EVAO MADRID JUNE 3 KEY 2023nsoluciones Inglés - Martes

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Curso 2022-2023
MATERIA: INGLÉS (Lengua Extranjera Adicional


Después de leer atentamente el examen, responda de la siguiente forma:
• elija un texto A o B y conteste EN INGLÉS a las preguntas 1, 2, 3 y 4 asociadas al texto elegido.
• responda EN INGLÉS una pregunta a elegir entre las preguntas A.5 o B.5.

TIEMPO Y CALIFICACIÓN: 90 minutos. Las preguntas 1, 2 y 4 asociadas al texto elegido se calificarán

sobre 2 puntos cada una, la pregunta 3 asociada al texto elegido sobre 1 punto y la pregunta elegida
entre A.5 o B.5 sobre 3 puntos.


Are Young Social Media Users Lying about Their Age?

The age limit for Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and YouTube is 13. According to
new research, a third of social media users aged between eight and 17 have the online age of an
adult because they sign up with a false date of birth.

The fake age issue means that young users are at greater risk of being exposed to harmful or adult
content, as platforms presume, they are older than they in fact are. Many children aged between
eight and 17 who use social media have their own profile on at least one of the main platforms,
according to research commissioned by Ofcom, the regulator and competition authority for the UK
communications industries. “When a child self-declares a false age to gain access to social media
or online games, as they get older, so does their claimed user age,” said Ofcom. Once a user
reaches 16 or 18, some platforms introduce features not available to younger users such as direct
messaging or the ability to see inappropriate content.

Legal regulations require platforms to prevent children from accessing harmful content by including
rigorous age checks. The studies show that by allowing children from the age of eight on to their
platforms, social media providers fail to fulfill their obligations: “They have proved unable to control
their platforms’ capability to connect our children with distressing and harmful content.”

Young children are also not protected from inadequate targeted advertising. This is a form of
advertising that focuses on the specific interests and preferences of a consumer. It automatically
collects information about how they interact with a product to influence their decision making to
purchase goods and services. Children may not be able to distinguish advertising from actual
programming which may be misleading and unfair.

Adapted from “Adult online age used by third of eight- to 17-year-old social media users,” The
Guardian, October 11, 2022. <https://www.theguardian.com/media/2022/oct/11/adult-online-age-


A.1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. Use
a complete sentence. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) Over 50% of young social media users fake their age online.
b) It is mandatory for social media platforms to control the age of access of their users.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

A.2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following
questions. Do not copy from the text.
a) According to the text, what happens when children lie about their age on social media?
b) What is targeted advertising?
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

A.3.- Find the words in the text that mean:

a) major (paragraph 2)
b) characteristics (paragraph 2)
c) reveal (paragraph 3)
d) supervise (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)

A.4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
a) According to _______ (late) data, the total number of internet users _______ (grow) to
approximately 6 billion users by 2025.
b) Experts claim that _______ (manipulate) children is unethical and ought to be banned from all
forms _______ advertising.
c) They live so far apart _______ each other that they can only communicate with one another
_______ (virtual).
d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
“Did she use a particular app to post her videos in the past?
He asked me _____________________________________________________________.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

A.5.- Write about 150 to 200 words on the following topic.

Should parents control how teenagers under 16 use social media? Justify your answer.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
Curso 2022-2023
MATERIA: INGLÉS (Lengua Extranjera Adicional)


Después de leer atentamente el examen, responda de la siguiente forma:
• elija un texto A o B y conteste EN INGLÉS a las preguntas 1, 2, 3 y 4 asociadas al texto elegido.
• responda EN INGLÉS una pregunta a elegir entre las preguntas A.5 o B.5.

TIEMPO Y CALIFICACIÓN: 90 minutos. Las preguntas 1, 2 y 4 asociadas al texto elegido se calificarán

sobre 2 puntos cada una, la pregunta 3 asociada al texto elegido sobre 1 punto y la pregunta elegida
entre A.5 o B.5 sobre 3 puntos.



Every year thousands of people descend on Stonehenge, the rock-forged monument in Wiltshire,
England. They’re all there for the same reason: to watch the sunrise above the stones. The view
of the solstice sunrise from Stonehenge is so perfect that visitors and scientists have wondered for
centuries: did the people who built Stonehenge intentionally make it a stage for the solstice?
Actually, this is just one of dozens of theories about the structure, including speculations about
alien invasions and the unbelievable legend that Stonehenge was established by King Arthur.

