Micro Raman

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Semicond. Sci. Technol. 11 (1996) 139–154.

Printed in the UK


Micro-Raman spectroscopy to study

local mechanical stress in silicon
integrated circuits
Ingrid De Wolf
Interuniversity Micro-Electronics Center (IMEC), Kapeldreef 75, B-3001 Leuven,

Received 19 July 1995, accepted for publication 2 October 1995

Abstract. Local mechanical stress is currently an important topic of concern in

microelectronics processing. A technique that has become increasingly popular for
local mechanical stress measurements is micro-Raman spectroscopy. In this
paper, the theoretical background of Raman spectroscopy, with special attention to
its sensitivity for mechanical stress, is discussed, and practical information is given
for the application of this technique to stress measurements in silicon integrated
circuits. An overview is given of some important applications of the technique,
illustrated with examples from the literature: the first studies of the influence of
external stress on the Si Raman modes are reviewed; the application of this
technique to measure stress in silicon-on-insulator films is discussed; results of
measurements of local stress in isolation structures and trenches are reviewed;
and the use of micro-Raman spectroscopy to obtain more information on stress in
metals, by measuring the stress in the surrounding Si substrate is explained.

1. Introduction for example at the edge of nitride films and at the bird’s
beak tip in local oxidation structures (LOCOS) [1]. Stress
Silicon integrated circuits constitute a complex mosaic, has an important effect on dopant diffusion: Park et al
where materials with different characteristics, grown or [3] showed that stress results in boron segregation into
deposited in different ways and at different temperatures, the region of dislocation loops and phosphorus-retarded
are linked together in various geometries. It is well diffusion under oxide-padded nitride films. Mechanical
known that during and after processing of these devices, stress also has an influence on hot carrier degradation [4].
mechanical stresses develop in the films and in the Indeed, it was shown [5] that externally applied stress
substrate. These stresses may be due to thermal steps, for influences hot-carrier degradation through an effect on the
example when there is a difference in thermal expansion carrier mobility. Several failure mechanisms associated
coefficient or when the temperature distribution across the with mechanical stress are very important in thin lines used
wafer is non-uniform; due to intrinsic stresses which are as interconnections in integrated circuits. Metal cracking
inherent in the formation process of the film, for example and voiding, hillock formation or stress migration may
in chemical vapour deposited silicon nitride; or due to the result in open or short circuit failures. Many of these
geometry of the material, for example high stresses are problems can be expected to become more acute with
present in the substrate at film edges. Large stresses can the ever-increasing complexity and miniaturization of the
also be induced in the substrate near embedded structures devices.
such as trenches; and also the non-planar growth of The number of techniques used for stress measurements
materials, as for example the field oxide in local oxidation, is very large; however, none of them is without
induces large stresses in the surrounding substrate. shortcomings when applied to materials encountered in
The problems associated with these stresses are very microelectronics. Either the resolution is too small, or
divergent. Stress may directly trigger the nucleation and they are destructive, or they have to go hand in hand with
propagation of dislocations and the formation of voids complex modelling, or they can be applied only to a certain
and cracks [1]. For example, poly-Si grain regrowth class of materials. For example, with x-ray diffraction
during annealling of thin nitride films, used as dielectric (XRD), values can be obtained for the different strain tensor
of megabit DRAM capacitors, results in high stress and components [6], and the technique can be applied to a
causes cracking of the nitride [2]. Dislocation generation wide class of materials of interest for microelectronics.
is observed at places where the local stress is very high, However, the spatial resolution is such that, when applied

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I De Wolf

to for example a line with µm dimensions, only the (section 2.1), the theory on the effect of mechanical
mean value of the stress components in that line can be stress on the Raman modes is discussed (section 2.2),
obtained [7]. The x-ray beam can be focused down to the instrumentation for Raman spectroscopy is explained
a diameter of some µm [8, 9], but this is still large in (section 2.3) and some practical information about the
comparison with the line widths used in today’s silicon use of this technique for stress measurements is given
integrated circuits, and it requires special instrumentation. (section 2.4). Section 3 is the experimental counterpart of
Furthermore, in order to obtain a significantly large signal, section 2.2. The first experimental study on the influence of
in general an array of similar structures is necessary. Cross- externally applied stress on the Raman modes of silicon is
sectional transmission electron microscopy (XTEM) and discussed. Section 4 is devoted to studies of internal stress,
convergent beam electron diffraction (CBED) [10, 11], can present in structures important for silicon IC technology. In
provide information on stress on a very high resolution section 4.1 measurements of stress in silicon-on-insulator
scale (nm), but they require destructive sample preparation, (SOI) films are discussed. Section 4.2 gives results
thereby causing stress relaxation in certain directions, of investigations on LOCOS (section 4.2.1) and trench
and the interpretation of XTEM images needs extensive structures (section 4.2.2). Micro-Raman spectroscopy
modelling. Measuring the wafer curvature by laser beam turned out to be a very interesting tool for the study of local
reflection methods [12] or capacitive methods can provide stress in these isolation structures. A disadvantage is that it
information on film stress with a high sensitivity [13]. But cannot be used to measure stress in metals. However, it can
this technique also, although it can after some modifications provide indirect information on this stress by looking at the
[14] provide information on the average normal stress stress surrounding the metal structures. This is discussed
component in the direction of interconnect lines, is not in section 4.3.
practical when information has to be obtained on local stress
in or surrounding devices. Furthermore, in order to have
2. Theory underlying Raman spectroscopy
a good reference the bending of the wafer also has to be
measured before deposition or after removal of the film. 2.1. General theory
A different approach that can be followed to obtain
information on local stress is theoretical modelling. The vibrations of a crystal are described not in terms of the
Analytical models were proposed for stress in a semi- vibrations of individual atoms but in terms of collective
infinite film and in the underlying substrate [1, 15, 16], and motions in the form of waves, called lattice vibrations.
based on this work for stress in and near a line [17– Each possible vibration j of the lattice is characterized
19]. Also for stress within and outside trench isolation by a wavevector qj and a frequency ωj . The vibration
structures, numerical models were presented [20]. Finite amplitude, at position r, is given by
element analysis is an important computer simulation tool
that can be used to calculate the stresses in thin film Qj = Aj exp[±i(qj · r − ωj t)] (1)
structures and underlying substrates. In theory, all kind
of materials and combinations of materials can be studied. where Qj is the normal coordinate of the vibration [26, 27]
However, both for analytical models and for finite element and Aj is a constant. Such a quantized lattice vibration is
calculations, some assumptions have to be made on the called a normal mode or a phonon. These lattice vibrations
stress distribution (for example planar stress or strain) or may cause a variation in the electrical susceptibility of
stress state (for example elastic or plastic deformation) the crystal, which can give rise to ‘Raman scattering’. A
and it remains a ‘simulation’ of the stress. They need classical way to explain Raman scattering is the following.
experimental support in order to have enough scientific When monochromatic light of frequency ωi is incident on
validity. a crystal in a direction ki , the associated electric field E
A technique that was not mentioned in the above list is will induce at position r an electric moment P , which is
Raman spectroscopy. Until a few years ago, this technique related to E through
was mostly applied in chemical studies as a complementary
P = ε0 χE = ε0 χ · E0 exp[i(ki · r − ωi t)] (2)
technique to infrared spectroscopy, giving information on
the chemical composition and crystallinity of the sample. where χ is the susceptibility tensor, which describes the
However, since the first reports of Anastassakis et al on response of the crystal to the electric field. If the atoms of
the sensitivity of the Raman peak for mechanical stress the sample are vibrating, the susceptibility may change as
[21], the technique has been applied more and more as a function of these vibrations. This can be expressed by
a stress sensor. In particular micro-Raman spectroscopy expanding χ, for each normal mode of vibration j , in a
(µRS), where a spatial resolution of less than 1 µm can Taylor series with respect to the normal coordinate of this
be obtained, is very useful for local stress studies. In this vibration Qj :
paper, we discuss the application of this technique for stress
measurements in Si integrated circuit (IC) technology. The    
∂χ ∂χ
review is restricted to silicon-based devices, for other χ = χ0 + Qj + Qj Qk + · · · (3)
∂Qj 0 ∂Qj ∂Qk 0
materials and other applications of Raman spectroscopy in
semiconductors, we refer to [22–25] and references therein. which can be redefined as
The outline of this paper is as follows. In section 2, the
basic theory underlying Raman spectroscopy is reviewed χj = χ0 + χj1 Qj + χj2 Qj Qk + · · · . (4)

