1270 Autohemotherapy With Ozone As A Possible Effective Treatment For Fibromyalgia File

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Autohemotherapy with ozone as a possible

effective treatment for Fibromyalgia

Moreno-Fernández AM1, Macías-García L1, Valverde-Moreno R1,

Ortiz T1,3, Fernández-Rodríguez A1, Moliní-Estrada A2, De-Miguel M1
ACTA REUMATOL PORT. 2019;44:244-249

AbstrAct harmful side effects. Further investigation should be

carried out, including groups with more patients and
Objective: The objective of this study is to evaluate the clinical trials, to elucidate the effect of ozone therapy in
effectiveness of autohemotherapy with ozone in the patients suffering from FM.
management of fibromyalgia (FM).
Design: 20 FM patients (according to the criteria of the Keywords: Fibromyalgia; Ozone; Hemotherapy; Sero-
American College of Rheumatology), were treated with tonin; Oxidative stress.
10 sessions of ozone hemotherapy (2 sessions per
week) with a concentration of 30-60 mcgr/ml. The
health condition of the patients was evaluated before IntroductIon
and after treatment, through the Fibromyalgia Impact
Questionnaire (FIQ). Blood samples were obtained Fibromyalgia (FM) is a common chronic pain syn-
from all patients by venous puncture for biochemical drome accompanied by other symptoms such as fa-
routine analysis and serotonin levels in serum and the tigue, headache, sleep disturbances, and depression. It
following peripheral blood mononuclear cells (BMCs) is diagnosed according to the classification criteria es-
were isolated for oxidative stress quantification: reactive tablished by the American College of Rheumatology
oxygen species (ROS) generation, and lipid peroxida- (ACR),1 revised in 20102. Despite being a common di-
tion (LP) and protein carbonyl (PC) content, as these sorder that affects at least 5 million individuals in the
are signs of oxidative cell damage. United States3, its pathogenic mechanism remains un-
Results: All patients treated with ozone reported an known. Oxidative stress was proposed as a relevant
improvement in sleep and mental alertness, a marked event in the pathogenesis of this disorder4,5. Accor-
decrease of asthenia accompanied by a decrease of FIQ dingly, several studies have reported high levels of
as well as tender points, and a moderate increase of lipoperoxides and protein carbonyl content6,7, as well
serotonin levels. Also, an important decrease of LP and as decreased antioxidant capacity with low levels of
PC was observed; ROS also decreased, although less superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), or glu-
obvious, which indicates a reduction in oxidative stress tathione peroxidase (GPx)7-9. In addition, previous re-
levels. search revealed a decrease in the amount of CoQ10, a
Conclusions: The autohemotherapy with ozone in pa- molecule involved in the mitochondrial respiratory
tients with FM showed an important decline of tender chain and also known as a powerful membrane an-
points and FIQ score, as well as a decrease of oxidative tioxidant in mononucleated cells from peripheral
stress levels. This treatment allows patients to face life blood of FM patients6,7,10.
with greater vitality and less drug use, diminishing Due to this etiopathological issue, combined with
the fact that pharmacological treatment for FM pro-
duces mitochondrial damage11, several non-pharma-
1. Departamento de Citología e Histología Normal y Patológica.
cological antioxidant therapeutic strategies have been
Facultad de Medicina. Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla. Spain tested, such as Gingko biloba supplementation12, CoQ10
2. Unidad Antienvejecimiento y Bienestar Físico del Hospital intake13,14, moderate aerobic exercise15, etc. Melatonin,
Infanta Luisa, Sevilla, Spain
3. Departamento de Nutrición y Dietética, Escuela de Ciencias de la
a hormone with high antioxidant potential synthesized
Salud, Universidad del Desarrollo, Concepción, Chile by pineal gland, was shown to reduce pain levels, de-