Here’s what we really know about Stonehenge and its connection to the solstices. The
archaeological remains of Stonehenge suggest that it was a spiritual burial site for a civilization
which lived two miles away. However, it wasn’t until about 2000 B.C. (before Christ) when a group
of people began the actual process of building what we see at Stonehenge. In the 1700s, a British
scholar called William Stukeley popularized the theory that Stonehenge was a temple for and built
by the Druids, practitioners of a Celtic spiritual tradition considered to be similar to modern Pagans.
Yet there’s no scientific evidence that the Druids, named in the Roman era by Caesar in the 1st
century B.C., were alive at the time Stonehenge was built.

Moreover, although the summer solstice may be a big tourist attraction for the monument, scientists
agree that Stonehenge was more closely associated with the winter solstice. Knowing this, it’s
curious that thousands continue to gather at Stonehenge for the summer solstice, and that fewer
people go in the wintertime. One explanation is simple: the weather. December in the U.K. is
particularly cold, and visitors in the summer often have picnics and attend outdoor concerts.

Adapted from “Here’s Why Stonehenge Is Connected to the Summer Solstice,” Time, June 20,
2019. <https://time.com/5608296/summer-solstice-stonehenge-history/>


B.1.- Are the following statements TRUE or FALSE? Copy the evidence from the text. Use a
complete sentence. No marks are given for only TRUE or FALSE.
a) Stonehenge was undoubtedly founded by King Arthur.
b) Stonehenge started to be built around 2000 B.C.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

B.2.- In your own words and based on the ideas in the text, answer the following questions.
Do not copy from the text.
a) According to research, did the Druids build Stonehenge? Explain your answer.
b) Why do people travel to Stonehenge mainly during the summer? Justify your answer.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

B.3.- Find the words in the text that mean:

a) purpose (paragraph 1)
b) location (paragraph 2)
c) strange (paragraph 3)
d) meet (paragraph 3)
(Puntuación máxima: 1 punto)

B.4.- Complete the following sentences. Use the appropriate form of the word in brackets
when given.
a) Visiting England _______winter allows you _______ (enjoy) tourist attractions with fewer people.
b) I _______ (go) there before, if I had known that Stonehenge was such an _______ (interest)
c) Merlin _______ (describe) in current history books as King Arthur’s _______ (reliable) advisor
in the whole kingdom.
d) Complete the following sentence to report what was said.
“Do you want to travel to Scotland with your friends?”
He asked me _____________________________________________________________.
(Puntuación máxima: 2 puntos)

B.5.- Write about 150 to 200 words on the following topic.

“Everyone should travel alone at least once in their life.” Do you agree? Justify your answer.
(Puntuación máxima: 3 puntos)
INGLÉS (Lengua Extranjera Adicional)

El ejercicio incluirá cinco preguntas, pudiendo obtenerse por la suma de todas ellas una puntuación
máxima de 10 puntos. Junto a cada pregunta se especifica la puntuación máxima otorgada. La
valoración y los objetivos de cada una de estas preguntas son los siguientes:

Pregunta 1: Hasta 2 puntos. Se trata de medir exclusivamente la comprensión lectora. El

estudiante deberá decidir si dos frases que se le presentan son verdaderas o falsas, copiando a
continuación únicamente el fragmento del texto que justifica su elección. Se otorgará 1 punto por
cada apartado. Se calificará con 0 puntos la opción elegida que no vaya justificada.

Pregunta 2: Hasta 2 puntos. Se pretende comprobar dos destrezas: la comprensión lectora y la

expresión escrita, mediante la formulación de dos preguntas abiertas que el estudiante deberá
contestar basándose en la información del texto, pero utilizando sus propias palabras en la
respuesta. Cada una de las preguntas valdrá 1 punto, asignándose 0,5 puntos a la comprensión
de la pregunta y del texto, y 0,5 a la corrección gramatical y ortográfica de la respuesta.

Pregunta 3: Hasta 1 punto. Esta pregunta trata de medir el dominio del vocabulario en el aspecto
de la comprensión. El estudiante demostrará esta capacidad localizando en el párrafo que se le
indica un sinónimo, adecuado al contexto, de cuatro palabras o definiciones. Se adjudicará 0,25
por cada apartado.