Local mechanical stress in silicon ICs

Figure 1. Feynman diagram and related energy levels for a first-order Stokes scattering process.

Figure 2. Experimental set-up of a micro-Raman spectrometer.

The first term will give rise to Rayleigh scattering, the z = [001] they are given by
second to first-order Raman scattering, and the third to
0 0 0 0 0 d
second-order Raman scattering (two phonons are involved).
Rx = 0 0 d Ry = 0 0 0
For simplicity, we neglect the third and higher-order terms.
0 d 0 d 0 0
Combining equations (1) to (3) results in 0 d 0
  Rz = d 0 0 . (7)
P = ε0 χ0 · E0 exp[i(ki · r − ωi t)] + ε0 E0 Aj 0 0 0
∂Qj 0
× exp[−i(ωi ± ωj )t] exp[i(ki ± qj ) · r]. (5) For back scattering from a (001) surface, Rx and Ry
correspond to scattering by transverse optical phonons
From this it follows that the induced moment will re- (TO), polarized along x and y respectively, and Rz
radiate light which has three distinct frequency components: corresponds to scattering by longitudinal optical phonons
ωi , which is called Rayleigh scattering, and ωi + ωj and (LO), polarized along z. Of course, the characterization of a
ωi − ωj , which are called anti-Stokes and Stokes Raman phonon as longitudinal or transverse depends on the surface
scattering respectively. This will only be observed if χj1 from which scattering is observed. For back scattering
differs from zero. The scattering efficiency, I , depends on from a (100) surface, Rx corresponds to the LO phonon.
the polarization vector of the incident (ei ) and scattered Table 1 shows which of the three modes can be observed
(es ) light, and is given by for different polarization directions (from equation (6)). It
X follows from this table that for back scattering from a (001)
I =C |ei · Rj · es |2 (6) surface only the z-polarized phonon can be observed (Rz
j matrix), while for back scattering from (110) (for example
on a cleaved wafer), either the Rz or the Rx and Ry
where C is a constant and Rj is the Raman tensor of the matrices can be involved. In the absence of stress, the
phonon j . The Rj are obtained from group theoretical corresponding three optical Raman modes of silicon have
considerations [27, 28]. They are second-rank tensors the same frequency of about ωj 0 = 520 Rcm−1 (j =
which are proportional to χj1 , and they are used to calculate 1, 2, 3). They are degenerate. (Rcm−1 = relative cm−1 ,
the polarization selection rules. Loudon [28] derived the see section 2.4.)
Raman tensors for each of the 32 crystal classes (symmetry From a quantum physical point of view, Raman
point groups). For silicon, there are three Raman tensors. scattering involves the destruction of a photon with
In the crystal coordinate system x = [100], y = [010] and frequency ωi , incident from a light source, and the creation

I De Wolf

Table 1. Polarization selection rules for back scattering

from a (001) surface or a (110) surface.

Polarization Visible
ei es Rx Ry Rz
Back scattering from (001)
(100) (100) — — —
(100) (010) — — x
(1-10) (1-10) — — x
(110) (1-10) — — —
Back scattering from (110) — — x
(1-10) (001) x x —
(1-10) (1-10) — — x
(001) (001) — — —

