DPWH Do - 059 - S2011

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~t. 13 IJPWH
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Republic of the Philippines
Manila OV 1120111



59 )
NO. 366, s. 2004

To ensure that the structural changes to be undertaken under the approved DPWH
Rationalization Plan, pursuant to Executive Order No. 366, s. 2004, will lead to improved
organizational performance, and to conform with the provisions of Section 3 (c) of the
Implementing Rules and Regulations of said £ 0. No. 366 and Rules V and VI of the Rules
Implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 and other pertinent Civil Service Laws and
Regulations issued by the Civil Service Commission, the following guidelines shall be observed.


1. These quidelines shall apply in identifying personnel who would be:

a) retained within the smallest operating unit (section), where the number of personnel
exceeded the number of positions to be retained;
b) retained in an upgraded position, where the number of positions upgraded is less than the
number of existing positions; and,
c) appointed/promoted, where a new position is created.

2. These quldelines shall not be applied in the following cases when evaluation is no longer
necessary because the incumbents should not be competing with other applicants:

a) when the position is not affected by the rationalization;

b) when the reduced number of positions is equal to the number of incumbents who signified
their intention to stay because the excess personnel opted for early retirement; and,
c) when the functions, together with the position and incumbent, were transferred to another


3. Employees to be selected for positions covered under this Order shall meet all the minimum
qualification standards of the position, i.e., education, experience, training, and eligibility, as
prescribed under the Qualification Standards Manual approved by the Civil Service


4. Newly created positions in existing units shall be posted on the DPWH website for the
information of everybody. Automatic candidates for these new positions are permanent
employees from the Division/District where the vacancy is, provided that they hold
equal/comparable or next lower positions and that they are otherwise not affected by the
rationalization. All other employees, including those with higher positions and those from
outside the Division/District will have to apply to be considered.
D.O. No. 598.2011 P.2/4

5. The following order of preference shall be observed in filling new positions in existing units:

a) Permanent employees actually reporting in their mother office or reassigned to newly

created DPWH offices with no or limited budgetary personnel.
b) Permanent employees reassigned to DPWH offices with sufficient number of budgetary
c) Contractual/casual employees.
d) Permanent employees detailed to offices outside DPWH.
e) Employees on Job Order status who possess extra ordinary qualifications.
f) Employees on cn status.

6. Among those in the same category above, the following second order of preference in terms of
geographical assignment shall be followed:

a) Employees from the same Division or District.

b) Employees from the same Region, Service or Bureau.
c) Employees from another Division, District, Region, Service or Bureau.

7. In the case of newly created offices, the following order of preference in the filling of new
positions shall be observed:

a) Permanent employees presently performing duties and responsibilities directly related to

the core functions of the newly created office.
b) Permanent employees performing duties and responsibilities not directly related to the
core functions of the newly created office.
c) Contractual/casual employees.
d) Employees on Job Order status who possess extra ordinary qualifications.
e) Employees on cn status.

8. In the case of Project Management Offices (PMOs) where permanent positions were created,
the following order of preference shall be observed:

a) Permanent employees presently performing duties and responsibilities directly related to

the core functions of the concerned PMO.
b) Contractual employees presently performing the duties and responsibilities of the positions
being filled.
c) Permanent employees presently performing duties and responsibilities not directly related
to the core functions of the concerned PMO.
d) Other contractual/casual employees.

9. For entry level positions (e.g., Engineer II, HRMO I, Records Officer I, Supply Officer I,
Accountant I, Budget Officer I) employees on Job Order status or applicants not presently
employed by the Department may be considered for evaluation and selection provided they
meet the prescribed minimum qualification requirements and possess additional extraordinary
qualifications (e.g., a Structural Engineer or one who has a Masteral Degree).

10. After considering the aforesaid order of preference, the employees who get the highest ratings
in the evaluation to be conducted in accordance with the criteria prescribed hereunder shall
be considered for appointment.
D.O. No. 59 8.2011 P.3/4


11. In evaluating employees, the following evaluation criteria shall apply (see Evaluation Form in
Annex "A"):

a) Work Performance 35%

b) Education and Training 25%
c) Experience and Outstanding Accomplishments 30%
d) Potential and Personality Traits 10%

TOTAL 100%

12. Rating for Work Performance shall be computed using the average of the employee's last
two performance ratings, provided that such ratings are validated against the
Accomplishment Reports attached to the Performance Appraisal Reports (PAR). If necessary,
the Placement Committee concerned shall secure additional inputs from the employee and/or
his/her supervisor. In computing the equivalent points of the performance rating, the
conversion table in Annex "B" hereof shall be used.

