Research Proposal 1

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Tiktok's language learning content: How they affect BSE English students' learning.



Bachelor of Arts in English Language

Department of Languages and Literature

Mariano Marcos State University City of Batac 2906 Ilocos Norte


TikTok is a social network launched in the Chinese market in 2016 (as Douyin) and

internationally in 2017 (as TikTok). In 2018, it was the most downloaded mobile app in the

United States, and is currently available in more than 150 countries, and has more than 800

million monthly active users. Of these, 41% are between 16 and 24 , a younger demographic

than we find on other social networks. TikTok allows users to create and share short videos (15

to 60 seconds) that are quick and easy to edit with various effects and sounds included in its


In May 2020, TikTok launched LearnOnTikTok program, which consists of educational

videos to facilitate learning during COVID-19 lockdowns.These videos are authored by

professionals from different disciplines, students, and other users, who have shared their

knowledge to this social network's audiences.The videos linked to the hashtag #learnontiktok,

have varied topics: from chemistry experiments, cooking recipes, health tips, learning other

languages, to creating origami figures, all created by its users.

Previous studies confirm that the use of video minilectures improves participants'

satisfaction. Storytelling becomes vital to connect these learning elements together, and videos

provide a natural way to tell stories. Educational video motivation is to engage and drive the

learner to feel ownership of their own learning and associate themselves with the course's stories.

TikTok has the ideal format and tools for authors to create short educational videos.

Currently, LearnOnTikTok videos have 72 billion views, and hundreds are uploaded every day.

However, inferring the knowledge areas from the learning content available in posts can be
challenging since the message conveyed is also supported by a combination of music, audio, and

text snippets included in the video. To achieve this goal, we propose a framework that includes

some steps, such as gathering the TikTok videos, processing text and audio metadata information

that is part of videos using computer vision and audio recognition techniques. It also

contemplates processes for classifying the information collected into knowledge categories using

natural language processing and machine learning techniques. (Figueroa & Ordoñez, 2021)

The global pandemic has shifted the way of learning significantly. Although much of the

initial shift to online learning was forced, rather than planned, many benefits of online learning

have demonstrated a positive influence on learning and engagement. Online learning

incorporates advanced information communication technology (ICT) such as electronic media in

the learning process (Thomas & Graham, 2019). However, with online learning, students miss

some features of classroom-based learning, such as social interactions and a specifically

designed learning environment. Therefore, a blended approach to learning has been received

positively by students (Shen et al, 2011). According to Gilmore et al (2021), blended learning is

likely to be a positive way forward post the pandemic. The blended learning incorporates

technology with a focus on active learning that is achieved by replacing face to face time with a

percentage of intentionally designed online learning activities.

In the field of communication, Simsek et al studied, the app which was later

acquired by Bytedance in 2017 and merged with TikTok. They examined the content produced

by teenage girls in relation to microcelebrity inspirations and aspirations. And they found that

teenage girls in the study took the face (appearance), status (relative position in the group) and

value (ideology) within their social networks seriously and produced and perfected content on

the basis of normative and appropriate face, status and value. Microcelebrities or influencers in
their communities affect teenage girls a lot, however none of the girls treat them as role models

and intentionally avoid “too much fame”, decoupling “inspiration” and “aspiration” in the

concept of microcelebrity (Simek 2018, 41-56). As the author acknowledged, his findings are

limited since has since merged with TikTok, and the ecologies of the platform have

changed accordingly. My research will, therefore, take into account the differences between

these two platforms, and examine how microcelebrity influencers affect the users’ TikTok videos

viewing and creating.

Several scholars have also exmained the issue of TikTok addiction: Zhang et al. proved

that social interaction anxiety and social isolation have positive influences on short-form video

apps (2019), and Kumar and Prabha predict that narcissism and insecurity will lead to excessive

use of TikTok (2019). However, these studies focused more on the types of personal traits and

characteristics of users that are vulnerable to TikTok and did not consider the design of the

platform's interface that may trigger addiction. In my research, I will take account of the

technology, specifically user interface, in shaping users’ addiction issues.

Statement of the Problem

The overall objective of this study was designed to determine the effects of language

learning contents on TikTok to English Language learners. Specifically, it aims to answer

the following questions:

1. How Tiktok platform affect English language students in learning English?

2. What is the advantage of Tiktok language-learning contents on English

language learners?
3. How Tiktok English language content are effective to the English language

4. How useful Tiktok language-learning contents on English language


Significance of the Study

The researchers of this study believe and expect to be beneficial to the


To Students. Through this study, it will serve as a guide and help to obtain information

about the English language learning contents, on TikTok platform and also develop

their knowledge and perspectives about it.

To Teachers. Teachers can benefit from this research by becoming more aware of new

modes of learning, both inside and outside of the classroom, as well as the possibility of

utilizing current digital tools and platforms in the classroom. It also raises awareness

of English language learning contents, on TikTok improve their language skills.

To Future Researchers. Our research will serve as a guide so that in case their subject

is similar to this study, they have a source of relevant literature and additional


English Learners. This research will serve as a source of ideas to the students. That

way, they can prepare to enlighten their future students regarding the English language

learning contents, on TikTok platform.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This research will determine the effects of English learning contents on TikTok

to English language learners. It is the only center of this study to maintain the order of

research. This will be conducted to directly determine whether the usage of TikTok

Platform is effective or ineffective. During the second semester, the study was

proposed. Because a pandemic is still taking place, the researchers conducted the study

by obtaining data through online, specifically, Google Forms, which could shed light on

the stated specific objectives. This study is important because through it, we will know

what are the effects of Tiktok English learning contents to English language learners.