Figure 3. Typical Raman spectrum obtained in back

scattering from a (100) silicon wafer with the 457.9 nm
of a photon with frequency ωs . Figure 1 shows a typical laser line as excitation source. The silicon Raman peak is
Feynman diagram and the related energy levels for a first- indicated by ‘Si’. The sharp peaks are plasma lines from
order Stokes scattering process. The scattering cross section the laser.
can be calculated by treating this three-step process using
third-order perturbation theory [28]. An electron–hole
The polarization direction of each mode, in the presence
pair is created through interaction of the incident photon
of stress, is described by the corresponding eigenvectors of
(frequency ωi ), with an electron. By this interaction, the
the secular equation.
electron goes from the ground state |0i to a state |li. By
For example, for uniaxial stress σ along the [100]
electron–phonon interaction, where a phonon of frequency
direction, one first calculates the strain tensor components,
ωj is created (or annihilated in anti-Stokes), the electron
using Hooke’s law. This gives ε11 = S11 σ , ε22 = S12 σ and
goes from state |li to state |mi. By recombination of
ε33 = S12 σ , where the Sij are the elastic compliance tensor
the electron–hole pair, a photon with frequency ωs is
elements of silicon. Solving equations (8) and (9) leads to
emitted, where ωs = ωi − ωj (for anti-Stokes it would be
ωi + ωj ). Because conservation of momentum is required λ1 1
for each intermediate step, whereas conservation of energy 1ω1 = = (pS11 + 2qS12 )σ
2ω0 2ω0
is required only for the overall process, both real and virtual
intermediate states are allowed. Further, the three steps λ2 1
described above are taking place instantaneously, so the 1ω2 = = [pS12 + q(S11 + S12 )]σ
2ω0 2ω0
order in which they occur is not important. This results in
six types of this kind of process. λ3 1
1ω3 = = [pS12 + q(S11 + S12 )]σ. (10)
2ω0 2ω0
2.2. Effect of stress on the Raman modes of silicon The Raman tensors and mode polarization vectors are not
changed. So, for back scattering from a (001) surface, only
Mechanical strain or stress may affect the frequencies of the third Raman mode is observed (table 1, equation (6)),
the Raman modes, and lift their degeneracy. One of the and the relation between the shift of this mode and the
first papers addressing theoretically the effect of stress on stress is given by the third relation in equation (10). Using
the Raman modes was that by Ganesan et al [29]. They S11 = 7.68 × 10−2 Pa−1 , S12 = −2.14 × 10−12 Pa−1 ,
showed that the frequencies of the three optical modes in S44 = 12.7 × 10−12 Pa−1 , and p = −1.43ω02 , q = −1.89ω02
the presence of strain, to terms linear in the strain, can be and r = −0.59ω02 [21], we find
obtained by solving the following secular equation [21, 29]:
pε11 + q(ε22 + ε33 ) − λ 2rε12 1ω3 (cm−1 ) = −2 × 10−9 σ (Pa). (11)
2rε12 pε22 + q(ε33 + ε11 ) − λ
2rε13 2rε23 In the case of biaxial stress in the x–y plane, with stress
2rε13 components σxx and σyy , this becomes
2rε23 = 0. (8)
pε33 + q(ε11 + ε22 ) − λ 1
1ω3 = [pS12 + q(S11 + S12 )](σxx + σyy )
Here p, q and r are material constants, the so-called 2ω0
phonon deformation potentials, and εij are the strain tensor or
components. The difference between the Raman frequency  
of each mode in the presence of stress, ωj (j = 1, 2, 3), σxx + σyy
1ω3 (cm−1 ) = −4 × 10−9 (Pa). (12)
and in the absence of stress, ωj 0 , can be calculated from 2
the eigenvalues λj :
From this it follows that compressive uniaxial or biaxial
λj stress will result in an increase of the Raman frequency,
λj = ωj2 − ωj20 or 1ωj = ωj − ωj 0 ≈ . (9)
2ωj 0 while tensile stress will cause a decrease.

Local mechanical stress in silicon ICs

Figure 4. (a ) Si Raman shift (circles) and plasma line shift (squares) measured during a scan towards a tungsten line for two
different samples (open symbols: 1 and filled symbols: 2). The left edge of the tungsten line is indicated by the vertical
broken line. (Experiment from [18].) (b ) Si Raman shifts for samples 1 and 2 after correction for instabilities of the laser
using the plasma line frequencies.

2.3. Experiment signal. The main role of the intermediate slit is to reduce
scattered light. At the exit plane of the spectrograph, a
Raman scattering is a second-order inelastic scattering photomultiplier, multichannel detector or CCD detector is
process, and therefore, its intensity is very weak compared mounted.
with first-order effects such as elastic Rayleigh scattering.
Typically about one photon out of 1012 is inelastically
scattered. For this reason, very sensitive detectors are 2.4. Practical: stress measurements with micro-Raman
required, and the monochromator should have a high spectroscopy
rejection ratio of the Rayleigh-scattered light (double A first requirement for a study of local mechanical stress
monochromator). Figure 2 shows a typical experimental with µRS, is that the material exhibits Raman active modes,
set-up of a Raman spectroscopy system. The incident i.e. there is a well defined Raman peak in the spectrum.
light is provided by a laser. This light is focused on the Figure 3 shows a typical Raman signal obtained in back
sample, either directly through a cylindrical lens (often a scattering from a (100) silicon wafer. The Si Raman peak
50 mm lens, this is called macro-Raman spectroscopy), or is very strong, and has, in the absence of stress, a frequency
through a microscope (as shown in the figure), in which of about ω0 = 520 Rcm−1 . This value may change
case one speaks about micro-Raman spectroscopy (µRS). somewhat from experiment to experiment, depending on
The microscope, often confocal, allows one to change the the calibration of the spectrometer and pre-monochromator.
analysed surface from about 1 µm to a few µm (100× (The unit ‘Rcm−1 ’ denotes ‘relative cm−1 ’, the frequency
to 10× objective). For reliable local mechanical stress is always measured relative to the frequency of the laser
measurements, the basis of the microscope should be an light.) The sensitivity of the frequency of this Raman
automatic XY stage, allowing the sample to be moved in peak for strain should be large enough, so that it can be
small steps in a well controlled manner. The scattered light measured. This depends on the material characteristics (p,
of the sample is collected, either in back scattering (micro- q and r for silicon), and on the strain or stress geometry
mode) through the same microscope, or in back scattering, (equation (8)). For example, for silicon under uniaxial
near back scattering or 90◦ scattering for the macro-mode, stress in the [100] direction, a peak shift of 1 Rcm−1
and directed into the double pre-monochromator through corresponds to a stress of about 500 MPa (equation (11)).
the entrance slit (S1) and into the spectrograph through the With a very sensitive and stable instrument, it is possible
exit slit (S3). The double pre-monochromator consists, in to detect peak shifts of about 0.05 Rcm−1 , from which it
general, of two identical units which are separated by the follows that the minimal detectable stress level in silicon is
intermediate slit (S2). Each unit has two spherical mirrors about 25 MPa and the strain level is about 10−4 . In addition
and one grating. These gratings are typically blazed at to the Si Raman line, some other peaks are also visible in
600 or 1800 grooves/mm. The spectrograph is composed figure 3. These are plasma lines from the laser. These
of two spherical mirrors and a grating, in general with lines are Rayleigh scattered, and insensitive to stress in the
1800 grooves/mm. The position of the gratings of the material. For this reason, they can be used as a reference
pre-monochromator and spectrometer, and the width of the in stress measurements.
slits is controlled through a computer. The aperture of the A typical ‘stress measurement’ experiment proceeds as
entrance and exit slits determines the resolution, i.e. the follows. Suppose one wants to study the local stress in the
width at half maximum height of the spectral peak. The silicon substrate near a tungsten line grown on its surface.
smaller the slit, the better the resolution, but the weaker the The smallest wavelength of the argon laser, 457.9 nm, is

