Business Tax Chapter 8 Reviewer

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Business Taxation L.

Sale by agricultural coop

Chapter 8
Value Added Tax

Value Added Tax

• Tax on the value added by every seller to the
purchase price or cost in the sale or lease of
goods, property, or services in the ordinary
M. Gross receipts from lending activities by credit
course of business as well as importation of or multi-purpose coop
goods into the Phil, whether for personal or
business use.

Vat Exempt Sales (Sec 109)

Part 1
N. Sale by non agri, non electric, non-credit coop
A. Sale or importation of agricultural and marine
o Share capital contribution of each
products in their original state for human
member does not exceed 15,000
o Importation by non-agri, non electric
B. Sale or Importation of
noncredit coop of machineries and
o Fertilizers
equipment – subject to vat
o Seeds, seedlings, and fingerlings, prawn,
livestock and poultry feeds
C. Importation of personal and household effects
D. Importation of professional instruments,
domestic animals – for their own use and not
for sale
E. Services subject to Percentage Tax
F. Services by:
a. Agricultural contract growers
b. Milling for others of:
▪ Palay into rice
▪ Corn into grits Part 3
▪ Sugar cane to raw sugar O. Export sales by persons who are not vat-
G. Medical, dental hospital, and veterinary registered
services except those rendered by P. Sale of Real property
professionals a. Sale of real property NOT primarily held
o Laboratory services are exempted for sale to customers or held for lease
o If hospital or clinic operates pharmacy – in the ordinary course of trade or
sale of drugs and meds subject to VAT business – kasi subj to CGT
o Hospital bills constitute medical services b. Sale of real property utilized for
– exempted from VAT socialized housing
c. Sale of House and Lot and other
Part 2 residential dwellings w/ selling price
H. Educational services by private educ institutions not more that P3,1999,200
I. Services rendered by indiv, pursuant to an
employer-employee relationship
J. Services rendered by RHQ established in the
phil by multinational corpo
K. Transactions exempt under international
agreements (ex. Red cross, senior citizens,

Q. Lease of Residential Units Part 4
S. Transport of passengers by international
carriers doing business in the Phil.

T. Sale, importation, or lease of passenger or cargo

vessel and aircraft, including engine,
equipment and spare parts thereof for
domestic or international operations
U. Importation of fuel, goods, and supplies by
persons engaged in international shipping and
air operations – pero dapat shall be used for
international shipping or air transport
V. Services of banks, non bank financial
intermediaries performing quasi banking
operations – yung subj sa Percentage Tax Sec
121 and 122
W. Sale or lease of g/s to SC and PWD – vat exempt
for SC & PWD
X. Transfer of property – tax free exchange
Y. Association dues, membership fees charges
collected on purely reimbursement basis by
HOA and Condo Corpo.
Z. Sale of Gold to Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas –
R. Sale, importation, and printing or publication of Prior TRAIN law 0%
books AA. Sale or importation of prescription drugs and
o And any news paper, magazine, journal, medicine
review or bulletin covered by UNESCO Jan 1, 2020 - prescribed for diabetes, high
not devoted for paid advertisements cholesterol, hypertension
o Books, newspapers, magazines, review Jan 1 2021 (CREATE Law) – cancer, mental
and bulletin – only covers HARD COPY illness, tuberculosis and kidney disease
and PRINTED BB. Sale or importation of the ff beg. Jam 1, 2021
o Does not apply to electronic format to Dec 31, 2023
i. Capital equipment, spare parts
&raw materials for COVID
ii. All drugs, vaccines and medical
devices used to treat COVID
iii. Drugs for treatment of COVID
19 approved by FDA
CC. (Originally paragraph BB) Sale or lease of goods
or properties or performance of services -
gross annual receipts do not exceed 3M

