Drought Plan of Action 2022

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1 Staff and Volunteers Training & Updating/Debriefing

2 Promotion and Awareness
a Drama
b Five Zero Radio program -(1 week awareness)
c Radio show Business hour program (3 week awarenss)
d TV show program (2 weeks)
3 Distribution of IEC (house to house visit)
a Betio outreach

b South Tarawa outreach

4 Outer Island visit (leaders, communities and schools)

i) Arorae island
a Airfare -2 way ticket
b Perdium
c Curtecy fees for the meeting
d Transport for Island Disaster Committee members
e 1 day Training and Refreshment for IDC members
f Transport for staff (motorbike)
g) Island council airport tax

ii) Tamana
a Airfare- 2 way ticket
b Perdium
c Curtecy fees for the meeting
d Transport for Island Disaster Committee members
e Training and Refreshment for IDC members
f Transport for staff (motorbike)
g) Island council airport tax

iii) Onotoa Island

a Airfare - 2 way ticket
b Perdium
c Curtecy fees for the meeting
d Transport for Island Disaster Committee members
e Training and Refreshment for IDC members
f Transport for staff (motorbike)
g) Island council airport tax
iv_ Nikunau Island
a Air fare 2 way ticket
b Perdium
c Curtecy fees for the meeting
d Transport for Island Disaster Committee members
e Training and Refreshment for IDC members
f Transport for staff (motorbike)
g) Island council airport tax

v Beru Island
a Airfare- 2 way ticket
b Perdium
c Curtecy fees for the meeting
d Transport for Island Disaster Committee members
e Training and Refreshment for IDC members
f Transport for staff (motorbike)
g) Island council airport tax

5 Distribution of WASH kits

Arorae, Tamana, Onotoa, Nikunau & Beru
a) shipping Fares
b) Transport in Tarawa
c) Volunteer refreshment
d) Staff air fare to monitor distribution on the island
e) Staff perdium
f) Transport on the island
e) Island Council air port tax

6 Transport to and back from airport

7 Total

Detailed Cost Breakdo

1.Staff and Volunteers' training and Training

2. Drama Preparation

3. Outer island staff expenses

4 Outer islands activities
Courtesey call
Island Disaster CommitteeTraining

Assessment on outerislands

School visit for outeri slands

IEC materials and kits ditribution on outer islands

5 IEC materials distribution, house to house visit


Preparation for staff/volunteers on drought, prior

dissemination and their involvement in the response $635.00

Preparation, rehearsal $600

Public update and drought preparedness $650.00 x 3 times
Psychosocial support radio show awareness 500.00 x 3
Conduct show on key messaging -prepareness $750.00 per week x 2 weeks

house to house visit refreshment (15 volunteers) 15 vol x $10.00 x 15 days

transport for volunteers $50.00 x 15 days
house to house visit refreshment -15 volunteers 15 vol x $10.00 x 3 weeks
transport for volunteers $50.00 x 15 days
2 week visit

1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 pax x $276.00 x 2 way

1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 x $70.00 x 14 days
3 executive members 3 x $100.00
2 week tranport $100.00 per week x 2 weeks
20 members' refreshment 20 members x $20.00 x 1 day
2 week transport on the island $20.00 per day x 14 days
5 x $20.00 per head

1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 pax x $246.00 x 2 way

1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 x $70.00 x 14 days
3 executive members 3 x $100.00
2 week tranport $100.00 per week x 2 weeks
20 members x $20.00 x 1 day 20 members x $20.00 x 1 day
2 week transport $20.00 per day x 14 days
5 x $20.00 per head

1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 pax x $246.00 x 2 way

1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 x $70.00 x 14 days
3 executive members 3 x $100.00
2 week tranport $100.00 per week x 2 weeks
20 members x $20.00 x 1 day 20 members x $20.00 x 1 day
2 week transport $20.00 per day x 14 days
5 x $20.00 per head
1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 pax x $236.00 x 2 way
1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 x $70.00 x 14 days
3 executive members 3 x $100.00
2 week tranport $100.00 per week x 2 weeks
20 members x $20.00 x 1 day 20 members x $20.00 x 1 day
2 week transport $20.00 per day x 14 days
5 x $20.00 per head

1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 pax x $236.00 x 2 way

1 staff and 4 volunteers 5 x $70.00 x 14 days
3 executive members 3 x $100.00
2 week tranport $100.00 per week x 2 weeks
20 members x $20.00 x 1 day 20 members x $20.00 x 1 day
2 week transport $20.00 per day x 14 days
5 x $20.00 per head

5 Outer islands Monitoring visit

$300.00 x 5 islands
Transport cost to deliver the kits at the port $50.00 x 5 islands
3 volunteers to pack and deliver $10.00 refreshment x 3 x 5
1 staff to visit the island to monitor the distribution 1 x $276.00 x 7 days x 5 island
1 staff x $70.00 x 7 days $480.00 x 5 islands
$20.00 per day x 7 days $140.00 x 5 islands
$20.00 per head 1 staff x $20.00 x 5 islands

$50.00 x 5 trips/islands x 10 ways

Total budget

Detailed Cost Breakdown

budget breakdown
Item # particiants Rate
Catering 25 $20
Transport 1 $60
Stationaries 25 $3

Transport 1 $20
Catering 6 $5
Recording 1 $150
Development 2 $100
3 $100
Catering 15 $20
Transport 15 $5
Transport 1 $20
Catering 6 $5
Recording 1 $150

Transport 1 $100
IDC members allowance for assessment 50 $20

Transport 1 $100

Refreshment cost 30 $10

Transport 1 $30
Volunteer driver 1 $10
Total Budget










udget breakdown
# days/islandTotal
1 $500
1 $60
1 $75

5 $100
5 $150
1 $150
1 $200
5 $500
5 $100
5 $25
4 $80
4 $120
1 $150 $975

5 $500
2 $2,000 $2,500

5 $500

15 $4,500
15 $450
15 $150 $5,100

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