I De Wolf

Figure 5. Raman spectrum of Si under a uniaxial stress of −1.15 GPa along [111]. The triangles give the control spectrum
without stress (from [21]).

chosen, because it gives the smallest penetration depth in 2 respectively, obtained during the same experiment. As
silicon and the smallest spot size. The former is interesting can be seen, the frequency of the plasma line peak of
because stress is expected to be higher closer to the silicon sample 1 stays approximately constant as a function of the
surface, and the latter because it gives a better spatial position. However, in sample 2 the frequency decreases.
resolution. The laser is first focused on a spot far from This indicates that during the experiment the laser or the
the tungsten line, where the stress can be assumed to be Raman instrument was not stable, and one has to correct for
zero; a Raman spectrum, like the one shown in figure 3, is this instability. The result after correction, using the plasma
measured and saved. Next the sample is moved, using line positions as reference, is shown in figure 4(b). From
the XY stage, such that the spot moves closer to the this it is clear that the difference between the two samples
line, and again a spectrum is measured. This is repeated is much smaller than originally thought. This experiment
until the spot crosses the tungsten line. On the metal shows that one has to be very careful when interpreting the
line, no signal is observed because the laser light cannot µRS data. Instability of the laser, or of the spectrometer,
penetrate through the metal. Next a Lorentz function is or changes of the focusing of the laser on the sample may
fitted to the Si Raman peak for all these spectra, in order result in a shift of the Si Raman peak which has nothing to
to determine its frequency as accurately as possible, and, do with stress. For this reason, the plasma line references
in this experiment, also to a plasma line, to obtain a are very useful in practice. Another critical point is the laser
reference value. Figure 4(a) [18] shows the result of such power. When this is too high, the sample will be heated
an experiment on two different tungsten-line samples. The locally, resulting in a down-shift of the Raman peak.
open circles give the frequency of the Si Raman peak for The Raman signal originates from a volume defined
sample 1, the full circles for sample 2. The experiment by the wavelength and the diameter of the laser beam.
started about 12 µm from the tungsten line (at position As already mentioned above, a shorter laser wavelength
0 µm) and stopped when the line was reached (at about gives information on the stress closer to the surface. Some
12 µm, broken line). At the position 0 µm it can be information on the change of the stress with depth can be
assumed that the stress is zero, since this is far from the obtained by using different wavelengths. The total scattered
line. The frequency of the Raman peak at that position light intensity integrated from the surface to a depth d, Is ,
is about 520.7 Rcm−1 . This value is not so important is given by [30]
in this experiment, and depends on the calibration of the Z d
system. The change of this value when approaching the line I0 D
Is = I0 D e−2αx dx = (1 − e−2αd ) (13)
is important, because it gives information on the local stress 0 2α
in the silicon. It can be seen that the frequency of the Si
Raman peak decreases when approaching the line, which while that from the depth d to infinity is given by
indicates the presence of tensile stress close to the line. Z ∞
I0 D −2αd
From this experiment, one could conclude that this tensile Id = I0 D e−2αx dx = e (14)
d 2α
stress is larger in sample 2 than in sample 1. However, this
is not the case. The open and full squares in figure 4(a) I0 , D and α are the incident light intensity, the Raman
denote the frequency of a plasma line for samples 1 and scattering cross section and the photoabsorption coefficient

Local mechanical stress in silicon ICs

Table 2. Absorption coefficient (α) and penetration depth

(dp ) in crystalline silicon for different wavelengths (λ) of the
argon laser.

λ (nm) λ (eV) 10−3 α (cm−1 ) dp (nm)

514.5 2.410 14.96 770
488.0 2.541 20.18 570
457.9 2.708 36.43 320

of silicon respectively. If one assumes that the penetration

depth, dp , is given by the depth that satisfies the relationship
Id /(Is + Id ) = 0.1, then this depth is given by
Figure 6. Frequency shift of the singlet and doublet Raman
− ln 0.1 2.3 components measured as a function of the uniaxial stress
dp = = . (15) along [111]. The broken line shows the calculated shift
2α 2α corresponding to the hydrostatic component (from [35]).
The absorption coefficient of silicon for the 514.5 nm
(2.41 eV), 488 nm (2.54 eV) and 457.9 nm (2.71 eV) equation (6)]. The polarization of the incident light was
wavelength of the argon laser is obtained, using a third- switched back and forth such that either the singlet or the
degree interpolation, from [31] and, using equation (15), doublet could be observed. Typical spectra for the case of
the penetration depth in crystalline silicon is found to be uniaxial stress along [111] are shown in figure 5. In the
770 nm, 570 nm and 320 nm respectively. These results absence of stress, a single Raman peak is observed at a
are summarized in table 2. frequency ω0 of about 523 cm−1 (triangles). An externally
The relation between the measured Raman shift, as applied compressive stress of −11.5×109 dyn cm−2 results
for example shown in figure 4 for the tungsten line, in a splitting into the singlet (full circles) and the doublet
and the mechanical stress present in the sample is not (open circles), and both are shifted towards higher Raman
straightforward. If one can assume that the stress in the frequencies. From the slope of the shift of the frequency
sample is uniaxial or biaxial, the relation between Raman of these peaks as a function of the applied stress, as shown
shift and stress is simply linear (equations (10)–(12)). in figure 6, values for p, q, r and for the mode Grüneisen
Although this assumption is usually wrong, it is often used parameter γ (= −∂ ln ω0 /∂ ln V , where V is the volume
for a first rough estimation of the magnitude of the stress in of the crystal) can be calculated. Figure 6 was taken
the sample. If more detailed information on the magnitude from a later work of Anastassakis et al [35], where similar
of the different stress components is required, it is necessary experiments as in [21] were repeated, but this time using
to adapt a model describing the stress distribution in the a laser frequency in the region of transparency of silicon
sample, and to fit this model, using equation (8), to the (Nd-YAG laser, 1.165 eV). This was necessary because
Raman data. This was done for example in [18, 32–34]. several previous studies, for example on GaAs and InP (see
references in [35]), showed that there is some relaxation
3. Effect of externally applied forces on the of the stress near the surface, so that the phonon shifts
Raman modes measured in the bulk may differ by 10 to 30% from those
observed near the surface. These experiments resulted
Raman scattering measurements in the presence of in values for the phonon deformation potentials p/ω02 =
externally applied stress have been performed by a large −1.85 ± 0.06, q/ω02 = −2.31 ± 0.06, r/ω02 = −0.71 ± 0.02
number of investigators on different kinds of samples. The and the Grüneisen parameter γ = 1.08 ± 0.06, which are
main underlying objectives of these studies were to obtain somewhat larger than the ones obtained in [21], p/ω02 =
insight in various aspects of lattice vibrational modes. The −1.25, q/ω02 = −1.87, r/ω02 = −0.66 and γ = 0.92, but
first experimental investigation of the effect of external which are in closer agreement with theory [35].
stress on the Si Raman modes was done by Anastassakis In later papers from the same group, calculations of the
et al [21]. The experiments were carried out in back effects of external stresses and strains (uniaxial, biaxial,
scattering, with a 25 mW He–Ne laser (632.8 nm) as as well as bisotropic [36]) on the Raman spectrum of
excitation source, on rectangular Si samples (2 cm×1 mm× optical phonons of different materials (Si, Ge, GaAs,
1 mm). Negative uniaxial stress was applied along the GaSb, InAs, ZnSe, diamond, heterostructures) as well
long axis of the sample for two orientations of this axis, as experimental results were presented and extensively
either [001] or [111]. For a uniaxial stress, σ , applied discussed [21, 22, 35–44].
along either the [001] or the [111] direction, it can be
calculated from equation (8) that the threefold degeneracy
4. Stress in silicon integrated circuits
of the optical phonons of silicon is split into a singlet
(ω3 = s ) with eigenvector parallel to the stress and a 4.1. Stress in SOI films
doublet (ω1 = ω2 = d ) with eigenvectors perpendicular
to the stress. For observation of the splitting of the optical One of the first fields where Raman spectroscopy proved its
phonons, the polarization selection rules were used [28, usefulness as a stress measuring technique was in the SOS