13. Ratings forEducation and Training as well as Experience and Outstanding

Accomplishments shall be computed using the conversion tables in Annexes "C" and "0".

14. Candidates for appointments to executive and/or managerial positions shall need to pass the
CSC-DPWHPromotional/Qualifying Examination required under D.O. No. 43, s. 2011.

15. For second level positions, in addition to the above criteria, a premium of 2% shall be given to
candidates who possess higher eligibility (e.g., CES/CSEE)and/or who have been designated
as Officer-in-Charge for at least one (1) year. This shall be included under Potential and
Personality Traits which equivalent points shall be computed using the conversion table in
Annex "E".

Candidates to Clerk positions shall be required to take a Computer Literacy Exam (CLE) to be
administered by the MIS or its designated representative in the field offices. The result of the
CLE, which shall be either "Passed" or "Failed", shall be included in the computation of the
rating for Potential and Personality Traits. Relatedly, candidates to IT positions in the
Regional and District Engineering offices, particularly those being proposed as Network
Administrators, shall also have to pass relevant examination to be given by the MIS.

Moreover, personnel who are proficient and with specialized IT training on planning and
accounting applications such as, but not limited to, RBIA, BMS, PMS, RnA, TARAS and
e-NGAS, and qualified, shall be given priority for appointments to relevant vacant/new

16. In case two or more employees in the same position get the same over-all rating, the most
senior to the position shall be preferred.


17. The existing Placement Committees at the District/Division/Service/Bureau levels shall serve
as the recommending bodies for positions in their respective offices.
18. The existing Regional Selection Boards shall act as the recommending bodies for Division Chief!
positions in the Regional Offices, and act as the selection body for all other positions in the ""--'-'
• _ ~egional Offices and District Engineering Offices, except for ADE, DE and other 3 lever~·-'I

19. The existing Central Selection Board shall act as the selection body for all 1st and 2nd
level positions in the Central Office and Division Chief positions in the Regional Offices.

20. Appointments to positions covered by these evaluation and selection quidelines shall be
approved in accordance with existing delegated authorities prescribed under D.O. No. 24, s.
2007, as amended. Such appointments shall be issued only after the DPWH Rationalization
Plan has been approved which includes the issuance of the corresponding Notices of
Organization, Staffing and Compensation Action (NOSCAs) by the DBM.

This Order revokes Department Order No. 87, series of 2005, and supersedes previous
issuances to the contrary.

This Order takes effect immediately.


Attachment: D.O. No. 598.2011 P.1 of 9


A. PERFORMANCE ------------------------------------ 100 35%

This refers to the average of the employee's

last two performance ratings (per Department
MC No. 87 and DO No. 124, both s. 1989). The
quldellnes and conversion table are in Annex B.

B. EDUCATION AND TRAINING --------------------- 100 25%

This is divided into the followinq sub-criteria as

defined in Annex C.

1. Minimum educational requirement

specified in the Civil Service
Commission Qualification Standards
ManuaI ----------------------------------- 60

2. Other degrees -------------------------- 30

Appropriate doctorate degree -------- 10
Appropriate masteral degree --------- 10
Other post-graduate academic
degrees (masteral or doctorate) ---- 4
Other bachelor's degree --------------- 4
Relevant 2-year vocational course --- 2

3. Relevant seminars/training at 1
point per 10 cumulative hours of
seminar, not to exceed 10 points ---- 10

C. EXPERIENCE AND OUTSTANDING -------------- 100 30%


This is divided into the followinq sub-criteria:

1. On-the-job experience in a position
that is next-in-rank to the position to
be filled, at 5 points per year -------------- 40

2. Other work experience

2.1. Supervisory experience not
counted under D-1, at 3 points
per year --------------------------------- 30

2.2. Non-supervisory experience not

counted under D-2 and D-3, at 2
points per year ------------------------ 20

3. Awards granted under CSC MC

No. 56 and Department Order No.
160, both s. 1989 and other pertinent
issuances, at 2 points per award -------- 10


