23-24 Database Assignment Brief

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Unit 4: Database Design & Development

Authorized Assignment Brief 1

Student Name/ ID

Unit Number and Title Unit 4: Database Design & Development

Academic Year

Unit Tutor
Dr. Khin Su Myat Moe

Assignment Title Database Design for Manzanneque Limited

Issue Date

Submission Date

Submission Format

The assignment submission is in the form of the following.

● A formal business proposal, including a database design document
● The recommended word limit is 1,500–2,000 words, although you will not be penalised for
exceeding the total word limit
● A finished functional relational database. Final working version in a format suitable to be
run and assessed for functionality – this could be as project/solution files or final compiled
● A full Testing documents
● Technical and User instructional videos for successful use of the database. Use appropriate
software and submit in a suitable format
● A written report to evaluate the database and its implementation
● The recommended word limit is 1,500–2,000 words, although you will not be penalised for
exceeding the total word limit. All work must be supported with research and referenced using
the Harvard referencing system.
Unit Learning Outcomes
LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational database system for a substantial
Transferable skills and competencies developed
Computing-related cognitive skills:
● Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of essential facts, concepts, principles and
theories relating to computing and computer applications
● Use such knowledge and understanding in the modelling and design of computer-based
systems for the purposes of comprehension, communication, prediction and the understanding
of trade-offs
● Recognize and analyze criteria and specifications appropriate to specific problems, and plan
strategies for their solutions
● Critical evaluation and testing: analyze the extent to which a computer-based system meets
the criteria defined for its current use and future development
● Methods and tools: deploy appropriate theory, practices and tools for the design,
implementation and evaluation of computer-based systems.
Computing-related practical skills
● The ability to specify, design and construct reliable, secure and usable computer-based
● The ability to evaluate systems in terms of quality attributes and possible trade-offs
presented within the given problem
● The ability to deploy effectively the tools used for the construction and documentation of
computer applications, with particular emphasis on understanding the whole process involved
in the effective deployment of computers to solve practical problems
● The ability to critically evaluate and analyze complex problems, including those with
incomplete information, and devise appropriate solutions, within the constraints of a budget.
Generic skills for employability
● Intellectual skills: critical thinking; making a case; numeracy and literacy
● Self-management: self-awareness and reflection; goal setting and action planning
● Independence and adaptability; acting on initiative; innovation and creativity
● Contextual awareness, e.g. the ability to understand and meet the needs of individuals,
business and the community, and to understand how workplaces and organizations are
Vocational scenario
Manzaneque Limited is a large real estate company that specializes in residential, commercial
and industrial properties. It has a large IT function that supports development of raw land,
property management, brokerages, lending and other professional services such as lawyers,
interior designers and construction workers. Owing to further expansion, it is setting up an IT
Helpdesk to handle hardware and software problems concerning the IT systems.
As a Database Developer, you have been tasked with designing and building the new system.
Your role includes designing, developing and implementing database systems based on
customer requirements. You are also responsible for optimizing the database system for
performance efficiency, as well as testing and troubleshooting and performing bug fixes.
System Required
When someone in the company has a problem, they can contact the helpdesk. One of the
helpdesk operators will attempt to deal with the enquiry, but if an immediate answer cannot be
given the problem is passed to one of several specialists.
An Information System is needed to log and track the helpdesk queries. This will enable
analysts to see how the equipment is performing overall, whether the helpdesk specialists are
sufficiently resourced to solve problems in an acceptable time and whether there are subject
areas where employee training is needed.
Proposed System Operation
● When a new call comes into the helpdesk, the names of the caller and helpdesk operator are
logged, along with the time of the call, the serial number of the computer and, if relevant, the
operating system and software being used
● The caller’s name will be checked against a register of all personnel to retrieve the caller’s
ID number, job title and department
● Their equipment will also be checked against a register of equipment to find the equipment
type and make. Their software will be checked to see if it is under a valid license
● Every call is logged and each problem is given a problem number, which is supplied to the
caller so it can be quoted on any subsequent calls about the same problem
● The helpdesk operator will also record notes and descriptions of the problem. A reason for
each call is always recorded even if it is just a note to say how desperate the caller is getting
(e.g. in the case of a follow-up call)
● When a problem is first reported, the helpdesk operator will also allocate a problem type,
selecting it from a list of problem types. It is the skill of the operator to know what problem
type is most relevant and how specific the problem is
 Some problem types are refinements of more general problem types and so it is possible that
the problem type allocation may be altered later if more information becomes available
● When the problem area is identified the helpdesk operator can look up previous problems of
the same type to see if the problem has occurred before and, if so, how it was resolved
● It is also possible to look up previous problems with the same equipment or from the same
caller to see if there were other related problems
● If the problem can’t be solved immediately, the helpdesk operator will use the system to
look up which specialist to refer the problem to
● Each specialist will be an expert in one or more problem types
● If there is no specialist listed for a more specific problem type, then a specialist from the
more general problem type will be used
● The system will also list how many problems the specialist is currently working on so that if
there is more than one specialist for a problem type, the specialist who is currently the least
loaded can be allocated
● When a problem is eventually resolved, the helpdesk operator or the specialist will log the
date and time it is resolved and record some indication of how the problem was resolved and
the time taken to resolve the problem.
Assignment Activity and guidance

Based on the Help Desk scenario you will need to:

1) Describe user and system requirements
2) Create the design of the relational database system using appropriate design tools and
techniques. It should contain at least four interrelated tables.
3) Produce the logical design for Help Desk management system. (e.g. tables, data
elements, data types, primary/foreign keys, entity relationship modelling, data
normalization to third normal form)
4) Design a fully functional system which include interface and output design, data
5) Make sure you assess the effectiveness of the design in relation to user and system

Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction
LO1 Use an appropriate design tool to design a relational
database system for a substantial problem
P1 Design a relational M1 Produce a comprehensive D1 Evaluate the effectiveness

database system using design for a fully-functional of the design in relation to

appropriate design tools and system which includes user and system

techniques, containing at least interface requirements.

four interrelated tables, with and output designs, data

clear statements of user and validations and data
system requirements. normalization.

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