Twinkl Telescope-Differentiated-Comprehension-Activity

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It was the invention of the telescope in the 17th century which Niccolo Zucchi became interested in astronomy having

ing met with Throughout the 1800s, telescopes grew in size. Alvan Clark
helped astronomers to discover more about space. Kepler. In 1616, the Italian priest and astronomer is believed to was an American astronomer who built the world’s largest
have been the first person to invent a basic reflecting telescope. A refracting telescope in 1897, known as the Yerkes Telescope.
The first telescope was a refracting telescope, invented by
reflecting telescope uses mirrors instead of lenses, which reflect This telescope, which can be found at Yerkes Observatory in
Dutchman Hans Lippershey in 1608. The refracting telescope
the light to form a much clearer image. The image is produced Wisconsin, holds the largest glass lens possible. If the lens was
bends light through a lens to produce an image. Using lenses,
by reflection from a curved mirror which is then magnified by any bigger, the telescope would begin to collapse under its own
Lippershey’s invention could make faraway objects appear
the second mirror. In the late 1600s, Sir Isaac Newton further weight.
closer. However, one of the problems was that the image quality
developed the reflecting telescope after studying the reflection
was poor. Astronomers came to realise that large telescopes should have
of light through prisms.
mirrors instead of lenses. Today, reflecting telescopes are the
The following year, Galileo Galilei built the first astronomical
During the 1700s, both reflecting and refracting telescopes most widely used telescope in the world, by both professional
and amateur astronomers.
The 1900s saw the development of the radio telescope, which
picks up radio waves, helping astronomers to build a better
picture of the Universe. Astronomer, Sir Bernard Lovell, designed
a 250ft radio telescope which could be pointed anywhere in the
sky. It was built in 1957 and is located at the Jodrell Bank
Observatory, Cheshire, UK.
The world’s largest reflecting telescope can be found on the
A diagram of a refracting telescope island of La Palma. It is located over 7000 feet above sea
level, with a mirror diameter of 10.4 metres. Within the next
decade, much larger telescopes will be constructed, with mirror
telescope, having improved upon Lippershey’s original design.
diameters of over 20 metres!
The Italian worked hard to refine the invention and eventually
used it to make the first telescopic observations of the sky. He A diagram of a reflecting telescope The Hubble Space Telescope was sent into space in 1990. This
discovered craters and mountains on the Moon and Jupiter’s telescope orbits the Earth and produces some amazing images
four largest moons, amongst other findings. In 1611, the of stars and galaxies. The James Webb Space Telescope is due to
were developed further. In 1789, William Herschel built a giant
refracting telescope was further developed by the German, be launched in 2018.
reflector telescope based on Newton’s design, which was 12
Johannes Kepler, who improved upon Galilei’s design, resulting
metres long.
in the formation of a much clearer image.
Comprehension Activity Questions
1. What is the text about?

2. What is the function of a telescope?

3. How does a refracting telescope work?

4. Sequence the names in chronological order of the development of the refracting telescope, from earliest to the
most recent:
Galileo Galilei Alvan Clark Hans Lippershey Johannes Kepler

5. Who developed the reflecting telescope, after studying the reflection of light through prisms?

6. How does a reflecting telescope work?

7. What can be found at Jodrell Bank Observatory in the UK?

8. What was the name of the telescope sent into space in 1990?
Comprehension Activity Answers
1. What is the text about?
Different types of telescopes and the history of telescopes.

2. What is the function of a telescope?

A telescope makes distant object appear nearer.

3. How does a refracting telescope work?

A refracting telescope bends light through a lens to produce an image.

4. Sequence the names in chronological order of the development of the refracting telescope, from earliest to the
most recent:
Galileo Galilei Alvan Clark Hans Lippershey Johannes Kepler

Hans Lippershey Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler Alvan Clark

5. Who developed the reflecting telescope, after studying the reflection of light through prisms?
Sir Isaac Newton

6. How does a reflecting telescope work?

A reflecting telescope uses curved mirrors to reflect the light and the image is magnified by a
second mirror.