This shall be determined by the Placement

Committee, in accordance with guidelines in
Annex E and using the form in E-1
Attachment: D.O. No. 598.2011 P.2 of 9
(Work Performance)


1.0 100.00 35.00

1.1 99.26 34.74

1.2 98.55 34.49
Outstanding 1.3 97.84 34.24
1.4 97.13 33.99
1.5 96.42 33.75
1.6 95.71 33.50
1.7 95.00 33.25
1.8 94.00 32.90

1.9 92.68 32.44

2.0 91.40 32.00
Very Satisfactory 2.1 90.12 31.54
2.2 88.84 31.09
2.3 87.56 30.65
2.4 86.28 30.20
2.5 85.00 29.75
Attachment: D.O. No. 598.2011 P.3 of 9



All required
1-9 10-18 19-27 units
units Graduated
units units completed

Appropriate Doctorate/
2 4 6 8 10
Masteral Degree

Other Post-Graduate
Academic Degree 0.8 1.6 2.4 3.2 4
(Doctorate or Materal
Attachment: D.O. No. 598.2011 PA of 9


1. On-the-Job Work Experience (S points per year)

This refers to experience in the present position within the DPWH that is next-in-rank to
the position to be filled, as defined in the DPWH System of Ranking Positions. This
means that the present actual duties and responsibilities of the candidate are directly
relevant to the performance output requirements of the position to be filled. It also
means that the office of the candidate is the same as or performs the same functions as
those of the office where the vacant position is.

In counting the number of years/months of on-the-job experience, the latest

performance rating shall be used as cut-off period. For example, if the evaluation is done
in September and the latest performance rating is for January to June of the same year,
the period from July to September shall not be counted.

Any "on-the-job" supervisory experience in excess of 8 years shall be credited under

"supervisory" work experience at 3 points per year.

Any "on-the-job" non-supervisory experience in excess of 8 years shall be credited under

"non-supervisory" work experience at 2 points per year.

2. Other Work Experience

2.1. Supervisory (3 points per year)

This refers to experience as Chief or Officer-in-Charge of a Section or Division, supported
by appointment or designation by proper authorities. It shall also include "on the-job"
supervisory experience in excess of 8 years and not yet credited under "on the job."

Any "supervisory" experience in excess of 10 years shall be credited under "other work
experience" at 2 points per year.

2.2. Non-supervisory (2 points per year)

This refers to all other work experience that is not credited under either "on-the-job" or
"supervisory" work experience, supported by Service Record or other documents duly
authenticated by the Placement Committee.

Any other work experience in excess of 10 years shall not be given any credit.

3. Use of Conversion Tables

The conversion tables is Annexes D-I, D-2 and D-3 shall be used in computing for "on-
the-job," or "supervisory" and "non-supervisory" work experience, respectively. When
the period to be credited includes a fraction of a month, the following rules on rounding
off shall apply:

• Additional I to 15 days shall be rounded off to zero month. For example, "6 months
and 15 days" shall count as "6 months" only.
• Additional 16 to 29 or 30 days shall be rounded off to one month. For example, "6
months and 16 days" shall count as "7 months."
Attachment: D.O. No. 598.2011 P.5 of 9

Conversion Table for On-the-Job Work Experience
Number of Number of
Yrs. Mos. Points Yrs. Mos. Points
0 6 2.50 4 1 20.42
0 7 2.92 4 2 20.83
0 8 3.33 4 3 21.25
- ~---- o c------~ 9 L3.~ 4 4 21.67
o I 10
--~._._-----+--- 4.17 4 5 22.08
0 11 4.58 4 6

1 0 5.00 4 7 I 2292
1 5.42 4 I
I 8 i 23.33
---------~--I--- ~
2 ~ 5.83 4 9 23.75
1 3 6.25 4 10 24.17
1 4 6.67 4 11 24.58
1 5 7.08 5 0 25.00
1 6 7.50 5 1 25.42
1 7 7.92 5 2 25.83
1 8 8.33 5 3 26.25
1 9 8.75 5 4 26.67
-~-~-- j-------~
1 10 9.17 5 5 i
1 11 9.58 I 27501
5 6 --j

