2S English W6 Tues Listening Review Act. and Imperative

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Subject : English (Lesson 78)

Year : Year 2
Week : Week 6
Day / Date : Tuesday / 16.07.2019
Class : 2 Sopan
Number of Pupils : / 30
Duration / Time : 1 hour / 10:40 a.m. – 11:40 a.m.
Theme : World of Stories
Topic : Unit 9 – At the beach
Language / Recycled vocabulary of holiday activities and imperatives
Grammar Focus

Main Skill : Listening

Complementary Listening

Main Content 1.3 Use appropriate listening strategies in a variety of

Standard contexts
Main Learning 1.3.1 Understand the message the teacher or classmate
Standard : is communicating by using visual clues when they
are speaking
Complementary 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar
Content Standard contexts.
Complementary 1.2.4 Understand an increased range of short
Learning Standard supported classroom instruction.
Main Learning By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:
Objectives i) individually, listen to an audio track and write at
least 4 out of 7 names of children for the beach
activities correctly.
ii) look at the mime of their friends and write the
holiday activities correctly in groups.
Complementary : By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to listen to
Learning and follow at least 4 instructions given by the teacher
Objectives correctly by completing worksheet 2.
21st Century
Activities and : Communication, collaborative
Jigsaw puzzle of holiday activities, PowerPoint slides,
Teaching Aids / worksheet 1 (listen and write the names), worksheet 2
Resources (listen and follow the teacher’s instructions), word strips
of holiday activities
Cross Curricular language
Elements (CCE)
Moral Value(s) : Collaboration

Puzzle of holiday activities (5 minutes)

1. Teacher shows jigsaw puzzles of holiday activities to
Pre Lesson : 2. A few pupils are selected to rearrange the jigsaw
puzzles and write the name of holiday activities on the
3. The other pupils check their friends’ answers.

PowerPoint slides - Holiday activities (15 minutes)

1. Pictures of holiday activities are shown to the pupils.
2. Pupils tells the names of holiday activities and spell it
3. The whole class read the phrases for twice.
4. Teacher mime the actions and pupils follow.
Lesson Delivery :

Worksheet 1 – Listen and write the names (10

1. Teacher explains the instructions in worksheet 1 to
the pupils.
2. Worksheet 1 is distributed to the pupils.
3. Pupils listen to the audio (CD3 Audio track 48) and
write the names of children who carry out respective
holiday activities on the beach in the spaces provided.

Worksheet 2 – Listen and follow instructions (10

1. Pupils are given worksheet 2 each and are instructed
to listen to teacher and complete the worksheet 2.
2. Teacher give the instructions.
i. Write your name in capital letters.
ii. Circle the sun.
iii. Colour the kites in blue.
iv. Colour the sandcastle in yellow.
v. Draw two fish in the sea.
vi. Draw a ball next to the bucket.
vii. Draw an ice cream in Jack’s hand.
viii. Stick the paper in your E2.
ix. Hand in your E2 to group leaders.

Post Lesson : Beach activity Relay game (20 minutes)

1. Teacher divides the pupils into 2 groups.
2. Instructions of the relay game are explained to the
- Each group send 7 representatives to sit in one line
on the ground.
- The first person in line draw a word strips of beach
activity from the container.
- He/she needs to look at the word strips and mime
the action to his/her friends next to him/her.
- The pupils continue miming the action until it
reaches the last person.
- The last person write the beach activity on a piece of
- If they gets the answers correctly, they will earn 10
3. After few rounds of miming, instructs the pupils to
whisper to their friends instead of miming the actions.
4. Pupils take turn to play the games in groups.
5. Teacher give rewards to the group with the highest

_____ pupils are able to individually, listen to an audio

track and write at least 4 out of 7 names of
Main Skills : children for the beach activities correctly.

_____ pupils are able to look at the mime of their friends

and write the holiday activities correctly in groups.

Complementary _____ pupils are able to listen to and follow at least 4

Skills instructions given by the teacher correctly by
completing worksheet 2.
*Today’s lesson will be carried forward due to :

Prepared by: Checked by: Checked by:

____________________ _________________________ ______________________

Guru Pelatih Pensyarah Penyelia Guru Pembimbing
Jigsaw Puzzle of Holiday Activities
PowerPoint slides – Review of Holiday Activities
Worksheet 1 - Listen and write the names.
Name: Date:
Listen and follow the teacher’s instructions.



Word strips – Holiday activities

look for shells

eat ice cream
make a sandcastle
listen to music
read a book
paint a picture
take a photo
catch a fish

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