Draft For Argumentative Essay-9th FINAL

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9th grade

Secondary Level Unit 4

English Department 2023

Draft for Argumentative Essay (3 points)

Using the outline that you wrote the previous week, write the draft of your essay in the form of literary criticism.
Remember to choose a position on the topic of destiny and to answer this question:

Which invention described in this unit has had the biggest impact on humanity?

It must have a formal / objective tone. Logical organization, Each paragraph must have at least 08-10 sentences
(capital letters and periods.) Try to include transition words like: in the first place, not only ... but also, as a
matter of fact, in addition, also, then, too and again.

Thesis stament: Human health has been improved by vaccination, and many deadly
Remember your thesis statement diseases have been controlled or eliminated. In addition to improved
should be specific, it shuld cover only individual well-being, immunization has played a critical role in
what you will discuss in your paper influencing public health policy, increasing life expectancy, and
and should be supported with specific fostering the growth of modern society.
0.5 points
Claim: Edward Jenner's development of the smallpox vaccine marked a turning
It is a way to present the main idea of point in the history of medicine, serving as the basis for vaccine
your initicial point and forming it in a discovery that has had a profound impact on society. By effectively
way that makes sound. combating smallpox and later inspiring the creation of vaccines against
Remember that you must connect your other deadly diseases, Jenner's innovation not only revolutionized
claim with your thesis statement. health care, but also led to the establishment of extensive immunization
programs, remodeling public health practices and saving countless
0.5 points lives.

Introduction: Imagine a world where once devastating diseases no longer hold fear in the hearts of communities.
Remember to include A world in which diseases that once claimed countless lives are now completely preventable,
the attention getter, thanks to a revolutionary innovation that has changed the course of human history. This
some transition transformative advance, born of the ingenuity of a single individual, has not only revolutionized
sentences and the healthcare, but has also left an indelible mark on society at large. The discovery of vaccines,
claim / thesis epitomized by Edward Jenner's breakthrough work on the variola vaccine, is a testament to the
statement. power of scientific innovation to save lives and shape the fabric of our civilization.
0.4 points

Paragraph 1 The choice of vaccines, in particular Edward Jenner's variola vaccine, as the invention with the
Reasons for your greatest impact on society is based on the deep and multiple consequences it has had for humanity.
choice One of the main reasons for this choice lies in the enormous number of lives that have been saved
0.4 points and transformed by vaccination. Before the development of vaccines, infectious diseases such as
variola, polio, and measles were widespread and caused suffering, death and disability. The
introduction of Jenner's vaccine against variola brought about a change in thinking and began an
era in which it was not only possible to prevent the spread of deadly diseases, but also to control
their seriousness. This monumental breakthrough in medical science announced an era in which
previously fatal diseases could be controlled and eliminated, greatly increasing life expectation and
improving the quality of life in general.

Paragraph 2 One such counterargument often posits that the Internet and digital technology are the most
counterclaim Develop impactful inventions, given their transformative role in communication, information diffusion, and
the strongest ideas to global connectivity.
refute the However, the claim that the Internet tops vaccines in social impact does not stand up to scientific
counterclaim. review when we consider the profound and transcendent implications of vaccination. First, vaccines
0.4 points have historically and continuously saved innumerable lives by preventing and slowing the spread of
deadly diseases. This is a direct, measurable and undeniable impact on human health and longevity.
While the Internet has definitely transformed the way we access information and communicate, it
does not have the same immediate life saving potential as vaccines.

Paragraph 3 In addition, historical data on the incidence of smallpox provide a strong picture of the impact of
relevant textual the vaccine. In the 18th century, before the widespread use of Jenner's vaccine, smallpox plagued
evidence that supports people, causing enormous suffering and death. However, with the introduction of vaccination
your interpretation systems, smallpox cases began to fall dramatically. In 1980, the World Health Organization
- details form the declared smallpox eradicated from the world, which was one of the most important achievements in
text the history of medicine. This event is a testament to the power of vaccines to completely eliminate
- quotations from a disease once feared.
the text
0.4 points

Conclusion In the ages of human ingenuity, few innovations have left such an imprint on our society as
validate your claim, vaccines, most notably Edward Jenner's smallpox vaccine. Upon reflection on the presented proof,
some transition it is clear that the invention of vaccines has saved countless lives, from the deadly death grip of
sentences, memorable smallpox to the grip of numerous other infectious diseases.
0.4 points

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