2 o 10.00 5 7 i 27.92~
2 1
1__-----1._"._. 1042
I 5 8 28.33 ,
2 2 10.83 5 9 28.75
2 3 11.25 5 10 29.17
2 4 11.67 5 11 29.58
2 5 12.08 6 0 30.00
2 6 12.50 6 1 30.42
2 7 12.92 6 2 30.83
2 8 13.33 6 3 31.25
2 9 ,
.- --~ ,~- -
13.75 !I
----6 4 31.67
2 :_ -lQ.--J-J1.1Lj
11 14.58 : 6
6 D~
I6 i
32.50 '
I 3 0 15.00 I 6 I 7=132.92 1
.I ____

c_ 1
, 6
8 33.33
33 .75
3 3 16.25 6 10 34.17
3 4 16.67 6 11 34.58
3 5 17.08 7 0 35.00
3 6 17.50 7 1 35.42
3 7 17.92 7 2 35.83
3 8 18.33 7 3 36.25
3 9 18.75 7 4 36.67
3 10 19.17 7 5 37.08
3 11 19.58 7 6 37.50
4 0 20.00 7 7 37.92
7 8 38.33
7 9 38.75
7 10 39.17
7 11 39.58
8 0 40.00
Attachment: D.O. No. 598.2011 P.6 of 9
Conversion Table for Supervisory Work Experience

Number of Number of Number of

Yrs. Mos. Points Yrs. Mos. Points Yrs. Mos. Points
0 6 1.50 4 1 12.25 7 1 21.25
0 7 1.75 4 2 12.50 7 2 21.50
0 8 2.00 4 3 12.75 7 3 21. 75
0 9 2.25 4 4 13.00 7 4 22.00
0 10 2.50 4 5 13.25 7 5 22.25
0 11 3.00 4 6 13.50 7 6 22.50
1 0 3.00 4 7 13.75 7 7 22.75
1 1 3.25 4 8 14.00 7 8 23.00
1 2 3.50 4 9 14.25 7 9 23.25
1 3 3.75 4 10 14.50 7 10 23.50
1 4 4.00 4 11 14.75 7 11 23.75
1 5 4.25 5 0 15.00 8 0 24.00
1 6 4.50 5 1 15.25 8 1 24.25
1 7 4.75 5 2 15.50 8 2 24.50
1 8 5.00 5 3 15.75 8 3 24.75
1 9 5.25 5 4 16.00 8 4 25.00
1 10 5.50 5 5 16.25 8 5 25.25
1 11 5.75 5 6 16.50 8 6 25.50
2 0 6.00 5 7 16.75 8 7 25.75
2 1 6.25 5 8 17.00 8 8 26.00
2 2 6.50 5 9 17.25 8 9 26.25
2 3 6.75 5 10 17.50 8 10 26.50
2 4 7.00 5 11 17.75 8 11 26.75
2 5 7.25 6 0 18.00 9 0 27.00
2 6 7.50 6 1 18.25 9 1 27.25
2 7 7.75 6 2 18.50 9 2 27.50
2 8 8.00 6 3 18.75 9 3 27.75
2 9 8.25 6 4 19.00 9 4 28.00
2 10 8.50 6 5 19.25 9 5 28.25
2 11 8.75 6 6 19.50 9 6 28.50
3 0 9.00 6 7 19.75 9 7 28.75
3 1 9.25 6 8 20.00 9 8 29.00
3 2 9.50 6 9 20.25 9 9 29.25
3 3 9.75 6 10 20.50 9 10 29.50
3 4 10.00 6 11 20.75 9 11 29.75
3 5 10.25 7 0 21.00 10 0 30.00
3 6 10.50
3 7 10.75
3 8 11.00
3 9 11.25
3 10 11.50
3 11 11.75
4 0 12.00
Attachment: D.O. No. 598.2011 P.? of 9