Moreno-Fernández áM et ál

pression, and dream disorder16, 17. Moreover, it has MAterIAls And Methods
been proved that vitamin C and D improve clinical
symptoms in FM patients18,19. Thus, glutathione and PAtIents
N-acetylcysteine, both featuring antioxidant proper- The study was performed with the informed consent
ties, have been used in these patients in addition to of all participants and the approval of the local Ethical
moderate exercise20. Committee. We studied 20 FM patients, all women,
However, few treatments have been proved to be with a mean age of 47.5 (±11.0) years, mean disease
successful and approved by FDA (Food and Drugs Ad- duration of 13.6 years (±9.2), mean tender points of
ministration) or EMA (European Medicines Agency) 14.9 (±3.1) and FIQ (Fibromyalgia Impact Question-
for FM, such as duloxetine and pregabalin21. Besides naire) of 59 (range 0-80). Patients were recruited from
these, exercise is still the main therapeutic strategy the Unidad de Fibromialgia de la Policlínica Aljarafe
against this illness. (Seville, Spain), where they were diagnosed by a spe-
On the other hand, ozone (O3) therapy, a proce- cialist according to the ACR criteria (2010 revision1, 2).
dure that helps the body activate its own immune sys- FM patients were then treated only with O3 therapy in
tem and free radical scavengers, is thought to act by the Anti-aging Unit of Clínica Infanta Luisa (Seville) and
exerting a mild, transient, and controlled oxidative nutritional counseling. Blood samples were collected
stress when it reacts with lipids, promoting an up-reg- before and after treatment for serotonin and oxidative
ulation of the antioxidant system and a modulation stress parameter determinations, and for standard bio-
of the immune system22,23. This moderate oxidative chemical analyses.
stress produced by O3 induces the activation of the The inclusion criteria for this study were the fol-
transcription factor Nrf2 (nuclear factor-erythroid lowing: patients diagnosed of FM in the last 2–3 years,
2-related factor 2), activating in turn the transcription based on the current ACR diagnostic criteria1,2, who
of antioxidant response elements (ARE). This activa- did not consume any drug or vitamin/nutritional sup-
tion results in an increase of several antioxidant en- plement during a 15-day period before the collection
zymes, including, but not limited to, SOD, GPx, glu- of the blood samples. Exclusion was subject to any of
tathione S-transferase (GST), CAT, heme oxygenase-1 following circumstances: (i) acute infectious diseases
(HO-1), NADPH-quinone-oxidoreductase (NQO-1), in the previous 3 weeks, (ii) past or present neurolo-
and heat shock proteins (HSP). These enzymes act, gical, psychiatric, metabolic, autoimmune, allergy-re-
directly or indirectly, as free radical scavengers, and lated, dermal or chronic inflammatory disease, (iii) un-
have been proved to be important in the successful desired habits (e.g., smoking, alcohol, etc.), (iv)
treatment of many diseases23. medical conditions that required glucocorticoid treat-
This procedure has been applied by Hidalgo-Tal- ment, use of analgesics, antidepressant drugs, (v) past
lón et al.24 and Tirelli et al.25, who observed beneficial or current substance abuse or dependence, and (vi)
effects of O3 treatment in FM patients by rectal insuf- pregnancy or current breast-feeding.
flations, including better FIQ, and a statistically sig-
nificant improvement of pain and fatigue. In this AutoheMotherAPy wIth o3
sense, as far as we are concerned, only two papers This treatment is based on treating 150 ml of the pa-
have been published related to the use of O 3 by tient’s blood with 150 ml of O3 followed by reinfusion
hemotherapy in FM, one of which featuring only 5 in the donor, in a fast procedure. The O3 generator
patients24. Tirelli et al. also treated patients with O3 by used was Hyper Medozon Confort, Herrmann. Each
autohemotransfusion, but despite the good results, patient received 10 sessions of autohemotherapy with
the authors did not distinguish which of the two O3 twice a week. Concentration for the first three ses-
methods used (rectal insufflation and hemotherapy)25 sions was 30 µg/ml, 40 µg/ml for the fourth, 50 µg/ml
was in fact behind the success. Therefore, more in- for the fifth, and 60 µg/ml for the last five. Time of O3
vestigation is needed to study to what extent O3 is infusion in each session was 7-10 min. The protocol
useful for improving symptoms in FM patients. The used was a modified version of ACEOOT-TRA-012B.
purpose of the present work is to investigate the pro-
tective effect of autohemotherapy on the health of 20 serotonIn deterMInAtIon
patients suffering from FM by analyzing oxidative Blood samples were extracted from patients by venous
stress parameters. puncture one week before O3 hemotherapy and one


áutoheMotherápy with ozone ás á possible eFFective treátMent For FibroMyálgiá

week after treatment. The sera collected from FM pa- tive statistics and tests were performed at a significance
tients were centrifuged at 3,000 r.p.m. for 15 minutes level of 0.05, and the power of the statistical test was
at room temperature. The super-natants were collect- 90% (P = 0.9), using the STATA software (version 12,
ed, and the samples were quickly frozen to -80ºC un- 2011, StataCorp).
til analysis. Serotonin from those samples was mea- This study conforms to STROBE statement
sured by immunoassay using a commercial kit (Labor (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies
Diagnostica Nord; Nordhorn, Germany). in Epidemiology) 28.

