Danube Home X CBB

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Danube Home x Crash Boom Bang

Welcome To
Danube Home
A leading provider of comprehensive home
decor solutions. We specialize in arranging
furniture, designing interiors, selecting
flooring, curtains, and everything else you
need to transform your living space. At
Danube Home, we are committed to
delivering exceptional quality, innovative
designs, and unmatched customer
Campaign Objective
1. Increase Brand Awareness 6. Amplify Social Media Presence
2. Drive Store Traffic 7. Boost Sales and Conversions
3. Establish Preferred Choice 8. Expand Target Audience Reach
4. Foster Interest and Engagement 9. Enhance Brand Perception
5. Build Trust and Credibility 10.Cultivate Brand Advocacy
Brand Vision
At Danube Home, our vision is to create beautifully designed living spaces that inspire and
transform the way people experience their homes. We strive to be the catalyst for enhancing the
beauty and functionality of every home. With our range of products and expert guidance, we aim to
empower individuals to express their unique style and create spaces that truly reflect their

Brand Positioning
Danube Home stands as a symbol of quality, innovation, and exceptional customer service. We offer a
comprehensive range of home decor solutions that cater to diverse tastes and lifestyles, ensuring
every customer finds their perfect fit with us. Our commitment to craftsmanship, attention to detail,
and continuous innovation sets us apart from the competition and establishes us as a trusted name in
the industry
Sales Distribution Breakdown by Category
Category Sales Percentage 8%

Furniture 500,000 40%

12% Furniture
Interior Decor 350,000 28% 40%

Flooring 200,000 16%

Curtains 150,000 12%

Lighting 100,000 8%

Other Accessories 50,000 4%

Total 1,250,000 100%

Interior Decor
Sales Distribution by Category (in AED)
Market Overview
The home decor market is booming, with an
increasing demand for personalized and stylish
living spaces. With our expertise and focus on
customer-centric solutions, Danube Home is well-
positioned to tap into this lucrative market. We
stand out from the competition through our
commitment to quality, our extensive range of
products, and our dedication to meeting the
unique needs of each customer.
Our Unique Value
At Danube Home, we have the power to unleash the
beauty of every home. Our comprehensive range of
products, meticulous attention to detail, and
personalized approach set us apart from the rest. We
understand that each home is unique, and we strive
to create customized solutions that exceed our
customers' expectations. With Danube Home, you
can trust us to bring your vision to life and create an
extraordinary living space.
Footfall Enhancement
One of our key strategies is to increase footfall in our
stores. To achieve this, we will target Mom Bloggers,
who are influential decision-makers in home-related
purchases. We recognize that women play a vital role
in decision-making when it comes to home decor.
Therefore, our campaign will have a women-centric
approach, leveraging women influencers from Dubai.
By partnering with these influencers, we aim to
attract a larger customer base and drive more visitors
to our stores.
Campaign Platforms
Harnessing the power of social media, we will leverage two key platforms for our campaign

Instagram Youtube

We will collaborate with prominent We will partner with YouTube influencers

women influencers and celebrities on to create engaging videos that inspire
Instagram to showcase our products and viewers and showcase the beauty of
amplify our brand reach. Danube Home products.
Campaign Overview:
Part 1
In the first part of our campaign, we will collaborate
with top celebrity mom influencers, such as Farhaana.
We will send Danube Home products to their homes
and conduct interviews to generate authentic
content. By showcasing these influencer's
experiences with our products, we will organically
promote Danube Home and build trust among our
target audience.
Campaign Overview:
Part 2
The second part of our campaign focuses on micro-
influencers who are mom influencers in Dubai. These
influencers have a dedicated and engaged audience.
They will visit our stores, share their experiences, and
promote our brand. Leveraging their local relevance
and word-of-mouth potential, we aim to drive more
traffic to our stores and increase brand awareness.
Campaign Overview:
Part 3
The third part of our campaign targets nano mother
influencers. We will host an exclusive event at our
flagship store (headquarters), inviting mom bloggers
to learn about Danube Home products. Their multiple
social media posts and stories will create a buzz
around our brand and generate further interest in our
Campaign Overview:
Part 4
Expert Opinions and Reviews

To enhance our credibility, we will collaborate with

interior designer influencers. These experts will visit
our stores, evaluate our products, and provide
professional opinions and reviews. Their insights will
showcase the quality and unique features of Danube
Home, further establishing our brand as a trusted
provider of exceptional home decor solutions.
1. First Part of the Campaign:
Celebrity mom influencers' product
2. Second Part of the Campaign: placements and interviews: AED xxxxx
Micro-influencer store visits: AED xxxxx Content creation and production: AED
Content creation and production: AED xxxxx
xxxxx Social media promotion: AED xxxxx
Social media promotion: AED xxxxx

3. Event for Nano Mother Influencers:

Event venue and logistics: AED xxxxx
4. Interior Designer Reviews: Influencer invitations and
Collaboration with interior designers: arrangements: AED xxxxx
AED xxxxx Content creation and production: AED
Content creation and production: AED xxxxx
xxxxx Social media promotion: AED xxxxx
Social media promotion: AED xxxxx
Estimated Budget
Classification of budget alloted to each platform


Campaign Process
Understanding Campaign brief & requirements

Choosing right set of Influencers for personalised campaign

Developing creative strategy

Payments & Paper work

Content goes live once creators & content approved

Campaign tracker & post-campaign report will be shared for analytics

Terms & Conditions
Taxes over and above

Final creative on artist approval

Artist will use paid partnership tag and #ad as per the ASCI guidelines, we will not be comfortable with uploading the video
with the collaboration feature unless specified otherwise No active promotion

Payment terms: 100% advance

This is a non-exclusive deal and the artist is allowed to work with other similar brands

Final confirmation will be basis the brand name the brief, artists approval and availability

Cost is applicable for 25-30 days from the date of the email

Cancellation fees of 30% post confirmation of the service, 50% post sharing the script, 100% post sharing video as per the
approved script

Video will not carry brand logo/front or end slate

A global creative marketing agency that houses Production,
Branding, Strategy, Consultancy, Content & Influencer Marketing

📍Dubai | India | HK | Singapore www.cbb.digital

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