Definition of Terms

The following terms and phrases were defined operationally to facilitate

understanding of the research study.

Computer-Mediated Communication. Communication between two or more

individuals that occurs via computer networks. Computer-mediated communication

may be text, audio, graphics, or video based and occur synchronously (in “real

time”) or asynchronously (delayed).

English Language Learners. Also called as English learners (EL), refers to

students whose first language is not English but who are learning English.

Language Learning. Language learning is a conscious process, is the product of

either formal learning situation or a self-study programme (Kramina, 2000). Hence,

language learning is an integral part of the unity of all language (Robbins, 2007).

Language Skills. Most commonly referred to listening, speaking, reading and

writing in English language. These skills are essential for the communication

process and can make a huge difference to your effectivity in language learning.

TikTok. A video-sharing social networking service. The social media platform is

used to make a variety of short-form videos, from genres like dance, comedy, and

education, which have a duration from 15 seconds to one minute.

Chapter III


This paper presents a review of various literature and studies, which bear

relevance to present study. More so, this study examines the English language learning

contents that could be found on TikTok. This study also examines how Tiktok platfrom

affect English language students in learning english. Moreover, this is study examine

the advantage of Tik-tok's language-learning contents on English language learners

Furthermore, this study examines how Tiktok English language content are effective to

the English language learners, and how useful Tik-tok's language-learning contents on

English language learners.

CMC and Language Skills

Language skills (i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing) can be taught and

learnt with the help of CMC. In the literature, many studies examined the impact of

CMC on language skills. This section summarizes some of these studies.

A. Listening

O’Bryan & Hegelheimer (2007) described a structured attempt to integrate

podcasts into English as a Second Language (ESL) course on listening strategies.

Preliminary evaluation of this project suggested that both the teacher

and the students found the podcasts to be a positive component of the course.

Absalom & Rizzi (2008) described an initial exploratory study aimed at comparing

the effects of online listening and online text-based tasks. They concluded that

online listening tasks in L2 required students to activate more learning resources

than is the case with text-based tasks and adopted a deep, integrative approach to

learning. Also, online listening tasks in L2 could lead to greater retention of

information and vocabulary and this greater retention of information and

vocabulary can lead to noticeable cross modality gains. The listening group

participants were better equipped to respond orally to questions about the content

of the weekly tasks than the text group participants.

B. Speaking

Speaking is one of the most important skills that language teachers and

students are concerned about, therefore, it received most coverage in the literature.

Alastuey (2011) explored the benefits and drawbacks of synchronous voice-based

CMC in a blended course of English for Specific Purposes. The results showed

that achievements were significantly better in the experimental group and that

there was an increase in other positive factors which may effectively contribute

both to second language acquisition (SLA) and to solving many of the problems

which make speaking skills the weakest skill in foreign language contexts.

Shamsudin & Nesi (2006) examined the effectiveness of the chat feature of

Windows NetMeeting as a tool for developing specified language skills. They

found that students who used CMC ESP tasks made significant improvements in

their oral communication skills, and also achieved higher scores than their peers in

a computer science project undertaken in the semester following the treatment.

Harmer (2001) emphasized that the main aim of teaching and learning in any
language is to enable students to communicate in the target language and if this is

the case, communication is an important term to explain. Communication means to

understand and be understood. Harmer (2001) also emphasized that through

pronunciation instruction, students not only learn different sounds and sound

features but also improve their speaking skill. Concentrating on sounds causes

learners aware of where words should be stressed and they give them more

information about spoken English and help them get the goal of comprehension

and intelligibility.

C. Reading

Fuente (2003) examined the differential effects of computer-mediated

interactions and face-toface interactions in the acquisition of L2 word meanings by

learners of Spanish. Both receptive and productive as well as oral and written

measures were used to assess acquisition and retention of the target items. The

study suggested that computer-mediated interaction tasks where negotiation of

meaning took place clearly seem to be of great benefit to help learners advance in

their L2 lexical development. Murphy (2010) examined (a) whether the

introduction of computermediated feedback better promoted quality interaction

and comprehension of a web-based reading text and (b) whether CMC offered a

suitable means for generating quality interaction between peers in remote locations.

The results from a qualitative analysis of interactions suggested that CMC is a

suitable way of generating quality interaction between students.

D. Writing

Vurdien (2013) explored how a blog as a computer-mediated tool engaged

a group of English as Foreign Language learners at a language school in Spain in

reflective and collaborative learning within specific writing tasks. The study found
that the engagement in negotiation of meaning between peers led to better planning

and more accurate choice of the right register/style required in each task prior

to writing and submitting their work. Collaborative skills were also fostered

through students’ regular interaction in the blogs. The study suggested that for

meaningful learning to take place, pedagogical intervention could encourage

students to take their peers’ comments into account so that they can edit their own

work with a view to enhancing their writing tasks and producing mistake-free

texts. Shang (2007) examined the overall effect of using email on the improvement

of writing performance in aspects of syntactic complexity, grammatical accuracy

and lexical density, as well as investigating the relation between the number of

email exchanges and writing performance. The study demonstrated that students

made improvements on syntactic complexity and grammatical accuracy as well as

suggested that exchanging email messages with their peers at least four times may

have a greater overall improvement on their writing performance

Benefits of CMC for Language Learning

This section provides a summary of the benefits of CMC in language learning as

discussed in the selected review articles. Warschauer (2001) noted that participation in