MeAsureMent of oxIdAtIve stress

PArAMeters results
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (BMCs) were pu-
rified from heparinized blood with isopycnic centrifu- Before treatment, patients showed high levels of pain,
gation by using Histopaque-1119 and Histopaque- asthenia and depression, as well as a high FIQ
1077 (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO, USA). (54.6±11.3). After 8 weeks of treatment, patients pre-
Mitochondrial ROS generation in BMCs was as- sented an important decrease of tender points and FIQ
sessed with MitoSOX™ (Invitrogen/Molecular Probes, (37.2±10.6) (Table I). All patients reported an im-
Eugene, OR, USA) incubated with 1 mol/L MitoSox provement in sleep and mental alertness, a marked de-
for 30 minutes at 37°C and washed twice with PBS. crease of asthenia, and a reduction of episodes of alert-
Cells were analyzed by flow cytometry (excitation at ness and episodes and intensity of headache.
510 nm and fluorescence detection at 580 nm). No significant alteration of biochemical parameters
Lipid peroxidation in BMCs was determined by an- in serum was detected after O3 hemotherapy. The val-
alyzing the accumulation of lipoperoxides using a com- ues for biochemical parameters measured before O3
mercial kit from Cayman Chemical (Ann Arbor, Michi- hemotherapy were: glucose 93.2±11.9 mg/dL (normal
gan, USA). TBARS are expressed in terms of values: 76–110), urea 32.1±8.7 mg/dL (n.v.: 10–45),
malondialdehyde (MDA) levels. uric acid 3.2±0.4 mg/dL (n.v.: 2.5–7.5), total protein
Plasma protein carbonyl content was quantified by 8.4±2.3 g/dL (n.v.: 6.6–8.7), creatinine 0.7±0.2 mg/dL
spectrophotometric measurement of 2, 4-dinitro- (n.v.: 0.5–1.1), aspartate aminotransferase 27.4±6.2
phenylhydrazine derivatives of protein carbonyls. Sam- mU/mL (n.v.: 10–40), alanine aminotransferase
ples were precipitated with trichloroacetic acid at a fi- 32.4±9.7 mU/mL (n.v.: 10–40), gammaglutamyl trans-
nal concentration of 20%, centrifuged at 16,400 g for ferase 39.0±12.4 mU/mL (n.v.: 11–49), alkaline phos-
10 minutes and protein pellets allowed to react with 2, phatase 148±19.4 mU/mL (n.v.: 90–258), total choles-
4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. Pellets were then dissolved terol 220.0±10.6 mg/dL (n.v.: <220), HDL 57.0±6.0
in sodium hydroxide and the concentration of protein mg/dL (n.v.: >35), LDL 135±10.2 mg/dL (n.v.: <150)
carbonyls measured spectrophotometrically at 360 nm, and triglycerides 161±19.5 mg/dL (n.v.: 150–200). The
according to the method proposed by Harma et al.27. values after treatment were: glucose 90.1±12.2 mg/dL
Results are expressed as nmol/ml. (normal values: 76–110), urea 31.2±9.1 mg/dL (n.v.:
10–45), uric acid 3.1±0.5 mg/dL (n.v.: 2.5–7.5), total
stAtIstIcAl AnAlysIs protein 8.3±2.5 g/dL (n.v.: 6.6–8.7), creatinine 0.7±0.2
Sample size was calculated with respect to FIQ score. mg/dL (n.v.: 0.5–1.1), aspartate aminotransferase
Z-score was 1.96 and was determined based on confi- 28.5±6.1 mU/mL (n.v.: 10–40), alanine aminotrans-
dence level at 95% with margin of error of 5%, a pow- ferase 31.3±10.3 mU/mL (n.v.: 10–40), gammaglu-
er of 0.8, and an value of 0.05. The power analysis tamyl transferase 38.0±11.1 mU/mL (n.v.: 11–49), al-
originally suggested that the sample size to be recruit- kaline phosphatase 152±21.4 mU/mL (n.v.: 90–258),
ed should be of at least 38 subjects. However, after ap- total cholesterol 201±11.12 mg/dL (n.v.: <220), HDL
plying inclusion and exclusion criteria, the final num- 59.0±6.7 mg/dL (n.v.: >35), LDL 128±9.1 mg/dL (n.v.:
ber of patients was reduced to 20. <150) and triglycerides 159±21.5 mg/dL (n.v.:
The mean ± standard deviation (SD) for continuous 150–200). On the other hand, patients showed high-
variables was executed by means of descriptive statis- er serotonin values in serum after treatment (mean: 60
tics. Paired T-Student test was performed to evaluate ng/ml [±0.4]) in comparison to those found before
the changes after autohemotherapy with O3. Descrip- treatment (mean: 53 ng/ml [±0.2]).