Pregunta 4: Hasta 2 puntos. Con esta pregunta se pretende comprobar los conocimientos
gramaticales del estudiante, en sus aspectos morfológicos y/o sintácticos. Se presentarán
oraciones con huecos que el estudiante deberá completar o rellenar. También podrán presentarse
oraciones para ser transformadas u otro tipo de ítem. Se adjudicará 0,25 a cada “hueco en blanco”
y en el caso de las transformaciones o ítems de otro tipo se concederá 0,5 con carácter unitario.

Pregunta 5: Hasta 3 puntos. Se trata de una redacción, de 150 a 200 palabras, en la que el
estudiante podrá demostrar su capacidad para expresarse libremente en inglés. Se propondrá una
única opción y se otorgarán 1,5 puntos por el buen dominio de la lengua – léxico, estructura
sintáctica, etc. – y 1,5 por la madurez en la expresión de las ideas – organización, coherencia y
creatividad. Para corregir esta redacción se utilizará la siguiente rúbrica de evaluación:
Puntuación: de 0 – 3

Cada apartado se valorará entre 0 y 0,5, según se ajuste a lo que figura en el descriptor de
“Excelente” (con la nota máxima de 0,5) o de “Deficiente” (con la nota mínima de 0).
Excelente Nota Deficiente
El mensaje es claro,
El mensaje es
preciso y coherente, con demasiado confuso,
ideas interesantes, que se ambiguo o incoherente,
atienen al tema con ideas irrelevantes o
propuesto. Se sigue el repetitivas. No se sigue
requisito de extensión el requisito de extensión

Es difícil distinguir la
Se muestra capacidad postura personal del
CONTENIDO para desarrollar un punto autor. Se incluyen
de vista personal, con generalidades sin
opiniones originales. Las ---/0,5 fundamento, porque no
ideas se ilustran de forma se aportan datos o
ejemplos que ilustren las
adecuada. ideas expuestas.

Faltan conectores
Se emplean conectores de adecuados y se acusa una
forma efectiva y variada. ---/0,5 falta de transiciones
temáticas lógicas.

No hay errores Hay errores graves de

importantes de gramática ---/0,5 gramática

No muestra limitaciones
en el uso del vocabulario ---/0,5 Hay errores graves
de léxico.
FORMA que utiliza.

Hay múltiples
No hay errores equivocaciones en el
importantes de ortografía -- / 0,5 uso de la ortografía y/o
y/o puntación. la puntuación.

Total --- / 3
INGLÉS (Lengua Extranjera Adicional)



Question A.1

a) FALSE: “According to new research, a third of social media users aged between
eight and 17 have the online age of an adult because they sign up with a false date
of birth.”

b) TRUE: “Legal regulations require platforms to prevent children from accessing

harmful content by including rigorous age checks.”

Question A.2

Key ideas

a) Children who lie about their age are at a greater risk of being exposed to
inappropriate material because social media platforms think they are older than they
really are and give them access to features and content which is not adequate for

b) Targeted advertising is a type of publicity which collects information about what

consumers like in order to influence the products they buy.

Question A.3

a) main

b) features

c) show

d) control

Question A.4

a) the latest ------- will have grown

b) manipulating ------- of

c) from ------- virtually

d) He asked me if / whether she had used a particular app to post her videos in the
INGLÉS (Lengua Extranjera Adicional)


Question B.1

a) FALSE: “Actually, this is just one of dozens of theories about the structure,
including speculations about alien invasions and the unbelievable legend that
Stonehenge was established by King Arthur.”

b) TRUE: “However, it wasn’t until about 2000 B.C. (before Christ) when a group of
people began the actual process of building what we see at Stonehenge.”

Question B.2

Key ideas

a) No, they didn’t. Although there is a popular eighteenth-century theory which states
that Stonehenge was a Druid temple, scientific data suggests that the Druids didn’t
exist when Stonehenge was constructed.

b) People travel to Stonehenge during the summer because the weather is better than
in the winter months, which allows them to enjoy outdoor events, such as picnics and

Question B.3

a) reason

b) site

c) curious

d) gather

Question B.4

a) in / during ------- to enjoy

b) would have gone / could have gone / might have gone ------- interesting

c) is described / has been described ------- most reliable / least reliable

d) He asked me if / whether I wanted / I want to travel to Scotland with my friends.

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