CMC is more evenly distributed than in face-to-face interactions, which are dominated

by certain students. In addition, Barrs (2012) investigated the impact of CMC on the

interaction of language learners to maximize interaction in the target language outside

the classroom. The results indicated that the CMC environment can provide students

with a convenient and helpful platform for communicating in the

target language outside of class. Blake (2000) analyzed the chat window discourse to

determine if it had a significant impact on language learning. The study found that CMC

can provide numerous advantages and expanded opportunities for access outside the

Similarly, Zeng and Takatuska (2009) analyzed the dialogues of EFL learners

participating in synchronous task-based CMC. They discovered that CMC environments

facilitated text-based collaborative dialogue among learners and enhanced their language

acquisition. Pellettieri (2000) examined the ability of task- based network-based

communication (NBC) to facilitate the negotiation of meaning and form-focused

interaction. The conclusion of the study was that task-based synchronous NBC, such as

chatting, can facilitate the negotiation of meaning. Learners involved in NBC chats

negotiate overall aspects of the discourse.

CMC generates new opportunities for language learners to interact with one

another and contributes to the development of a more convivial learning environment.

Wang (2006) discovered that videoconferencing-supported negotiation of meaning can

facilitate the remote acquisition of a second language and has its own unique

characteristics. Young (2003) hypothesized that CMC would make English learning

more socially interactive and lessen the affective filters of students. Internet use

appeared to motivate students and lessen their anxiety regarding language production.

Freiermuth (2001) inferred that online chat made students feel more at ease. They

were less concerned about language deficiencies that might prevent them from

communicating in person. Kitade (2000) investigated the extent to which CMC was

an effective tool for L2 acquisition. The findings indicated that CMC has the potential to

enhance learning by facilitating comprehensible and contextualized interaction, learner

self-correction, and a collaborative learning environment. Xiao and Yang

(2005) noted that there are never enough native English speakers for EFL students to

practice their English. Their solution was the use of web conferences, which give EFL

students the opportunity to interact with native English speakers. This study found that
CMC involving native speaking students was superior to face-to-face interaction with

nonnative peers in two ways: improved fluency and, to a lesser extent, improved

accuracy for the experimental group. This study demonstrated that CMC provides

superior opportunities for interaction and growth for EFL students in settings with few

native speakers.

In conclusion, research indicates that CMC is a conducive environment for

language learning. It facilitates interaction between the instructor and students, as well

as among students. Additionally, it promotes the negotiation of meaning. Students are at

ease when CMC is utilized. With the aid of CMC, language students can easily interact

with native speakers of the target language at any time and place.

Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL)

MALL encourages language learners to use mobile technologies to study a new

language. The mobility of today's learners offers an extraordinary learning environment

both in and out of the classroom. It is not always necessary for students to learn

languages just within their school setting but they could learn it whenever and wherever

they want by using their mobile devices. This is agreed by Geddes (2004) whereby he

stated that mobile-assisted learning is typically identified by its ability to be accessed

"anywhere, at any time". Since the world has entered the era of globalisation and

industrialised countries are in fierce competition to develop and apply new technology,

introducing mobile technology into the field of education is one of the most effective

ways of mastering this globalisation (Ketut Sudarsana et al., 2019). Keegan (2003) also

viewed that mobile-assisted learning is the new frontier in

education and in the meantime, Azar and Nasiri (2004) agreed that this learning is

typically focused on the most modern technologies. Kacetl and Klimova (2019)

investigated the use of mobile applications in language instruction and they stated that
mobile-assisted language learning has been developed as a viable tool to enhance

language acquisition due to its various benefits. Thus, by taking learning and teaching

outside the classroom walls, mobile technologies, specifically mobile-assisted language

learning, allows students to dig deeper into what they're studying and allow them to start

practicing the language at their own tempo and autonomously (Kuimova, 2018).

Currently, learning English is viewed as a critical component of professional

development and is considered as a criterion for being educated. Hence, providing a

more convenient environment for students to study English is well-considered as one of

the strategic educational aims for boosting student accomplishment and facilitating

differentiation of learning requirements (Miangah & Nezarat, 2012). Moreover,

according to Wong, (2016), English language teachers should provide an authentic

learning environment for students to acquire and utilise the language in a real- life

setting and it is vital for pupils to have a platform to implement their formal learning in

the classroom. In this scenario, using the social networking sites (SNS) that are made

available in mobile technologies enable students to discover a variety of online language

learning resources and allows them to collaborate with their friends while learning to

develop their own content (Shadiev, Hwang and Liu, 2018).

ESL Learning and Social Media

ESL educators began studying the use of online resources and platforms, such as

social media, to encourage ESL students to practice their language outside the classroom

(Lee, 2020). According to a study by Yemer (2021), language learning

using social media platforms improved ESL learners' understanding of how to use

English abilities inside and outside the classroom, as well as allowing students to engage

in both receptive and productive language learning (Rahmawati, 2019). According

to Rahmawati et al. (2019), students' fluency, pronunciation, comprehension,

vocabulary, and grammar are affected by speaking practices such as conversing with or

communicating with English speakers on a handful of social networking sites such as

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Telegram, and Whatsapp. In addition, Ahmed (2019)

discovered that WhatsApp was an effective social networking platform for ESL

students to develop their language abilities. This study demonstrates that the Whatsapp

program, which is primarily utilized on smart mobile devices outside of formal

classroom settings, is beneficial for ESL students. According to a study by Akkara et

al. (2020) on the use of the Whatsapp application, it assisted ESL students in identifying

speaking partners to improve their oral English skills. Suthiwartnarueput and

Wasanasomsithi conducted a study on another social media network that has assisted

English learners (2012). This study examined the effect of using Facebook as a forum

for low-intermediate EFL students in Thailand to discuss English grammar and writing

in order to improve their English grammatical and writing skills. According to these

researchers, the use of Facebook as a platform for interaction and grammatical

discussion helped students establish positive attitudes about language study and

enhanced their English writing. Wongsa & Son (2020) also did a study on the usage of

Facebook to improve the English-speaking skills of Thai students. They discovered that

Facebook has a favorable effect on the speaking skills of students, and their enthusiasm

to learn English has grown.