I De Wolf

A difficulty that arises in some of these studies is

that the crystallinity may also affect the position of the
Raman peak. It is therefore not always straightforward
in this kind of experiment to distinguish between both
effects. However, Raman spectroscopy proved to be a very
useful technique to study these films. It provides not only
information on the stress, but also on crystal quality of the
SOI film.

4.2. Isolation
4.2.1. Local oxidation: LOCOS, PBLOCOS. The local
oxidation of silicon (LOCOS) technique [61] is widely used
as an effective and relatively simple isolation technique
for silicon integrated circuits. In this technique, Si3 N4 is
Figure 7. Raman spectrum of bulk silicon and silicon on used as a mask against oxidation of the areas where the
sapphire (from [44]). active device will be formed. The different steps involved
in LOCOS isolation are as follows. In the first step, a
thin layer of SiO2 , the pad oxide (PO), is grown on the
(silicon-on-sapphire) field. It is known that a large built-in
substrate. On top of this a Si3 N4 film is deposited and
stress, of the order of 108 –109 Pa exists in the silicon film
patterned. This defines the oxidation mask. Next the
in SOS devices. Englert et al [45] compared the Raman
wafer is subjected to a thermal oxidation process, giving
peak, measured in back scattering from the (001) surface
rise to the field oxide (FO). However, since oxidation of
of the film, with the Raman signal from a stress-free bulk
silicon also takes place laterally, through the pad oxide,
reference wafer. The result is shown in figure 7. The
the growing oxide penetrates under the edges of the nitride
peak obtained on SOS is up-shifted by 1ω = 2.8 cm−1 . mask, lifting them up. This gives rise to the formation
The relation between Raman shift and stress was calculated of a specific geometrical feature, the so-called bird’s beak
assuming biaxial compressive stress in the film σxx = σyy = (BB). An undesired result of this is that the active area
σ , (x = [100], y = [010]) and is given by equation (12). of the device becomes smaller than the size of the initial
It was concluded that the stress in the SOS film was nitride mask. At the end of the process the nitride film is
700 MPa. A shift of 2.8 cm−1 is very large, and can easily removed and the wafer is planarized.
be observed with all Raman spectroscopy instruments. In There are some technological problems which arise
general, stress in Si semiconductor devices is smaller, and during the application of LOCOS technology, and it was
very dedicated Raman instruments are necessary to observe very soon understood that mechanical stress plays an
it. The first paper on Raman spectroscopy on SOS films important role in them. For this reason, large efforts have
was followed by a large number of publications discussing been made to obtain information on this stress, and its
the annealing process of SOS films [46–50]. Later, micro- dependence on processing parameters.
Raman spectroscopy results were also published, showing Micro-Raman spectroscopy has proved to be a very
the local variation of the stress in SOS device structures interesting technique for the study of local mechanical
[51]. stress in LOCOS structures, and the effect of processing
Silicon-on-insulator (SOI) films have been studied parameters on this stress. Kobayashi et al [62, 63] studied
extensively by Raman spectroscopy, not only to study the the stress in the active area of LOCOS samples after
stress in these films but also the crystallinity and the effect the nitride film and the pad oxide were removed. They
of annealing [52–60]. The stress was measured near the performed µRS experiments on samples with different
seed/SOI boundary in a laser-recrystallized, seeded SOI widths, w, of the active area (from 9.2 to 1.2 µm). Figure 8
film [52] and it was found that this stress increases over shows the shift of the Raman frequency from the zero-
a distance of about 20 µm from the seed/SOI boundary. stress value as a function of the position on the sample.
Campbell et al [53] studied changes in crystallinity, stress It was found that there is tensile stress (negative shift) in
and homogeneity on thin films of SOI irradiated by a single the isolation area with a maximum at the field edges, and
laser pulse. Raman spectroscopy was also often used to compressive stress (positive shift) within the active area
study the effect of implantation temperature [54] and lamp with a maximum at the active area edges. Furthermore,
or furnace annealing [54–56] on SIMOX (separation by they showed that this compressive stress in the active area
implantation of oxygen). Further, there were reports on increases with decreasing width. They compared their
the dependence of the stress in laser-recrystallized SOI experiments with theoretical simulations, using a thermal
on the substrate, and on the insulator material used [57]; stress model and assuming a linear relation between Raman
on the stress in the top silicon film of an SOI structure shift and stress. A similar study was reported by Brunner
recrystallized by a graphite strip heater or an argon laser et al [64]; however, they focused on stress in the silicon
[58]; on the variation of this stress in depth [59] and on substrate under the field oxide. Planar as well as cross-
the influence of a local buried insulating layer on the stress sectional data were reported.
in the top silicon layer at the boundary region between the From the point of view of dislocation formation, the
local SOI and the unimplanted region [60]. stress before and after field oxidation, with the nitride