7. What can be found at Jodrell Bank Observatory in the UK?

The radio telescope can be found at Jodrell Bank Observatory.

8. What was the name of the telescope sent into space in 1990?
The Hubble Space Telescope.
Comprehension Activity Questions
1. What is the text about?

2. What is the function of a telescope?

3. Where was Hans Lippershey from?

4. How does a refracting telescope work?

5. Sequence the names in chronological order of the development of the refracting telescope, from earliest to the
most recent. What did each person do? Briefly write an explanation under each name.
Galileo Galilei Alvan Clark Hans Lippershey Johannes Kepler

6. Who developed the reflecting telescope, after studying the reflection of light through prisms?

7. How does a reflecting telescope work?

8. Which telescope was sent into space in 1990?

9. How do you think the larger telescopes, which are currently in development, will help astronomers?
Comprehension Activity Answers
1. What is the text about?
Different types of telescopes and the history of telescopes.

2. What is the function of a telescope?

A telescope makes distant object appear nearer.

3. Where was Hans Lippershey from?


4. How does a refracting telescope work?

A refracting telescope bends light through a lens to produce an image.

5. Sequence the names in chronological order of the development of the refracting telescope, from earliest to the
most recent. What did each person do? Briefly write an explanation under each name.
Galileo Galilei Alvan Clark Hans Lippershey Johannes Kepler

Hans Lippershey Galileo Galilei Johannes Kepler Alvan Clark

further developed and
built the world's
invented the first built the first improved Galilei's
largest refracting
telescope astronomical telescope design of the refracting

6. Who developed the reflecting telescope, after studying the reflection of light through prisms?
Sir Isaac Newton

7. How does a reflecting telescope work?

A reflecting telescope uses curved mirrors to reflect the light and the image is magnified by a
second mirror.

8. Which telescope was sent into space in 1990?

The Hubble Space Telescope.

9. How do you think the larger telescopes, which are currently in development, will help astronomers?
They will be able to find out more about the different planets and space.
Comprehension Activity Questions
1. What is the text about?

2. What is the function of a telescope?

3. Where was Hans Lippershey from?

4. Compare how the refracting and reflecting telescopes work.

5. Sequence the names in chronological order of the development of the refracting telescope, from earliest to the
most recent. Under each name, give a brief explanation of the person’s contribution.
Sir Bernard Alvan Hans Johannes Sir Isaac Niccolo William Galileo
Lovell Clark Lippershey Kepler Newton Zucchi Herschel Galilei

6. How do you think the larger telescopes, which are currently in development, will help astronomers?

Research question:
Why has the telescope, which is due to be launched in 2018, been named the James Webb Space Telescope?
Comprehension Activity Answers
1. What is the text about?
Different types of telescopes and the history of telescopes.

2. What is the function of a telescope?

A telescope makes distant object appear nearer.

3. Where was Hans Lippershey from?


4. Compare how the refracting and reflecting telescopes work.

The refracting telescope bends light through a lens whereas the reflecting telescope uses a mirror to
reflect the light and a second mirror to magnify the image.

5. Sequence the names in chronological order of the development of the refracting telescope, from earliest to the
most recent. Under each name, give a brief explanation of the person’s contribution.
Sir Bernard Alvan Hans Johannes Sir Isaac Niccolo William Galileo
Lovell Clark Lippershey Kepler Newton Zucchi Herschel Galilei

Hans Galileo Johannes Niccolo Sir Isaac William Alvan
Lippershey Galilei Kepler Zucchi Newton Herschel Clark

and built the
invented reflecting built a designed
invented built the first improved world’s
a basic telescope giant a 250ft
the first astronomical Galilei’s largest
reflecting after reflecting radio
telescope telescope design refracting
telescope studying telescope telescope
of the telescope

6. How do you think the larger telescopes, which are currently in development, will help astronomers?
They will be able to find out more about the different planets and space.

Research question:
Why has the telescope, which is due to be launched in 2018, been named the James Webb Space Telescope?
It is named after a NASA’s administrator; James Webb.

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