Conversion Table for Non-Supervisory Work Experience

Number of Number of Number of

Yrs. Mos. Points Yrs. Mos. Points Yrs. Mos. Points
0 6 1.00 4 1 8.17 7 1 14.17
0 7 1.17 4 2 8.33 7 2 14.33
0 8 1.33 4 3 8.50 7 3 14.50
0 9 1.50 4 4 8.67 7 4 14.67
0 10 1.67 4 5 8.83 7 5 14.83
0 11 1.83 4 6 9.00 7 6 15.00
1 0 2.00 4 7 9.17 7 7 15.17
1 1 2.17 4 8 9.33 7 8 15.33
1 2 2.33 4 9 9.50 7 9 15.50
1 3 2.50 4 10 9.67 7 10 15.67
1 4 2.67 4 11 9.83 7 11 15.83
1 5 2.83 5 0 10.00 8 0 16.00
1 6 3.00 5 1 10.17 8 1 16.17
1 7 3.17 5 2 10.33 8 2 16.33
1 8 3.33 5 3 10.50 8 3 16.50
1 9 3.50 5 4 10.67 8 4 16.67
1 10 3.67 5 5 10.83 8 5 16.83
1 11 3.83 5 6 11.00 8 6 17.00
2 0 4.00 5 7 11.17 8 7 17.17
2 1 4.17 5 8 11.33 8 8 17.33
2 2 4.33 5 9 11.50 8 9 17.50
2 3 4.50 5 10 11.67 8 10 17.67
2 4 4.67 5 11 11.83 8 11 17.83
2 5 4.83 6 0 12.00 9 0 18.00
2 6 5.00 6 1 12.17 9 1 18.17
2 7 5.17 6 2 12.33 9 2 18.33
2 8 5.33 6 3 12.50 9 3 18.50
2 9 5.50 6 4 12.67 9 4 18.67
2 10 5.67 6 5 12.83 9 5 18.83
2 11 5.83 6 6 13.00 9 6 19.00
3 0 6.00 6 7 13.17 9 7 19.17
3 1 6.17 6 8 13.33 9 8 19.33
3 2 6.33 6 9 13.50 9 9 19.50
3 3 6.50 6 10 13.67 9 10 19.67
3 4 6.67 6 11 13.83 9 11 19.83
3 5 6.83 7 0 14.00 10 0 20.00
3 6 7.00
3 7 7.17
3 8 7.33
3 9 7.50
3 10 7.67
3 11 7.83
4 0 8.00
Attachment: D.O. No. 598.2011 P.8 of 9


Total Points Weighted Total Points Weighted Total Points Weighted

(Ave. Rating) Rating (Ave. Rating) Rating (Ave. Rating) Rating

1.0 10.00 2.4 6.50 3.8 3.00

1.1 9.75 2.5 6.25 3.9 2.75

1.2 9.50 2.6 6.00 4.0 2.50

1.3 9.25 2.7 5.75 4.1 2.25
1.4 9.00 2.8 5.50 4.2 2.00
1.5 8.75 2.9 5.25 4.3 1.75

1.6 8.50 3.0 5.00 4.4 1.50

1.7 8.25 3.1 4.75 4.5 1.25

1.8 8.00 3.2 4.50 4.6 1.00
1.9 7.75 3.3 4.25 4.7 0.75

2.0 7.50 3.4 4.00 4.8 0.50

2.1 7.25 3.5 3.75 4.9 0.25

2.2 7.00 3.6 3.50 5.0 0.00

2.3 6.75 3.7 3.25
Attachment: D.O. No. 59 S.2011 P.9 of 9



Position to be filled:

Instruction to the Rater:

You are to rate the candidate on the listed factors on Potential and Personality Traits that would have
a bearing on his performance in the position to be filled.

Encircle the appropriate numerical value for each factor using the following scale:
1 Always 4 Seldom
2 Often 5 Rarely or Never
3 Sometimes

Intelligence and Ingenuity

1. Possess innate intelligence and practical knowledge which
can be applied to the position to be filled. 234 5
2. Keeps an open mind to change and takes initiative to
improve work systems and procedures that benefit the 1 234 5
organ ization.
3. Creative and resourceful in overcoming shortage in
supplies, inadequate equipment, etc. in order to meet work targets. 1 234 5

Emotional Stability and Stress Tolerance

4. Maintains positive attitude and normal pace and quality of
work despite tension resulting from personal problems,
conflict with co-workers, frustration, additional or new 234 5
work assignments, etc.
5. Maintains self-esteem and constructively accepts criticisms 234 5
whether from subordinates, peers or supervisor.

Human Relations
6. Shows respect for all people regardless of rank, or stature in 1 2 3 4 5
7. Maintains healthy professional relationship with co-worker 2 3 4 5
despite personal differences.
8. Helpful and tactful in dealing with transacting public. 2 3 4 5

Personal Values
9. Takes initiative to enhance present knowledge and skills 234 5
and learn new ones, to benefit the organization.
10. Ethical in dealing with co-workers, contractors/ suppliers 1 234 5
and the transacting public.

Rating (Total + 10): _

Rated by: _

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