Local mechanical stress in silicon ICs

Figure 9. Raman frequency shift from stress-free value for

a long 240 nm Si3 N4 /50 nm poly-Si/10 nm PO line, width
9.4 µm, as shown at the top of the figure. Open
circles, experiment; full line, fit of the edge-force model to
the experiment. Exciting wavelength 457.9 nm (from [32]).
Figure 8. Raman frequency shift from stress-free value for
LOCOS structures (after removal of the nitride film) with
various active area widths (w ). Excitation source: 488 nm
the pad oxide, and for different widths of the line [66, 67].
line of argon laser (from [62]).
In order to relate the measured Raman shift with mechanical
stress present in the sample, the secular equation has to be
mask still present, is of more importance. In particular solved. This was done for this experiment [32], assuming
the stress at the tip of the BB is an important source that the stress in the substrate, due to the line, could be
of dislocation generation [1]. The variation of the stress described by the simple analytical edge-force model of Hu
in LOCOS and alternative LOCOS structures during the [15]. In this model, it is assumed that this stress can be
different processing steps was studied by µRS in [32, 65– described by edge forces, f , as indicated in figure 9. The
67]. Alternative isolation schemes, such as PBLOCOS strain tensor components were calculated, using this model,
(poly-buffered LOCOS), were introduced to reduce the field at different positions and at different depths in the substrate.
oxide encroachment under the nitride mask. PBLOCOS Next the secular equation (equation (8)) was solved for all
utilizes an Si3 N4 /poly-Si/SiO2 sandwich to block the field these positions, and the Raman shift was calculated, taking
oxidation in the active regions. The formation of the into account the penetration depth of the laser light and the
BB is limited by the poly-Si film, and its presence also dimensions of the beam spot. The result of the fit of this
absorbs stress from the nitride, allowing the pad oxide to model to the data is given by the full curve in figure 9.
be thinned and the nitride to be thickened, to minimize Although the fit was found not to be so good for smaller
the BB. Figures 9–11 show the evolution of the local lines (2.5 µm), it could be concluded that this simple model
stress in PBLOCOS during three subsequent processing is already adequate to describe the stress in the silicon for
steps: before field oxidation, after field oxidation, and after these structures.
removal of the nitride mask. Figure 9 shows the result After field oxidation, the stress picture changes
of a µRS scan across a 10 µm wide line of a PBLOCOS drastically. This is shown in figure 10, where the Raman
sample that was taken out of the processing before field shift 1ω, measured before and after field oxidation, is
oxidation. The 457.9 nm line of the argon laser was used plotted as a function of the position on the sample [66].
for excitation of the spectra. The difference, 1ω, between A schematic drawing of the sample is shown on top of
the measured frequency of the silicon Raman peak and the the figure. After field oxidation, 1ω becomes negative
stress-free value is plotted as a function of the position at the tip of the bird’s beak, indicating that tensile stress
across the sample (open circles). The schematic drawing is present in the underlying substrate at that point. In
on top of the figure can be used to make a direct correlation samples with thinner field oxides, this downward shift is
between the measured Raman frequency and the position observed to be much larger [65, 67]. Further, 1ω under
on the structure where the signal is obtained. It can be seen the nitride line is larger after FO than before FO. This
in the figure that, upon approaching the line, 1ω becomes is due to compressive stress exerted by the FO on the
negative. This indicates tensile stress in the silicon just active area. Because of the volume expansion during
outside the mask. Under the Si3 N4 mask, 1ω becomes oxidation of silicon and because of the difference in thermal
positive, indicating compressive stress. This experiment expansion coefficients of SiO2 and Si, the silicon regions
was repeated for different thicknesses of the nitride film and lying between the FO regions will be compressed by the

I De Wolf

Figure 10. Raman frequency shift from the stress-free Figure 11. Raman frequency shift from the stress-free
value for a PBLOCOS sample with 10 nm PO, 50 nm value for a sample with 14 nm PO, 50 nm poly-Si, 150 nm
poly-Si and 150 nm Si3 N4 , before field oxidation (open Si3 N4 and 900 nm FO grown at 950 ◦ C before (full symbols)
circles) and after field oxidation at 950 ◦ C (full circles). The and after (open symbols) removal of the Si3 N4 and poly-Si
vertical lines denote the borders of the 5 µm wide nitride film by dry etching. The vertical lines indicate the borders
film. The sample after FO is shown schematically at the of the 5 µm wide nitride film. The sample after the strip is
top. Exciting wavelength 457.9 nm (from [65]). shown at the top. Exciting wavelength 457.9 nm (from [65]).

latter. This compressive stress acts also at the bird’s beak results. A very interesting experiment on PBLOCOS
tip. So, at that position there is a combination of tensile structures, after field oxidation, is shown in figure 12 [69].
stress, mainly in the vertical direction, and compressive In this experiment a µRS scan was performed across arrays
stress, mainly acting horizontally. Also the bent nitride of PBLOCOS stripe structures (six stripes per array) with
film edge will introduce compressive stress in the silicon. widths varying from 4 µm down to 0.35 µm. ‘O’ denotes
The frequency of the silicon Raman peak is influenced by the position of the FO, ‘N’ denotes the position of the
all the stress components. nitride line. The finite resolution of the Raman probe causes
The main effect of removal of the nitride mask and the increased blurring of the stress variations below the 1 µm
underlying poly-Si film is a relaxation of the tensile stress geometry, but it can clearly be seen that the average stress
region at the bird’s beak. As can be seen in figure 11, becomes increasingly tensile for smaller lines, until a stress
the negative shift of 1ω at the bird’s beak tip completely relaxation occurs at the 0.5 µm PBLOCOS stripes and
disappears, and the only forces which are still present are below. The cause of this relaxation was revealed by XTEM
the compressive forces from the FO. pictures: the nitride mask was found to be completely
Similar studies were performed on samples with lifted for the lines with width ≤ 0.5 µm, because for
different thicknesses of the pad oxide, the field oxide and these dimensions the 0.25 µm long bird’s beaks completely
the Si3 N4 . Also stress surrounding LOCOS structures on encroach the active area. These results indicated that a
SIMOX wafers was studied, and it was found that the stress further down scaling of the devices will be difficult using
in the Si film is highly influenced by the field oxidation time PBLOCOS isolation.
[68]. It was also shown that the tensile stress at the bird’s
beak tip is much larger in PBLOCOS structures than in
LOCOS structures, and that, in general, a reduction of the 4.2.2. Trenches. The drive for increased density in
bird’s beak length gives rise to an increase in stress. As a integrated circuits has led to ‘trench technology’, which
result, the risk for defect generation will also increase. involves anisotropic etching of patterns into the substrate
Although extraction of stress values from the Raman to form trenches, and subsequently filling them with
experiments was done in these studies only for the simple SiO2 or poly-Si. These trenches are used as storage
line structures (figure 9), the experiments did provide capacitors in dynamic memory (DRAM) technologies (deep
information on the origin of the stress, the sign of the stress, storage trenches), or as isolation structures in CMOS,
and the influence of processing steps on the magnitude bipolar and BiCMOS technologies. As discussed above,
and on the stress distribution. Jones et al [33] went LOCOS cannot be scaled down much further, and shallow
one step further, they used finite element modelling to trenches offer an attractive solution. Although trenches
calculate the field oxidation induced stress in the substrate are advantageous from a density point of view, trench
of PBLOCOS structures, and using these results, they structures have been shown to be a major contributing factor
calculated the corresponding Raman shift. They obtained in substrate defect generation during the processing [70–
a good agreement between the model and the experimental 76]. The defect generation is directly related to mechanical