Moreover, a study conducted by Handay ani et al. (2018) on the use of Instagram

to improve ESL students' writing skills is regarded as a valuable and

effective technique for improving students' writing skills. According to additional

published study in this field, the use of Instagram in language learning could improve

students' writing abilities (Nugroho & Rahmawati, 2020). It is therefore plausible to

assert that social media has various positive effects on ESL learning.
Application of Social Media in English Language Communication

Numerous studies published have posited that the utilization of social media can

help increase English language learners’ English proficiency. Zam Zam Al Arif (2019)

posited that EFL learners showcase positive attitudes towards the utilization of social

media in English language learning which can help increase their motivation and

willingness in English language speaking and acquisition. Previous studies have also

indicated that most of the EFL learners believed that the utilization of social media

integrated with short videos can help improve their English communication competence

acquisition via self-regulated learning mode with the popular topics shared by English

educators. With the emergence of social media in English education, the most popular

social media integrated with short videos used for English communication learning is

Facebook (Wongsa, M., & Son, J, 2020) .Previous researches implemented in

Indonesian schools and universities by several scholars posited that the utilization of

Facebook in English language education can help improve EFL learners’ English

proficiency in diverse levels including the four domains, namely reading ,writing,

speaking and listening by increasing these EFL learners’ confidence and willingness in

using English as communication tools in internet community (Arfiandhani, P., 2020).

Furthermore, other famous social media applications, such as Instagram, WhatsApp,

Twitter as well as China-made WeChat and Weiblog also found that the majority of the

students show positive attitudes towards the utilization of these social media

applications in their English language

communication acquisition which can help enhance their interests as well as their

motivation to use English for communication purpose in the virtual environment as well

as learning English language communication knowledge in an interesting and creative

way (Wongsa, M., & Son, J., 2020).

TikTok as a Social Media

TikTok, which is known in Asia as DouYin and owned by the technology

company ByteDance, is an SM app that allows users to quickly and easily create and

share short videos. With a maximum length of 60s, the videos can reach great

complexity and originality by including images, sounds, video clips, video clips

overlays (Serrano, Papakyriakopoulos, & Hegelich, 2020), and “split screens” in

response to other videos that have been previously created by another person. TikTok is

a social media platform where you can upload videos up to a minute long to a worldwide

audience and then receive followers, comments, likes and shares through the app.

Millions of young people use it every day, and it has been the source of both extreme

scandal and a great deal of fun. (Bahler, 2020).

TikTok was the most downloaded and installed app globally, with approximately

113 million downloads in February 2020. This number represents a 96.5% increase from

February 2019. Furthermore, the COVID-19 outbreak has facilitated the discovery of

TikTok globally (Su et al., 2020). The numbers support this conclusion because TikTok

is the first SM in history with a significant growth in a quarter (from January 2020 to

April 2020), accumulating a total of 315 million new installations between App Store

and Google Play (Sensor Tower, 2020).

One of the reasons for TikTok’s rapid success is its simple interface design. The

easy access to the application and intuitive use can attract the attention many users (Garg

& Pahuja, 2020). Users of this software can choose their own music interface,

add special effects such as beauty and slow motion, and then create their favorite

short video of music (Ma, Yang, & Zhao, 2019). Furthermore, this SM can entertain and

provide digital skills to users. TikTok stands out owing to its focus on music; it offers

the latest music trends, various special effect filters, video editing tools, and stickers
(Zhang et al., 2019). People share their knowledge about daily-life, such as cooking,

creating art, and music (Abdushev, 2021). In addition, videos of other users can be

selected for dance routines, lip or hand synchronization, or even comedy satire (Serrano

et al., 2020). Challenges are some of the most popular TikTok content; it is a very

engaging content that spreads by sharing the same music, staging and movements, and

by inviting other users to imitate their content.

1. Features

According to Yu Shi & Jean Hun Chung there are five categories of short video, they


a) Cyberstar

Cyberstars have a high hotspot recognisability and a great deal of traffic on the web.

Their short video content is nearer to life, inventive, and enjoyable.

b) Sharing

A large portion of this short video centres on life, food, travel, aptitudes, proficient

information, etc. It closes to individuals live and has a wide crowd.

c) Creative

Users can utilize the modified sources which are given by the platform to modify

their short recordings. They additionally can add thoughts to shoot, modify, and make.

d) Entertainment

Such as impersonation shows, dubbing shows, comedy deducing, and debunk.

Numerous individuals utilize short video platform to produce lots of entertaining


e) Reporting

With the prevalence of short video, news, and information has started to be
disseminated with the short video. As of now, numerous conventional news media have

started to utilize short video platform for news and data scattering.

Features of TikTok application are also:

a) Recording of sound, recording of sound into a chorus, then

incorporated into a personal account.

b) Video recording, video recording with the phone, and

incorporated into a personal account.

c) Back sound, add the downloaded background voices from

TikTok storage.

d) Edit, correct and edit the drafts of the video that were made.

e) Share the TikTok video.

f) Duet, collaborate with other users of TikTok.