Moreno-Fernández áM et ál

In relation to oxidative stress, after 8 weeks of treat- CoQ10) are beneficial as a therapy for mitochondrial ill-
ment with O3, an important decrease of malondialde- nesses5. Interestingly, one of the most accepted treat-
hyde and protein carbonyl was observed, as well as a ments for FM patients is moderate physical exercise15.
moderated reduction of ROS, which indicate a global This is based on the fact that aerobic exercise increas-
decrease of the oxidative stress with respect to the lev- es mitochondrial biogenesis and mitochondrial size,
el that had been observed in these patients before treat- and for this reason it is proposed as alternative thera-
ment (Table I). peutic strategy in diseases with mitochondrial dys-
No side effects were detected in patients after O3 function30. In this work, we have described the antiox-
therapy treatment. idant effects of O3 hemotherapy, with a reduction in
ROS generation, and a subsequent decrease in oxida-
tive damage in lipids and proteins, improving redox
dIscussIon homeostasis. These results may contribute to the im-
provement in the symptoms of FM described in the pa-
One of the main problems of FM is the lack of useful tients under study.
treatments, so specialists are forced to offer drugs as However, serotonin is an important modulator of
symptomatic treatment, leading sometimes to the pain perception, sleep and mood. In a previous paper,
aggravation of illness provoked by side effects. Many of our group has correlated the decrease of pain thresh-
these drugs induce mitochondrial damage and produce old and the presence of general pain, common in FM
oxidative stress11, and are not appropriate for patients patients, with a decrease in serotonin values in serum.
with signs of mitochondrial dysfunction or elevated ox- This suggests that the measurement of serotonin level
idative stress. FM patients are especially sensitive to ox- is a useful indicator to evaluate the severity of FM
idative damage since they usually show high levels of symptoms31. In the present work, a moderate increase
oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage7, 10. Among in serotonin levels have been detected in patients treat-
these drugs, tricyclic anti-depressant stands out, like ed with O3, which may have also contributed to im-
amitriptyline, a common drug for analgesic treatment prove symptoms of this disease, expressed by a signif-
in FM patients. We have previously described that icant decrease in tender points and FIQ score. This
amitriptyline induces mitochondrial dysfunction, re- could be explained in part due to balanced diet tips
duction of CoQ10 level, and high oxidative stress; co- given to patients before the treatment with O3. It has
treatment with antioxidants restored mitochondrial been reported that diet guidelines containing trypto-
damage provoked by this anti-depressant29. phan and antioxidant components may have a special
In relation to this issue, it has been demonstrated relevance by affecting inflammatory signaling cascades,
that antioxidant treatments (e.g. vitamin E, SOD and including tryptophan breakdown, and could increase

tAble I. clInIcAl And bIocheMIcAl dAtA In fM PAtIents Pre And Post treAtMent wIth ozone therAPy

Items Baseline (±SD) Endpoint (±SD)

Age (years old) 47.5 (±11.0) –
Tender points 14.9 (±3.1) 7.0 (±2.1)*
Duration of the disease (years) 13.6 (±9.2) –
BMI (Kg/m2) 27.98 –
FIQ total score (range 0-80) 54.6 (±11.3) 37.2 (±10.6)*
Serotonin in serum (ng/ml) 53.0 (±0.2) 60.0 (±0.4)*
MDA (nmol/million cells) 26.4 (±3.7) 11.1 (±2.4)*
Protein carbonyl (nmol/L) 40.8 (±7.6) 26.2 (±5.4)*
ROS (a.u.) 10.6 (±1.6) 7.6 (±2.5)*

BMI: body mass index; FIQ: fibromyalgia impact questionnaire; MDA: malondialdehyde; ROS: reactive oxygen species. a.u: Arbitrary units. All values
are mean (±SD). Serotonin reference in female: 70-270 ng/ml±0,1. MDA reference for lipid peroxidation: 6±1. Protein carbonyl reference: 18.3 ±2.2.
ROS levels reference: 5.8 au± 0.4).


áutoheMotherápy with ozone ás á possible eFFective treátMent For FibroMyálgiá

blood and brain tryptophan availability for serotonin corresPondence to

A.M. Moreno-Fernández
Departamento de Citología e Histología Normal y Patológica
In a previous report, Hidalgo-Tallón et al.33 carried Facultad de Medicina, Av. Sánchez Pizjuán, s/n
out an open-label pilot study with O3 therapy by rec- 41009 Sevilla, Spain.
tal insufflation for the treatment of FM, observing a E-mail: [email protected]
significant improvement in symptoms of FM patients
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