Local mechanical stress in silicon ICs

Figure 12. Raman scan across an array of PBLOCOS structures with geometry varying from 4 µm down to 0.35 µm
processed with 10 nm PO, 50 nm poly-Si, 150 nm nitride and 600 nm FO grown at 975 ◦ C. Exciting wavelength 457.9 nm
(from [68]).

stress surrounding the trench, and for this reason a growing of deep trenches and LOCOS gives rise to large stress
body of literature is devoted to the study of this stress, variations is shown in figure 14 [83], where the result of
mostly by theoretical calculations (analytical models and a µRS scan across the first bipolar device of an array is
finite element calculations), and to the effect of processing shown. The experiment was performed on devices from a
conditions (oxidation, deposition, annealing) and of trench bulk 1.25 µm BiCMOS process, which were taken out of
geometry on the stress magnitude [20, 72–81]. the processing just after LOCOS oxidation. The trenches
One of the first attempts to analyse the stress around (1.5 µm wide, 8 µm deep) had an SiO2 sidewall liner and
deep trenches, filled with poly-Si or SiO2 , experimentally, were filled with LPCVD poly-Si. At both collector window
was done by Nadahara et al [81]. The Raman shift was (CW) and base-emitter window (BEW) a distorted image
measured at different depths in between two trenches, on of the stress in an isolated LOCOS (see figure 8) is found.
a cleaved sample. Although the Raman shift was only At the trench edges, a large upward shift of the Si Raman
studied at three points, and although it was assumed that peak is observed. Assuming uniaxial stress, this shift would
the stress could be calculated from the Raman shift using indicate a compressive stress of about −370 MPa. The
equation (11), which is only valid for uniaxial stress, stress outside the array (at −5 µm) becomes zero, while in
the results were very promising. There was a good between two devices (at 25 µm) it remains compressive.
correlation between the results and the predictions from
µRS experiments were also performed at different depths
FE simulations. Furthermore, the authors showed that
on a cleaved sample. The stress was found to be tensile
information about the variation of the stress with depth can
at the trench border deeper in the substrate and in the
be obtained by measuring on a cleaved sample.
poly-Si, and compressive closer to the surface and at the
Nowadays, µRS is often used to control mechanical
BEW and CW. The µRS data of planar and cross-sectional
stress around trench isolation in order to optimize the
experiments were found to correlate very well, and the
isolation structure with regard to stress [74–76, 82, 83].
An interesting paper comparing stress surrounding a observed variations in stress correspond with variations
combination of shallow and deep trench structures for three predicted by simulations [80].
different processes was published by Itoh et al [76]. The µRS was also used to study and compare process-
three processes are described in figure 13(a). The stress induced mechanical stresses in recessed oxide-isolated and
measured by Raman spectroscopy for the three processes TEOS refilled trench-isolated SOI device islands [84].
is shown in figure 13(b). Here also the stress values were Figure 15 shows the result of a scan across a 5 µm
calculated from the Raman shift assuming uniaxial stress wide island. The right-hand axis gives the stress values
(equation (11)). The stress in processes A and C was calculated from the Raman shift, assuming uniaxial stress.
found to be high, while in process B it was low. This The edges of the islands are indicated by the vertical
was explained by temperature differences between the three broken lines. The experiments show that the SOI islands
processes: in B, the filling occurred at a low temperature. isolated by recessed oxide are under high compressive
Deep trenches in combination with LOCOS isolation stress. Tensile stress is observed at the edges. On the
are commonly used in bipolar transistors. These devices other hand, the islands isolated by TEOS oxide refilled
often show high leakage current and low yield, which is trenches show practically no stress, except for the edges
attributed to stress-induced defects. That the combination where tensile stress is also observed.

I De Wolf

Figure 13. (a ) Trench isolation structure and fabrication flow for three processes (from [75]). (b ) Mechanical stress
distribution maps for the three isolation structures as measured by Raman spectroscopy. Exciting wavelength 457.9 nm
(from [75]).

4.3. Metal structures is important as such, but it can also be used to give feedback
to theoretical models and for comparison with the XRD
One of the important issues of concern for submicrometre
integrated circuit technology is the large mechanical stress
Sakata et al [85] used µRS to study stress in silicon
in metal interconnect lines. These stresses are one of the
near tungsten lines. A Raman spectrum was measured
important driving forces for electromigration-induced void
formation and growth. They can even be large enough to at three points near the lines, separated by 0.1 µm.
cause immediate failure of the lines. Stresses in metals The measurements were performed using two polarization
are in general measured by XRD. The disadvantage of this directions: the incident light was polarized either along
technique is the large probed area and the large penetration the width or along the length of the lines. They used the
depth of the x-rays. As a result, only information about the 514 nm argon laser line. The laser spot size was about
mean value of the stress components in the metal structures 1 µm, but when the spot partly probes the metal, the area
can be obtained. µRS has a better spatial resolution and actually probed is smaller. The authors did correct for this
a smaller penetration depth than XRD, but no Raman effect by taking the differential spectrum from two spectra
signal can be obtained from the metal. However, µRS obtained at adjacent points, including the effect of laser
can be used to provide information on the stress in the Si power. They found that the Si Raman peak shifted towards
substrate adjacent to the metal structures. This information higher frequencies near the line, indicating compressive