2. Content

Depending on the type of contents, the short video on TikTok platform can be

divided into five categories: beauty, talent, interest, knowledge and story. 11 Interest

(food, vehicles, pets, things, sports, tourism, technology, animation), in this category is

shared by the creators in order to produce a short clip.

a) Talent (make up, dress up, music, dance, handicraft, painting,

technological flow), also has some professional talent in the field of this category.

And they show other users their technical skills.

b) Beauty (including celebrities, beauties, handsome, guys,

cute children, strangers), also has a stunning presence in this group. They sing and

dance well at the same time, or

through some play to demonstrate their beautiful appearance.

c) Knowledge (software, kids, tricks, culture, photography,

education, health), in this category the creators demonstrate their proficient knowledge

in a specific field to other users.

d) Story, in this category, the creators creates an innovative and

amusing story in the form of a short play.

3. TikTok as Learning Media

Anggi E Pratiwi argued that the use of TikTok application is extremely influential

since it is beneficial and provides benefits because it makes studying easy and

enjoyable, they could watch interesting video, engage business, and they can easily find

out what is going on in the world. The following are some language learning contents:

a) ‘How to pronounce ’ content

b) ‘How to spell ’ content

c) Translation content

d) Common mistakes content

e) Correct choice of word content

j) ‘This is called’content

g) Figure of speeches content

h) Idiomatic expression content

i) American PS. English content

j) Non-verbal cues content

k) Verb tenses content

l) Differences of homophones content

m) Punctuation content

n) Stress syllable content

Many students have improved their pronunciation skill, but others have not

because they do not use TikTok. Since it has numerous advantages and also successful
in assisting students and teachers in teaching and learning activities in the 20th century,

the TikTok application can be used as a media for English pronunciation learning. 12 In

the other hand videos are well used to train English pronunciation because it could show

recordings, moving pictures, and also provides sounds.

According to Dewanta, there are several benefits of TikTok as a media for

learning: (1) TikTok can accommodate audio visual needs in language learning,

especially listening; (2) by using TikTok learners can also process words to express,

convey or express intentions, ideas, thoughts and feeling that are composed and

developed according to the needs of learners; (3) the edit feature can be used by learners

to present data, ideas, or impression in a description form of an object, (4) TikTok

application could be used as a media for learners to practice reading news. 14 Another

argument by Miftachul Taubah claimed that TikTok may provide their users with an

ease and flexibility in language skills. In another hand Ni Luh Warini said that there are

many content creators who provide English learning content, such as pronunciation,

vocabulary, grammar, common mistakes, and so on.

From the explanation above, we can conclude that TikTok gives positive impact of

learning. It is a new innovation of learning media which can be used to facilitate

students in understanding the material. Moreover, TikTok is not only managed by the

teacher, but also students itself. This application can assist millennials in learning

English and developing their own creativity. Self-creativity in the use of this app can be

improved by creating content that focuses on learning rather than entertaining.

TikTok in ESL Learning

TikTok is considered the most used social media application with an

overwhelming amount of popularity among the younger generation aged 30 and below

(Wu, 2020). Dai and Chen (2019) also reported that there was an increase in young
people utilising TikTok. As such, TikTok was reviewed for ESL learning purposes on

account of the frequency of using TikTok by these youngsters. Numerous published

studies have opined that the usage of TikTok can help improve and increase ESL

learners’ English proficiency in terms of several language skills such as writing, reading

and speaking.

According to Syaifuddin et al (2021), ESL learners showed a preference towards

learning to write descriptive text with the help of TikTok videos. It was evident that

TikTok was applied as an approach or means of ESL teaching and learning process. This

was proven by another study conducted by Yunus et al (2019) through which it was

implied that students who mentioned social media aids such as TikTok, Facebook,

Instagram and many others were utilitarian in the teaching of ESL writing. Moreover, it

was also revealed by another study carried out by Iswahyuni (2021) that the use of

TikTok improves ESL writing, reading and speaking skills. With regards to the support

of several studies in the usage of TikTok in learning English as a second language,

Sherin and Dyer (2017) explained that the support of videos in learning was rather

efficient in providing perceived experience in a language context among students. In

other words, the videos in TikTok helped ESL learners to comprehend and process the

contents easily. Thus, enhancing the English proficiency of ESL learners.

Similarly, ESL learning through experiences was emphasized by Hanim (2021).

The researcher agreed with Sherin and Dyer (2017) in particular that the practice of

introducing TikTok videos into contextual ESL learning improved English proficiency.

This statement can be further explored by the study perpetrated by Koniah et al (2021).

It was reported that students were actively participating in learning English just by

watching TikTok videos as it increased their interest in learning with relatable content

and context of language. In this respect, TikTok has begun to be a convenient tool to
underpin ESL learning owing to its advantage to allow learners to practice English

autonomously at their own pace. It was comparable to the findings of Kuimova et al

(2018) of which media learning was a practical implementation in supporting language

learning because of independent learning. Learners who have the chance to practice

using English through TikTok were able to enrich or enhance their language skills. Ipan

et al (2020) established that the social media challenge in TikTok enhanced ESL

learners’ capacity to converse in English. It was further concluded that ESL learners

were able to elaborate more on the topics given in English, an essential technique in

conversation skills, via video production in TikTok.