COMPUTATION OF VAT PAYABLE Subject to Zero-rated Sales
A. Goods or Properties
1. Sale and actual shipment of goods from Phil to
foreign country
2. Sale of goods engage in intl shipping or air
Sources of Output VAT transport carriers
1. Actual Sale (Domestic Sale) 3. Sale to persons whose exemption from direct of
2. Transaction Deemed Sale indirect tax under special laws ay subject sales
a. Transfer, use or consumptions NOT in the to 0% rated
ordinary course of business intended for 4. Sale of raw mats, inventories, supplies to a
sale or use in the course of business Registered Export Enterprise (REE) to be used
b. Distribution or Transfer to directly and exclusively in its registered project
▪ Shareholders as share in
profits B. Services
▪ Distribution or transfer to 1. Services other than processing,
creditors in payment of debt manufacturing or repacking rendered to a
or obligation person engaged in business conducted
- outside Phil
c. Consignment of goods if actual sale not 2. Services to person- exemption from direct or
made w/in 60 days indirect tax – subject to 0%
d. Retirement from or cessation of status of VAT 3. Sale of service to REE
registered person w/ respect to all “goods at 4. Services rendered to persons engaged in intl
hand” shipping or air transport operations
Ff. are not considered transaction deemed sale 5. Transport of passengers and cargo by
1. Change in control of a corpo by acquisition domestic air or sea vessels from Phil to
of the controlling interest foreign country (transpo of passenger and
2. Change in the trade or corporate name of cargo exempt from VAT, but cargo still liable
the taxpayer to 3% CCT)
3. Merger or consolidation of corporations 6. Sale of power of fuel generated thru
renewable sources of energy
3. Zero Rated Sale (0% VAT)
VAT Registered = 0% rated

- The input VAT attributable to zero rated sale

may be
a. Refunded
b. Claimed as deduction (tax credit
against output vat on domestic
c. Claimed as tax credit (TCC) against
ANY other internal revenue taxes

Non VAT registered = not allowed any tax credit

Input VAT If Ad-valorem
Sources of Input VAT
1. Local purchase of goods or services
2. Acquisition of Capital Goods
3. Importation
4. Presumptive Input VAT
5. Transitional Input VAT
6. Creditable withholding VAT

1. Local purchase of goods or services If Specific tax

Goods for:
- Sale
- Conversion into finish product
- Use as supplies
- As materials supplied in sale of service
- Capital goods
• Real property for w/ VAT actually been paid
• Services from w/c VAT has been paid
o Goods = gross purchases
o Service = payment
4. Presumptive Input Tax – 4% on Sale of Goods
Processing of: (SaMaMi)
2. Acquisition of Capital Goods o Sardines
- More than 1M o Mackarel
o Spread evenly Manufacturing of: (ReCoPa)
o Shall not exceed 60 months (5 years) o Refined Sugar
o More than 12 months yung EUL o Coconut Oil
o Packed noodle based instant meals
- Not more than 1M
o Not allocated 5. Transitional Input Tax – 2%
o Treated as tax credit against output • Higher between:
tax in month of acquisition o Beginning inventory of goods - 2%
of value of such inventory
o Actual VAT paid –yung actual na
• TRAIN LAW – beg Jan 1, 2022 amortization
input VAT
shall NO LONGER be ALLOWED • Taxpayers who can avail transitional input
3. Importation a. Taxpayers who becomes liable to vat
- Legitimate charges includes b. Taxpayers who elects to be VAT
o Customs duties registered
o Brokerage
o Wharfage 6. Creditable Withholding VAT
o Arrastre - Pag buyer mo govt, winiwithhold ng 5% VAT
o Stamps base sa selling price
o Processing fees
▪ Facilitation fee/ expenses Carry-over of Excess Input VAT
- Excess input VAT shall be carried over to
succeeding quarter/s
▪ From BOC to importer’s
- Any input VAT from zero rated sales may be
warehouse – di kasama sa refunded or applied for tax credit
VAT on importation pero
nileless din as input tax
pagkukunin VAT payable

Lease of Real Property
• Commercial – 12% VAT
• Residential – Exempt, OPT, or VAT

Sale of Real Property

• Output VAT is higher bet
o FMV (zonal value of BIR)
o FMV (assessed value of City Assessor)

VAT on Sale of Real Properties

• Cash Sale
- Output VAT reported on month of sale
• Deferred Sale
- Output VAT reported on month of sale
- Portion of SP: Initial payment EXCEED 25% of
the SP
• Installment Sale
- Subject to VAT on Installments + interest and
- Portion of SP: Initial Payment DO NOT
EXCEED 25% of SP

Mixed Business Transaction

• If not directly attributable

Filing of VAT Returns

- Monthly – 20th day after the end of each

- Quarterly - 25th day after the end of taxable
• Starting January 1, 2023 – filing and payment
quarterly nalang
o shall be done w/in 25 days after the
close of each taxable quarter

Place of Filing

• AAB located it the RD Office or Large

Taxpayers District Office (LTDO)

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