creation, entry, editing, updating and reporting of files and records. Data
storage, data backup, reporting, multi-access control, and security are other functions handled
by the software. With data theft becoming more and more common, strong database security
system" (DBMS). Database software simplifies data management by allowing users to store
and access data in a structured format. They usually have a graphical user interface to help
create and manage data, and, in some cases, database software that allows users to create
database management system (DBMS). A DBMS acts as the link between a database and the
applications that use it, allowing users to access, modify, and control the organization and
optimization of data. The A DBMS also facilitates database monitoring and management,
enabling various administrative tasks such as performance tuning, backup and restore.
This is the time from when a database entry application sends a request to the server until
Businesses use databases to collect, organize, and make data available to management
and employees for operational and analytical applications. In general, cloud databases offer
the same data processing, management, and access capabilities as on-premises databases.
Existing on-premises databases can typically be migrated to the cloud along with the
applications that support them. Pricing based on usage of system resources. Unlike traditional
users can reserve database instances (typically for a minimum of one year) to receive
Organizations implementing databases in the public cloud choose from two of their
deployment models:
1. Self-managed datebase: Servers, operating systems, and storage hardware are all
managed and supported by vendors. However, the user organization is responsible for
providing, managing and maintaining the database. So this is comparable to his DBA's
2. Managed Database Service: The provider is the cloud platform provider or another
database provider running a cloud DBMS on the platform provider's infrastructure and is
solely responsible for managing the Database as a Service (DBaaS). As part of the
DBaaS concept, both the system infrastructure and database platform are handled for you.
DBAs monitor databases and work with DBaaS providers for some administrative
activities, while providers handle deployment, backups, scaling, patching, upgrades, and
(DWaaS) options are also available for cloud data warehouse implementations.
Different cloud databases are available to match the different types of database
technology that can be deployed on premises. Today, all major database vendors offer
their software in the cloud. This includes cloud-native databases specifically designed for
support the cloud. The main database types available to cloud customers are:
market since the 1990s and remains the most widely used technology, especially for
2. NoSQL Databases: NoSQL systems are better suited for unstructured data because
they do not require the rigid schema of relational databases. There are four broad NoSQL
product categories: document databases, graph databases, wide column stores, and key-
value databases.
3. Multi-model database: It supports multiple data models so you can run a wider range
of applications. Many relational and NoSQL databases today are certified as multi-model
databases, with add-ons such as 3, for example, building graph engines into relational
relational databases across multiple computer nodes to create transactional systems that
for BI and reporting applications, today they are often used for data lake creation,
These are just some of the business and IT benefits that using cloud databases can bring
to your organization.
1. Elimination of IT infrastructure: Cloud providers are responsible for the system
to the cloud. You may be able to reduce printing. Installing a new database will at least
2. Faster access to new features: Users often have to wait for software upgrades before
installing them to access new features and local database functionality. DBaaS providers
can update their cloud databases regularly, so businesses can take advantage of new
3. A more reliable system with guaranteed uptime: Cloud providers offer automated
backups, high availability, and disaster recovery capabilities that go beyond what your
organization offers in-house. As part of our Cloud Service Level Agreement (Cloud
SLA), we also offer uptime guarantees so you can maintain the efficiency of your cloud
database platform.
center operating costs, reduced IT facility space requirements, and potential savings for
IT staff. However, this is not the case. Pay-as-you-go cloud services can become more
expensive than expected if resource utilization is higher than expected or, conversely,
there is excess unused capacity. To control cloud costs, you should regularly monitor
and Decision-Making
Today's enterprises have more data than ever before, thanks to the vast data
collections of the Internet of Things, which is transforming industries and daily lives
around the world. can access it. Sophisticated enterprises can now use databases to go
beyond simple data storage and transactions to explore vast amounts of data from many
systems. Organizations use collected data to work more effectively, make better
decisions, and become more flexible and scalable using databases and other computing
and business intelligence tools. can do. With more data to track today, organizations
should prioritize improving data access and throughput. A platform that provides the
performance, scale, and agility your business needs to grow over time is essential. These
features are vastly improved from self-propelled databases. Self-driving databases enable
business users to use data more strategically by automating costly and time-consuming
manual operations. By having direct control over the ability to create and use databases,
users gain control and autonomy while maintaining important security standards.
Database Advantages
Effective data management means having a consolidated view of your data, so you need a
solution that can coordinate everything, including monitoring who is accessing your
1. Improved Data Sharing and Data Security : Database management systems help
users share data within an organization quickly, effectively, and securely. By providing
quick solutions to database queries, data management systems enable faster access to
more accurate data. End users, such as sales reps, can speed up the sales cycle and make
more complete picture of business operations by understanding how processes in one area
of the organization affect areas in other areas. help you . What used to be completely
manual is now fully automated and more accurate. The ideal DBMS offers flexible
3 Consistent and Trusted Data : Data inconsistencies arise when matching data is
found in different places within an organization. For example, one group might have the
customer's exact phone number, and another group might have the correct e-mail address.
By using the right database management system and data quality tools, you can ensure
individuals to spend more time on high-value tasks and strategic projects, and less time
cleaning data and manually cleaning lists. Therefore, using a DBMS often leads to
increased productivity.
database management system helps provide a framework for driving data quality
initiatives. Better data management practices produce better quality information and lead
to better decisions across the organization. Michelle Pizzo Senior Content Manager.
1. Complicated Landscape : This has already been pointed out. The database
marketplace is changing, and many companies find it difficult to evaluate and select a
3. Data Growth: Organizations are finding it difficult to keep up with the explosion in
data generation and collection. Research shows that in the last two years we have
generated more data than all of humanity combined. However, a typical Fortune 1000
company could increase net revenue by more than $65 million with just 10% more data
database that stores critical private and public data. Unsurprisingly, data security has
received a lot of attention lately. The average data breach costs a company $4 million
also has disadvantages. How is the data distributed? What is the best decentralization
method? What is the right level of decentralization? A major challenge in designing and
managing distributed databases arises from the inherent lack of centralized knowledge of
Schwartz, Barry (2016) “Can There Ever Be Too Many Flowers Bloom ?”. engaging Art: The
in September 2021 Introdocx/