Corresponding to the enablement of ESL learning through experiences and

contextual practice, TikTok also provided contextualized communication and social

interactions to aid learners in mastering English constructively. As cited by Short

(2017), real-life situations were imperative in ESL learning due to their nature of

providing more opportunities for learners to practice and experience certain social

expressions in English. Hence, TikTok is applicable in the process of ESL learning

whereby it nurtures learners to have a functional English language which is common in

social situations. Based on a study by Basit et al (2020), the findings demonstrated

that there was evidence of enhanced English contextualized social expressions through

TikTok. Besides, ESL learners learned to be fluent in using suitable or appropriate social

expressions in relevant social situations with TikTok. In parallel, TikTok was described

to be an effective influence of contextualized learning as it improved English vocabulary

as learners found it easier to understand the language through speaking and listening

(Fahdin, 2020).

Popularity of TikTok among Generation Z

According to Arfiandhani, P. (2020), social media integrated with short videos

have its educational function in helping EFL learners improve their English

communication competence, especially for college students during the covid-19

pandemic. One of the most popularly used social media nowadays is TikTok. Wu Wu,

L. (2020) posited that the youngsters aged 30 and below, i.e., generation Z, dominate the

major users of TikTok and they spend an average of 52 minutes every day on TikTok.

As reported by several studies conducted during the Covid-19 pandemic, the utilization

of TikTok among Chinese college students has also increased drastically for whose

major user group users are youngsters aged 30 and below Dai, L., & Chen,

P. (2019). As such, due to the amount of time spent by these young people, TikTok

should be taken into consideration for educational function (Syah, R. J., Nuijanah, S., &

Mayu, V. P. A. Tikio, 2020). The explorations of the potential application of TikTok in

education field have made success in science education in Indonesian and Indian

schools. The findings of these previous related research have been indicated that TikTok

have helped provide a platform for sharing knowledge as well as educating people with

innovative teaching mode enhancing youngsters’ learning motivations and interests (Xu,

L., Yan, X., & Zhang, Z., 2019). Furthermore, TikTok could help provide numerous

interactive activities for learners and teachers via short

videos. The videos shared by science teachers are employed colourful pictures as well as

digital technology to connect the complicated science theories with daily life values.

The connections with daily life values make the learning material more vivid and

dynamic (Syah, R. J., Nurjanah, S., & Mayu, V. P. A. Tikio, 2020). So, the utilization of

TikTok in teaching and learning activities among youngsters could help improve these

cohorts of students’ learning motivations.

Regarding the aspect of English language communication education, TikTok could

supply short videos of English language learning material shared by English teachers as
well as English educators or some English native-speakers in its platform for youngsters

to learn in an innovative mode. Meanwhile, students can also create their own digital

oral English presentations in the form of short videos in TikTok. In this case, teachers as

well as some other TikTok users can give comments to help improve these cohort of

students’ English communication competence by giving comments (Zam Zam Al Arif,

T., 2019). So EFL learners who use TikTok could acquire English language

communication competence via these short videos in English without the limitations of

space and time (Dai, L., & Chen, P., 2019). Another advantage of the utilization of

TIKTOK mobile applications in English education is the length of each video, which is

only fifteen seconds contributing to make its excellence in short attention span, and

helping EFL youngsters to get the point of the knowledge as well as focus on learning

English language communication knowledge effectively. So, the popularity of TikTok

among youngsters is one of the reasons why this social media App could be considered

as a learning tool for Chinese international undergraduate students during the Covid-19

pandemic. Owing to the specific reasons for Chinese international undergraduate

students that English education of China is of bilingual teaching-mode, it is important

for these EFL learners to use social media to

acquire their English language communication competence by engaging themselves in

China-made social media internet community. As the utilization of TikTok has now

been a popular culture among youngsters in the current special period of Covid-19. So

these EFL young learners can acquire English language communication competence via

short videos of TikTok along with recording their own videos in English language and

post their own short videos on the TikTok social media platform as a chance to practice

their own oral English as well as getting comments from their teachers or their

colleagues or other TikTokers via the TikTok.

The Use of TikTok in Teaching Writing

Social media has a crucial impact where it is strictly based on web based and it is

a free, supportive and interactive enhancer for developing pupils’ learning experiences

in providing networking opportunities (Roopchund, Ramesh & Janky, 2018). Amongst

all skills in learning the English language, writing skills are the most strenuous skill to

achieve by Malaysian pupils where teachers and pupils agreed that to accomplish the

teaching and learning of writing is demanding (Chandran et al., 2019). Pupils in the new

generation are having problems in writing formally. As Majid & Stapa (2017)

highlighted that even though pupils have been exposed and learned the language for 10

years and above in school, many pupils find it difficult to write a good essay in English.

This is because learners have to conduct unrequited communication with the text with

unfamiliar audiences and need to guess the feedbacks of the readers (Majid & Stapa,

2017). However, they can get to the bottom of this problem by using social media as a

platform for them to practice their writing correctly.

According to Cheah (2019) TikTok is the 5th most widely used social media

among Malaysians. Furthermore, TikTok has been celebrated as the teenagers most

widely used social media app after Instagram and Facebook. Students generate content

either independently or collaboratively as they are very much creative and interested

when it comes to TikTok. There are several past studies that have been conducted

regarding the use of TikTok in teaching English language.