Local mechanical stress in silicon ICs

edge force model, similar to the one of Hu [15], and used

this model to calculate, using equation (8), the expected
Raman shift for different depths in the substrate, for the
three Raman modes. A special program was written for
these calculations. The model predicts a negative shift of
the frequency of the Raman line close to the metal line,
as was observed in the experiments. However, a fit of the
model to the experiments was not done.
More accurate information on stress in and near metal
lines, obtained by combining theoretical models with
Raman data, was obtained by Ma et al [34] and De Wolf
et al [18]. Ma et al used µRS to study stress near
passivated aluminium lines, and compared the results with
finite element calculations. They assumed a very small
absorption depth of the probing laser line (514 nm) of
200 nm, and therefore only the stresses calculated with
finite elements at the top row of points in the mesh
Figure 14. Raman frequency shift across the first device of were taken into account for the Raman shift calculation.
an array of bipolar structures, taken out of the processing They corrected for the probe size of the laser by taking
after field oxidation. T1 and T2 denote the trenches, BEW a convolution of the calculated stress variation and the
is the base-emitter window and CW is the collector window.
The 8 µm deep trenches are filled with poly-Si. Exciting Gaussian intensity profile of the laser beam. The beam spot
wavelength 457.9 nm (experiment from [82]). diameter was experimentally determined to be about 1 µm,
but a size of 1.5 µm was used to fit the calculations to the
Raman data. It was concluded from these experiments that
stress. In order to calculate the stress, uniaxial stress was the Raman shift in the silicon near the Al lines is principally
assumed. dependent on the hydrostatic stress in the interconnect.
It can be noted that the penetration depth of the 514 nm This stress therefore probably provides the driving force
line, used in these experiments, is rather large (see table 2). for voiding. They also studied the stress variations in
The stress is expected to be larger closer to the surface, the silicon substrate along two Al lines, a control line
and for this reason it is more interesting to use the shorter and a electromigration-tested line. Uniform stresses were
457.9 nm laser line of the argon laser for this kind of found along the line for the as-fabricated sample, while
experiment, if available. Two additional advantages of stress variations were found for the electromigration-tested
using this line are that the spot size is somewhat smaller sample.
than the spot size of the 514 nm line, and that the plasma The penetration depth of 200 nm for the 514 nm laser
lines can be used as reference. Indeed, for the 514 nm line line, as used in this study, is probably an underestimation
there is a plasma line located exactly at the position of the (see table 2). As a result, the stress values used to fit the
Si Raman peak, at 520 Rcm−1 ; it is therefore necessary model to the data were too high. This may explain the
to use filters or a monochromator to get rid of this line. discrepancy between the measured spot diameter and the
The plasma lines for the 457.9 nm line, however, do not fitted spot diameter. Indeed, using a larger spot size will
interfere with the Si Raman line. result in a reduction of the measured variations in stress.
Close to the edge of a metal line, the assumption of µRS, XRD and analytical modelling were used in [18]
‘uniaxial stress’ is certainly not valid, and more modelling to study stresses in and surrounding highly tensile tungsten
is required to obtain quantitative information on the stress lines of two different widths and spacing. The stress in
components from the measured Raman shift. A first step the lines and in the adjacent substrate was calculated using
in that direction was made by Graf [86], who studied two analytical models: a concentrated and a distributed
stress in the silicon substrate near TiSi2 films of different edge force model, and using finite element calculations.
thicknesses. A typical result of these experiments is shown The values obtained for the stress in the lines and in
in figure 16, for a 100 nm thick TiSi2 film on 500 nm SiO2 the substrate, using the results from these models, were
on silicon. The Raman frequency (top), intensity (centre) compared with the experimental results from XRD and
and full width at half maximum (bottom) are shown as a µRS, and a very good agreement was found. Figure 17
function of the position on the sample. The left edge of the shows the result of a scan across the first and the second
line is indicated by the vertical broken line. Also for these tungsten line of the wide-line array. The Raman shift
experiments, the 514 nm line of the laser was used. The obtained far from the lines was taken as the stress-free
spot size was estimated, from the change of the intensity reference value (0 Rcm−1 in the figure). Upon approaching
of the Si signal when crossing the silicide film, to be about the first line, the Raman frequency shifts downwards,
1 µm. A negative shift of the Raman frequency was found indicating tensile stress. Under the line, no Raman signal
near the film edge, indicating tensile stress. This shift was can be obtained because the laser light cannot penetrate the
shown to increase with increasing thickness of the film, metal. In between the lines, a downward shift is measured,
from 0.03 cm−1 for the 30 nm film to 0.18 cm−1 for the with maximum near the edges of the lines, and minimum
100 nm film. Graf compared the results with a concentrated at the centre (c) in between the lines.

I De Wolf

Figure 15. Comparison of the Raman frequency shift across a 5 µm wide SOI device island that was laterally trench isolated
by refilled TEOS oxide (full circles) or by recessed oxide (open circles). The borders of the islands are indicated by the
broken vertical lines. Exciting wavelength 457.9 nm (from [83]).

Figure 17. Shift of the Si Raman peak from the stress-free

value as a function of the position on an Si wafer with
3.8 µm wide CVD tungsten lines (700 nm thick on 100 nm
SiO2 ). Exciting wavelength 457.9 nm (from [18]).

5. Conclusions

Micro-Raman spectroscopy is a very interesting technique

for the study of local stress in silicon. It has the advantage
of being non-destructive, one can control the probed depth
by changing the wavelength of the exciting laser, and
Figure 16. Raman frequency shift (top), intensity (centre)
and full width at half maximum (FWHM) (bottom) as a the spatial resolution is fairly good. Several studies are
function of the position on a silicon wafer near a 100 nm going on to improve this spatial resolution, for example by
TiSi2 on 60 nm SiO2 line. The left edge of the line is near-field optics, using optical fibres, or by decreasing the
indicated by the vertical broken line. Exciting wavelength wavelength. One can measure on the sample surface, or, if
514 nm (from [85]).
more information on the variation of the stress with depth is
required, on a cleaved surface, as for example near trench
structures. Although it takes a good instrument and some
knowledge about factors that may influence the Raman peak
Although µRS studies of stress surrounding metals are position, such as temperature, laser stability and outlining,
still very scarce, they are very promising. In particular the technique is relatively simple. One measures the silicon
the combination with data from XRD, and with predictions Raman peak at different positions and one monitors the
from finite element or analytical modelling can be expected position of this peak. This directly provides important
to provide very interesting information. information on the local stress variations in the sample.

Local mechanical stress in silicon ICs

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