HRM Assignment

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‘‘The value of your work should not be determined by your pay check’’, argues Rutgers
Bergman. The rapidly changing technology especially automation technology is changing our
job. The trends show us many jobs have been demolished by technology and but the good
news is many other new jobs have been created by technology and this trend believed to be
continued in the future.

The most important question here is how to adopt ourselves to this trend? We need to
understand in advance the effect of technology in our work and radically rethink our
definition of work.

Many studies indicate employees or peoples are not happy with their jobs even those with
higher pay, their jobs have no meaning in their lives and many of this employee have a
narrow definition of works.

It’s true that technologies become part of our day life and enhance the human experience in
many way but it’s up to us to make sure we use it for the better.

Many experts and scholars suggest the future with robotics is scary and therefore it’s our
responsibility to design proper governance for artificial intelligence and think it through
before we take a plunge.

Leaders should know how artificial inelegancies (AI) is changing the business and life in
general. And what are the challenges, limitations and opportunities that come with this
advancement. As a leader we need to see the implication of AI to our organization and our
work (workplace, employment and society). Generally AI may face the following limitations

 Data labelling
 Obtaining massive training data set
 The explain ability problem
 Generalizability problem
 Bias in data and algorism
Leaders are expected to know the above limitations well and take corrective action to
overcome these limitations through being familiar with capabilities of todays tools, develop a
data strategy, knowledge transfer learning and stay informed of the environment.

Leaders have a huge responsibility to understand what the AI world is and position their
organization to learn, exploit and advance the new possibility.

Technological tools provide a new opportunity for the HR function to reach its potential and
drive real business value.Technological advancements are not only changing the business, it
also changes the role of the CEOs. Today’s COEs expected to keep up the technological
development. They communicate, manage and interact with employee differently using

CEOs talk about their experience of the first 100 days of their job and they all stress the
importance of using this period effectively. CEOs suggest what need to be done on their first
100 days of their job: reconsider the composition of the board and of their top team, reflect

their leadership style, changing perspective (start to think as a CEO), and state clear future of
the company and speak less listen more.

When HR steps out of its traditional silo and embraces a strategic role, rather than passively
responding to the routine needs of the business then it can increase employee engagement and

We can see cases in which company’s making progress and get successful by creating
effective HR that reach up to creating centers of excellence (COEs) in strategic areas. And we
have also other way cases in which company’s getting frustrated using loosely and tradition
role of HR.

Business in order to get strategic support from HR and to successfully coup up to the
changing trends need to concentrate in the following points

 Rethink the role of the business partners

 The talent value leaders
 Broader for a bigger roles
 Put people analytics at the core
 Fix HR operations
 Continuous process improvement
 Focus HR resources in more agile ways.
HR must therefore raise service levels and improve the employee experience, using next-
generation automation tools and standardized processes to drive higher productivity.

Most executive today recognize the competitive advantage of human capital yet their practice
is still stuck in traditional function of HR. stating strategy that recognizing HR as a strategic
function alone is not enough. Companies need to adapt themselves consistently to the
changing environment and they must deploy talents in new approaches to remain

Talent Wins provides a much-needed framework for transforming how companies acquire,
manage, and deploy talent—for today’s agile, digital, analytical, technologically driven
strategic environment—and for creating the HR function the business needs.

Important aspect of organizations such as leadership development and change in management

should be aligned with HR. ignoring HR on those issues will cost the organization a lot.

HR should support managers in different areas from to make their decision effective. HR
empowers mangers by providing inputs (data and analysis) for decision making in different
strategic areas.

The old HR practice and skill have no place in this new globalized world. Today’s business
needs a new organizational model for HR and reskilled HR professionals. Today’s HR must
be agile, business integrated, data-driven, and deeply skilled in attracting, retaining, and
developing talent.

Companies are now moving beyond talk to action, revisiting the required capabilities of the
HR function, building HR universities, and modernizing relationships with internal business

New changes in HR world

 HR is forced to redefine its role from service provider to an enabler and builder of talent
 HR is shifting from a group of generalists to a team of highly skilled business consultants
 professional development and research have emerged as key HR capabilities

Companies expect many things from theirs CHRO more than ever. Today’s CHRO must be
innovative and business-savvy and be able to stand toe to toe with the CEO.

Instead of simply managing transactions, implementing policies, and developing programs,

the new HR organization aims to focus on understanding the needs of the business and
delivering value added solutions.

Where to start

 Design the HR organization to deliver solutions

 Create business-integrated “networks of excellence.”
 Make HR a talent and leadership magnet
 Invest in HR development and skills as if the business depended on it
HR practices are rapidly changing with the change in business world and globalization and it
will continue to change.

HR should help the organization to run with the change in the environment and provide
solution for the challenge posed by this change by developing and maintaining talented and
skilful employee that can run the future.

There are two arguments about employee attitude toward HR. Most employee in different
organization have bad attitude toward HR, they claim HR work solely for the interest of the
organization not employee, HR Is not objective and fair they aside to the organization, HR
staffs only desire to keep their jobs ,their bigger salary and their promotion. HR is highly
involved in office politics. And they conclude HR does not add value to the bottom. Another
argument about HR state that: HR is as good as the company or the organization and HR is
not the sole responsibility of HR department it is a shared responsibility so it depends. HR
executes the strategy and the policy of the company so the problem is around there. The
function of HR should be to create good and friendly environment not fear and hostility.
There should be trust between employee and HR, organization need to work from both
employee and HR side to create a better work environment. Generally organizations need to
correct the attitude of employee toward HR and make the responsibility clear if the
organization needs to retain competent and satisfied employee which in turn create satisfied

1. Rutger Bregman, February 19th, 2018. A growing number of people think their job is
useless. Time to rethink the meaning of work,
2. Claudio Feser Article August 2017 ,How technology is changing the job of the CEO
By McKinsey Quarterly
3. Harvard Business Review Press, March 2018 | Ram Charan, Dominic Barton, Dennis
4. Susan M. Heathfeld, November 6th, 2016 Reasons Why Employees Hate HR,
5. Art Mazor , Michael Stephan , Brett Walsh , Hendrik Schmahl, Jaime Valenzuela
February 27, 2015, Reinventing HR; Deloitte Insights.
6. Liz Ryan, July 27th, 2016; Ten Reasons Everybody Hates HR,
7. Leonardo Quattrucci, October 18th, 2017; The age of robots could be a new
8. Frank Bafaro, Diana Ellsworth, and Neel Gandhi, July 2017; The CEO’s guide to
competing through HR, McKinsey Quarterly.
9. Peter L. Allen, April 2015; Toward a new HR philosophy | McKinsey & Company.
10. Michael Chui, James Manyika, and Mehdi Miremadi, January 2018; What AI can and
can’t do (yet) for your business | McKinsey & Company.
11. Brigette McInnis, 16 Apr 2015; What’s the future of human resources? World
Economic Forum

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