Risma Galuh (2021) conducted a study about Student’s Perception toward The

Use of Tik Tok in Learning English Vocabulary published in the Khazanah: Jumal

Mahasiswa. The research used surveys as research design by applying online

questionnaires as instruments. Looking at the results of the survey, it could be implied

that short videos on TikTok that contain English material contents help the participants
to expand their English vocabularies. Students have given favourable comments on

using TikTok as a language learning medium since the English content videos were

simple to grasp and retain various vocabularies they found on those films, such as

vocabulary for verbs, nouns, and other topics. Risma Galuh (2021) concluded that using

TikTok as the media for learning language can be considered nowadays. Students

expressed the positive impact of English material contents which increased their

vocabulary by watching those videos.

Noor Syazana, Kamini, Wan Izzati and Mel or (2019) conducted a study on

TikTokActiV in Enhancing ESL pupils’Writing skill focusing on Action Verbs which

was published in the International Journal of Innovative and Applied Research. It was

conducted among 60 primary school pupils from a rural school, a sub-urban and an

urban school in the southern part of Malaysia. The progress of the students’ writing

skills was assessed using a 20-question pre- and post-test. The effectiveness of

employing “TikTokActiV” was investigated using an action research approach.

According to the results of the pre- and post-tests, using TikTokActiV as a teaching tool

in English language classes will result in considerable gains in ESL writing skills.

The Use of TikTok in Teaching Speaking

It would be a waste not to use TikTok for educational purposes, given its growing

popularity as a social media platform. Although there is no extensive research on how

TikTok can facilitate learning specifically in listening skills, it cannot be denied that

TikTok could be an effective educational tool.

One study called The Effect of TikTok to Develop Students’ Speaking Skill: A

Classroom Action Research by Ferstephanie, J., Pratiwi, T. L. (2022) says that TikTok

can be used to support students’ speaking skills in language learning. (Hayman & Smith,

2019; Smith, 2016) explained that social media plays a significant role as a helpful
resource for students in education. Furthermore, (Zam Zam Al Arif, 2019) indicated that

students show positive attitudes towards using social media in language learning. Using

TikTok increased students’ willingness and influenced them to learn English especially

in speaking skills. This study also discovered that the utilization of TikTok in teaching

English can assist students to improve their speaking skills. (Otchie & Pedaste, 2020)

claimed that the use of social media with short videos can assist students to improve

their speaking competence by sharing popular topics that are shared by native educators.

In other words, it can be concluded that TikTok can be an effective learning platform for

students in language learning especially in developing students’ English communication


Diana, Wendy, Claudia and Melor (2020) conducted a study about Enhancing

Form 4 Pupils’ Speaking Skills via TikTok. They executed a programme called

#TikTokTell for a duration of 4 weeks and provided the module as a guide for

facilitators. The researchers collected the data through conducting a pre-test in week 1

and a post-test in week 4. After that, the facilitators of the programme carried out a

classroom assessment and analyzed the improvements of the students. Based on the

researchers’ findings, it was proven that participants’ ability to speak was enhanced after

conducting the “Let us #TikTokTell” programme. The participants also began to use

more adjectives by the end of the fourth week. Furthermore, in their video production,

the students were able to provide more elaboration on the topics given to them.

Therefore, based on the past studies, social media, especially TikTok seems to be very

effective for the primary and secondary ESL classroom.

The use of the TikTok application in the class has potential usage for students in

enhancing their ability to communicate in English. It is in line with (Xiuwen & Razali,

2021) stated that TikTok short videos can be accessible for students to learn English
learning materials for emphasizing their speaking competencies. In addition, TikTok

short videos facilitate the students to enhance their vocabulary, fluency, as well as

pronunciation in speaking skills. The use of the TikTok videos in the class triggers the

students’ awareness of speaking English by imitating the native speakers.

Related Studies

Several studies have also shown that mobile apps can help students improve their

language abilities. For teaching and studying languages, the usage of social media tools

like TikTok and Instagram has become essential (Gangaiamaran, 2017). Despite this,

few studies have been done on the use of Tik-Tok in the teaching of a foreign language

(Yang, 2020). In spite of the numerous research indicating that using social media to

teach languages can improve students' learning outcomes, there have been few studies

looking at a more recent social media platform, such as TikTok. As a result, researchers

saw this as a chance to examine how Tik Tok users exercise their literacy skills.

A study (Anggi E Pratiwi 2021) "Utilizing Tiktok Application as a Medium for

Learning English Pronunciation" aims to determine how a TikTok application can be

used to improve students' pronunciation skills. The subject of this study was

Suryakancana, an English education student at the university. There were a total of eight

respondents, including five regular class students and three non-regular class students.

The data collection method involved observation and a questionnaire. This study's data

was analyzed qualitatively. This study demonstrates that respondents had a favorable

attitude toward the TikTok application as a video aid while using it as an English

language learning strategy to improve literacy and speaking abilities. In addition,

respondents expressed a strong desire to use a TikTok application to view and

comprehend all content related to basic English proficiency.

Urul Afidah1, Novi Kumala Sari, Hanifah’s study “INVESTIGATING



ERA” aims to look into how students think about using the TikTok app as an additional

teaching tool during pandemic sessions. Twenty students from UNWAHA's English

Department voluntarily participated in this descriptive study. A questionnaire was used

to gather information about their opinions. Data is gathered by the researcher via

questionnaires. The researcher then chooses and categorizes the data. The researcher

exhibits the data in effective sentences after choosing the appropriate data. The

conclusion is reached when the data has been shown. The results showed that

students at UNWAHA second-semester have good attitudes toward the introduction of

TikTok as video aids in EFL classroom instruction while using it as an outside-of-class

English learning approach. The results showed that students at UNWAHA second-

semester have good attitudes toward the introduction of TikTok as video aids in EFL

classroom instruction while using it as an outside-of-

class English learning approach. This questionnaire was examined using descriptive

statistics. Additionally, they said TikTok would be used as a teaching tool in language


A previous study “Secondary-school Students’ Perspectives of Utilizing Tik Tok

for English learning in and beyond the EFL classroom” by Huining Yang explores

secondary school students' perspectives on using Tik Tok for English learning inside and

outside of the EFL classroom in order to fill in the gaps. 187 Chinese secondary school

students voluntarily participated in the quantitative survey research, which used an

internet questionnaire as its research tool. The results showed that secondary- school

students had favorable sentiments toward using Tik Tok as video aids in EFL classroom

instruction while also using it as an outside-of-class English learning technique.

Students also showed a great desire for their teachers to assist them in using Tik Tok

effectively for English learning.

Based on the description above, it can be seen that there are difference and

similarity between previous researchers and this research. The two studies differ in that

one utilizes a descriptive methodology while the other takes a quantitative approach; this

study uses a qualitative methodology. The similarity is that researchers use the same

media, which is TikTok, in this research. The aims of this research is to identify the

effects and impact of Language Learning contents on Tik-tok to English Language

Learners. Since previous studies have looked up the student’s perspectives and speaking

skills in language learning, this study will focus on the impact of the different language

learning contents on Tik-tok to English Language learners.

Theoretical Framework

Uses and Gratification Theory. UGT has its origin from the 1940s and has since

been used to explain individual’s media behavior (Wimmer and Dominick, 1994).

The term “Uses” refers to different ways of using media outlets, such as watching

or creating a video, and the word “Gratifications” refers to intrinsic social and

psychological needs, which individuals attempt to satisfy through the engagement

with various media outlets (Ruggiero, 2000). UGT has been applied to explain the

motivations behind the use of media to fulfil one's individual needs and emotions

(Rubin, 1984). The theory assumes that users choose actively to engage in certain

media behavior (Ruggiero, 2000). In addition, Park (2010) argues that motivations

are a key area to examine to understand an individual's behavioral intentions and

actual media use. The theory has been considered to be an axiomatic theoretical

approach and it is argued to explain all types of media communications, both

traditional and interactive (Luo & Remus, 2014). Thus, UGT has been used to

explain various media such as, newspaper (Elliott & Rosenberg, 1987), radio (Luo

et al., 2011), television (Rubin, 1983) and the internet (Flanagin & Metzger, 2001).

Additionally, the relationship between social media platforms and UGT has been

researched where the likes of

Facebook (Alhabash et al., 2014), Twitter (Han et al., 2015), WhatsApp

(Aharony, 2015) and YouTube (Hanson & Haridakis, 2008) have been examined.

Moreover, Elliot and Rosenberg (1987) argue that researches have relied on UGT

to provide clarity when new mass communication technology has become relevant,

which has been exemplified by the aforementioned studies. The application of UGT

therefore seems highly appropriate when examining motivation behind the usage of

a new social media platform, such as TikTok.

Conceptual Framework

In this study, it would utilize the Independent Variable-Dependent Variable

Model. The Independent Variable is the TikTok. While the Dependent Variable is

language learning contents, uses, and needs. The model shows the relationship of

the dependent variables to the independent variables.


Effects of Language
learning contents on
TikTok English TikTok to English
Language Language learners.
Learning Content.
Chapter III


This chapter presents the research methodology of the study which includes the

research design, locale of the study, population and sampling, instrumentation for data

gathering, and statistic tools for data analysis.

Research Design

To gather more in-depth data regarding the impact of Language learning contents

to English language learners, this study employs a mixed-methods approach toward

investigating the effects of Language learning contents to English Language learners.

This mixed-method survey subjects the participants to both open and closed questions,

allowing to contribute their thoughts, instead of limiting them to a specific range of

answers. Researchers strive to obtain more specific information and get a more

comprehensive view of a problem, case, or event by employing a qualitative research

methodology (Arora and Stoner 2009). This study has limited its quantitative portion

and more on qualitative method to identify how does Language learning contents on

Tik-tok contributes to the learning of English Language learners, and provided questions

to further identify the effects to the English Language Learners.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at College of Teacher Education, Mariano Marcos

State University which is located at Laoag City, Ilocos Norte.

Population and Sampling Technique

The researchers will include 70 MMSU students. The participants in this study
will be the from first year to fourth year students from the Bachelor of Secondary

Education Major in English, Mariano Marcos State University using a random sampling

technique in distributing the e-questionnaire and gathering the data.

Instrumentation for Data Gathering

The researchers will collect e-survey data through Google Form which will be

utilized as a tool for gathering the data needed for the study. The data gathered will be

treated with utmost confidentiality and used for academic purposes only.

The developed questionnaire is composed of two (2) parts. The first part

determines the student’s profile of the respondents such as name (optional), age and sex.

The Part II determines the effects of the effects of Language learning contents to English

Language learners.

Statistical Tools for Data Analysis

For the qualitative portion of this mixed-method study, the researchers will use

thematic analysis, a process through which participants’ answers are coded and then

clustered based on similarity to form themes. For its quantitative portion, the researchers

will analyze the data through:

Frequency and Percentage. This will be used to describe the profile of the respondents

according to age, course, sex. Frequency determines the actual number of favorable

responses to the total possible number of responses. The researchers compute the frequency

for every corresponding question by counting all the certain values in the questionnaire and

combining with the other answers. Percentage is used to express how large or small a

quantity is in relation to another quantity. A percentage is a number or ratio as a fraction of


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